School of Interactive Games and Media - 2022 | Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Faculty Scholarship 2022
School of Interactive Games and Media
To view listing from a different department, select department name from the right.Jessica Bayliss
School of Interactive Games and Media
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bayliss, Jessica. "The Data-Oriented Design Process for Game Development." Computer 55. 5 (2022): 31-38. Web. £
Carlos Castellanos
Assistant Professor
School of Interactive Games and Media
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
2022 Submissions
Book Chapter
Castellanos, Carlos. "Intersections of Living and Machine Agencies: Possibilities for Creative AI." The Language of Creative AI: Practices, Aesthetics and Structures. Ed. Craig Vear and Fabrizio Poltronieri. Berlin, Germany: Springer Nature, 2022. 155-166. Print. * «
Published Conference Proceedings
Castellanos, Carlos, Johnny Diblasi, and Bushan Patil. "Beauty: Machine Microbial Interface as Artistic Experimentation." Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’22). Ed. n/a. Daejon, South Korea: ACM, 2022. Print. «
Pangaro, Paul, et al. "#NewMacy Studios Act I: Re-defining Stability." Proceedings of the 66th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences. Ed. n/a. online, USA: International Society for the Systems Sciences, 2022. Web. «
Bunnell, Pille, et al. "#NewMacy ACT II Studios—Redefining Stability." Proceedings of the Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2022 Symposium. Ed. n/a. Brighton, United Kingdom: n.p., 2022. Web. * «
Castellanos, Carlos, Johnny DiBlasi, and Bello Bello. "Beauty: Machine Microbial Interface as Artistic Experimentation." Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '22). Ed. n/a. Lisbon, Portugal: ACM, 2022. Print. * «
Castellanos, Carlos, Johnny DiBlasi, and Bello Bello. Beauty. 2022. The Earth, Our Home: Art, Technology, and Critical Action (invited - only invited work out of 20 exhibited), ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community, online. Exhibit.
Castellanos, Carlos, Johnny DiBlasi, and Bello Bello. Beauty. 2022. ACM Multimedia, Lisbon, Portugal. Installation. * «
Castellanos, Carlos, Johnny DiBlasi, and Bello Bello. Beauty: Compositional Agents. 2022. Centro Cultural Universitario Rogelio Salmona (Festival International de la Imagen), Manizales, Colombia. Installation. * «
Castellanos, Carlos. Post-Natural Prototypes. 2022. Centro del Carmen de Cultura Contemporánea, Valencia, Spain. Installation. * «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Castellanos, Carlos. "Intersections of Living and Machine Agencies in the Arts." IBMCP Lecture Series. IBMCP (Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celuar de Plantas)). Valencia, Spain. 26 May 2022. Guest Lecture.
Castellanos, Carlos. "Material Agencies: Encounters Between Machine Intelligence and the More-Than-Human World." Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER). Universitat Politècnica de València. Valencia, Spain. 21 Oct. 2022. Guest Lecture.
Castellanos, Carlos. "Intersecciones de Agencias Vivas y Mecánicas en las Artes: Modelos Especulativos de Relaciones entre Humanos y No Humanos." Volumens Festival. Volumens Festival. Valencia, Spain. 30 Sep. 2022. Guest Lecture.
Owen Gottlieb
Associate Professor
School of Interactive Games and Media
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Sundaram, Dheepa and Owen Gottlieb. "'It's so normal, and … meaningful.' Playing with Narrative, Artifacts, and Cultural Difference in Florence." gamevironments 16. (2022): 68-99. Web. *
Book Chapter
Gottlieb, Owen and Shawn Clybor. "Collaborative Constructions: Designing High School History Curriculum with the Lost & Found Game Series." Teaching the middle ages through modern games: Using, modding and creating games for education and impact. Ed. Robert Houghton. Oldenbourg, Germany: De Gruyter, 2022. 131-154. Print. *
Gottlieb, Owen and Ian Schreiber. Lost & Found: New Harvest Official Selection at International Conference on Meaningful Play. 12 Oct. 2022. International Conference on Meaningful Play, East Landing, Michigan. Exhibit. £
Gottlieb, Owen and Ian Schreiber. Lost & Found: New Harvest, Official Selection at Boston FIG. 15 Oct. 2022. Boston FIG (Festival of Indepdent Games, Boston/Online. Exhibit. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Gottlieb, Owen. "Designing for Learning… Together: Canadian-American ITV Co-productions and Co-broadcasting 1973-1982." Distributed Networks Project. Distributed Networks Project. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada (Online). 2 Nov. 2022. Guest Lecture.
Gottlieb, Owen. "Dispossessed Discriminations 1973: How a Salvaged ITV Co-production Preserves Canadian and American History." Film Studies Association of Canada (FSAC/ACÉC). (FSAC/ACÉC). Online, Canada. 12 May 2022. Conference Presentation. *
Gottlieb, Owen. "Trade-offs: Educational TV’s Economics Literacies, Ideologies, and Narrative Designs (1975-1985." Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS). SCMS. Online, USA. 31 Mar. 2022. Conference Presentation. *
W Michelle Harris
Associate Professor
School of Interactive Games and Media
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
2022 Submissions
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Harris, W. Michelle. "Creating In Their Wake." Proceedings of the ARTs + Change Conference. Ed. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY: n.p.. ˜
Jay Alan Jackson
Associate Professor
School of Interactive Games and Media
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
2022 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Jackson, Jay Alan. "Unity3D Math Sims with Companion Wolfram Notebooks for Active Learning." Proceedings of the Wolfram Technology Conference, October 21, 2022, Champaign, IL. Ed. Wolfram Research. Champaign, Illinois: n.p., Web. *
Brian Tomaszewski
School of Interactive Games and Media
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
2022 Submissions
Journal Paper
Tomaszewski, Brian and David J. Alexander. "GIS&T and Disaster Management." The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge. (2022): 1-10. Web. *
Tomaszewski, Brian, et al. "Building Video Games with ArcGIS Technology: Lessons Learned and Experiences." ArcUser 25. 1 (2022): 58-61. Print. ˆ