Information and Computing Studies - 2014 | National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Faculty Scholarship 2014
Information and Computing Studies
To view listing from a different department, select department name from the right.Karen Beiter
Associate Professor
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2014 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Kushalnagar, Raja S. and Karen J. Beiter. "Optimal Viewing Distance for Deaf Signers." Proceedings of the Annual International Technology & Persons With Disabilities Conference. Ed. CSUN. Northridge, CA: n.p., 2014. Web. *
Kushalnagar, Raja S. Accessible Views: Optimal Views. By Karen J. Beiter. 5 May 2014. ImagineRIT, Rochester. Exhibit. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Beiter, Karen J. and Raja S. Kushalnagar. "Optimal Classroom Views for Deaf Students." The 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Association for Computing Machinery. Rochester, NY. 20 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. *
Beiter, Karen J. and Raja S. Kushalnagar. "Optimal Classroom Views for Deaf Students." Effective Access Technology Conference. RIT. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. *
Raja Kushalnagar
Assistant Professor
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2014 Submissions
Journal Paper
Kushalnagar, Raja S., Walter S. Lasecki, and Jeffrey P. Bigham. "Accessibility Evaluation of Classroom Captions." ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 5. 3 (2014): 1-24. Print. *
Adler, Henry, et al. "Undergraduate Research in Mathematics with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: Four Perspectives." Involve: A Journal Of Mathematics 7. 3 (2014): 247-264. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Kushalnagar, Raja S., Ramachandran Vignesh, and Tae Oh. "Tactile Captions: Augmenting Visual Captions." Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers Helping People. Ed. Arthur Karshmer. Paris, France: Springer International Publishing, 2014. Web. *
Kushalnagar, Raja S. and Poorna Kushalnagar. "Live and Collaborative Gaze Review for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students." Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers Helping People. Ed. Arthur Karshmer. Paris, France: Springer International Publishing, 2014. Print. *
Kushalnagar, Raja S. and Karen J. Beiter. "Optimal Viewing Distance for Deaf Signers." Proceedings of the Annual International Technology & Persons With Disabilities Conference. Ed. CSUN. Northridge, CA: n.p., 2014. Web. *
Kushalnagar, Raja S., et al. "Enhancing Caption Accessibility Through Simultaneous Multimodal Information: Visual-Tactile Captions." Proceedings of the 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility - ASSETS '14. Ed. ACM. Rochester, NY: ACM, Print. *
Kushalnagar, Raja S., et al. "AVD-LV: An Accessible Player for Captioned Stem Videos." Proceedings of the 16th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility - ASSETS '14, October 22-24, 2014, Rochester, NY. Ed. ACM. NY, NY: ACM, Print. *
Lasecki, Walter S., Raja S. Kushalnagar, and Jeffrey P. Bigham. "Legion Scribe." Proceedings of the 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility - ASSETS '14, October 22-24, 2014, Rochester, NY. Ed. ACM. NY, NY: ACM, Print. *
James Mallory
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2014 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Mallory, James R. and M. Billowus. "Teaching Technology in the Virtual World of Second Life." 17th Annual SLOAN Consortium on Asynchronous Learning Networks. SOAN Consortium. Orlando, Florida. 15 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆
Mallory, James R., et al. "Preferences for Deaf and HH Learners in Online Classes." Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (SIGACCESS). RIT. Rochester, New York. 21 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆
Mallory, James R. and Vicki Robinson. "Using Virtual World of Access Technology to Teach Physics and Computer Hardware to Deaf and HH Students." Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (SIGACCESS). Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 21 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆
Mallory, James R. "Using Testout Virtual Laboratories as a Technology Classroom Alternative for Deaf and HH Students." Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (SIGACCESS). Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 21 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆
Mallory, James R. "Benefits of using Virtual Multimedia Laboratories." New York Security and Engineering Technology Association (NYSETA. NYSETA. Buffalo, New York. 31 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆
Mallory, James R., Gary L. Long, and Susan Foster. "Preferred Access for Online Deaf and HH Students." Effective Access Technology Conference. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 21 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆
Mallory, James R. and Vicki Robinson. "Virtual Learning in Technical Classes Using Second Life for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students." Effective Access Technology Conference. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 21 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆