

David Munson

Office of the President

Prabu David

Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs

Gerard Buckley

President NTID/Vice President and Dean RIT
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Doreen Edwards

Dean, Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

James Hall

Dean of University Studies and Executive Director SOIS
Academic Affairs

Andre Hudson

Dean, College of Science
College of Science

Matt Huenerfauth

Dean, Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Todd Jokl

Dean, College of Art and Design
College of Art and Design

Jacqueline Mozrall

Dean, Saunders College of Business
Saunders College of Business

Nabil Nasr

Associate Provost Academic Affairs and Director of GIS
Golisano Institute for Sustainability

Kelly Norris Martin

Dean, College of Liberal Arts
College of Liberal Arts

S. Manian Ramkumar

Dean, College of Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

Yong Tai Wang

Dean, College of Health Sciences and Technology
College of Health Sciences and Technology

Staff Council Representatives

Emily Redman

Senior Director Academic Affairs Budget, Financial Planning, Analysis and Resource Management
Academic Affairs

Staff Council Chair AY 2024-25

Gene Vogler

Events Systems Applications Administrator
Government and Community Relations

Staff Council Vice Chair AY 2024-25

David Brault

Director, RIT Tait Preserve
Finance and Administration

Andrew Cirillo

Associate Director, Spirituality and Religious Life
Student Affairs

Sarah Connolly

Assistant Director
Enrollment Management

Georgeanne Hogan

Administrative Assistant II
College of Science

Nicole Lupinetti

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Lauren Shields

Assistant Dean for Academic Services
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Evan Smith

Support Lead IV
Finance and Administration

John Smithgall

Assistant Dean CLA
College of Liberal Arts

Jeremy Zehr

Real-Time Captioning Coordinator II
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Faculty Senate Representatives

Atia Newman

Associate Professor
College of Art and Design

Faculty Senate Chair AY 2024-25

Sorim Chung

Associate Professor
Saunders College of Business

Stacey Davis

Principal Lecturer
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Franklin Deese

Associate Professor
College of Art and Design

Daniel Johnson

College of Engineering Technology

Scott Johnson

Senior Lecturer
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Joseph Lanzafame

Principal Lecturer
College of Science

Michael Laver

College of Liberal Arts

Poornima Padmanabhan

Associate Professor
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Ivan Puchades

Associate Professor
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Bolaji Thomas

College of Health Sciences and Technology

Student Government

Alex Shuron Headshot

Alex Shuron

SG President

Sophia Pries Headshot

Sophia Pries

SG Vice President

Ian Aiken Headshot

Ian Aiken

Director of Student Relations

Daniel Amburgey Headshot

Daniel Amburgey

OUTspoken President

Olivia Brinkman Headshot

Olivia Brinkman

Director of Operations

Tobi Fadipe Headshot

Tobi Fadipe

Global Union President

Charlie Gagliardo Headshot

Charlie Gagliardo

KGCOE Senator

Guerline Guerruer Headshot

Guerline Guerruer

ACA President

Umana Huq Headshot

Umana Huq

Director of Collaboration & Inclusion

Vishu Kharbanda Headshot

Vishu Kharbanda

NSC Representative

Luke McEwan Headshot

Luke McEwan

Director of Technology Services

Doug Scott Headshot

Doug Scott

SAAC President

Lily Chau Headshot

Lily Chau

Parking and Transportation Committee Chair

University Council Alternate

Morgan Keeney Headshot

Morgan Keeney

CLA Senator

University Council Alternate Representative

Alex Kilroy Headshot

Alex Kilroy

GCCIS Senator

University Council Alternate

Non-Voting Members

Neeraj Buch

Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Associate Provost for Student Success
Academic Affairs

Phil Castleberry

Vice President for University Advancement
University Advancement

Kathleen Davis

Vice President Enrollment Management and Associate Provost
Enrollment Management

Bob Finnerty

Associate Vice President of University Communications
Marketing and Communications

Vanessa J. Herman

Vice President for Government and Community Relations
Government and Community Relations

Keith Jenkins

Vice President and Associate Provost for Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion

Sandra Johnson

Senior Vice President Student Affairs
Student Affairs

Joe Johnston

Office of the President

Joe Loffredo

Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Registrar
Academic Affairs

Laverne McQuiller

Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
Academic Affairs

Jo Ellen Pinkham

Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Finance and Administration

Ryne Raffaelle

Vice President for Research

Diane Slusarski

Associate Provost, Dean RIT Graduate School
Academic Affairs

John Trierweiler

Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Chief Marketing Officer
Marketing and Communications

James Watters

Senior Vice President and Treasurer
Finance and Administration