National Technical Institute for the Deaf - 2014

Faculty Scholarship 2014

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Frank Argento

Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions


Argento, Frank. Associate Professor. 1 Jan. 2014. Bausch & Lomb, Global Health Center, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. ∆

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Karen Beiter

Associate Professor
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Kushalnagar, Raja S. and Karen J. Beiter. "Optimal Viewing Distance for Deaf Signers." Proceedings of the Annual International Technology & Persons With Disabilities Conference. Ed. CSUN. Northridge, CA: n.p., 2014. Web. *


Kushalnagar, Raja S. Accessible Views: Optimal Views. By Karen J. Beiter. 5 May 2014. ImagineRIT, Rochester. Exhibit. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Beiter, Karen J. and Raja S. Kushalnagar. "Optimal Classroom Views for Deaf Students." The 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Association for Computing Machinery. Rochester, NY. 20 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Beiter, Karen J. and Raja S. Kushalnagar. "Optimal Classroom Views for Deaf Students." Effective Access Technology Conference. RIT. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

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Gerald Berent

Liberal Studies - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Berent, Gerald P. "Deaf Students Emerging English Verb Knowledge: Facilitating Acquisition Through Input Enhancement Instruction." Listening and Spoken Language II: Transition to School and Emergent Literacy. Nazareth College. Rochester, NY. 24 Jun. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Berent, Gerald P. "The Centrality of Verb Knowledge in Language Acquisition: Implications for Deaf Students English Education." Language Acquisition and Learning, MSSE. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, RIT. Rochester, NY. 20 Mar. 2014. Guest Lecture.

National/International Competition Award Winner

Kelly, Ronald R., et al. National Science Foundation. Stereotype Threat Effects on Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students Mathematics Problem Solving Performance. Bethesda, MD, 2014.

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E William Clymer

Associate Professor
Business Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Clymer, E. William, Gary Behm, and Christine Monikowski. "Interpreting Videoconference Sessions." CSUN 29th Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference. California State University at Northridge. San Diego, CA. 5 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

Clymer, E. William and Gary Behm. "Access Technology Innovation Through Unique Collaborations." CSUN 29th Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference. California State University at Northridge. San Diego, CA. 6 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

Clymer, E. William and Christine Monikowski. "Best Practices for ASL Interpreters in Videoconference Environments." 17th Annual Accessing Higher Ground Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conference. AHG. Westminister, CO. 16 Nov. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

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David Cohn

Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions


Cohn, David. Associate Professor. n.d. Image City Photography Gallery, Rochester. Exhibit. £

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Jessica Cuculick

Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Cuculick, Jess A. "Focus Groups and Interviewing: Deaf Culture." Sign Language Linguistic Conference. Korea Society for Sign Language Linguistics. Chungchungnam-Do, Korea. 11 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation.


Cuculick, Jess A. "Facebooking Among Deaf College Students: Deaf-gain and Funds of Knowledge." Diss. University of Rochester, 2014. Print.

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Carol De Filippo

MSSE - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Gottermeier, Linda G. and Carol De Filippo. "Early-Onset Deafness: Functional Speechreading Assessment." Audiology Today 26. 6 (2014): 24-32. Print. £

Uninvited Presentations

Clark, Catherine and Carol De Filippo. "Cochlear Implant Training with Fading Visual Cues for Prelingually Deaf Adults." Audiology NOW. American Academy of Audiology Conference. San Antonio, TX. 25 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation. *

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Robyn Dean

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Dean, Robyn K. "Condemned To Repetition? An Analysis of Problem-Setting and Problem-Solving In Sign Language interpreting Ethics." International Journal for Translation and Interpreting 6. 1 (2014): 60 — 75. Web. *

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Kathleen Eilers-crandall

Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

Eilers-crandall, Kathleen. Women Leaders - Reading with Study Guide. 2nd edition ed. Rochester, NY: NTID, 2014. Print. ˆ

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Eilers-crandall, Kathleen. "Infinitive or Gerund -- Solving the Puzzle." NTID DeafTEC Videorecording Session. NTID DeafTEC Center. Rochester, NY. 4 Nov. 2014. Guest Lecture.

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Lisa Elliot

Research Associate Professor
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Stinson, Michael S., Lisa B. Elliot, and Donna Easton. "Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Other Postsecondary Learners’ Retention of STEM Content with Tablet Computer Based Notes." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 19. 2 (2014): 251-269. Print. *

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Austin Gehret

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Gehret, Austin U., et al. "Characterization and Complementation of a Potential Novel Phenotype for Saccharomyces Cerevisiae PHO13." Proceedings of the Experimental Biology 2014 (Apr. 26-30, San Diego, CA). Ed. Gerald Weissmann, MD, et al. Bethesda, MD: FASEB J 28 (Meeting Abstracts): 976.5, 2014. Web. £

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Linda Gottermeier

Communication Studies and Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Gottermeier, Dr. Linda and Dr. Carol DeFilippo. "Early-onset Deafness: Functional Speechreading Assessment." Audiology Today Aural Rehabilitation Issue. November/December (2014): 10-17. Print. *


Gottermeier, Dr. Linda. Communication Apps for Deaf/Hearing Persons. By Wendy Di Matteo. 5 May 2014. Imagine RIT, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. ˜

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Paula Grcevic

Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions


Grcevic, Paula. Spur of the Moment. Jan. 2014. The Sketchbook Project 2014 World Tour, Brooklyn. Exhibit. *

Grcevic, Paula. Fiber Arts and Watercolor Paintings. 5 Aug. 2014. Juried Crafts in the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival (5 days), Hart. Exhibit. *

Grcevic, Paula. Gliding Ginkgo Biloba. 7 Jul. 2014. Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester. Exhibit.

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Luane Haggerty

Principal Lecturer
Cultural and Creative Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions


Haggerty, Luane Davis. Director. 5-19 Jul. 2014. Highland Park Bowl Theater John Dunbar Memorial Pavilion, Rochester. Performance.

Haggerty, Luane Davis. Director. 22-5 Sep. 2014. NTID 1510 Theater Lab, Rochester. Performance.

Uninvited Presentations

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "A Midsummer Night's Dream: Bi-cultural performance." Who's Who in American Theater. News Digest. New York, New York. 10 Aug. 2014. Guest Lecture. ˆ

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Dangerous Signs: Tales From The Dark Side." Rochester Fringe Theater Festival. RIT. Rochester, New York. 19 & 26 Dec. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Haggerty, Luane Davis. "Del-Sign in the Performance of a Community Production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"." Rochester Literary Society. Barnes & Noble Bookstore. Rochester, New York. 5 Jun. 2014. Guest Lecture.

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Bonnie Jacob

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Grood, Cheryl, et al. "Minimum Rank with Zero Diagonal." Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 27. (2014): 458-477. Web. *

Adler, Henry, et al. "Undergraduate Research in Mathematics with Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students: Four Perspectives." Involve: a Journal of Mathematics 7. 3 (2014): 247-264. Print. *

Fetcie, Katherine, Bonnie Jacob, and Daniel Saavedra. "The Failed Zero Forcing Number of a Graph." Involve: a Journal of Mathematics. (2015): Unknown. Print. *

Uninvited Presentations

Jacob, Bonnie. "The Minimum Rank of the Set of Symmetric Zero-diagonal Matrices Associated with a Graph." Joint Mathematics Meetings, AMS Special Session on Trends in Graph Theory. American Mathematical Society. Baltimore, MD. 18 Jan. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

Ansill, Thomas and Jaime Penzellna. "Failed Zero Forcing and Failed Skew Zero Forcing on Graphs." AMS Special Session on Research in Mathematics by Undergraduates and Students in Post-Baccalaureate Programs. American Mathematical Society. Baltimore, MD. 18 Jan. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

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Pamela Kincheloe

Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kincheloe, Pamela. "A Bakhtinian Building Bridges: A Bahktinian Analysis of the Flying Words Project poem "Wise Old Corn." Sign Language Studies 16. 1 (2015): 0. Print. *


Pamela, Kincheloe. A Perverse Diverse: Dynamics of Attraction and Repulsion in Representations of Cochlear Implants in North American Media. 6 Jul. 2015. ICED, Athens. Exhibit. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Pamela, Kincheloe,. "Robocomp: Merging Cyborg Theory with Multimodal Practice in the First Year Writing Classroom." Conference on College Composition and Communication. NCTE. Tampa, FL. 9 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Pamela, Kincheloe. "See/I: Emergent Deaf Identities in American Popular Culture." 1 Jan. 2014. TS - typescript (typed). *

Pamela, Kincheloe. "The Heteroglossic Voice of The Silent Worker." 1 Oct. 2015. TS - typescript (typed). *

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Eric Kunsman

Assistant Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions


Kunsman, Eric T. July 4th, 2014- Palmyra, NY. 14 Oct. 2017. Yeiser Arts Center, Paducah, KY. Exhibit. *

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Christopher Kurz

Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kurz, Christopher A and Kim B Kurz. "Genesis of a College for the Deaf: The National Deaf-mute College." Deaf Studies Digital Journal 4. (2014): 0:00 - 10:00. Web. *

Book Chapter

Kurz, Christopher A and Albert J Hlibok. "Laurent Clerc, A Complex and Conflicted Deaf Man in America: Internal and External Struggles." "See Lives: Biographies and Autobiographies." Ed. Kristen Snodden. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2014. 102-114. Print. ∆

Uninvited Presentations

Kurz, Chris, Gary Behm, and Brian Trager. "RIVA Accessmedia: Broadening Communication Access for People with Disabilities." Effective Access Technology Conference. SIG-ACCESS. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Poster Session. £

Kurz, Chris and Kim Kurz. "Amos G. Draper at Gallaudet: His Legacy as a Student, Professor, Mentor, Friend and Caretaker." Symposium: Celebrating 150 years of Visionary Leadership. Gallaudet University. Washington DC, Washington DC. 9 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Kurz, Chris and Kim Kurz. "Genesis of a College for the Deaf: The National Deaf-Mute College." Deaf Studies! Today Conference. Utah Valley University. Provo, UT. 12 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Kurz, Chris, Albert J Hlibok, and Kim B Kurz. "A Closer Look at Laurent Clerc's Perceptions on Sign Languages." Deaf Studies! Today Conference. Utah Valley University. Provo, UT. 12 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kurz, Chris and Jeanne Reis. "Science, Technology, and Math, Oh My!" Meeting of Teachers of the Deaf and Educational Interpreters. Iowa State Department of Education. Vinton, IA. 11 Jun. 2014. Lecture.

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Kim Kurz

American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kurz, C. and K. Kurz. "Genesis of a College for the Deaf: The National Deaf-mute College." Deaf Studies Digitial Journal. 4 (2014): n/a. Web. *

Alder, H., et al. "Undergraduate Research in Mathematics with Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students: Four Perspectives." Involve 7. 3 (2014): 247-264. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kurz, K. "Applying National Standards to American Sign Language Teaching." Utah American Sign Language Teachers Association Conference. Utah American Sign Language Teachers Association. Salt Lake City, UT. 31 Jul. 2014. Keynote Speech. ∆

Kurz, K. "Children's Comprehension of Direct & Interpreted Education." ASL Program at University of Rochester. ASL Program at University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 4 Mar. 2014. Guest Lecture.

Kurz, K. "Deaf Children's Comprehension of Direct & Interpreted Education." 2014-2015 Colloquium Lecture Series. Department of Interpretation and Gallaudet University Regional Educational Center. Washington, DC. 10 Oct. 2014. Lecture. ∆

Colayori, K., et al. "Perceiving Being Deaf as a Negative Attribute is a Resilience Risk Factor for Deaf College Students." Inter-Science of Learning Centers Conference. Inter-Science of Learning Centers. Pittsburg, PA. 14 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Kurz, C. and K.B. Kurz. "Amos G. Draper at Gallaudet: His Legacy as a Student, Professor, Mentor, Friend and Caretaker." 150th Anniversary Symposium. Gallaudet University. Washington, DC, DC. 9 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Kurz, C. and K.B. Kurz. "Genesis of a College for the Deaf: High Classes in Schools for the Deaf." Waypoints! Deaf Studies Today! Deaf Studies Department at Utah Valley University. Orem, UT. 11 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Kurz, C., A.J. Hlibok, and K.B. Kurz. "A Closer Look of Laurent Clerc's Perceptions of Sign Language." Waypoints! Deaf Studies Today! Deaf Studies Department at Utah Valley University. Orem, UT. 12 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Hauser, P.C., J.D. Listman, and K.B. Kurz. "Importance of Sign Language and Deaf Acculturation for Deaf Individuals Psychosocial Well Being." Waypoints! Deaf Studies Today! Deaf Studies Department at Utah Valley University. Orem, UT. 11 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Kurz, K., P. Hauser, and J. Listman. "Deaf Professionals Resilience: A Qualitative Study." Waypoints! Deaf Studies Today! Deaf Studies Department at Utah Valley University. Orem, UT. 12 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

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Raja Kushalnagar

Assistant Professor
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kushalnagar, Raja S., Walter S. Lasecki, and Jeffrey P. Bigham. "Accessibility Evaluation of Classroom Captions." ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 5. 3 (2014): 1-24. Print. *

Adler, Henry, et al. "Undergraduate Research in Mathematics with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: Four Perspectives." Involve: A Journal Of Mathematics 7. 3 (2014): 247-264. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Kushalnagar, Raja S., Ramachandran Vignesh, and Tae Oh. "Tactile Captions: Augmenting Visual Captions." Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers Helping People. Ed. Arthur Karshmer. Paris, France: Springer International Publishing, 2014. Web. *

Kushalnagar, Raja S. and Poorna Kushalnagar. "Live and Collaborative Gaze Review for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students." Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers Helping People. Ed. Arthur Karshmer. Paris, France: Springer International Publishing, 2014. Print. *

Kushalnagar, Raja S. and Karen J. Beiter. "Optimal Viewing Distance for Deaf Signers." Proceedings of the Annual International Technology & Persons With Disabilities Conference. Ed. CSUN. Northridge, CA: n.p., 2014. Web. *

Kushalnagar, Raja S., et al. "Enhancing Caption Accessibility Through Simultaneous Multimodal Information: Visual-Tactile Captions." Proceedings of the 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility - ASSETS '14. Ed. ACM. Rochester, NY: ACM, Print. *

Kushalnagar, Raja S., et al. "AVD-LV: An Accessible Player for Captioned Stem Videos." Proceedings of the 16th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility - ASSETS '14, October 22-24, 2014, Rochester, NY. Ed. ACM. NY, NY: ACM, Print. *

Lasecki, Walter S., Raja S. Kushalnagar, and Jeffrey P. Bigham. "Legion Scribe." Proceedings of the 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility - ASSETS '14, October 22-24, 2014, Rochester, NY. Ed. ACM. NY, NY: ACM, Print. *

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Jason Listman

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Boling, Leisa, et al. "The Roots of American Sign Language E-Curriculum." Our Roots: The Essence of Our Future. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Portland, OR. 30 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation.

Kurz, Kim B., Jason D. Listman, and Peter C. Hauser. "Deaf Professionals Resilience: A Qualitative Study." Waypoints! Deaf Studies Today!. Orem, Utah. 14 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation.

Listman, Jason D. "How to be a Deaf Scientist: Navigating STEM Education." Standpoints! Deaf Studies Today!. Orem, UT. 12 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation.

Hauser, Peter C., Jason D. Listman, and Kim B. Kurz. "Importance of Sign Language and Deaf Acculturation for Deaf Individuals Psychosocial Well Being." Standpoints! Deaf Studies Today! Conference. Orem, UT. 11 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation.

Colayori, Kailea, et al. "Perceiving Being Deaf as a Negative Attribute is a Resilience Risk Factor for Deaf College Students." Inter-Science of Learning Centers. Inter-Science of Learning Centers. Pittsburgh, PA. 6 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation.

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Matthew Lynn

Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Miecznikowski, J. R., et al. "Syntheses and Characterization of Three-and Five-Coordinate Copper(II) Complexes Based on Tridentate SNS Pincer Ligand Precursors." Polyhedron 80. (2014): 157-165. Print. ˜

Miecznikowski, J. R., et al. "Synthesis, Characterization, and Computational Study of Three-Coordinate SNS-Copper(I) Complexes Based on Bis-Thione Precursors." Journal of Coordination Chemistry 67. (2014): 29-44. Print. ˜

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Lynn, M. A., S. J. Connelly, and A. D. Ross. "A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of the Experiences of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Transitioning into Baccalaureate Studies in STEM Disciplines." Second Annual Spring Conference of the Assessment Network of New York (ANNY). Assessment Network of New York. Rochester, NY. 30 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. ˜

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James Mallory

Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Mallory, James R. and M. Billowus. "Teaching Technology in the Virtual World of Second Life." 17th Annual SLOAN Consortium on Asynchronous Learning Networks. SOAN Consortium. Orlando, Florida. 15 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Mallory, James R., et al. "Preferences for Deaf and HH Learners in Online Classes." Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (SIGACCESS). RIT. Rochester, New York. 21 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Mallory, James R. and Vicki Robinson. "Using Virtual World of Access Technology to Teach Physics and Computer Hardware to Deaf and HH Students." Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (SIGACCESS). Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 21 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Mallory, James R. "Using Testout Virtual Laboratories as a Technology Classroom Alternative for Deaf and HH Students." Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (SIGACCESS). Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 21 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Mallory, James R. "Benefits of using Virtual Multimedia Laboratories." New York Security and Engineering Technology Association (NYSETA. NYSETA. Buffalo, New York. 31 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Mallory, James R., Gary L. Long, and Susan Foster. "Preferred Access for Online Deaf and HH Students." Effective Access Technology Conference. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 21 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Mallory, James R. and Vicki Robinson. "Virtual Learning in Technical Classes Using Second Life for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students." Effective Access Technology Conference. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 21 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Marc Marschark

Office of the President, Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

Hintermair, M., H. Knoors, and M. Marschark. "Gehorlose und schwerherige Schuler unterrichten: Psychologische und entwicklungsbezogene Grundlagen." First ed. Heidelberg, Germany: Median-Veerlag, 2015. Print. *

Knoors, H. and M. Marschark. "Onderwijs aan dove en slechthorende leerlingen. Fundamenten voor de praktijk." First ed. Antwerp, Belgium: ACCO, 2015. Print. *

Knoors, H. and M. Marschark. "Educating Deaf Learners: Creating a Global Evidence Base." First ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015. Print. *

Marschark, M., G. Tang, and H. Knoors. Bilingualism and Bilingual Deaf Education. First ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014. Print. *

Knoors, H. and M. Marschark. Teaching Deaf Learners: Psychological and Developmental Foundations. First ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014. Print. *

M., Hintermair,, Knoors, H., and Marschark, M. Gehrlose Und Schwerhrige Schler Unterrichten: Psychologische Und Entwicklungsbezogene Grundlagen. Heidelberg, Germany: Median-Verlag, 2014. Print.

H., Knoors, and Marschark, M. Onderwijs Aan Dove En Slechthorende Leerlingen. Fundamenten Voor De Praktijk [Education for Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students: Foundations for Practice]. Antwerp, Belgium: ACCO, 2014. Print.

Journal Paper

Marschark, M., et al. "Predicting the Academic Achievement of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students from Individual, Household, Communication, and Educational Factors." Exceptional Children. (2015): 000-000. Print. « ≠

Sarchet, T., et al. "Vocabulary Knowledge and Meta-knowledge in Deaf and Hearing Students." Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disabilities. 27 (2014): 161-178. Print. * ≠

Blom, H., et al. "De relatie Tussen Online Activiteiten en het Welbevinden van dove en Slechthorende Jongeren en Jongvolwassenen." Van Horen Zeggen. 55 (2014): 10-18. Print. *

Blom, H., et al. "Finding Friends Online: Online Activities by Deaf Students and their Influence on Well-being." PLoS ONE. (2014): 00-00. Web. *

Hintermair, M., H. Knoors, and M. Marschark. "Was wir ber Lernprozesse Gehorloser und Schwerhoriger Kinder Wissen: berlegungen auf der Grundlage Evidenzbasierter Forschungsergebnisse." HorgeschadigtenPadagogik. 68 (2014): 6-16. Print. *

Shaver, D., et al. "Who is Where? Characteristics of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students in Regular and Special Schools." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 19 (2014): 203-219. Print. * ≠

Convertino, C.M., et al. "Word and World Knowledge Among Deaf Students with and Without Cochlear Implants." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 19 (2014): 471-483. Print. *

Book Chapter

Knoors, H. and M. Marschark. "Educating Deaf Students in a Global Context." "Educating Deaf learners: Creating a Global Evidence Base." New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015. 00-00. Print. £

Marschark, M. and H. Knoors. "Educating Deaf Learners in the 21st Century: What We Know and What We Need to Know." "Educating Deaf Learners: Creating a Global Evidence Base." New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015. 00-00. Print. £

Knoors, H., M. Marschark, and G. Tang. "Bilingualism and Bilingual Deaf Education: Time to Take Stock." Bilingualism and Bilingual Deaf Education. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014. 1-22. Print. £

Marschark, M. and C. Lee. "Navigating Two Languages in the Classroom: Goals, Evidence, and Outcomes." Bilingualism and Bilingual Deaf Education. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014. 213-241. Print. £

Marschark, M., G. Tang, and H. Knoors. "Perspectives on Bilingualism and Bilingual Deaf Education." Bilingualism and Bilingual Deaf Education. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014. 445-475. Print. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Marschark, M. "Why Deaf Children Can't Read (and Why You Should Care)." Faculty of Computer Science & European Academy for Applied Research and Postgraduate Studies. Free University of Bolzano. Bozen, Italy. 14 Jan. 2014. Conference Presentation. ≠

Marschark, M. "Language, Cognition and Learning by Students with and Without Cochlear Implants." Indiana University School of Medicine. Indiana University School of Medicine. Indianapolis, IL. 29 Jan. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "Evidence-based Practice with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." Cecil H. and Ida Green Honors Chair Cross-Discipline Student Lecture. Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, TX. 19 Feb. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "Educating Deaf Children: Has Elvis Already Left the Building?" Cecil H. and Ida Green Honors Chair, University Interdisciplinary Faculty Lecture. Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, TX. 19 Feb. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "Questions about Deaf Children You Always Wanted to Ask, But Didn't." Cecil H. and Ida Green Honors Chair Parents Lecture. Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, TX. 19 Feb. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "Deaf Children's Language and Learning: What We Know and What We Think We Know." Cecil H. and Ida Green Honors Chair Communication Sciences and Disorders Lecture. Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, TX. 20 Feb. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "How Deaf Children Learn (and Why They Sometimes Don't)." Texas Teachers of the Deaf Web Lecture. Texas State Department of Education. Austin, TX. 20 Feb. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "Myths and Misunderstandings in Deaf Education: On Language, Cognition, and Learning." Workshop Lecture. Ohio School for the Deaf. Kent, OH. 6 Mar. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "What We Know, What We Don't Know, and Where We Are Going." Teaching Deaf Learners Conference. Teaching Deaf Learners Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 21 Mar. 2014. Keynote Speech. ≠

Marschark, M. "Myths and Misunderstandings in Deaf Education: On Language, Cognition, and Learning." Workshop Lecture. Ohio School for the Deaf and University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, OH. 25 Apr. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "Language, Cognition, and Mental Health in Deaf Children." National Center for Hearing and Mental Health. Oslo University Hospital. Oslo, Norway. 22 Sep. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "New Research in Deaf Education: What?s Hot and What's Not." Statped. Statped. Oslo, Norway. 22 Sep. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Marschark, M. "Matching the Strengths and Needs of Deaf Learners." Hearing and Cognition Conference. Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. Deptartment of Vocational Rehabilitation. Gardermoen, Norway. 24 Sep. 2014. Keynote Speech. ≠

Marschark, M. "Factors Associated with Positive Outcomes for Deaf and Hard of hearing Students?" Council on Exceptional Children. Council on Exceptional Children. Philadelphia, PA. 10 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. ≠

Marschark, M. "Supporting Deaf Students' Classroom Learning: How Do I Know What I Don't Know?" Supporting Deaf Students' Classroom Learning. University of Leeds. Leeds, England. 12 Nov. 2014. Address.

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Campbell McDermid

Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

McDermid, Campbell. "Cohesion in English to ASL Simultaneous Interpreting." The International Journal for Translating & Interpreting 6. 1 (2014): 76-101. Web. *

McDermid, Campbell. "Evidence of a Hearing Dialect of ASL?" Journal of Interpretation 23. 1 (2014): 1-25. Web. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

McDermid, Campbell and Lynn Finton. "Contextualized Recognition of Fingerspelled Words in ASL." Our Roots: The Essence of our Future. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Portland, OR. 29 Oct. 2014. Address. *

McDermid, Campbell. "Creating Cohesion Across Languages." International Symposium on Signed Language Interpretation and Translation Research. Gallaudet University. Washington, DC. 29 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

McDermid, Campbell. "Do Non-native Speakers Have a "Hearing Dialect" While Interpreting?" International Symposium on Signed Language Interpretation and Translation Research. Gallaudet University. Washington, DC. 29 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

McDermid, Campbell. "A Pragmatic Multi-dimensional Model of the Interpreting Process." International Symposium on Signed Language Interpretation and Translation Research. Gallaudet University. Washington, DC. 30 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

McDermid, Campbell and Lynn Finton. "Contextualized Recognition of Fingerspelled Words." International Symposium on Signed Language Interpretation and Translation Research. Gallaudet University. Washington, DC. 30 Mar. 2014. Address. *

Invited Article/Publication

McDermid, Campbell. "A Pragmatic, Multi-dimensional Model of the Interpreting Process." Gallaudet University Symposium Selected Papers (Vol. 1). (2014). Print. *

View All Submissions

Christine Monikowski

American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Monikowski, Christine. "Requiring A Capstone Paper: How To Make It A Successful Experience." Our Roots: the Essence of Our Future. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Portland, OR. 30 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

Monikowski, Christine. "Language Myths in an Interpreted Education." ASL/English Interpreting Program. LaGuardia Community College. New York, NY. 10 Jan. 2014. Guest Lecture. ∆

Monikowski, Christine. "Language Myths in an Interpreted Education." Professional Development. Delaware School for the Deaf & Statewide Programs. Wilmington, DE. 12 Apr. 2014. Guest Lecture. ∆

Monikowski, Christine. "Language Myths in an Interpreted Education." Sign Language Studies Degree. Madonna University. Detroit, MI. 27 Sep. 2014. Guest Lecture. ∆

View All Submissions

Keith Mousley

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Kurz, Dr. Christopher A.N. and Keith Mousley. "Fraction Teaching and Learning: Pre-college Deaf Students? Understanding of Fractional Concepts." 16 Oct. 2014. MS - manuscript (handwritten). *

Mousley, Keith and Dr. Christopher A.N. Kurz. "Pre-College Deaf Students? Understanding of Fractional Concepts: What We Know and What We Do Not Know." 30 Apr. 2014. MS - manuscript (handwritten). *

View All Submissions

Jason Nordhaus

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Clayton, G., et al. "Dusty Disks around Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae." Astrophysical Journal 147. 6 (2014): 9. Web. £

Freeman, M, et al. "The Chandra Planetary Nebula Survey (CHANPLANS). II. X-Ray Emission from Compact Planetary Nebulae." Astrophysical Journal 794. 2 (2014): 13. Web. £

Ueta, T., et al. "The Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS). I. Data Overview and Analysis Demonstration with NGC 6781." Astronomy & Astrophysics 565. A26 (2014): 24. Web. £

Published Conference Proceedings

Ueta, T., et al. "Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS)." Proceedings of the Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI. Ed. C. Morisset, G. Delgado-Inglada, and S. Torres-Peimbert. Mexico City, Mexico: n.p., 2014. Web.

Nordhaus, J. "Highly-magnetized White Dwarfs: Formation Mechanisms and Implications for Planetary Nebulae." Proceedings of the Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae VI. Ed. C. Morisset, G. Delgado-Inglada, and S. Torres-Peimbert. Mexico City, Mexico: n.p., 2014. Web.

Huarte-Espinosa, M., et al. "Modeling the Formation and Evolution of Wind-Capture Disks In Binary Systems." Proceedings of the Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae VI. Ed. C. Morisset, G. Delgado-Inglada, and S. Torres-Peimbert. Mexico City, Mexico: n.p., Web.


Team, NSF AstroDance. AstroDance: Teaching Astrophysics Through Dance? By J. Noel-Storr, et al. 7 Jan. 2014. American Astronomical Meeting, Washington, DC. Exhibit.

Presentation, Poster. Exploring How Different Mass-loss Schemes Influence the Properties of Nascent White Dwarfs. By B. Zins and J. Nordhaus. 6 Jan. 2014. American Astronomical Society Meeting, Washington, DC. Exhibit.

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Papish, O., J. Nordhaus, and N. Soker. "A Call for a Paradigm Shift from Neutrino-driven to Jet-driven Core-collapse Supernova Mechanisms." In Press. TS - typescript (typed). £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Nordhaus, Jason. "Binary Interactions on the Post-main Sequence." Colloquium. University of Oxford. Oxford, United Kingdom. 13 Dec. 2104. Lecture.

Nordhaus, J. "Binary Interactions on the Post-main Sequence." Colloquium. University of California Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. 28 Apr. 2014. Lecture.

Nordhaus, J. "Building Opportunities for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Astronomy." NSF Fellows Symposium. National Science Foundation. Washington, DC. 6 Jan. 2014. Conference Presentation.

View All Submissions

Todd Pagano

Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

Pagano, Todd and Annemarie D. Ross. "Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities." 4.1 ed. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2014. Web. £

Pagano, Todd and Annemarie Ross. "Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities: A Manual For High Schools, Colleges, and Graduate Programs Edition 4.1." 4.1 ed. Rochester, NY: RIT Open Access Publication, 2015. Web. £

Journal Paper

Pagano, Todd, Nelsy Carcamo, and Jonathan E. Kenny. "Investigation of the Fluorescence Quenching of 1-Aminoanthracene by Dissolved Oxygen in Cyclohexane." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118. 49 (2014): 11512-11520. Print. *

Pagano, Todd, Morgan Bida, and Jonathan E. Kenny. "Trends in Levels of Allochthonous Dissolved Organic Carbon in Natural Water: A Review of Potential Mechanisms under a Changing Climate." Water 6. 10 (2014): 2862-2897. Web. *

Pagano, Todd, et al. "On the Sustainability of Programs for Students with Disabilities: Observations and Practical Ideas." Science. (2014): 765. Print. £

Pagano, Todd. "Mentoring Perspective: Providing the Fuel (and Passing the Flame)." Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities 17. 1 (2014): 36-39. Web. £

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

12/19/2014 - 12/19/2019
     Dept. of State/Council for International Exchange of Scholars
     Amount: 15,000 £

Uninvited Presentations

Pagano, Todd, et al. "Fingerprinting the Biochemical Make-up of Fruits Available to Migratory Birds via Multidimensional Fluorescence and Chemometrics." Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists. American Ornithologists Union. Estes Park, CO. 23 Sep. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Smith, Susan B., et al. "Nutritional Composition of Native and Invasive Fruits Consumed by Migrating Birds at Stopover Sites in the Western Finger Lakes Region of New York." Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists. American Ornithologists Union. Estes Park, CO. 23 Sep. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Pagano, Todd, et al. "Fingerprinting the Antioxidant Components of Wild Fruits Using Multidimensional Fluorescence and Chemometric Analysis." 248th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 10 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Merchant, Charmaine R., et al. "Modified Colorimetric Microplate Assay for the Analysis of Protein in Wild Fruit Extracts." 248th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 10 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Ulerio-Nunez, Franly, et al. "Characterization of Antioxidant Components in Wild Fruits Common to the Western Finger Lakes Region of New York." 248th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 10 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Merchant, Charmaine R., et al. "Biochemistry of Fruits: from Wild Berries for Migratory Birds to Wine." RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 8 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation. ˜

Merchant, Charmaine R., et al. "Biochemical Analysis of the Nutritional Components of Native and Invasive Fruits in Rochester, NY." Rochester ACS Undergraduate Research Symposium. American Chemical Society, Rochester, NY Section. Rochester, NY. 10 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Sankoh, Amie, et al. "Analysis of Phenolic and Antioxidant Components in Tea using Multidimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Chemometrics." Rochester ACS Undergraduate Research Symposium. American Chemical Society, Rochester, NY Section. Rochester, NY. 10 Apr. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Sood, Harshita, et al. "What Birds Should Eat and Why: Nutritional Differences in Fruits Among Sites and Growing Seasons." 41st Annual Rochester Academy of Sciences Conference. Rochester Academy of Sciences. Brockport, NY. 15 Nov. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Pagano, Todd, Annemarie D. Ross, and Susan B. Smith. "Developing an Inclusive Environment for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Undergraduate Research Programs." 248th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 11 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Ross, Annemarie D., Susan B. Smith, and Todd Pagano. "Academic Benefits of the Online ACS Climate Change Toolkit for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." 247th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Dallas, TX. 16 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Pagano, Todd, Susan B. Smith, and Annemarie D. Ross. "Encouraging Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Undergraduate Research at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology." 247th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Dallas, TX. 16 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Pagano, Todd, et al. "Multidimensional Fluorescence of Fruits: a Novel Technique for the Fingerprinting of Nutritional Quality." Wilson Ornithological Society Annual Meeting. Wilson Ornithological Society. Newport, RI. 29 May 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Pagano, Todd. "The Kinetics of Academic and Career Success." Augustine Silveira Distinguished Lecture. SUNY Oswego. Oswego, NY. 10 May 2014. Keynote Speech.

Pagano, Todd. "Multidimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy with Chemometrics for the Analysis of Environmental Samples." Chemistry Department Seminar. SUNY Oswego. Oswego, NY. 10 May 2014. Guest Lecture.

Pagano, Todd, et al. "Analysis of Phenolic Compounds in Tea Using Multidimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy." 247th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Dallas, TX. 16 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Smith, Susan B., Annemarie D. Ross, and Todd Pagano. "Conducting Undergraduate Research with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in the Chemical and Biological Sciences." 25 Nov. 2014. TS - typescript (typed). *

Pagano, Todd, et al. "Nicotine Concentrations in Disposable Electronic Cigarettes: an Assessment of Variability in Advertised and Delivered Nicotine Levels by GC-MS Analysis." 28 Oct. 2014. TS - typescript (typed). *

Bida, Morgan, Christina A. Tyler, and Todd Pagano. "Quantity and Composition of Stream Dissolved Organic Matter in the Watershed of Conesus Lake, New York." 22 Oct. 2014. TS - typescript (typed). *


Pagano, Todd, Annemarie D. Ross, and Susan B. Smith (2014-2015). Enhancing Technical Skills Related to Health Sciences and Sustainability Careers for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Laboratory Science Technology Students. Grant received/funded by VATEA, New York State Department of Education. *

View All Submissions

Ila Parasnis

MSSE - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Parasnis, Ila and Vincent J. Samar. "Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version (ADSA-SLV): Criterion Validity." 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. Association for Psychological Science. Washington, DC. 24 May 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Parasnis, Ila and Vincent J. Samar. "Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version (ADSA-SLV): An Accessible ADHD Instrument for Evaluating Deaf Adults." Effective Access Technology Conference. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ £

View All Submissions

John-Allen Payne

Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

Payne, John-Allen. Workbook for Bridge to College English-1 NENG-231. First ed. Rochester, NY: National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), 2014. Print.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Payne, John-Allen. "Verb Tenses in the STEM disciplines." NTID DeafTEC Videorecording Session. NTID DeafTEC Center. Rochester, NY. 3 Nov. 2014. Guest Lecture. ∆

View All Submissions

Geoff Poor

Academic Affairs
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Published Game, Application or Software

Poor, Geoffrey S., Raja Kushalnagar, and Dale Moore. STEM Signs Dictionary Project: Information Technology. Software. DeafTEC. 2014. ≠

View All Submissions

Vicki Robinson

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Robinson, Vicki. "Teaching Physics to Deaf College Students in a 3-D Virtual Lab." Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities 17. 1 (2014): 41-52. Web. *

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Annemarie Ross

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Ross, Annemarie D and Susan B. Smith. "Research with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Undergrads." 2014 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. BCCE. Allendale, MI. 5 Aug. 2014. Poster Session. *

Ross, Annemarie D., Susan B. Smith, and Todd Pagano. "Academic Benefits of the Online ACS Climate Change Toolkit for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." 247th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Dallas, TX. 16 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Smith, Susan B., Annemarie D. Ross, and Todd Pagano. "Encouraging Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students in Undergraduate Research at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology." 247th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Dallas, TX. 16 Mar. 2014. Poster Session. *

Roslonowski, Mary C., et al. "Bringing Together Stakeholders to Improve Student Success: The Two-year College Advisory Board's Strategy for Facilitating Open Dialogue." 247th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Dallas, TX. 16 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Lynn, Matthew A., et al. "A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of the Experiences of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Transitioning into Baccalaureate Studies in STEM Disciplines." Effective Access Technology. RIT. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

Lynn, Matthew A., Sandra Connelly, and Annemarie D. Ross. "A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of the Experiences of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Transitioning into Baccalaureate Studies in STEM Disciplines." ANNY Second Annual Conference. Assessment Network of New York (ANNY). Rochester, NY. 28 Apr. 2014. Poster Session. *

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Pagano, Todd, Annemarie D. Ross, and Susan B. Smith. "Conducting Undergraduate Research with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in the Chemical and Biological Sciences." 25 Aug. 2014. TS - typescript (typed). «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Ross, Annemarie D, Susan B. Smith, and Todd Pagano. "Developing an Inclusive Environment for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Undergraduate Research Programs." 248th ACS National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 11 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

Ross, Annemarie D, Blake Aronson, and Neil Bastian. "Recognizing Excellence: Investigating a Recognition Program for Two-Year Colleges." 2014 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. ACS-BCCE. Allendale, MI. 3 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation. *


Pagano, Todd, et al (2014-2015). Enhancing Technical Skills Related To Health Sciences And Sustainability Careers For Deaf And Hard-Of-Hearing Laboratory Science Technology Students. Grant received/funded by Research Foundation of SUNY, DED-Department of Education. ≠

View All Submissions

Vincent Samar

Liberal Studies - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kumar, Arun, et al. "A Wavelet Based Algorithm for the Identification of Oscillatory Event-Related Potential Components." Journal of Neuroscience Methods 233. (2014): 63-72. Print. ˜

Roman, Gretchen and Vincent J. Samar. "Workstation Ergonomics Improves Posture and Reduces Musculoskeletal Pain in Video Interpreters." Journal of Interpreting. (2014): 1-15. Print. ˜


Samar, Vincent. Demonstration of Video Enabled Surveys: Interactive Software to Build and Present Surveys in Spoken, Written and Signed Languages. 17-18 Jun. 2014. Rochester Riverside Convention Center, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. ∆


Samar, Vincent (2014-2015). Assessing Cardiovascular Risks in Deaf Adolescents Who Use Sign Language Subcontract to NTID for Young People's Cardiovascular Health Literacy Survey Analysis, Dissemination, and Interface Refinement. Grant received/funded by NIH/National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH/National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. ≠

DeCaro, James and Vincent Samar (2014-2019). Rochester Prevention Research Center- National Center for Deaf Health Research (NCDHR). Deaf Weight Wise 2.0. Grant received/funded by Prevention Research Centers, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ≠

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Cerulli, Catherine, Robert Pollard, and Vincent Samar. "Associations Between Intimate Partner Violence Exposure And Preventative Health Care Seeking Comparing Deaf And Hearing Samples." 6th World Congress On Mental Health And Deafness. Queen's University Belfast. Belfast, Ireland. 16 Sep. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Samar, Vincent, Sid Segalowitz, and James Dejardins. "Adverse Childhood Conditions Dysregulate Adults Executive Self-Regulation Mechanisms In Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex." UNYTE Translational Research Network, Scientific Session, Promoting Upstate New York Collaborations in Neuroscience Research,. UNYTE Translational Research Network. Rochester, NY. 16 May 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Samar, Vincent, Sid Segalowitz, and James Dejardins. "Adverse Childhood Conditions May Impair Adults Cortical Attention Mechanisms: ERP Evidence." 26th Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Washington, DC. 24 May 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Samar, Vincent J. and Tamala David. "Video Enabled Survey Tool: Interactive Software to Build and Present Surveys in Signed, Spoken, and Written Language." Diversity at the University Fall Research Conference: Growing the Next Generation of Community-Based Researchers,. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 28 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Samar, Vincent. "Video Enabled Surveys: Interactive Software to Build and Present Surveys in Signed, Spoken, and Written Language." 2nd Conference on Effective Access Technology. RIT, Al Sigl, L3, ABVI, Heritage, ARC, Paradigm. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Parasnis, Ila and Vincent Samar. "Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version (ADSA-SLV): Criterion validity." 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science,. Association for Psychological Science. Washington, DC. 24 May 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Parasnis, Ila and Vincent Samar. "Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version (ADSA-SLV): An Accessible ADHD Instrument for Evaluating Deaf Adults." 2nd Conference on Effective Access Technology. RIT, Al Sigl, L3, ABVI, Heritage, ARC, Paradigm. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

View All Submissions

Deirdre Schlehofer

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education, ASLIE - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Schenkel, Lindsay S., et al. "Child Maltreatment and Trauma Exposure Among Deaf and Hard of Hearing Young Adults." Child Abuse & Neglect 38. (2014): 1581-1589. Print. * £


Schlehofer, Deirdre, et al (2/14-8/14). Effective Mentoring and Leadership Skills for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Women Faculty at NTID/RIT. Grant received/funded by ADVANCERIT Connect Grants, National Science Foundation (NSF) under Award No. HRD-1209115.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schlehofer, Deirdre. "ASL is Beautiful." Rochester Deaf Awareness Week (RDAW). Deaf Rochester Community. Rochester, NY. 14 Sep. 2014. Keynote Speech.

Schlehofer, Deirdre. "Equivalent and Effective Interpreting Process and Translation of First Language and Second Language." Genesee Valley Region Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (GVRRID). RID/ACET. Rochester, NY. 18 Oct. 2014. Lecture.

Uninvited Presentations

Boling, Leisa, et al. "The Roots of ASL E-Curriculum." Conference of Interpreter Trainers (CIT). CIT. Portland, OR. 30 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

Schlehofer, Deirdre. "Human Rights and Global Health: Deaf Women Overcoming Challenges." Canada Deaf Women's Conference. Canada Deaf Women (CDW). Montreal, Canada. 18 Jul. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

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Sara Schley

Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Published Review

Schley, Sara. "Reflections on Bilingual Parenting." Rev. of Bilingual Deaf and Hearing Families, eds. B Bodner-Johnson and B. S. Benedict. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, vol 19(3) 2014: 422. Print. ∆

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Kathryn Schmitz

Associate Professor
Academic Affairs
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Schmitz, Kathryn. "Using Web Conferencing Technology to Foster Inclusive Course Experiences for Deaf Students." 16th International ASSETS Conference Reception and Showcase. Association for Computing Machinery. Rochester, NY. 20 Oct. 2014. Poster Session.

Schmitz, Kathryn and Elissa Weeden. "Using Web Conferencing Technology to Foster Inclusive Course Experiences for Deaf Students." Effective Access Technology Conference. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Poster Session. *

Invited Article/Publication

Weeden, Elissa and Kathryn Schmitz. "Using Web Conferencing Technology to Foster Inclusive Course Experiences for Deaf Students." Volta Voices. (2014). Web. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schmitz, Kathryn, Gerald Berent, and Ronald Kelly. "Deaf Students? Acquisition of Diverse Lexical Properties of English Verbs: New Guidance for English Teaching, Learning, and Assessment." American Association for Applied Linguistics. American Association for Applied Linguistics. Toronto, Canada. 21 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation. *

Schmitz, Kathryn, Gerald Berent, and Ronald Kelly. "Deaf Students? Acquisition of Diverse Lexical Properties of English Verbs: New Guidance for English Teaching, Learning, and Assessments? Acquisition of Diverse Lexical Properties of English Verbs: New Guidance for English Teaching, Learning, and Assessment." International Congress on Education of the Deaf. International Congress on Education of the Deaf. Athens, Greece. 6 Jul. 2015. Conference Presentation. *

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Michael Stinson

Research Associate Professor
MSSE - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Stinson, Michael, Lisa Elliot, and Donna Easton. "Deaf/hard of Hearing and Other Postsecondary Learners? Retention of STEM Content with Tablet Computer Based Notes." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 19. 2 (2014): 251-269. Print. *

Book Chapter

Albertini, John, Michael Stinson, and Argiroula Zangana. "Composing Academic Essays: Using Dictation and Technology to Improve Fluency." Writing Development in Children with Hearing Loss, Dyslexia, or Oral Language Problems. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 100-111. Print. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Get Mobile Captioning Anywhere." Effective Access Technology Conference. Rochester Insitute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Using Technology to Improve Communication in Small Groups with Deaf and Hearing Students." Effective Access Technology Conference. Rochester Insitute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. £

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Real-Time Caption Challenge: C-Print." ACM-ASSETS. ACM. Rochester, Greece. 20 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. *

View All Submissions

Michael Voelkl

Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

National/International Competition Award Winner

Voelkl, Michael J. Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Magazine. 2014 Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Award. Toronto, Ontario, 2014. * ˆ

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Sharron Webster

Principal Lecturer
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Webster, Sharron and Patricia Wink. "Immediate Feedback and Mathematics Learning." 26th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. ICTCM: International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. San Antonio, TX. 21 Mar. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆

View All Submissions