Liberal Studies - 2014 | National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Faculty Scholarship 2014
Liberal Studies
To view listing from a different department, select department name from the right.Jessica Cuculick
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2014 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Cuculick, Jess A. "Focus Groups and Interviewing: Deaf Culture." Sign Language Linguistic Conference. Korea Society for Sign Language Linguistics. Chungchungnam-Do, Korea. 11 Aug. 2014. Conference Presentation.
Cuculick, Jess A. "Facebooking Among Deaf College Students: Deaf-gain and Funds of Knowledge." Diss. University of Rochester, 2014. Print.
Kathleen Eilers-crandall
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2014 Submissions
Full Length Book
Eilers-crandall, Kathleen. Women Leaders - Reading with Study Guide. 2nd edition ed. Rochester, NY: NTID, 2014. Print. ˆ
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Eilers-crandall, Kathleen. "Infinitive or Gerund -- Solving the Puzzle." NTID DeafTEC Videorecording Session. NTID DeafTEC Center. Rochester, NY. 4 Nov. 2014. Guest Lecture.
Pamela Kincheloe
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2014 Submissions
Journal Paper
Kincheloe, Pamela. "A Bakhtinian Building Bridges: A Bahktinian Analysis of the Flying Words Project poem "Wise Old Corn." Sign Language Studies 16. 1 (2015): 0. Print. *
Pamela, Kincheloe. A Perverse Diverse: Dynamics of Attraction and Repulsion in Representations of Cochlear Implants in North American Media. 6 Jul. 2015. ICED, Athens. Exhibit. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Pamela, Kincheloe,. "Robocomp: Merging Cyborg Theory with Multimodal Practice in the First Year Writing Classroom." Conference on College Composition and Communication. NCTE. Tampa, FL. 9 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
Pamela, Kincheloe. "See/I: Emergent Deaf Identities in American Popular Culture." 1 Jan. 2014. TS - typescript (typed). *
Pamela, Kincheloe. "The Heteroglossic Voice of The Silent Worker." 1 Oct. 2015. TS - typescript (typed). *
John-Allen Payne
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2014 Submissions
Full Length Book
Payne, John-Allen. Workbook for Bridge to College English-1 NENG-231. First ed. Rochester, NY: National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), 2014. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Payne, John-Allen. "Verb Tenses in the STEM disciplines." NTID DeafTEC Videorecording Session. NTID DeafTEC Center. Rochester, NY. 3 Nov. 2014. Guest Lecture. ∆