International Campuses - 2020

Faculty Scholarship 2020

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Wael Abdel Samad

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Khaja, Abdul Aziz and Wael A. Samad. "Hybrid Digital Image Correlation." Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146. 4 (2020): NA. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Yousefi, Mohammad, Xavier Balandraud, and Wael A. Samad. "Stress Determination for Granular Materials Using TSA: An Inverse Approach." Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Mechanics Annual conference. Ed. Antonio Baldi, et al. Reno, NV: Springer, Cham, 2020. Print. *

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Mohammed Abdulrahman

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Abdulrahman, Mohammed W. "Exact Analytical Solution for Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer Equation through a Packed Bed Reactor." Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'20). Ed. Dr. Huihe Qiu and Dr. Yuwen Zhang. Prague, Czech Republic: n.p., 2020. Web. *

Abdulrahman, Mohammed W. and Mikdam M. Saleh. "Two-Phase Flow in the Natural Circulation of a Pressurized Water Reactor." Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’20). Ed. Dr. Boguslaw Kruczek, Dr. Xianshe Feng, and Dr. Wael H. Ahmed. Niagara Falls, Canada: n.p., 2020. Web. *

Abdulrahman, Mohammed W., Mikdam M. Saleh, and Jonathan Anand. "Natural Circulation in a Pressurized Water Reactor with a Combined Single and Two-Phase Mode." Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’20). Ed. Dr. Boguslaw Kruczek, Dr. Xianshe Feng, and Dr. Wael H. Ahmed. Niagara Falls, Canada: n.p., 2020. Web. *

Abdulrahman, Mohammed W. "Effect of Solid Particles on Gas Holdup in a Slurry Bubble Column." Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'20). Ed. Dr. Huihe Qiu and Dr. Yuwen Zhang. Prague, Czech Republic: n.p., 2020. Web. *

Abdulrahman, Mohammed W., Mikdam M. Saleh, and Jonathan Anand. "Single-Phase Natural Circulation in a PWR during a Loss of Coolant Accident." Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’20). Ed. Dr. Boguslaw Kruczek, Dr. Xianshe Feng, and Dr. Wael H. Ahmed. Niagara Falls, Canada: n.p., 2020. Web. *

Abdulrahman, Mohammed W. "CFD Simulations of Gas Holdup in a Bubble Column at High Gas Temperature of a Helium-Water System." Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'20). Ed. Dr. Huihe Qiu and Dr. Yuwen Zhang. Prague, Czech Republic: n.p., 2020. Web. *

Full Patent

Abdulrahman, Mohammed W.. "Material substitution of cuprous chloride molten salt and oxygen gas in the thermolysis reactor of hydrogen production Cu—Cl cycle." U.S. Patent US 10,526,201 B2. 7 Jan. 2020. *

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Mejda Bahlous-Boldi

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Bahlous-Boldi, Mejda. "Foreclosures and Their Costs: Could They Have Been Avoided? The Case of California during the Mortgage Crisis." Foreclosures and Their Costs: Could They Have Been Avoided? The Case of California during the Mortgage Crisis 26. 2 (2020): 9-29. Print. * «

Bahlous-Boldi, Mejda. "Resilient Homeownership: How Partnership-based Finance Would have Prevented the 2008 US Mortgage Crisis." International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. (2020): ISSN: 1753-8270. Web. «

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John Dayton

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Book Chapter

Dayton, John. "Eros and Polemos: Eroticized Combat in the Trojan War Myth." Exploring Erotic Encounters: The Inescapable Entanglement of Tradition, Transcendence, and Transgression. Ed. Dionne van Reenen and John T. Grider. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill i Rodolfi, 2019. 65-80. Print. «

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Ioannis Karamitsos

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Karamitsos, Ioannis, Saeed Albarhami, and Charalampos Apostolopoulos. "Applying DevOps Practices of Continuous Automation for Machine Learining." MDPI Information 11. 7 (2020): 363. Web. «

Karamitsos, Ioannis, Alshwarya Afzulpurkar, and Theodore Trafalis. "Malware Detection for Forensic Memory using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks." Journal of Information Security 11. 2 (2020): 103-120. Web. «

Book Chapter

Manifavas, Harry and Ioannis Karamitsos. "Blockchain in Supply Chain management." Heterogeneous Cyber Physical Systems of Systems. Ed. Ioannis Papaefstathiou and Alkis Hatzopoulos. Glstrup, Denmark: Rivers Publishers, 2020. 61-95. Print. «

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Branko Mihaljevic

RIT Croatia
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Mihaljević, Branko, Martin Žagar, and Aleksander Radovan. "On Challenges of Distance Delivery of Information Technology and Software Development Courses." Proceedings of the 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference - INTED2020. Ed. L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, and I. Candel Torres. Valencia, Spain: IATED, 2020. Web. *

Beronić, Dora, et al. "Optimizing Java Performance with Structured Concurrency and Native Images." Proceedings of the 7th International Java Community Conference in Croatia - Javantura v7. Ed. Stjepan Matijašević. Zagreb, Croatia: HUJAK, 2020. Web. *

Mihaljević, Branko, et al. "The State of Java - Today and Tomorrow." Proceedings of the 7th International Java Community Conference in Croatia - Javantura v7. Ed. Branko Mihaljević. Zagreb, Croatia: HUJAK, 2020. Web.

Mihaljević, Branko and Aleksander Radovan. "CroDuke Indy and the Temple of Java Boom." Proceedings of the 5th International Community Java Conference in Croatia - Javantura v5. Ed. Stjepan Matijašević. Zagreb, Croatia: HUJAK, 2018. Web.

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Evelina Miscin

RIT Croatia
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Miščin, Evelina. "Errors in Presentations of Medical English Students." Značenje u jeziku - od individualnoga do kolektivnoga. (2020): 195-210. Print. «

Miščin, Evelina. "Using Video Clips from \'Real Doctor Reactions\' for Teaching Medical English." EALTHY. (2020): 23-25. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Miščin, Evelina. "Errors in Presentations of Medical English Students." Proceedings of the Meaning in Literature - From Individual to Collective. Ed. Mihaela Matešić and Blaženka Martinović. Zagreb, ___: HDPL, 2020. Print. «

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Alan Mutka

RIT Croatia
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Maric, Bruno, Alan Mutka, and Matko Orsag. "Collaborative human-robot framework for delicate sanding of complex shape surface." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. (2020): 1-1. Web. *

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Jakob Patekar

RIT Croatia
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Patekar, Jakob. "A Sentence Need not Begin with a Capital Letter." Strani jezici 49. 2 (2020): 155-176. Print. «

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Salman Pervaiz

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kannan, S., et al. "Machining of novel AA7075 foams containing thin-walled ceramic bubbles." Materials and Manufacturing Processes 35. 16 (2020): 1812-1821. Print. *

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Mohamed Samaha

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Awad, Mohamed M, et al. "Homage to a Legendary Dynamicist on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday." Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME 142. 7 (2020): 70201. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Samaha, Mohamed A, et al. "Thin Film Flow Along Partially Immersed Rotating Cylinder." Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Ed. American Physical Society. Chicago, IL: American Physical Society, 2020. Web. *

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Jasminka Samardzija

RIT Croatia
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Milkovic, Marin, Jasminka Samardzija, and Mira Ognjan. "Application of Blockchain Technology in Media Ecology." Medijska istraživanja 26(1). (2020): 29-52. Print. «

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Kristina Soric

RIT Croatia
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Soric, Kristina and Jagoda Poropat Darrer. "Upravljanje Lancem Opskrbe – Trendovi: Multimodalna Komunikacija." JaTrgovac. (2020). Web. ˆ

Soric, Kristina. "Upravljanje Lancem Opskrbe Nakon COVID-19." JaTrgovac. (2020). Web. ˆ

Soric, Kristina. "Obrazovanje Polako Dobiva na Cijeni." JaTrgovac. (2020). Web. ˆ

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Rizwan Tahir

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Journal Paper

Tahir, Rizwan and David Egleston. "Expatriate Management Process: The Challenges and Impediments for the Western Expatriates in the United Arab Emirates." Journal of Workplace Learning 31. 8 (2019): 520 - 536. Print. * «

Tahir, Rizwan. "Expatriate Spouse Adjustment: An Analysis of Challenges Facing Western Female Expatriate Spouses in the United Arab Emirates." Middle East Journal of Management 7. 4 (2020): 401-423. Print. * «

Tahir, Rizwan and Zarine Chamas. "Male trailing spouses in the United Arab Emirates (UAE): adding novel insight to the prevailing expatriate spouse adjustment frameworks." European Journal of International Management. (2020): 1-25. Print. * «

Tahir, Rizwan. "Expatriate spouse adjustment: an analysis of challenges facing western female expatriate spouses in the United Arab Emirates." Middle East Journal of Management 7. 4 (2020): 421-423. Print. * «

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Martin Zagar

RIT Croatia
International Campuses

2020 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Radovan, Aleksander, Branko Mihaljevic, and Martin Zagar. "Experiences Related to Using Online Communication Tools for Distance Learning." Proceedings of the EDULEARN20 Conference, (Virtual) Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 06-07.07.2020. Ed. L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, and I. Candel Torres. Palma de Mallorca, Spain: IATED Academy, Web. «

Mihaljevic, Branko, Martin Zagar, and Aleksander Radovan. "Educational Services, Tools, and Infrastructure for Remote Delivery of Software Development Courses in Web and Mobile Computing." Proceedings of the EDULEARN20 Conference, (Virtual) Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 06-07.07.2020. Ed. L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, and I. Candel Torres. Palma de Mallorca, Spain: IATED Academy, Web. «

Zagar, Martin and Nikola Draskovic. "Internet Marketing Simulation for Project-Based Learning." Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 28-30/4/2020, (Virtual) Porto, Portugal. Ed. University of Coimbra. Porto, Portugal: University of Coimbra, University of Porto and Polytechnic of Porto, Web. «

Mihaljevic, Branko, Martin Zagar, and Aleksander Radovan. "On Challenges of Distance Delivery of Information Technology and Software Development Courses." Proceedings of the INTED2020 Proceedings, 02-04.03.2020, (Virtual) Valencia, Spain,. Ed. INTED. Valencia, Spain: INTED, Web. «

Mihaljevic, Branko, Martin Zagar, and Aleksander Radovan. "On Challenges of Distance Delivery of Information Technology and Software Development Courses." Proceedings of the INTED2020 Proceedings, 02-04.03.2020, (Virtual) Valencia, Spain,. Ed. INTED. Valencia, Spain: INTED, Web. «

Zilora, Stephen and Martin Zagar. "International IT Capstone Project Learning Experiences." Proceedings of the ICERI2019 Proceedings, 11-13.11.2019, Sevilla, Spain. Ed. L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, and I. Candel Torres. Sevilla, Spain: IATED Academy, Web. «

Invited Article/Publication

Mihaljevic, Branko, et al. "The State of Java - Today and Tomorrow." 7th International Java Community Conference in Croatia - Javantura v7. (2020). Web. *

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