Manufacturing Cybersecurity Training

We are pleased to offer the instructional materials and hands-on exercises on this page to the community — for free — as the foundation for a 7-8 hour training course on smart manufacturing security.

Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


Before beginning the training, we encourage reading our white paper on the importance of cybersecurity in smart machining and Industry 4.0, which is available here.

This course is broken into four modules, as enumerated below. For two of the modules, we provide hands-on interactive activities, which can be found below the course modules section on this page. A detailed outline of the topics covered in this course can be downloaded here


Course Modules

  1. Introduction to Cybersecurity - learn about the importance of protecting business operations, common types of cybersecurity attacks in manufacturing, best practices to protect businesses from attacks, and reporting guidelines for cybersecurity incidents.
  2. User Accounts and Access Control - covers the importance of access control, common types of access control mechanisms, best practices for managing user accounts, and the importance of cloud-based access control solutions.
  3. Configuration Management and Maintenance - study the importance of configuration management, the basics of wireless networks deployed as the Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT), why regular updates and monitoring are critical, cloud-based backup and recovery, and best practices for secure maintenance.
  4. Awareness, Training, and Non-technical Elements - identify common security risks and best practices, understand the role of management in a secure environment, and learn about the impact of human error on security.

Hands-On Activities

  • Module 1 Activity: Phishing (PDF)
  • Module 2 Activity: Password Strength (PDF)