University Committees with Senate Representation

Dismissal Review Committee for Tenure-Track Faculty (E23.0)

Jeanne Christman

College of Engineering Technology

Victor Perotti

Saunders College of Business

Bill Stackpole

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Dismissal Review Committee for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty (E23.1)

Faculty Honorary Degree Committee (D14)

Manuela Campanelli

College of Science

2021-2024 (1st term)

Satish Kandlikar

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2021-2024 (1st term)

Josh Owen

College of Art and Design

2021-2024 (1st term)

Linwei Wang

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2021-2024 (1st term)

George Zion

College of Engineering Technology

2021-2024 (1st term)

Faculty Professional Leave (E18)

md Abdullah al Faruque

College of Engineering Technology

2022-2025 (1st Term)

Hamad Ghazle

College of Health Sciences and Technology

2024-2027 (1st Term)

Dina Newman

College of Science

2024-2027 (1st Term)

Intellectual Property Policy Committee (C03)

Leon Reznik

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2022-2025 (2nd Term)

Isaac L. Jordan Sr. Pluralism Award Selection (E12.5)

Karen Tobin

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2024-2026 (1st term)

Outstanding Teaching Award for Non-Tenure Track Faculty (E12.7)

Karuna Koppula

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2023-2025 (1st term)

Parking and Traffic Appeals Board (C09)

Samuel Malachowsky

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2023-2025 (2nd Term)

Michael Kuhl

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2023-2025 (1st Term)

Parking and Transportation Advisory Group

Stephen Boedo

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2024-2026 (1st term)

Jeremy Cody

College of Science

2024-2026 (1st Term)

Privacy Advisory (C07)

Liz Lawley

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2022-2025 (2nd term)

Philip White

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2022-2025 (2nd term)

Research Compliance (C01)

Darren Narayan

College of Science

2022-2025 (1st Term)

Shared Governance Representatives

Michael Ruhling

College of Liberal Arts

2024-2025 Faculty Senate Representative to Staff Council

Michael Laver

College of Liberal Arts

2024-2025 Faculty Senate Representative to Student Government