Liberal Studies - Research - 2014 | National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Faculty Scholarship 2014

Liberal Studies - Research

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Gerald Berent

Liberal Studies - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Berent, Gerald P. "Deaf Students Emerging English Verb Knowledge: Facilitating Acquisition Through Input Enhancement Instruction." Listening and Spoken Language II: Transition to School and Emergent Literacy. Nazareth College. Rochester, NY. 24 Jun. 2014. Guest Lecture. ≠

Berent, Gerald P. "The Centrality of Verb Knowledge in Language Acquisition: Implications for Deaf Students English Education." Language Acquisition and Learning, MSSE. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, RIT. Rochester, NY. 20 Mar. 2014. Guest Lecture.

National/International Competition Award Winner

Kelly, Ronald R., et al. National Science Foundation. Stereotype Threat Effects on Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students Mathematics Problem Solving Performance. Bethesda, MD, 2014.

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Vincent Samar

Liberal Studies - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2014 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kumar, Arun, et al. "A Wavelet Based Algorithm for the Identification of Oscillatory Event-Related Potential Components." Journal of Neuroscience Methods 233. (2014): 63-72. Print. ˜

Roman, Gretchen and Vincent J. Samar. "Workstation Ergonomics Improves Posture and Reduces Musculoskeletal Pain in Video Interpreters." Journal of Interpreting. (2014): 1-15. Print. ˜


Samar, Vincent. Demonstration of Video Enabled Surveys: Interactive Software to Build and Present Surveys in Spoken, Written and Signed Languages. 17-18 Jun. 2014. Rochester Riverside Convention Center, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. ∆


Samar, Vincent (2014-2015). Assessing Cardiovascular Risks in Deaf Adolescents Who Use Sign Language Subcontract to NTID for Young People's Cardiovascular Health Literacy Survey Analysis, Dissemination, and Interface Refinement. Grant received/funded by NIH/National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH/National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. ≠

DeCaro, James and Vincent Samar (2014-2019). Rochester Prevention Research Center- National Center for Deaf Health Research (NCDHR). Deaf Weight Wise 2.0. Grant received/funded by Prevention Research Centers, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ≠

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Cerulli, Catherine, Robert Pollard, and Vincent Samar. "Associations Between Intimate Partner Violence Exposure And Preventative Health Care Seeking Comparing Deaf And Hearing Samples." 6th World Congress On Mental Health And Deafness. Queen's University Belfast. Belfast, Ireland. 16 Sep. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Samar, Vincent, Sid Segalowitz, and James Dejardins. "Adverse Childhood Conditions Dysregulate Adults Executive Self-Regulation Mechanisms In Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex." UNYTE Translational Research Network, Scientific Session, Promoting Upstate New York Collaborations in Neuroscience Research,. UNYTE Translational Research Network. Rochester, NY. 16 May 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Samar, Vincent, Sid Segalowitz, and James Dejardins. "Adverse Childhood Conditions May Impair Adults Cortical Attention Mechanisms: ERP Evidence." 26th Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Washington, DC. 24 May 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Samar, Vincent J. and Tamala David. "Video Enabled Survey Tool: Interactive Software to Build and Present Surveys in Signed, Spoken, and Written Language." Diversity at the University Fall Research Conference: Growing the Next Generation of Community-Based Researchers,. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 28 Oct. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Samar, Vincent. "Video Enabled Surveys: Interactive Software to Build and Present Surveys in Signed, Spoken, and Written Language." 2nd Conference on Effective Access Technology. RIT, Al Sigl, L3, ABVI, Heritage, ARC, Paradigm. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Parasnis, Ila and Vincent Samar. "Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version (ADSA-SLV): Criterion validity." 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science,. Association for Psychological Science. Washington, DC. 24 May 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

Parasnis, Ila and Vincent Samar. "Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version (ADSA-SLV): An Accessible ADHD Instrument for Evaluating Deaf Adults." 2nd Conference on Effective Access Technology. RIT, Al Sigl, L3, ABVI, Heritage, ARC, Paradigm. Rochester, NY. 17 Jun. 2014. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜

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