Student and Faculty Research Program
A collaboration of NYSP2I's five university partners, the Student and Faculty Research Program gives students the opportunity to conduct original academic research projects alongside university faculty. The summer-long program enables students to propose, develop, design, and research solutions to real world environmental challenges. It is meant to foster creative thinking, problem solving, teamwork and collaboration across disciplines.
Student teams from NYSP2I partner universities, Binghamton University, Clarkson University, Cornell University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Rochester Institute of Technology are eligible to apply. The program culminates with a symposium in September, during which the student teams give a formal academic presentation of the results of their work, field questions from a live audience, and participate in a poster session.
2024 Program

Green Chemistry and Safer Chemicals in Products and Industry
This summer, student and faculty research teams from four of our partner universities will propose, develop, and design solutions for research projects focused on green chemistry. They will identify and work towards developing more sustainable chemical products or processes.