
Peer-Reviewed Publications

Books Chapters and Monographs

  • Rückenschmerz und Lendenwirbelsäule: Interdisziplinäres Praxisbuch, Chapter: "Die Wirbelsäule im Alterungsprozess“ (Wuertz K, Boos N, Nerlich AG), Editors: Hildebrandt, Pfingsten (Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier GmbH), Oktober 2011; ISBN-10: 3437232517; ISBN-13: 978-3437232510
  • Wuertz-Kozak K, Degenerative Disc Disease: From Pathobiology to Molecular Therapy (2016), Habilitation thesis (Venia Legendi), ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Wuertz-Kozak K, Implementation of Lean Management in Swiss Hospitals: A Multi-Case Study on the Effects of Staff Information and Training on Adoption and Utilization of Lean (2015), MBA thesis (with distinction), University of Cumbria, UK
  • Wuertz K, Einfluss mechanischer Reize auf humane und bovine Bandscheibenzellen (2006), PhD thesis (magna cum laude), University of Ulm