American Sign Language and Interpreting Education - 2013 | National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Faculty Scholarship 2013

American Sign Language and Interpreting Education

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Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2013 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Boling, L., et al. "A New Frontier: American Sign Language e-Curriculum (Poster)." Conference Council of American Instructors of the Deaf Conference (CAID). National Technical Institue of the Deaf. Rochester, NY. 24-28 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

Boling, L., et al. "To Meet the Demands of a New Age: Innovative ASL e-Curriculum." Conference 2013 American Sign Language Teacher Association's 7th Biennial Professional Development Conference. ASLTA. Charlotte, NC. 2-7 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

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Peter Hauser

American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

Quinto-Pozos, D., et al. "Atypical Sign Language Development: A Case Study of Challenges with Visual Perspective-taking." Cognitive Neuropsychology. (2013) Print. «

Guldenoglu, B., et al. "A Comparison of the Letter Processing Skills of Hearing and Deaf Readers: Evidence Form Five Orthographies." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2013) Print. «

Clark, D. M., et al. "The Importance of Early Sign Language Acquisition for Deaf Readers." Reading and Writing Quarterly. (2013) Print. «

Hauser, P. C., J. Lukomski, and V. Samar. "Reliability and Validity of the BRIEF-A for Assessing Deaf College Students' Executive Function." Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 31. (2013): 363-374. Print. «

Corina, D. P., et al. "Lexical Processing in Deaf Readers: An FMRI Investigation of Reading Proficiency." Public Library of Science ONE 8. 1 (2013): e54696. Web. «


Hauser, P. C. (2013-2013). Broadening the Participation of Deaf Students in Sign Language Research. Grant proposal submitted to SBE-Linguistics, National Science Foundation. «

Hauser, P. C. (2013-2018). Rochester Bridges to the Doctorate Program (R25) for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. Grant proposal submitted to R25, DHHS-NIH: National Institute for General Medicine Studies. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Hauser, P. C. "Sign Language Assessment: A Bridge Between Theory and Practice." 11th Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference. University College London. London, UK. 13 Jul. 2013. Keynote Speech. ∆

Hauser, P. C. "Deaf Scientists Need Deaf Mentors." 6th Deaf Academics Conference. Catholic University of Portugal. Lisbon, Portugal. 16 Jul. 2013. Keynote Speech. ∆

Hauser, P. C. "What Parents and Teachers Need to Know About How Deaf Children Learn." 4th Early Childhood Education Summit. Texas School for the Deaf. Austin, Texas. 15 Mar. 2013. Keynote Speech. ∆

Hauser, P. C., E. Israel, and J. Contreras. "Deaf Students' Performance on the Color Trails Test: Effect of Early Sign Language Acquisition." 11th Meeting of the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference. University College London. London, UK. 10 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Corina, D., et al. "Lexical Processing in Deaf Readers: An FMRI Investigation of Reading Proficiency." 11th meeting of the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference. University College London. London, UK. 10 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Hauser, P. C., et al. "What Makes Deaf People Happy?" 6th Deaf Academics Conference. Catholic University of Portugal. Lisbon, Portugal. 15 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Contreras, J., E. Israel, and P. C. Hauser. "Importance of Sign Language for Cognitive Development." 6th Deaf Academics Conference. Catholic University of Portugal. Lisbon, Portugal. 15 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

McKee, M. and P. C. Hauser. "Addressing Deaf and Hard of Hearing LGBT Individuals' Health Care Needs: A Communication and Cultural Primer." Gay and Lesbian Medical Association Conference. GLMA. Denver, CO. 15 Sep. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Hauser, P. C., J. Contreras, and E. Israel. "Effect of Language on Executive Function Development: Case of Deaf Signers." 25th Association of Psychological Science Convention. APS. Washington, DC. 14 May 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Colayori, K., et al. "Development of the American Sign Language Comprehension Test." Inter-Science of Learning Centers Conference. Carnegie Mellon. Philadelphia, PA. 12 Feb. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Conteras, J. and P. C. Hauser. "Impact of Early Sign Language Acquisition on Deaf Children's Executive Function Development." Inter-Science of Learning Centers Conference. Carnegie Mellon. Philadelphia, PA. 12 Feb. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Israel, E. and P. C. Hauser. "Deaf Students' Performance on the Color Trails Test: Effect of Early Sign Language Acquisition." Inter-Science of Learning Centers Conference. Carnegie Mellon. Philadelphia, PA. 12 Feb. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Quinto-Pozos, D., J. Singleton, and P. Hauser. "A Case of Specific Language Impairment in a Native Deaf Signer of American Sign Language." Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI. 8 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation. «

Hauser, P. C. "Deaf Cultural Capital: What Deaf Individuals Need for Navigating Life." Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences. University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign. Urbana-Champaign, IL. 28 Sep. 2013. Guest Lecture. ∆

Hauser, P. C. "Impact of Early Language Experience on the Development of the Executive Functions." Department of Linguistics. University of Texas-Austin. Austin, TX. 14 Mar. 2013. Guest Lecture. ∆

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Kim Kurz

American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2013 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kurz, Kim. "Applying the American Sign Language National Standards to Interpreter Preparation Programs." Colorado Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf and Colorado American Sign Language Teachers Association Statewide Conference. . Colorado Springs, CO. 13 Apr. 2013. Keynote Speech.

Boling, L., et al. "A New Frontier: ASL E-Curriculum." Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf. American Instructors of the Deaf. Rochester, NY. 19 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Kurz, K., et al. "Standards for Learning American Sign Language (ASL) in the 21st Century." In Press. TS - typescript (typed). *

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Jason Listman

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2013 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Boling, Leisa, et al. "To Meet the Demands of a New Age: Innovative ASL e-Curriculum." 2013 American Sign Language Teacher Association's 7th Biennial Professional Development Conference. ASLTA. Charlotte, NC. 2-7 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

Boling, Leisa, et al. "A New Frontier: American Sign Language e-Curriculum." Council of American Instructors of the Deaf Conference (CAID). National Technical Institute of the Deaf. Rochester, NY. 24-28 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation. *


Listman, Jason D. "Nature of Deaf Mentoring Dyads: Role of Subjugated Knowledge." Diss. Doctoral in Education from St. John Fisher College, 2013. Print.

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Campbell McDermid

Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2013 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

McDermid, Campbell. "Functional of Formal Message Equivalency in Educational Interpreting." Educational Services Support Personnel. ESSP. Rome, NY. 2 Nov. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

McDermid, Campbell. "A Pragmatic Model of Language Interpretation." Critical Link 7. Glendon College, York University. Toronto, Ontario. 18 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation. * ∆

McDermid, Campbell. "Teaching English Articles Through ASL: A Bilingual Approach." California Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Cal-Ed. Marina Del Rey, CA. 9 Mar. 2013. Conference Presentation. * ∆

McDermid, Campbell. "Bilingual Approach to Teaching English Articles." Convention of the American Instructors of the Deaf Conference. CAID. Rochester, NY. 28 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation. * ∆

McDermid, Campbell. "Conceptualizing Message Equivalency and Fidelity: How Do Educational Interpreters Convey Meaning?" Convention of the American Instructors of the Deaf Conference. CAID. Rochester, New York. 28 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

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Christine Monikowski

American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2013 Submissions

Full Length Book

Monikowski, Christine and Elizabeth A. Winston. Evolving Paradigms in Interpreting Education. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2013. Print.

Book Chapter

Monikowski, Christine. "The Academic's Dilemma: a Balanced and Integrated Career." Evolving Paradigms in Interpreting Education. Ed. Elizabeth A. Winston and Christine Monikowski. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2013. 1-27. Print.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Monikowski, Christine. "The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning." Annual Colloquium Series. Gallaudet University, Dept. of Interpretation. Washington, DC. 6 Nov. 2013. Keynote Speech. ∆

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

4/20/2013 - 6/8/2013
     U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board
     Amount: $15,000 *

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Cynthia Sanders

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2013 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Sanders, Cynthia. "Application of Speech Act Theory to American Sign Language." NTID MSSE students. Deirdre Schlehofer. Rochester, NY. 2 May 2013. Lecture.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Newell, William, et al. "An Overview of ASL at Work." ASLTA pre Conference 2013. Dawn Sign Press. Charlotte, NC. 1 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆

Boling, Leisa, et al. "To Meet the Demands of a New Age: Innovative ASL e-Curriculum." 2013 American Sign Language Teacher Association's 7th Biennial Professional Development Conference. ASLTA. Charlotte, NC. 2-7 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆

Boling, Leisa, et al. "A New Frontier: American Sign Language e-Curriculum (Poster)." Council of American Instructors of the Deaf Conference (CAID). National Technical Institute of the Deaf. Rochester, NY. 24-28 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆

Boling, Leisa, et al. "A New Frontier: American Sign Language e-Curriculum." Rosica Hall Research Festival. NTID/RIT. Rochester, NY. 13 Sep. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆

Sanders, Dr. Cynthia. "OH-I-SEE: Indirect Messages in American Sign Langauge (Poster Presentation)." Seed Funding Awardees Poster Session. Provost's Sponsored Research Services. Rochester, NY. 14 Nov. 2013. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Deirdre Schlehofer

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2013 Submissions

Journal Paper

McKee, M., D. Schlehofer, and D.Thew. "Ethical Issues in Conducting Research with Deaf Populations." American Journal of Public Health 103. 12 (2013): 2174-8. Web. * £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schlehofer, Deirdre. "NTID's Interpreting Program"." Sign Language Interpreters Program. National Center of Sign Language Education Community Sagano. Kyoto, JAPAN. 22 Feb. 2013. Guest Lecture.

Schlehofer, Deirdre. "History of Deaf Women's Studies in the United States." Japanese ASL Signers. Japanese ASL Signers Society (JASLSS). Tokyo, JAPAN. 2 Mar. 2013. Lecture.

Boling, L., et al. "A New Frontier: American Sign Language e-Curriculum"." 2013 American Sign Language Teacher Association's 7th Biennial Professional Development Conference. ASLTA. Charlotte, NC. 2-7 Jul. 2013. Conference Presentation. *

Schlehofer, Deirdre. "How to Teach Hearing Faculty Who Work with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students: Faculty Staff Sign Language Program (FSSLP)." Faculty Meeting. The National University Corporation of Tsukuba University of Technology (NTUT). Tokyo, JAPAN. 27 Feb. 2013. Lecture.

Boling, L., et al. "To Meet the Demands of a New Age: Innovative ASL e-Curriculum (Poster)." Council of American Instructors of the Deaf Conference (CAID). National Technical Institute of the Deaf. Rochester, NY. 24-28 Jun. 2013. Conference Presentation.

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