What We Do

Solving problems on your own is hard. Working with us is simple. The New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) is a resource for any organization seeking cost-effective strategies for realizing new levels of efficiency and minimizing their impacts on the environment.

Our team of engineers and researchers collaborates with the decision-makers—small business owners, manufacturers, community leaders—working to make New York State a national model for sustainability, waste-reduction, and pollution prevention.

A person sitting in front of equipment used in supply chain sustainability.

Who we work with

Our team of engineers and researchers work with businesses, nonprofits, municipalities, and other community organizations registered with New York State. They provide them with cost-effective, actionable solutions for becoming more resource efficient and sustainable.

How to get started

There is no cost for getting in touch with us to see if we can help. Our free initial screening includes a preliminary discussion to learn about your needs and situation. We may make a site visit, if necessary.

Initial assessment
Most projects begin with an assessment to

  • establish baseline information,
  • assess current core competencies,
  • identify opportunities for process improvement,
  • analyze energy and water usage,
  • conduct energy and material balances,
  • or evaluate technological strengths and weaknesses.

Solution development
Informed by data and research, our team develops a scope of work that clearly defines each project. It includes a project overview, a timeline, desired goals, a list of deliverables, and other key details.

Every project we take on is unique – there’s no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to implementing a solution. However, common project deliverables include the following:

  • product design updates
  • industrial process improvement recommendations
  • a report containing practical steps and instructions
  • educational workshops and training for staff and key stakeholders

Follow up
Our work doesn’t end when a project is implemented. We follow-up with clients annually to monitor progress, gather data to improve our solutions, and provide any assistance as needed.