School of Film and Animation - 2017 | College of Art and Design
Faculty Scholarship 2017
School of Film and Animation
To view listing from a different department, select department name from the right.Ambarien Alqadar
Assistant Professor
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Alqadar, Ambarien. Indpendent Filmmaker. n.d. Canada, New Brunswick. Exhibit.
Alqadar, Ambarien. Indpendent Filmmaker. 22 Sep. 2017. The American Center, New Delhi. Exhibit.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Alqadar, Ambarien. Independent Filmmaker. Award of Disticntion, Canada Shorts Film Festival. Canada, New Brunswick, 2017.
Alqadar, Ambarien. Independent Filmmaker. Mid Atlanctic Arts Foundation Creative Fellow. Virginia, VA, 2017. ≠
Alqadar, Ambarien. Independent Filmmaker. Official Selection, Oil Valey Film Festival. Oil City, PA, 2017.
Alqadar, Ambarien. Independent Filmmaker. Official Selection, YoFi Film Festival. Yonkers, NY.
Alqadar, Ambarien. Independent Filmmaker. Sundance Screenwriters Lab Shortlist. Park City, Utah, 2017.
Cathleen Ashworth
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Ashworth, Cathleen. Iroquois Creation Story. 17 Feb. 2017. Copa Shorts Film Festival, Maricopa, AZ. Exhibit.
Ashworth, Cat. Iroquois Creation Story. 21 Oct. 2017. Native Spirit Film Festival 2017, London, England. Exhibit.
Ashworth, Cat. Iroquois Creation Story. 21 Aug. 2017. Wolves International Film Festival, Saldutiškis, Utena, Lithuania. Exhibit.
Ashworth, Cat. ART Nature. Apr. 2017. Fast Forward Film Festival, Rochester, NY. Exhibit.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Ashworth, Cathleen. Copa Shorts Film Festival. Best Animation. Maricopa, AZ, 2017.
Jack Beck
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Beck, Jack. AUX1. 2007. Eight Festival Screenings, several cities. Exhibit. *
Beck, Jack. Fossil Light. 2008. Twenty-One Film Fests, several cities, international, awards. Exhibit. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Beck, Jack A. "A Case for Spectral Music: Score that Inhabits the Diegesis." UFVA - Media Diversity: Inclusion and Convergence. Cal State University, LA. Los Angeles, CA. 1 Aug. 2017. Conference Presentation. *
Beck, Jack A. "Challenges and New Approaches to Teaching Music and Sound in Film/New Media." GEECT - Music and Sound Design: When Theory Meets Practice. GEECT at the National Library. Vilnius, Lithuania. 29 Sep. 2017. Conference Presentation. ∆
Thomas Gasek
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Full Length Book
Gasek, Tom. Frame by Frame Stop Motion; The Guide to Non-Puppet Photographic Animation Techniques. second ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press / Taylor and Francis Group, 2017. Print.
Gasek, Tom. Ain't No Fish. By Miki Cash, Tom Gasek. Jan. 2017. Bridgetown Barbados, Bridgetown, Barbados. Exhibit. *
Brian Larson
Associate Professor
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Brian, Larson,. Love Song of the Drone. 21 Jan. 2017. KidFilm Festival, Dallas, Texas. Exhibit. ˜
Brian, Larson,. Love Song of the Drone. 21 Apr. 2017. Blackbird Film Festival, Cortland, NY. Exhibit. ˜
Brian, Larson,. Love Song of the Drone. 31 Mar. 2017. Fast Forward Film Festival, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. ˜
Brian, Larson,. Love Song of the Drone. 3 Mar. 2017. Montana Internationl Children's Film Festival, Missoula, Montana. Exhibit. ˜
Brian, Larson,. Love Song of the Drone. 2 Jun. 2017. Okotoks Film Festival, Okotoks, Alberta, Canada. Exhibit. ˜
David Long
Associate Professor
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Dining, Anna and David Long. "A User Study of Story Presence in an Immersive Narrative Experience tested with Variant Levels of Immersion." Proceedings of the SMPTE Annual Technology Conference. Ed. Dianne Purrier. Los Angeles, CA: n.p., 2017. Web. £
DoVale, Elizabeth and David Long. "High Frame Rate Psychophysics: Experimentation to Determine a JND for Frame Rate." Proceedings of the SMPTE Annual Technology Conference. Ed. Dianne Purrier. Los Angeles, CA: n.p., 2017. Web. £
Long, David. Future of Cinema. Dirs. David Long and Ricky Figueroa. 22 Apr. 2017. National Association of Broadcasters, Las Vegas, NV. Exhibit. ∆
National/International Competition Award Winner
Long, David and Mark Fairchild. Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. SMPTE Journal Certificate of Merit. Los Angeles, CA, 2017.
Long, David. Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. SMPTE Fellow. Los Angeles, CA, 2017.
Peter Murphey
Senior Lecturer
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Murphey, Peter. "Seen Again" Animated Film. n.d. Film Festivals Various Cities, New York, Chico, Toronto, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Athens (Greece). Exhibit. £
Jesse O'Brien
Assistant Professor
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Published Game, Application or Software
O'Brien, Jesse and Hi-Rez Studios. Paladins: Champions of the Realm. Game. Hi-Rez Studios. 2017. ≠
Syeda Quadri
Associate Professor
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Multiple, . The Character Mosaic Project. By Atia Newman and Mark Reisch. n.d. online, Rochester. Installation. ≠
Mark Reisch
Associate Professor
School of Film and Animation
College of Art and Design
2017 Submissions
Reisch, Mark. The Opportunity. 16 Nov. 2017. Rochester Institute of Technology Sofaculty Show, Rochester. Exhibit.