College of Liberal Arts - 2020
Faculty Scholarship 2020
All Departments
Select a Department from the list on the right to narrow results.Cecilia Alm
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Alm, Cecilia O. and Reynold Bailey. "Transitioning from teaching to mentoring: Supporting students to adopt mentee roles." Journal of STEM Education Research 4. 1 (2021): 95-114. Web. *
Vaidyanathan, Preethi, et al. "Computational framework for fusing eye movements and spoken narratives for image annotation." Journal of Vision 20. 7 (2020): 1-28. Web. *
Homan, Christopher M., et al. "Quantitative methods for analyzing intimate partner violence in social media: Observational study." Journal of Medical Internet Research 22. 11 (2020): 1-15. Web. *
Li, Jessica, et al. "Gaze guidance for captioned videos for DHH users." Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities 8. (2020): 69-81. Web. £
Published Conference Proceedings
Maus, Natalie, et al. "Gaze-guided magnification for individuals with vision impairments." Proceedings of the Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Ed. CHI (Late Breaking Works). Honolulu, HI, USA: ACM, 2020. Web. *
Forman, Cleo, et al. "Capturing laughter and smiles under genuine amusement vs. negative emotion." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Human-Centered Computational Sensing (at PerCom 2020). Ed. Amy L. Murphy and Edison Thomaz. Austin, TX, USA [Virtual]: IEEE, 2020. Web. *
Kvist, Jonathan, et al. "Dynamic visualization system for gaze and dialogue data." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications HUCAPP 2020. Ed. Manuela Chessa, Alexis Paljic, Jose Braz. Valetta, Malta: SciTePress, 2020. Web. *
Kraj, Victoria, et al. "Evaluating audience engagement of an immersive performance on a virtual stage." Proceedings of the Frameless VR/AR/XR Symposium. Ed. Juilee Decker and David Halbstein. Rochester, New York: RIT Scholar Works, 2020. Web.
Irshad Altheimer
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Altheimer, Irshad F., Janelle Duda-Banwar, and Christopher J. Schreck. "The Impact of Covid-19 on Community-Based Violence Interventions." American Journal of Criminal Justice 45. 4 (2020): 810-819. Print. *
Benjamin Banta
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Banta, Benjamin R. "Grasping Neither War Nor Peace: The Folly of Cosmopolitan Preventive War." Journal of Global Ethics 16. 1 (2020): 7-25. Print. *
Banta, Benjamin R. "International Cyberpolitics." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. (2020): NA. Web. * ∆
Amit Batabyal
Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Batabyal, Amit and S.J. Yoo. "Using a Local Public Good to Attract Representative Creative Class Members: The Inefficient Equilibrium Case." Theoretical Economics Letters 10. (2020): 40-46. Web. «
Batabyal, Amit and Hamid Beladi. "A Game-Theoretic Model of Sexual Harassment." Economics Bulletin 40. (2020): 12811291. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and Henk Folmer. "Spatial Economic Aspects of Climate Change." Spatial Economic Analysis 15. (2020): 209-218. Print. «
Batabyal, Amit, Karima Kourtit, and Peter Nijkamp. "A Political-Economy Analysis of the Provision of Urban Anti-Crime Technologies in a Model With Three Cities." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 160. (2020): 120211. Print. «
Batabyal, Amit and Peter Nijkamp. "Workplace Choice, Commuting Costs, and Wage Taxation in Urban and Adjacent Rural Regiions." Annals of Regional Science 65. (2020): 775-786. Print. «
Batabyal, Amit and Hamid Beladi. "A Political Economy Model of the Ganges Pollution Cleanup Problem." Natural Resource Modeling 33. (2020): e12285. Web. «
Batabyal, Amit and S.J. Yoo. "Using a Local Public Good to Attract Representative Creative Class Members: The Inefficient Equilibrium Case." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 97841. (2020): 1-13. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and Peter Nijkamp. "Workplace Choice, Commuting Costs, and Wage Taxation in Urban and Adjacent Rural Regions." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 99056. (2020): 1-23. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and S.J. Yoo. "A Theoretical Analysis of Preference Matching by Tourists and Destination Choice." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 100113. (2020): 1-21. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and Hamid Beladi. "A Game-Theoretic Model of Sexual Harassment." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 100181. (2020): 1-22. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and S.J. Yoo. "Using Utilitarian and Rawlsian Policies to Attract the Creative Class: A Tale of Two Cities." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 101036. (2020): 1-18. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and Henk Folmer. "Spatial Economic Aspects of Climate Change." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 101072. (2020): 1-22. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and Peter Nijkamp. "Workplace Choice, Commuting Costs, and Wage Taxation in Urban and Adjacent Rural Regions." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 101171. (2020): 1-23. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Monopoly vs. Individual Welfare When a Local Public Good is Used to Attract the Creative Class." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 101465. (2020): 1-16. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit, Karima Kourtit, and Peter Nijkamp. "A Political-Economy Analysis of the Provision of Urban Anti-Crime Technologies in a Model With Three Cities." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 101961. (2020): 1-32. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and Hamid Beladi. "Interregional Demand for Workers and the Effects of Labor Income Taxation." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 102525. (2020): 1-21. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and Hamid Beladi. "A Political Economy Model of the Ganges Pollution Cleanup Problem." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 102790. (2020): 1-22. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit, Yoshiro Higano, and Peter Nijkamp. "Introduction to "Rural-Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia"." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 103916. (2020): 1-35. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and S.J. Yoo. "A Note on the Use of Amenities to Attract Creative Class Members to a City." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 104503. (2020): 1-10. Web. *
Batabyal, Amit and Seung Jick Yoo. "Using Utilitarian and Rawlsian Policies to Attract the Creative Class: A Tale of Two Cities." International Review of Economics and Finance 69. (2020): 295-300. Print. «
Published Review
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of The State in India, ed. V. Verma. Choice 15 Feb. 2019: 219. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Belt and Road, by B. Macaes. Choice 15 Jun. 2020: 674. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Capitalism, Alone, by B. Milanovic. Regional Science Policy and Practice 17 Apr. 2020: 365-367. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Paying for Pollution, by G.E. Metcalf. Regional Science Policy and Practice 15 Jun. 2020: 551-552. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Modern India, by J. McLeod. Choice 17 Jun. 2020: 1077. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of The Politics of Poverty Reduction in India, by J. Chiriyankandath et al. Review of Regional Studies 17 Jul. 2020: 305-307. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism, by A. Case and A. Deaton. Regional Science Policy and Practice 27 Sep. 2020: 745-746. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Capitalism, Inequality and Labour in India, by J. Breman. Choice 16 Aug. 2020: 814. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Shareholder Cities, by S. Balakrishnan. Choice 27 Sep. 2020: 68. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Good Economics for Hard Times, by A.V. Banerjee and E. Duflo. Papers in Regional Science 16 Aug. 2020: 1509-1511. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of The Economics of Belonging, by M. Sandbu. Regional Science Policy and Practice 27 Sep. 2020: 971-973. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of The Coming of Neo Feudalism, by J. Kotkin. Regional Science Policy and Practice 16 Oct. 2020: 1288-1290. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Energy Economics, by T.R. Sadler. Choice 3 Oct. 2020: 274-275. Print. *
Batabyal, Amit. The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen. 20 Feb. 2020. Radio Show, Concord, New Hampshire. Performance.
Batabyal, Amit. Connections with Evan Dawson. 1 May 2020. Radio Show, Rochester, NY. Performance.
Journal Editor
Batabyal, Amit, ed. Review of Development Economics, Editorial Council. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2020. Print.
Batabyal, Amit, ed. Theoretical Economics Letters, Associate Editor. Wuhan, China: Scientific Research Publishing, 2020. Web.
Batabyal, Amit, ed. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, Associate Editor. Tokyo, Japan: Springer Nature, 2020. Print.
Batabyal, Amit, ed. Economics Bulletin, Associate Editor. Nashville, TN: Economics Bulletin, 2020. Web.
Batabyal, Amit, ed. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Editor-in-Chief. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Nature, 2020. Web.
Batabyal, Amit, ed. Theoretical Economics Letters, Editor-in-Chief. Wuhan, China: Scientific Research Publishing, 2020. Web.
Batabyal, Amit, ed. Springer Nature Monograph Series New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives. Tokyo, Japan: Springer Nature, 2020. Print.
Invited Article/Publication
Batabyal, Amit. "We Need to Bolster Antitrust Enforcement in U.S." Rochester Business Journal,January 17. (2020). Print. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "How the T-Mobile-Sprint Merger Will Increase Inequality." The Conversation, February 11. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "Why are Trump Efforts Against Huawei Faltering in Europe?" Rochester Business Journal, February 21. (2020). Print. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "We Need to Reduce the Great Dependence of Supply Chains on China." Rochester Business Journal, March 20. (2020). Print. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "What Coronavirus Teaches US About Putting All its Eggs in One Basket." The Globe Post, April 23. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "The US's China Gambit Has Failed. It is Time to Decouple." The Globe Post, April 23. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "Why Economists Who Have No Problem With Price Gouging Are Wrong." The Globe Post, May 5. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "Unfairness in Society Matters More Than Inequality." Rochester Business Journal, May 29. (2020). Print. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "A Selective Retreat from Trade with China Makes Sense for the United States." The Conversation, June 25. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "International Trade Has Cost Americans Millions of Jobs. Investing in Communities Might Offset Those Losses." The Conversation, August 3. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "The CDC Needs to be Independent Like the Federal Reserve." The Globe Post, August 3. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "A Wealth Tax Can Alleviate the Ill Effects of Inequality in the United States." Rochester Business Journal, August 7. (2020). Print. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "How Much Information is Enough?" Rochester Business Journal, August 28. (2020). Print. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "Profits Uber Alles: Milton Friedman on Business, Disney, and Mulan." Rochester Business Journal, September 18. (2020). Print. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "After RBG: Potential Tyranny of the Minority." The Globe Post, September 28. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "China Makes it Incredibly Hard for Foreign Businesses to Operate---But They Stay Because the Money is Just too Good." The Conversation, October 19. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "Why Were the Pollsters Wrong Again in 2020?" The Globe Post, November 12. (2020). Web. ˜
Batabyal, Amit. "Is Economic Growth in the United States Coming to an End?" Rochester Business Journal, December 18. (2020). Print. ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Batabyal, Amit. "Preference Matching, Income, and Population Distribution in Urban and Adjacent Rural Regions." Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) Annual Meeting. American Economic Association. San Diego, California. 5 Jan. 2020. Address. ∆
Silvia Benso
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Benso, Silvia. "Resisting Reality: Political Implications of Vattimo’s Hermeneutic Realism." Departmental Colloquium Series. Department of Philosophy, Salzburg Universität. Salzburg, Austria. 29 Jan. 2020. Lecture. ∆
Benso, Silvia. "Vattimo’s Hermeneutic Realism as an Act of Political Resistance." Departmental Colloquium Series. Department of Philosophy, Klagenfurt Universität. Klagenfurt, Austria. 22 Jan. 2020. Lecture. ∆
Evelyn Brister
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Full Length Book
Brister, Evelyn and Robert Frodeman. A Guide to Field Philosophy: Case Studies and Practical Strategies. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. Print.
Journal Paper
Brister, Evelyn and Andrew E. Newhouse. "Not the Same Old Chestnut: Rewilding Forests with Biotechnology." Environmental Ethics 42. 2 (2020): 149-167. Print. «
Michael Brown
Associate Professor
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Full Length Book
Brown, Michael J. Hope and Scorn: Eggheads, Experts, and Elites in American Politics. 1 ed. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2020. Print. *
Claudia Bucciferro
Assistant Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Invited Article/Publication
Bucciferro, Claudia. "Comic book heroes and villains." International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication. (2020). Print. ˜
Jeffrey Burnette
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Burnette, Jeffrey D., Jason T. Younker, and David P. Wick. "Statistical Termination or Fewer Self-Identified Students: What Is Causing the Decline in American Indian and Alaska Native College Enrollments?" Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy 4. 4 (2021): 162-186. Print. *
Sarah Burns
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Burns, Sarah and Andrew Stravers. "Obama, Congress, and Audience Costs: Shifting the Blame on the Red Line." Political Science Quarterly 135. 1 (2020): 67-101. Print. «
John Capps
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Capps, John. "William James and the Will to Alieve." Contemporary Pragmatism 17. (2020): 1-20. Print. «
Capps, John. "Truth and the Goldilocks Principle." Think 19. (2020): 65-74. Print. *
Capps, John. "A Common-Sense Pragmatic Theory of Truth." Philosophia 48. (2020): 463-481. Print. «
Capps, John. "A Common-Sense Pragmatic Theory of Truth." Philosophia 48. (2020): 463-481. Print. «
Capps, John. "Pragmatic Accounts of Belief and Truth: A Response to Aaron Zimmerman’s Belief: a Pragmatic Picture." William James Studies 16. (2020): 39-56. Web. ∆
Book Chapter
Capps, John. "Democracy, Truth, and Understanding: An Epistemic Argument for Democracy." Democracy, Populism, and Truth. Ed. Mark Navin and Richard Nunan. New York, New York: Springer, 2020. 63-76. Print. *
Published Review
Capps, John. "Review of Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life by John Kaag." Rev. of Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life, by N/A. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 2020: 110-113. Print.
Capps, John. "Review of Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives." Rev. of Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives, by Jordi Cat and Adam Tamas Tuboly, eds. HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 2020: 10: 353-357. Print.
Tamar Carroll
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Published Review
Carroll, Tamar. "Review of Queer Newark Oral History Project." Rev. of Queer Newark Oral History Project, by Stewart, Timothy. Journal of Oral History Sep. 2020: 308-309. Print. ˜
A.J. Caschetta
Principal Lecturer
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Caschetta, A.J. "Mourning Soleimini, From Hollywood to the Campus." National Review. January 8 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Trump Has Ended Proportionate Warfare Against Iran -- Will It Last?" The Hill. January 8 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Funding Lebanon Is Funding Hezbollah." The Jerusalem Post. January 13 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Saudi Critics Should Revisit Sue Myrick's Wake Up America Agenda." The Hill. January 16 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "The Irony and Hypocrisy of World Hijab Day." National Review. January 30 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Lessons from London: You Can't Fix Jihad." The Hill. February 26 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Wrong Candidates for Aide, Wrong Time." National Review. April 4 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Is Iran on the Brink of a Coronavirus Coup?" The Hill. April 14 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Why Do Democrats Want to Save Iran's Theocracy?" The Hill. April 24 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Happy Birthday Hamid Algar: Khomeini's Favorite American Turns 80." National Review. June 6 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "An American Intifada?" Jewish News Syndicate. June 7 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Brown University Goes All In for Palestine." The American Spectator. July 22 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "The Islamist Takeover of George Floyd." Jewish News Syndicate. July 26 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Is Everything About Iran Fake?" The Hill. August 7 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Iran Plays the Race Card." Newsweek. August 25 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Anti-Israel NYU: The Gaza of Greenwich Village." The American Spectator. September 10 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Palestinians Have Painted Themselves into a Corner." The American Spectator. September 16 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "History Proves John Kerry Wrong ... Again." Jewish News Syndicate. September 22 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Caschetta, A.J. "Cancelled Palestine Conference Promised Violent, Anti-Israel Propaganda." The American Spectator. September 25 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Published Review
Caschetta, A.J. Rev. of Mapping Israel, Mapping Palestine: How Occupied Landscapes Shape SCientific Knowledge, by Jess Beir. Middle East Quarterly Jan. 2020: N/A. Web. ˜
Caschetta, A.J. Rev. of The Tragedy of Islam: Admissions of a Muslim Imam, by Imam Mohammad Tawhidi. Middle East Quarterly Jan. 2020: N/A. Web. ˜
Zhong Chen
Associate Professor
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Chen, Zhong, Yuhang Xu, and Zhiguo Xie. "Assessing introspective linguistic judgments quantitatively: the case of The Syntax of Chinese." Journal of East Asian Linguistics 29. 3 (2020): 311-336. Print. «
Published Conference Proceedings
Chen, Zhong, Yuhang Xu, and Zhiguo Xie. "Assessing the reliability of informal judgment data in The Syntax of Chinese." Proceedings of the 32nd North American Conference in Chinese Linguistics. Ed. University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT: n.p., 2020. Web. «
National/International Competition Award Winner
Chen, Zhong. Bridging the gap between everyday Chinese and the communication in the STEM fields: An example of teaching “directions and locations”. The Penn Chinese for Professional Use Symposium. Innovation Award. Philadelphia, PA, 2020. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Chen, Zhong. "Acceptability judgments in the syntactic literature: How reliable are they?" Language Lab, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, MA. 29 Sep. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Chen, Zhong, Yuhang Xu, and Zhiguo Xie. "Assessing the reliability of informal acceptability judgments in Chinese syntax." Proceedings of the 33rd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Ed. University of Massachusetts Amherst. Amherst, MA: n.p.. «
Elisabetta DAmanda
Principal Lecturer
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
DAmanda, Elisabetta Sanino. "As Good As Bread" - Documenting the Italian American Experience." Italian Program Presentation with Support of National Italian American Foundation. World Languages and Cultures Department - The College of New Jersey. Ewing, New Jerset. 7 Mar. 2021. Keynote Speech.
Juilee Decker
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Decker, Juilee, et al. "Learning by Doing: Experiential, Interdisciplinary, and Incidental Learning Workflows for AR/VR Museum Experiences." Journal of Interactive Teaching and Pedagogy 17. Focus Issue: Extended Reality (XR) Pedagogies & Applications: Interactive & Immersive Educational Technologies (2020): URL. Web. *
Book Chapter
Decker, Juilee. "No More ‘Dusty Archive Kitten Deaths’: Discoverability, Incidental Learning, and Digital Humanities." Teaching with Digital Humanities. Ed. Christopher J. Young, et al. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2020. 232-240. Print. *
Various, . Crafting Democracy: Fiber Arts and Activism. 14 Feb. 2020. Bevier Gallery, Rochester. Exhibit. £
Various, . Crafting Democracy: Fiber Arts and Activism. 14 Aug. 2020. Woodlawn & Pope-Leighey House, Alexandria, VA. Exhibit. £
Various, . Crafting Democracy: Fiber Arts and Activism. 1 Oct. 2020. Hobart & William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY. Exhibit. £
Journal Editor
Decker, Juilee, ed. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2020. Web. *
Invited Article/Publication
Decker, Juilee. "How Enid Yandell ‘Leaned In’ and Became a Flagbearer for Occupational Identity and Woman Suffrage." Kentucky Humanities. (2020). Print. ∆
Decker, Juilee and Cheryl Jiménez Frei. "Adapting and Finding Meaning in Uncertain Times: Teaching the Journal of the Plague Year Archive." History@Work blog (National Council on Public History). (2020). Web. ∆
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Decker, Juilee. "Memorials and Museum Practices." Proceedings of the Museums and Race Conference. Ed. Jackie Peterson. virtual, virtual: n.p.. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Decker, Juilee. "Casting a Legacy: Enid Yandell & Watch Hill’s Chief Ninigret." The Watch Hill Conservancy. The Watch Hill Conservancy. Watch Hill, RI. 21 Aug. 2020. Lecture. ∆
Decker, Juilee. "From Aspiration to Activism: Fiber Arts at Woodlawn from Nelly Custis to Crafting Democracy." Exhibition Closing "Crafting Democracy: Fiber Arts & Activism". Woodlawn & Pope-Leighey. Alexandria, VA. 13 Sep. 2020. Keynote Speech. ∆
Decker, Juilee, et al. "Blurring Boundaries and Dissolving Silos: Developing an XR Museum Project in Collaboration." Educators in VR. Educators in VR. virtual, virtual. 20 Oct. 2020. Lecture. £
Caroline DeLong
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
DeLong, Caroline, et al. "Visual Perception in a Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): Successful Recognition of 2-D Objects Rotated in the Picture and Depth Planes." Journal of Comparative Psychology 134. 2 (2020): 180-196. Print. *
Morrison, Evan, Caroline DeLong, and Kenneth Tyler Wilcox. "How Humans Discriminate Acoustically Among Bottlenose Dolphin Signature Whistles With and Without Masking by Boat Noise." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147. 6 (2020): 4162-4174. Print. *
DeLong, Caroline and Christina Burnett. "Bornean Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) Use Water as a Tool in the Floating Object Task." Animal Behavior and Cognition 7. 3 (2020): 327-342. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
DeLong, Caroline. "What We Know About Vision in Otters." World Otter Day. Seneca Park Zoo. Rochester, NY. 27 May 2020. Lecture.
Morelli, Janessa, et al. "The Effect of Color Cues on Visual Discrimination of 3D Objects in Goldfish (Carassius auratus)." Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference. UB/Psi Chi. Buffalo, NY. 19 Apr. 2020. Conference Presentation. *
Wegman, Jessica, et al. "Can North American River Otters (Lontra canadensis) Categorize 2D Objects?" Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference. UB/Psi Chi. Buffalo, NY. 19 Apr. 2020. Conference Presentation. *
Morelli, Janessa and Caroline DeLong. "Object Recognition Memory in Goldfish (Carassius auratus)." RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 30 Jul. 2020. Conference Presentation. *
Wegman, Jessica and Caroline DeLong. "Can North American River Otters (Lontra canadensis) Categorize 2D Objects?" RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 30 Jul. 2020. Conference Presentation. *
Wegman, Jessica, et al. "Visual Object Categorization in Goldfish (Carassius auratus)." RIT Graduate Showcase. RIT. Rochester, NY. 18 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation. *
Rebecca DeRoo
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
DeRoo, Rebecca J. Community Curator of Exhibition, Changemakers: Rochester Women Who Changed the World. 20 Nov. 2020. Rochester Museum and Science Center, Rochester. Exhibit.
DeRoo, Rebecca J. Community Curator of Exhibition, Changemakers: Rochester Women Who Changed the World. 20 Nov. 2020. Rochester Museum and Science Center, Rochester. Exhibit.
(DeRoo,advisor), Claudia Paulson. Map of Change in the exhibition Changemakers: Rochester Women Who Changed the World. 20 Nov. 2020. Rochester Museum and Science Center, Rochester. Exhibit.
Perttula, Lauren and James Kane (DeRoo,advisor). Brochure Guides Featuring Changemakers. 20 Nov. 2020. Rochester Museum and Science Center, Rochester. Exhibit.
(DeRoo,advisor), Monica Conary. Educational Material for Changemakers Exhibition. 20 Nov. 2020. Rochester Museum and Science Center, Rochester. Exhibit.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
DeRoo, Rebecca J. "‘At the Head of the Table’: Women Art Museum Directors in the 21st Century." Peer-Reviewed Conference Panel Co-Chair, Annual Conference. College Art Association. Chicago, IL. 15 Feb. 2020. Conference Presentation. ˜
DeRoo, Rebecca J. "Agnes Varda's Daguerreotypes." Documentary Film Festival. Cinetopia. Edinburgh, UK. 23 Aug. 2020. Lecture. ∆
DeRoo, Rebecca J. "Movements for Gender Equity in the French Film Industry." Depts. of French and Cinema Studies. Oberlin College. Oberlin, OH. 9 Oct. 2020. Lecture. ∆
DeRoo, Rebecca J. "Multimedia Urban Politics in Agnès Varda’s Daguerreotypes." Dept. of European Languages and Cultures. University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, UK. 6 Nov. 2020. Lecture. ∆
DeRoo, Rebecca J. "Recovering Participants’ Public and Private Labor in Women and Work (1975)." Peer-reviewed conference paper. College Art Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. 14 Feb. 2020. Conference Presentation. £
Nicholas DiFonzo
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
DiFonzo, Nicholas. "Evil Rumors." Christianity Around the World 14. (2020): 47-52. Web. ∆ ˜
Invited Article/Publication
DiFonzo, Nicholas. "Rumor and Communication." Communication. (2020). Web. * ∆
John Edlund
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Landy, Justin F., John E. Edlund, and Eric L. Uhlmann. "Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results." Psychological Bulletin 146. 5 (2020): 451-479. Print. *
Nichols, Austin Lee and John E. Edlund. "When New Methods Only Aggravate Old Problems: The Case of Careless Participants." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 23. 6 (2020): 625-638. Print. *
Heider, Jeremy D., et al. "Perceptions and Understanding of Research Situations as a Function of Consent Form Characteristics and Experimenter Instructions." Methods in Psychology 2. 10015 (2020): 1-9. Print. *
Hartnett, Jessica L. and John E. Edlund. "Critical Thinking and Discussion Boards in Undergraduate Research Methods." Currents in Teaching and Learning 12. 1 (2020): 56-64. Print. *
Edlund, John E. "Exam Wrappers in Psychology." Teaching of Psychology 47. 2 (2020): 156-161. Print. *
Beck-Dincher, Cassandra D., Katherine Lawrence, and John E. Edlund. "Difference in Attraction Towards Tattooed and Non-tattooed Individuals." North American Journal of Psychology 22. 4 (2020): 555-576. Print. *
Anglin, Stephanie M. and John E. Edlund. "Perceived Need for Reform in Field-Wide Methods and the Teaching of Replication, Interpretation, and Transparency." Psychology Learning and Teaching 19. 1 (2020): 60-76. Print. *
Eberesole, Charlie, John E. Edlund, and Brian Nosek. "Many Labs 5: Testing Pre-Data-Collection Peer Review as an Intervention to Increase Replicability." Advances in Methods and Practice in Psychological Science 3. 3 (2020): 309-331. Print. *
Rebecca Edwards
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Full Length Book
Edwards, R.A.R. Deaf Players in Major League Baseball. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. Print. «
Stephanie Godleski
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Godleski, Stephanie, et al. "Maternal Smoking and Psychosocial Functioning: Impact on Subsequent Breastfeeding Practices." Breastfeeding Medicine 15. 4 (2020): 246-253. Print. «
Nickerson, Amanda, et al. "A Longitudinal Study of Gun Violence Attitudes: Role of Childhood Aggression and Exposure to Violence, and Early Adolescent Bullying Perpetration and Victimization." Journal of School Violence 19. (2020): 62-76. Print. «
Kothari, Ammina, Stephanie Godleski, and Brenda Abu. "Mobile-based consortium of parenting resources for low-income/underserved mothers and caregivers: App development, testing and lessons learned." Health and Technology 10. (2020): 1603-1608. Print. *
Eiden, Rina, et al. "Risk and resilience in the development of substance use problems in early adolescence." Adversity and Resilience Science 1. (2020): 107-119. Print. «
Book Chapter
Shisler, Shannon, et al. "Salivary bioscience research related to prenatal adversity." Salivary Bioscience: Foundations of Interdisciplinary Saliva Research and Applications. Ed. M.K. Taylor and D.A. Granger. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020. 611-640. Print. ˜
Godleski, Stephanie and Rina Eiden. "Fathers’ Antisocial Behavior and Early Childhood." Handbook on Fathers and Child Development: Prenatal to Preschool. Ed. H.E. Fitzgerald, et al. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020. 569- 580. Print. ˜
Nickesia Gordon
Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Gordon, Nickesia S. "Discourses of Consumption: The Rhetorical Construction of the Black Female Body as Food in Hip Hop and R&B Music." Howard Journal of Communications 31. 4 (2020): 1-20. Web. «
Book Chapter
Gordon, Nickesia S. and Yuhan Huang. "The Oppositional Gaze as Spectacle: Feminist Visual Protest Movements in China." The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Communication. Ed. Marnel Niles Goins, Joan Faber McAlister, and Bryant Keith Alexander. New York, United States: Routledge, 2020. 585-600. Print. *
Robert Gordon-Fogelson
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Published Review
Gordon-Fogelson, Robert. "Beyond Bakelite: Leo Baekeland and the Business of Science and Invention by Joris Mercelis." Rev. of Beyond Bakelite: Leo Baekeland and the Business of Science and Invention, by Joris Mercelis. H-Net Reviews Dec. 2020: n.p. Web.
Sean Grass
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Grass, Sean. "Revising Codes: Education, Empathy, and the Case for Bradley Headstone." Dickens Quarterly 37. 1 (2020): 29-46. Print. ˜
Invited Paper
Grass, Sean. "Dickens, the City, and the Prison." The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies. (2020). Web. ∆ ˜
Lauren Hall
Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Hall, Lauren K. and Randy Hebert, MD. "“Palliative Care and the Tragedy of the Commons”." Journal of Palliative Care March 5, 2020, online. (2020): N/A. Web. «
Jessica Hardin
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Hardin, Jessica. "Ceaseless Healing and Never-Natural Disaster." American Anthropologist.. (2020): 650-651. Print. «
Brewis, Trainer, Sarah, Jessica Hardin, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, Alex. "Worry-nostalgia: Anxieties around the felt fading of local cuisines and foodways." Gastronomica. (2020): 67-78. Print. «
Andy Head
Assistant Professor
Department of Performing Arts and Visual Culture
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Uninvited Presentations
Head, Andy and Omen Sade. "Into the Unknown!: Digital Theatre and Boldly Going Forward with "SOMNIUM"." Frameless Labs Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 20 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Head, Andy and Omen Sade. "SOMNIUM" VR Demo." Frameless Labs Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 19 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Head, Andy. Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival National Committee. Outstanding Production Ensemble for "I and You". Washington, DC, 2020.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Head, Andy, Victoria Covell, and Kendell Charles. "Deaf Actors, Hearing Director: Tackling Challenges in Adaptation." Region 2 - Festival 52. Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. College Park, MD. 18 Jan. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Head, Andy. "From the Director’s Notebook: Conceptualizing Theatrical Worlds for Deaf and Hearing Characters." 41st Annual Mid-America Theater Conference. MATC. Chicago, IL. 8 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Head, Andy, et al. "Blurring Boundaries and Dissolving Silos: Developing an XR Museum Project in Collaboration." Educators in VR Series. Educators in VR. AltpaceVR, VR. 20 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Head, Andy, et al. "SOMNIUM" VR Demo." Frameless Labs Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 19 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation. *
Head, Andy and Omen Sade. "Into the Unknown!: Digital Theatre and Boldly Going Forward with "SOMNIUM"." Frameless Labs Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 20 Nov. 2020. Conference Presentation. *
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Gunderson, Lauren. "Invited Production: I and You." Proceedings of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival - Region 2 Festival 52; University of Maryland: January 14-18, 2020. Ed. Andy Head. College Park, Maryland: n.p..
Eric Hittinger
Associate Professor
Department of Public Policy
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Sirbu, Anatole Desreveaux, Alain Bouscayrol, Elodie Castex, Rochdi Trigui, Eric Hittinger, Gabriel-Mihai. "Annual variation in energy consumption of an electric vehicle used for commuting." Energies 13. 18 (2020): 4639. Print. £ ≠
Ronnenberg, Eric Williams, Rexon Carvalho, Eric Hittinger, Matthew. "Empirical development of parsimonious model for international diffusion of residential solar." Renewable Energy 150. (2020): 570-577. Print. £ ≠
Williams, Saptarshi Das, Eric Hittinger, Eric. "Learning is not enough: Diminishing marginal revenues and increasing abatement costs of wind and solar." Renewable Energy 156. (2020): 634-644. Print. £ ≠
Ciez, Eric Hittinger, Rebecca E. "Modeling costs and benefits of energy storage systems." Annual Review of Environment and Resources 45. (2020): 445-469. Print. ∆ £
Sirbu, Anatole Desreveaux, Eric Hittinger, Alain Bouscayrol, Elodie Castex, Gabriel Mihai. "Techno-economic comparison of total cost of ownership of electric and diesel vehicles." IEEE Access 8. (2020): 195752-195762. Web. £ ≠
Book Chapter
Wiser, Martin Junginger, Eric Hittinger, Eric Williams, Ryan. "Onshore wind energy." Technological learning in the transition to a low-carbon energy system. Europe, US: Academic Press, 2020. 87-102. Print. ∆
Rebecca Houston
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Quigley, Brian M., et al. "Alcohol Use and Chronic Pain as Risk Factors for Partner Violence: An Actor Partner Interdependence Model Analysis." Proceedings of the Research Society on Alcoholism. Ed. Henry R. Kranzler. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. *
Yuhan Huang
Assistant Professor
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Book Chapter
Gordon, Nickesia S. and Yuhan Huang. "The Oppositional Gaze as Spectacle: Feminist Visual Protest Movements in China." The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Communication. Ed. Marnel Niles Goins, Joan Faber McAlister, and Keith Bryant Alexander. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. n/a. Print. *
Christine Keiner
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Full Length Book
Keiner, Christine. Deep Cut: Science, Power, and the Unbuilt Interoceanic Canal. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2020. Print. £
Published Review
Keiner, Christine. Rev. of Why Study Biology by the Sea?, eds. Karl S. Matlin, Jane Maienschein, and Rachel A. Ankeny. Social History of Medicine 2020: hkaa108. Web.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Keiner, Christine. "Deep Cut." History of Ocean Science, Technology and Medicine Working Group. Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine. Philadelphia, PA. 21 Jul. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Keiner, Christine. "STRI and the Unbuilt Central American Sea-Level Canal." Virtual Science Talks. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Panama City, Panama. 4 Sep. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Ammina Kothari
Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Kothari, Ammina and Andrea Hickerson. "Challenges for Journalism Education in the Era of Automation." Journal of Media Practice and Education. (2020): 1-17. Web. «
Godleski, Stephanie, Brenda Abu, and Ammina Kothari. "A qualitative needs assessment and analysis of perceptions of a mobile health app for low-income, at-risk mothers." Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.. (2020): 1- 13. Print. « £
Kothari, Ammina, Stephanie Godleski, and Brenda Abu. "Mobile-based consortium of parenting resources for low-income and underserved mothers and caregivers: App development, testing and lessons learned." Health and Technology. (2020): 1-8. Web. «
Ehmer, Emily and Ammina Kothari. "Malaysia and the Rohingya: Media, Migration, and Politics." Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies. (2020): 1-16. Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Godleski, Stephanie and Ammina Kothari. "Young adults use of social media for mental health support during the COVID-19 pandemic." Social BRIDGES: Society, psychology and behaviour during and post COVID-19 lockdown. Bundeswehr University, Munich. Munich, Germany. 23 Jul. 2020. Conference Presentation. ∆
Eun Sook Kwon
Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Kwon, Eun Sook, Eunice Kim, and Yoo Jin Chung. "Social Break Up: Why Consumers Hide and Unlike Brands on Facebook." International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 14. 3 (2020): 299–317. Web. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kwon, Eun Sook,. "Impact of Media Context on Advertising Memory: A Meta-Analysis." ARF Insights Studio. Advertising Research Foundation. New York, New York. 9 Dec. 2020. Conference Presentation.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Kwon, Eun Sook, et al. Advertising Research Foundation. Great Mind Awards. New York, New York, 2020.
Michael Laver
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Full Length Book
Laver, Michael. The Dutch East India Company in Early Modern Japan: Gift Giving and Diplomacy. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Press, 2020. Print. «
Nathan Lee
Department of Public Policy
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Lee, Nathan, et al. "More Accurate But No Less Polarized: Comparing the Factual Beliefs of Government Officials and the Public." British Journal of Political Science First View. (2020): 1 - 8. Web. «
Lee, Nathan, Gregg Sparkman, and Bobbie Macdonald. "Discounting Environmental Policy: The Effects of Psychological Distance Over Time and Space." Journal of Environmental Psychology. (2021): 101529. Print. «
Wenjie Liao
Associate Professor
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Estrada, Emily, Kim Ebert, and Wenjie Liao. "Polarized Toward Apathy: An Analysis of the Privatized Immigration-Control Debate in the Trump Era." PS: Political Science & Politics 53. 4 (2020): 679-84. Print. «
Uli Linke
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Linke, Uli. "The Optics of Dispossession: Urban Poverty as Political Art." Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, and Media. Architecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS). Canterbury (virtual), UK. 29-30 Jun. 2020. Conference Presentation. *
Yunn-Shan Ma
Assistant Professor
Department of Performing Arts and Visual Culture
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Ma, Yunn-Shan. "The Chorus as a Dramatic Force in Wagner’s Operas." Choral Journal 60. 11 (2020): 20-32. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Ma, Yunn-Shan. "Integrating video game music in orchestral concert programs." Proceedings of the College Orchestra Directors Association National Conference. Ed. Conference Program Committee. Vancouver, Canada: n.p., Web. *
Ma, Yunn-Shan and Taiwanese Choral Society of Rochester. Dabudaling. 14 Oct. 2020. Greater Rochester Choral Consortium Virtual Prism Concert, WXXI. Performance.
Ma, Yunn-Shan. A Whole New World. 1 Mar. 2020. Ingle Auditorium, Rochester. Performance.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Ma, Yunn-Shan, et al. "Blurring Boundaries and Dissolving Silos: Developing an XR Museum Project in Collaboration." Educators in VR Series. Educators in VR. AltpaceVR, VR. 20 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Hinda Mandell
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Mandell, Hinda. "Handcraft as Urban Intervention: In Recognition of the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Sewing Society." Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 7. 2 and 3 (2020): 175-186. Print. ˜
Decker, Juilee and Hinda Mandell. Crafting Democracy: Fiber Arts and Activism. n.d. Anthony Mascioli Gallery, The Sculpture Center, Bevier Gallery, and more, Rochester and Cleveland. Exhibit. £
Decker, Juilee and Hinda Mandell. Crafting Democracy: Fiber Arts and Activism. n.d. Anthony Mascioli Gallery, The Sculpture Center, Bevier Gallery, and more, Rochester and Cleveland. Exhibit. £
John McCluskey
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Moon, Byongook, Guan Saw, and John McCluskey. "Teacher Victimization and Turnover: Focusing on Different Types and Multiple Victimization." Journal of school violence. (2020): 406-420. Print. *
Moon, Byongook and John McCluskey. "An Exploratory Study of Violence and Aggression Against Teachers in Middle and High Schools: Prevalence, Predictors, and Negative Consequences." Journal of school violence. (2020): 122-137. Print. *
Laverne McQuiller
Dean's Office
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Williams, LaVerne McQuiller, et al. "Supporting A College-level Environment that Values Civility and Respect through Annual Bystander Awareness and Active Workshops." Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Public Summit of the Action Collaborative to Prevent Sexual Harassment in Higher Education. Ed. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Virtual, Virtual: National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. £
David Meiggs
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Chase, Brad, David Meiggs, and P. Ajithprasad. "Pastoralism, Climate Change, and the Transformation of the Indus Civilization in Gujarat: Faunal Analyses and Biogenic Isotopes." Journal of Anthropological Anthropology 59. (2020): 101173. Web. ˜
Qing Miao
Associate Professor
Department of Public Policy
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Miao, Qing, et al. "Natural Disasters and Financial Implications for Subnational Governments: Evidence from China." Public Finance Review 48. 1 (2020): 72-101. Print. *
Miao, Qing, Meri Davlasheridze, and Yu Shi. "Fiscal Decentralization and Natural Disaster Mitigation: Evidence from the United States." Public Budgeting and Finance. (2020): 1-25. Print. *
Irina Mikhalevich
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Mikhalevich, Irina and R. Powell. "Minds Without Spines: Evolutionarily Inclusive Animal Ethics." Animal Sentience 29. 1 (2020): N/A. Web. *
Mikhalevich, Irina and R. Powell. "Affective Sentience and Moral Protection." Animal Sentience 29. 35 (2020): N/A. Web. £
Danielle Pafunda
Assistant Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Full Length Book
Pafunda, Danielle. Spite. First ed. New York, NY: The Operating System, 2020. Print. £
Book Chapter
Pafunda, Danielle. "I dwell in the road to the sea everyone travels and dwell in your house preparing to haunt you if I’m not doing much later and dwell on your face and if you don’t aggrieve me I or my daughters might could come back." BAX: Best American Poetry 2020. Ed. Carmen Maria Machado and Joyelle McSweeney. Middleton, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2020. 287-289. Print. £
Group of Poems
Pafunda, Danielle. To that object at best beset by everyone's bets. Crazyhorse, 2020. £
Pafunda, Danielle. My bull-faced tender friend was right. APR: American Poetry Review, 2020. £
Pafunda, Danielle. Uut. Pleiades, 2020. £
Creative Non-fiction
Pafunda, Danielle. I Got a Letter From Danielle. The Texas Review, 2020. £
Vincent Pandolfi
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Pandolfi, Vincent and Caroline I. Magyar. "Vineland-3 Structural Validity and Interpretability of Domain Scores: Implications for Practitioners." American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,. (2020): Online. Web. «
Jillian Pandor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Pandor, Amelie Langdon and Jillian. "An Investigation of scaffolding strategies to support structured inquiry language teaching to novice learners in a Primary school setting." Language Value 13. 1 (2020): 1-22. Web. *
Jessica Pardee
Associate Professor
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Jessica, Pardee,. "Social Vulnerabilities and COVID-19." Event 2 in the Living & Leading through Pandemic: A Critical Thinking and Discussion Series. RIT. ROCHESTER, NY. 2 Jun. 2020. Address.
Jessica, Pardee,. "“Redefining Family Under COVID-19.”." CONVERGE Virtual Forum: COVID-19 Working Groups for Public Health and Social Sciences Research. Natural Hazards Center. Boulder, CO. 3 Apr. 2020. Address.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Dana, Greene,, Jessica Pardee, and et al. "Research in Progress: Redefining Family Under COVID-19." Proceedings of the Natural Hazards Workshop. Ed. N/A. Boulder, CO: National Hazards Center. £
Andrew Perry
Senior Lecturer
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Perry, Andrew. "Encrumbed by the Signifying Monkey: Con Men, Cackling Clowns and the Exigencies of Desire in the Comics of Robert Crumb." International Journal of Comic Art 21. 2 (2019): 4-46. Print. *
Rudy Pugliese
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Deering, Charlotte and Rudy Pugliese. "Civic Engagement and News Media Preferences Among the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing." Academic Journal of Science 10. 1 (2020): 111–122. Web. * «
Esa Rantanen
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Lintern, Gavan, et al. "Rapid Development of a Hospital Checklist in a Time of COVID-19." Ergonomics in Design: The Quarterly of Human Factors Applications. (2020): 1064804620963687. Web. *
Invited Paper
Rantanen, E. M. "Provost’s Learning Innovation Grant (PLIG) for 2019." RIT/PSY/TR–20/1 Final Technical Report. (2020). Web.
Michael Ruhling
Department of Performing Arts and Visual Culture
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Ruhling, Michael E. "Performance Considerations in Michael Haydn’s Requiem in C minor, MH155." HAYDN: Online Journal of the Haydn Society of North America. 9.2 (2020): na. Web. *
Journal Editor
Ruhling, Michael E., ed. HAYDN: Online Journal of the Haydn Society of North America. Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2020. Web. * «
Rebecca Scales
Associate Professor
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Published Review
Scales, Rebecca P. Rev. of Barriers Down: How American Power and Free-Flow Politics Shaped Global Media,, by Diana Lemberg. Technology and Culture Jul. 2020: 957-958. Print.
Scales, Rebecca P. Rev. of Le deuil inachevé: La commémoration de l’Armistice du 11 novembre 1918 en France dans l’entre-deux-guerres, by Christina Theodosiou. First World War Studies 28 May 2020: 302-303. Print.
Scales, Rebecca. "Electric News in Colonial Algeria." Rev. of Electric News in Colonial Algeria., by Asseraf, Arthur. H-France Review 2 Oct. 2020: 1-4. Web.
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
10/1/2019 -
American Council of Learned Societies
Amount: 0
National/International Competition Award Winner
Institute, Co-PI/Co-Director Faculty Summer. National Endowment for the Humanities. Grant for Faculty Summer Institute for College & University Faculty. Denver, CO, USA, 2020. ≠
Lindsay Schenkel
Associate Professor
CLA Liberal Art Exploration, Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Nowalis, Sarah, Stephanie A. Godleski, and Lindsay S. Schenkel. "Attachment as a moderator in the relationship between child maltreatment and symptoms of depression." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37. (2022): NP1516-NP1543. Print. «
Schenkel, Lindsay S., et al. "The Effects of a Staff-Training Program in Behavior Management and Social-Learning Principles on Staff-Patient Interactions within a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Inpatient Unit." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 90. (2020): 419-431. Print. «
Schenkel, Lindsay S and Terra L. Towne. "Maladaptive cognitions and attributional styles among youth with pediatric bipolar disorder." International Journal of Cognitive Therapy 13. (2020): 218-232. Print. «
Schenkel, Lindsay S. and Terra L. Towne. "Errors in identifying emotion in body postures and facial expressions among pediatric patients with bipolar disorder." Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 42. (2020): 735-746. Print. «
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Blose, Brittany A., Kelsey Fisher, and Lindsay S. Schenkel. "Theory of Mind and Emotional Understanding in Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students." Proceedings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Nov. 2020. Ed. ABCT. Virtual, Convention: n.p.. «
Fisher, Kelsey, Brittany A. Blose, and Lindsay S. Schenkel. "Facial and Body Posture Emotion Identification in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Young Adults." Proceedings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nov. 2020. Ed. ABCT. Virtual, Convention: n.p.. «
Corinna Schlombs
Associate Professor
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Published Review
Schlombs, Corinna. "Frank Bösch ed. Wege in die Digitale Gesellschaft: Computernutzung in der Bundesrepublik 1955-1990. (Towards a Digital Society: Computer Use in West Germany 1955-1990)." Rev. of Wege in die Digitale Gesellschaft: Computernutzung in der Bundesrepublik 1955-1990, ed. Frank Bösch. Technology and Culture Oct. 2020: 1248-1250. Print.
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
2/6/2020 -
Arthur L. Norberg Travel Grant, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota
Amount: $1,000
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Schlombs, Corinna. "Quantifizierung, Statistische Expertise und Produktivität (Quantification, Statistical Expertise, and Productivity)." Oberseminar. Technical University Darmstadt. Darmstadt, NY. 15 Dec. 2020. Guest Lecture. ∆
Schlombs, Corinna. "US Labor Unions, Automation, and Technical Unemployment: Fighting for Whose Justice." Just Code: Power, Inequality, and the Global Political Economy of IT. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN. 23 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation. ∆
Schlombs, Corinna. "The Marshall Plan, Productivity, and Free Trade." Model UN Conference. St. John Fisher College. ROCHESTER, NY. 7 Mar. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Christopher Schreck
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Duda-Banwar, Janelle, Irshad Altheimer, and Christopher J. Schreck. "The Impact of Covid-19 on Community-Based Violence Interventions." American Journal of Criminal Justice 45. (2020): 810-819. Print. «
Jonathan Schroeder
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Book Chapter
Borgerson, Janet, Jonathan Schroeder, and Zhiyan Wu. "Branding as Soft Power: Brand Culture and the 2008 Beijing Olympics." Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics: China’s Campaign for Hearts and Minds. Ed. Kingsley Edney, Ying Zhu, and Stan Rosen. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. 117-132. Print. ∆
Fillis, Ian and Jonathan Schroeder. "Aesthetic Leadership in the Small Firm." Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Marketing. Ed. Ian Fillis and Nicholas Telford. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2020. 206-221. Print. ∆
Published Conference Proceedings
Yang, Shuhan, Jonathan Schroeder, and Duygu Akdevelioglu. "Aesthetics of Food: The Role of Visual Framing Strategies for Influence Building on Instagram." Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research. Ed. Jennifer Argo, Tina M. Lowrey, and Hope Jensen Schau. Paris, France: Association for Consumer Research, 2020. Print. *
Vincent Serravallo
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Editor
Serravallo, Vincent, ed. New York Sociologist. Rochester, NY: New York State Sociological Association, online, 2020. Web.
Laura Shackelford
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Book Chapter
Shackelford, Laura. "Introduction to ‘Critical Ecologies After Posthumanism: ‘Extra Ordinary Entanglements’." Post-Digital: Dialogues and Debates from the Electronic Book Review, Vol. II. Ed. Joseph Tabbi. NY, NY: Bloomsbury Press, 2020. 219-228. Print. * ∆
Audrey Smerbeck
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Olson, Lauren T., et al. "Preliminary Validation of the Global Neuropsychological Assessment in Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Volunteers." Assessment. (2020): in press. Web. * £
Taylor, Janelle M., et al. "Depression, Anxiety, and Hyperactivity in Youth with HFASDD: A Replication and Extension of Symptom Level Differences in Self-Report Versus Parent Report." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50. 7 (2020): 2424-2438. Print. * £
Satchidanand, Nikhil, et al. "Dalfampridine Benefits Ambulation but not Cognition in Multiple Sclerosis." Multiple Sclerosis 26. 1 (2020): 91-98. Print. * £
Whitney Sperrazza
Assistant Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Published Review
Sperrazza, Whitney. "Early Modern Manuscripts Online." Rev. of Early Modern Manuscripts Online, ed. Isabella Magni. Early Modern Digital Review 2020: n.p. Web. * ∆
Invited Article/Publication
Sperrazza, Whitney. "Before Lovelace." Lady Science. (2020). Web. ˜
Kaitlin Stack Whitney
Assistant Professor
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Stewart, Lauren, et al. "Wildlife Crossing Design Influences Effectiveness for Small and Large Mammals in Banff National Park." Case Studies in the Environment 4. 1 (2020): 0-0. Web. * £
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack and Kristoffer Whitney. "Inaccessible media during the COVID-19 crisis intersects with the language deprivation crisis for young deaf children in the US." Journal of Children and Media. (2021): DOI: 10.1080/17482798.2020.1858434. Web. * £
Chomiak, Kristina, et al. "Rochester\\\'s rivers, lake, and waste: teaching local environmental history using water case studies." Water History. (2020): DOI: 10.1007/s12685-020-00270-4. Print. « £
Published Review
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack Whitney; Kristoffer. Rev. of Case Studies in Deaf Education: Inquiry, Application, and Resources, eds. Caroline Guardino, et al. American Annals of the Deaf 2020: 0-0. Web. ∆
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "Using Data to End Oppression." Rev. of Data Feminism, by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein. American Scientist 1 Jan. 2021: 54. Print. ˆ
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
8/15/2019 -
EDSIN / QUBES BUILDS "Open Education Fellow"
Amount: 0
7/15/2020 -
National Science Foundation
Amount: $86,735.00
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "Communicating and Collaborating with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students and Colleagues." RIT New Faculty Orientation. RIT. Rochester, NY. 15 Aug. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "ESA Water Cooler Chat: Assessing Student Online Learning during a Coronavirus pandemic.”." Ecological Society of America Education and Diversity office. Ecological Society of America. Rochester, NY. 10 Apr. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "Ecological Society of America 2020 Annual Meeting Teaching Session." Ecological Society of America 2020 annual meeting. Ecological Society of America. Rochester, NY. 5 Aug. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "Road Ecology." Conservation Biology. RIT. Rochester, NY. 15 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "EPA and Eenvironmental Policy." Environmental Studies class. Bryn Mawr. Bryn Mawr, PA. 10 Apr. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "Roadside Conservation." Conservation Biology. RIT. Rochester, NY. 5 Apr. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "Phenology and Climate." BLUE. QUBES. Rochester, NY. 15 Apr. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Tina Sutton
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Crumb, Roni M., Ryan Hildebrandt, and Tina M. Sutton. "The Value of Handwritten Notes: A Failure to Find State-Dependent Effects When Using a Laptop to Take Notes and Complete a Quiz." Teaching of Psychology. (2020): 1-7. Web. *
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Altobelli, Matthew and Tina M Sutton. "Mood Congruent Visual Perception." Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, June 17-18, (Virtual Meeting). Ed. Bernard Beins. Boston, MA: n.p.. *
Williams, Abby and Tina M. Sutton. "Reading Emotion Words in Sentences: The Role of Valence and Arousal." Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, June 17-18 (virtual conference). Ed. Bernard Beins. Boston, MA: n.p.. *
Katie Terezakis
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Terezakis, Katie. "The Revival of Romantic Anti-Capitalism on the Right." Critical Horizons 21. 4 (2020): 291-302. Print. *
Terezakis, Katie. "Democracy in Crisis: Looking to the Tools." Dewey Studies 4. 1 (2020): 183-189. Print. £ ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Terezakis, Katie. "Mount Hope as Museum: Oblivion and Critical History." Susan B Anthony House Lecture Series. Susan B Anthony House. Rochester, NY. 20 Nov. 2020. Lecture.
Terezakis, Katie. "On Rortian Realism and Jamesian Rationalism." Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. SAAP. San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. 9 Mar. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Terezakis, Katie. "From Romantic Anti-Capitalism to Radical Liberalism." The Philosophy of Agnes Heller. New School Graduate Faculty. New York, NY. 13 Feb. 2020. Keynote Speech. £
Terezakis, Katie. "The Charm of Politics among Kant’s Romantic Critics: Hamann, Jacobi, and Schlegel on Liberty and Illiberalism." American Philosophical Organization. Indian Philosophical Association. New York, NY. 25 Jan. 2020. Conference Presentation. ∆ £
Invited Article/Publication
Terezakis, Katie. "In Memoriam: Agnes Heller." Philosophy of Humor Yearbook. (2020). Print. ∆ £
Terezakis, Katie. "Agnes Heller." Cambridge Habermas Lexicon. (2019). Print. ∆ £
Lawrence Torcello
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Torcello, Lawrence. "Science Denial, Pseudoskepticism, and Philosophical Deficits Undermining Public Understanding of Science: A Response to Sharon E. Mason." Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 9. 9 (2020): 1-9. Web. ∆ £
Jeffrey Wagner
Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Wagner, Jeffrey. "Thoreau’s Micro Theory Prescience in Walden, Chapter One: ‘Economy’." 2020 Annual Conference of the New York State Economics Association. New York State Economics Association. Virtual, NY. 3 Oct. 2020. Conference Presentation.
Wagner, Jeffrey. "Tort Reform, Public Harm, and Welfare." Economics Department Research Seminar. University of Missouri - Columbia. Virtual, MO. 6 Nov. 2020. Lecture.
Wagner, Jeffrey. "Tort Reform, Public Harm, and Welfare." Department Research Seminar. Department of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois - Urbana. Virtual, IL. 30 Oct. 2020. Lecture.
Wagner, Jeffrey. "Tort Reform and Public Harm." Economics Department Research Seminar. University of Massachusetts - Lowell. Lowell, MA. 5 Feb. 2020. Lecture.
Xiao Wang
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Wang, Xiao, Yang Yu, and Lin Lin. "Tweeting the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21): An analysis of the social network and factors determining the network influence." Online Social Networks and Media 15. (2020): 1-11. Print. «
Wang, Xiao. "From a terror management perspective: The efficacy of self-affirmation on organ donation-related thoughts and intentions." Journal of Social Psychology 160. 5 (2020): 644-657. Print. «
Wang, Xiao. "Predictors of organ donation-related cognitions and intentions in China: communication variables and cultural values." Communication Quarterly 68. 4 (2020): 438-456. Print. «
Invited Article/Publication
Wang, Xiao. "Attitude Functions." The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. (2020). Print. ∆
Kristoffer Whitney
Associate Professor
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
College of Liberal Arts
2020 Submissions
Journal Paper
Whitney, Kristoffer. "Valuing Shorebirds: Bureaucracy, Natural History, and Expertise in North American Conservation." Journal of the History of Biology 53. 4 (2020): 631-652. Print. «
Book Chapter
Whitney, Kristoffer. "Design for Deaf Education: early history of the NTID." Making Disability Modern: Design Histories. Ed. Elizabeth E. Guffey and Bess Williamson. London, England: Bloomsbury, 2020. 143-158. Print. «
Published Review
Whitney, Kristoffer and Kaitlin Stack Whitney. "A Comprehensive Starting Point." Rev. of Case Studies in Deaf Education: Inquiry, Application, and Resources, by Caroline Guardino, et al. American Annals of the Deaf 2020: 393-396. Print. £
Invited Article/Publication
Whitney, Kristoffer and Sabrina McCormick. "Comparing West Nile Virus and COVID‐19." Sociology of Health & Illness. (2020). Web. «