Membership Levels and Fees

Community Group Membership

Fee Varies

A Community Group membership is designed for senior living facilities, town recreation groups, and other associations who would like to provide programming to their residents/members. The membership can be customized to include our live, interactive Zoom classes, in-person classes, access to our large library of course recordings, and access to our Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Zoom classes or recordings must be broadcast in a common room where residents congregate together; residents may not join classes from their own homes. The fee varies depending on the options chosen. Contact us at for more information and pricing.

Full-Year Membership

$365 Annual Fee

A Full-Year individual membership begins in whichever term you join and entitles you to four terms of all our available Osher Institute benefits in the chart below including unlimited classes and access to our library of course recording plus RIT University benefits such as a student ID card and access to auditing RIT classes. The annual fee is $365. Renewable.

Single-Term Membership

$165 Term Fee
Renewable; Convertible

A Single-Term individual membership offers the privileges of membership for one term (Fall, Winter, or Spring; for a Summer Single-Term membership, see chart below). It includes unlimited classes and access to our library of course recordings. The fee is $165. Renewable.

Not included: RIT University class auditing and student ID card
You may convert your Single-Term membership into a Full-Year membership by paying the additional balance at the end of the term, thereby adding the next three terms.

Supporting Membership

$175 Annual Fee

A Supporting individual membership entitles you to partial Osher Institute programming: social events, the Pfaudler Lecture Series, the Summer Seminar trips, Arts and Lectures events, and Special Interest Groups. The annual fee is $175. Renewable.

Not included: Osher Institute classes and library of course recordings; RIT University class auditing and student ID card 
You may invite one guest to events, Pfaudler lectures, and trips.

Summer Single-Term Membership

$105 Summer Term Fee

Individuals may participate in an unlimited number of Osher Institute summer courses and attend our Summer Seminar Series trips. You also have access our library of course recordings. The fee is $105.

Not included: RIT University class auditing and student ID card 
You may convert your Summer Single-Term membership into a Full-Year membership by paying the additional balance at the end of the term, thereby adding the next three terms.


Membership Fee Unlimited Courses & Recordings Library Pfaudler Lectures Social Events & SIGs Arts and Lectures Events Summer Trips RIT Student ID Card Audiology Services RIT Classes
Community Group One Term Varies          
Full-Year Individual $365
Single-Term Individual $165        
Supporting Individual $175        
Summer Single-Term Individual $105