School of Communication - 2014 | College of Liberal Arts

Faculty Scholarship 2014

School of Communication

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Claudia Bucciferro

Assistant Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

Bucciferro, Claudia. The Twilight Saga: Exploring the Global Phenomenon. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. Print. *

Book Chapter

Bucciferro, Claudia. "Latinas in the United States: Articulating Discourses of Identity and Difference." Critical Articulations of Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation. Ed. Sheena Howard. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014. 89-103. Print. «

Bucciferro, Claudia. "Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile: A Moving Portrait." Women in Politics and Media: Perspectives from Nations in Transition. Ed. Maria Raicheva-Stover and Elza Ibroscheva. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2014. 217-231. Print. «

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Ammina Kothari

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kothari, Ammina. "The Ethics of Keeping HIV/AIDS Newsworthy in Tanzania." Journalism Practice. (2014): 1-16. Print. «

Kothari, Ammina and Dennis Elliott. "HIV/AIDS Information on East African Websites: A Comparative Analysis." Journal of African and Asian Studies.. (2014): 1-14. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kothari, Ammina. "Teaching Panel Session: Preparing Journalism Students for a Globalized World." Annual Conference. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Montreal, Canada. 8 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

Kothari, Ammina. "Role of Elite News Sources in Shaping Coverage of HIV/AIDS." Annual Conference. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Montreal, Canada. 7 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Kothari, Ammina and Andrea Hickerson. "Social Media in Journalism Education: Comparing Student and Faculty Expectations." Annual Conference. International Association for Media and Communication Research. Hyderabad, India. 13 Jul. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Kothari, Ammina and Dennis Elliott. "Acknowledging and Acting on SMS Health Messages: A Study of User Needs in Tanzania." Annual Conference. International Association for Media and Communication Research,. Hyderabad, India. 14 Jul. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Kothari, Ammina and Dennis Elliott. "Acknowledging and Acting on SMS Health Messages: A Study of User Needs in Tanzania." Mobile Pre-conference. International Communication Association. Seattle, WA. 21 May 2014. Conference Presentation. «

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Eun Sook Kwon

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kwon, Eun Sook, et al. "Brand Followers: Consumer Motivation and Attitude toward Brand Communications on Twitter." International Journal of Advertising 33. 4 (2014): 657–680. (SSCI Journal 2019 impact factor: 3.606; Cited by 128 articles). Print. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Kim, Jooyoung, Sun Joo Ahn, and Eun Sook Kwon. "Dimensions of Advertising Engagement." Proceedings of the 2014 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, March 27-30, Atlanta, GA. Ed. Jisu Huh. Minneapolis, MN: n.p., 2014. Web. «

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Hinda Mandell

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Martin, Kelly and Hinda Mandell. "Faces of Political Sex Scandal: Investigating Pathways to Penance, Remedy and Resolution through Iconic Scandal." Visual Communication Quarterly 21. 4 (2014): 236-247. Print. «

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Kelly Martin

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Johnson, Melissa and Kelly Norris Martin. "When Navigation Trumps Visual Dynamism: Hospital Website Usability and Credibility." The Journal of Promotion Management 20. 5 (2014): 666-687. Print. «

Martin, Kelly Norris and Hinda Mandell. "Faces of Political Sex Scandal: Investigating Pathways to Penance, Remedy and Resolution through Iconic Scandal." Visual Communication Quarterly 21. 4 (2014): 236-247. Print. *

Book Chapter

Martin, Kelly Norris. "Navigating the Scattered and Fragmented: Visual Rhetoric, Visual Studies and Visual Communication." Routledge Companion to Visual Organization. Ed. E. Bell, S. Warren, and J. Schroeder. New York, NY: Routledge, 2014. 188-201. Print. ∆

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Jonathan Schroeder

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

Schroeder, Jonathan E. Brands: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge, 2014. Print. £

Bell, Emma, Samantha Warren, and Jonathan Schroeder. The Routledge Companion to Visual Organization. Oxford, UK: Routledge, 2014. Print. £

Journal Paper

Schroeder, Jonathan E., Janet L. Borgerson, and Zhiyan Wu. "A Brand Culture Approach to Brand Literacy: Consumer Co-creation and Emerging Chinese Luxury Brands." Advances in Consumer Research 42. (2014): 366-370. Print. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "Editorial." Consumption Markets & Culture 17. 1 (2014): 1. Print. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "Editorial." Consumption Markets & Culture 17. 6 (2014): 519-521. Print. ∆

Martin, Kelly Norris and Jonathan E Schroeder. "Introduction: When Images Cause Trouble." Visual Communication Quarterly 21. October-December (2014): 184-185. Print. ˜

Book Chapter

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "Foreword." Dance, Consumerism, and Spirituality. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2014. xi-xiv. Print. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "Semiotics." Wiley Encyclopedia of Management 3rd ed. Ed. Cary Cooper. New York, NY: Wiley and Sons, 2014. 512-513. Web. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "Brands and Branding." Wiley-Blackwell Concise Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies. Ed. Dan Cook and Michael J. Ryan. New York, NY: Wiley and Sons, 2014. 76-78. Web. ∆ £

Published Conference Proceedings

Wu, Zhiyan, Janet Borgerson, and Jonathan Schrroeder. "Global Cultural Branding through the Investment of Historical Culture: A Case Study of the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony." Proceedings of the Conference on Positioning Cities: Innovative and Sustainable Strategies for City Development and Transformation Forum for Asian Studies. Ed. Forum for Asian Studies. Beijing, China: n.p., 2014. Print. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan, Janet Borgerson, and Zhiyan Wu. "Brand Culture: Concepts and Case Studies." Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Industries and Cultural Economics. Ed. Tain-Dow Lee. Taipei, Taiwan: Graduate Institute of Creative Industries, Shih Chien University, 2014. Print. ∆

Journal Editor

Schroeder, Jonathan E., ed. Consumption Markets & Culture. Oxford: Taylor and Francis, 2014. Print. «

Martin, Kelly Norris and Jonathan E Schroeder, ed. Visual Communication Quarterly - Special Issue on When Images Cause Trouble. New York: Routledge, 2014. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "Brand Culture: Concepts and Case Studies." International Conference on Creative Industries and Cultural Economics. Graduate Institute of Creative Industries, Shih Chien University. Taipei, Taiwan. 20 Mar. 2014. Keynote Speech. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "Designed for Hi-Fi Living: Records of Mid-Century America." Bridge Program for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Production. Linnaeus University. Vaxjo, Sweden. 7 Oct. 2014. Guest Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "Perspectives in Brand Culture." Brands and Brand Relationships Conference. Boston University School of Management. Boston, MA. 22 May 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "Communicating Identity/Consuming Difference." Making a Difference Workshop. Handelsbanken Foundation, Sweden. Sandwich, MA. 6 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "Snapshot Aesthetics and the Strategic Imagination." Moody School of Communication Seminar Series. University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX. 1 Dec. 2014. Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan E and Janet L Borgerson. "Interdisciplinary Looks at Representation and Identity." William A. Kern Conference in Visual Communication. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 25 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan E. "The Snapshot in Consumer Culture: A Look at Authenticity and Visual Style." Consumer Culture Theory Conference. Aalto University. Helsinki, Finland. 27 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. «

Borgerson, Janet L and Jonathan E Schroeder. "From Chinese Brand Culture to Global Brands." Integrated Marketing Communication Seminars. Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University. Chicago, IL. 19 Aug. 2014. Guest Lecture. ∆

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Tracy Worrell

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

O'Mally, Aisha and Tracy R. Worrell. "Statistics or Stories, Black or White?: Examining Influences of African-American Organ Donation." Howard Journal of Communication 25. 1 (2014): 98-114. Print. «

Rantanen, Esa, et al. "Linguistic Analysis of Clinical Communications: A Novel Method for Study of Diagnostic Errors." Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Leading the Way 3. 1 (2014): 207-213. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Worrell, Tracy R. "Image Echoes: The Portrayal of Disability in Fiction and the Popular Press." Kern Conference on Visual Communication. RIT. Rochester, New York. 24 Apr. 2014. Keynote Speech. ∆

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