Kate Gleason College of Engineering - 2017

Faculty Scholarship 2017

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Vinay Abhyankar

Associate Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hasan, Mohammad R., et al. "One-Step Fabrication of Flexible Nanotextured PDMS as a Substrate for Selective Cell Capture." Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express. (2017): 1-11. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Tran, Nhat, et al. "MicroRNA Dysregulational Synergistic Network: Learning Context-Specific MicroRNA Dysregulations in Lung Cancer Subtypes." Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). Ed. IEEE. Kansas City, MO: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Inyang, Edidiong, Vinay V. Abhyankar, and Michael Cho. "Validation of an in vitro TBI Model for Blood Brain Barrier Disruption." Proceedings of the Biomedial Engineering Society Annual Meeting. Ed. BMES. Phoenix, AZ: BMES. £

Almendariz, Cristian, Mohammad R. Hasan, and Vinay V. Abhyankar. "A 3D Printed, Low Cost, High Capacity Bubble Trap for Microfluidic Applications." Proceedings of the Biomedial Engineering Society Annual Meeting. Ed. BMES. Phoenix, AZ: BMES. £

Hasan, Mohammad R., et al. "Flexible Nanotextured PDMS As A Substrate for Selective Cell Capture." Proceedings of the Biomedial Engineering Society Annual Meeting. Ed. BMES. Phoenix, AZ: BMES. £

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Mustafa Abushagur

Microsystems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Editor

Abushagur, Mustafa A.G., ed. Optics & Laser Technology. Atlanta: ELSEVIER, 2017. Print. *

Abushagur, Mustafa A.G., ed. Advances in Optical Technologies. London: HINDAWI, 2017. Web. *

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Iris Asllani

Research Associate Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Marshall, Randolph S., et al. "Altered Cerebral Hemodyamics and Cortical Thinning In Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis." PLOS One. (2017): 1-14. Print. *

Petr, Jan, et al. "Photon vs. Proton Radiochemotherapy: Effects on Brain Tissue Volume and Perfusion." Radiotherapy and Oncology. (2017): 221-231. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Liao, Justin, et al. "Effect of Brain Extraction of Low Resolution Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) fMRI Images on Realignment and Coregistration." Proceedings of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology. Ed. IEEE and EMBS. Piscataway, NJ: EMBS, 2017. Print. *

Marshall, Ronald S., et al. "Regional Hypoperfusion is Associated with Cortical Thinning in Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Disease." Proceedings of the International Stroke Conference. Ed. Marc Fisher. Houston, TX: ICS, 2017. Print. *

Petr, Jan, et al. "Perfusion Decrease During Radiochemotherapy is Not Fully Explained by Volumetric Gray Matter Changes." Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Ed. ISMRM. Concord, CA: ISMRM, 2017. Print. *

Chappell, Michael, et al. "Partial Volume Effects in Arterial Spin Labelling: Something to Live with or Correct for?" Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Ed. ISMRM. Concord, CA: ISMRM, 2017. Print. *

Mutsaerts, Henri J. , et al. "Arterial Spin Labeling Spatial Coefficient of Variation Predicts Carotid Occlusion Side." Proceedings of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Ed. Patrick Cozzone. Vienna, Austria: ESMRMB, 2017. Print. *

Petr, Jan, et al. "Comparison of Two Methods for Atrophy-Correction in Perfusion Imaging: Partial-Volume Correction Versus Gray-Matter Volume Covariate." Proceedings of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Ed. Patrick Cozzone. Vienna, Austria: ESMRMB, 2017. Print. *

Mutsaerts, Henri J., et al. "Perfusion Changes Following Elective Surgery In the Elderly." Proceedings of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Ed. Patrick Cozzone. Vienna, Austria: ESMRMB, 2017. Print. *

Mutsaerts, Henri J., et al. "Explore-ASL: Image Processing Toolbox For Multi-Center ASL Population Analyses." Proceedings of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Ed. Patrick Cozzone. Vienna, Austria: ESMRMB, 2017. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Asllani, Iris. "Clinical Applications of Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI." Perfusion Imaging in Oncological Research. Institut und Poliklinik fí¼r Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie. Dresden, Germany. 24 Jun. 2017. Lecture.

Asllani, Iris. "High Field ASL: Advantages and Disadvantages." Seminar Series on High Field MRI. University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 15 Jul. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Asllani, Iris. "Arterial Spin Labeling perfusion MRI: To PVEc or Not to PVEc?" Radiology Seminar. Imperial College. London, England. 22 Feb. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Asllani, Iris. "Applications of ASL PhysMRI in Aging and Dementia." Clinical Imaging Science Center. University of Brighton-Sussex. Brighton, UK. 21 Nov. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Mutsaerts, Henk-Jan and Iris Asllani. "ASL Spatial CoV Predicts Carotid Occlusion Side." European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. ESMRMB. Barcelona, Spain. 17 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation.

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Nasibeh Azadeh Fard

Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Shariatpanahi, Seyed Peyman, et al. "Assessing the Effectiveness of Disease Awareness Programs: Evidence From Google Trends Data For the World Awareness Dates." Telematics and Informatics 34. 7 (2017): 904-913. Web. «

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Margaret Bailey

Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Marchetti, Carol, et al. "No More Duct Tape! Institutionalization of ADVANCE Initiatives." Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Ed. ASEE. Columbus, OH: n.p., 2017. Web. «

Dell, Elizabeth, et al. "Career Navigation Initiatives for Women STEM Faculty in Support of Institutional Transformation." Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Ed. ASEE. Columbus, OH: n.p., 2017. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Bailey, Margaret B., et al. "Reimagining and Refining Campus Cultures: Promoting Inclusivity through Organizational Development Initiatives." NSF ADVANCE Annual PI Meeting. NSF ADVANCE. Washington, DC. 9 Oct. 2017. Address. ≠

Bailey, Margaret B. "Organizational Benefits of Implementing Gender Equality: Measuring and Demonstrating Impact." STEM Gender Equality Congress. Science Impact Ltd. Berlin, Germany. 9 Jun. 2017. Address. £

Bailey, Margaret B. "Using Public Policy Strategies to Drive Change in Thermodynamic Instruction/Research & within the Academic Workplace." Public Policy Discussion and Dinner Series. College of Liberal Arts, RIT. Rochester, New York. 12 Mar. 2017. Keynote Speech.

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Stephen Boedo

Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Boedo, S. and S.A. Coots. "Wear Characteristics of Conventional and Squeeze-Film Artificial Hip Joints." ASME Journal of Tribology 139. 3 (2017): 1-10. Print. £

Boedo, S. "Formation of Dynamic Reconfigurable Electric Field Gradients in Thin Lubricant Films through Transient Elastohydrodynamic Squeeze Film Action." Tribology International 116. (2017): 329-337. Print. £

Journal Editor

Boedo, S., ed. ASME Journal of Tribology. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017. Print.

Full Patent

Boedo, S. and J.F. Booker. "Artificial Hip Joint Replacement System." U.S. Patent 9,642,709. 9 May 2017.

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Denis Cormier

Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Mudgal, T., et al. "CMOS Thin-Film Transistors via Xe Flash-Lamp Crystallization of Patterned Amorphous Si." ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 6. 12 (2017): 179-181. Web. *

Priyadarshini, L., et al. "A Preliminary Study of Cushion Properties of a 3D Printed Thermoplastic Polyurethane Kelvin Foam." Packaging Technology and Science. (2017): 1-8. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Ooi, Y.K., et al. "Integration of 3D Printed Dome-Shaped Lens with InGaN Light-Emitting Diodes with Enhanced Light Extraction Efficiency." Proceedings of the SPIE Photonics West Conference Proceedings. Ed. SPIE. San Francisco, CA: SPIE, 2017. Web.

Provisional Patent

Borkholder, David, et al. "Pulse Energy Manipulation of Material Properties." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 62473039. 17 Mar. 2017.

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Steven Day

Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Malinauskas, R., et al. "FDA Benchmark Medical Device Flow Models for CFD Validation." ASAIO Journal 63. 2 (2017): 150-160. Print. *

Tchantchaleishvili, Vakhtang, et al. "Clinical Implications of Physiological Flow Adjustment in Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Devices." ASAIO Journal 63. 3 (2017): 241-250. Print. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Sul, Bora, et al. "Computational Assessment of Airflow Sensitivity to Healthy and Diseased Lung Conditions." Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting. Ed. BMES. Phoenix, AZ: BMES. *

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Ke Du

Research Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Du, Ke, et al. "Selective hierarchical patterning of silicon nanostructures via soft nanostencil lithography." Nanotechnology. (2017): 465303. Print. *

Jiang, Youhua, et al. "Nanotexturing of Conjugated Polymers via One-Step Maskless Oxygen Plasma Etching for Enhanced Tunable Wettability." Langmuir. (2017): 6885-6894. Print. *

Chauvin, Adrien, et al. "Large-Scale Fabrication of Porous Gold Nanowires via Laser Interference Lithography and Dealloying of Gold–Silver Nano-Alloys." Micromachines. (2017): 168. Web. *

Du, Ke, et al. "Multiplexed efficient on-chip sample preparation and sensitiveamplification-free detection of Ebola virus." Biosensors and Bioelectronics. (2017): 489-496. Print. *

Invited Paper

Du, Ke, et al. "Sub-10 nm patterning with DNA nanostructures: a short perspective." Nanotechnology. (2017). Print. *

Du, Ke, Ishan Wathuthanthri, and Chang-Hwan Choi. "The Rise of scalable micro/nanopatterning." Micromachines. (2017). Web. *

Du, Ke, et al. "Stencil Lithography for Scalable Micro- and Nanomanufacturing." Micromachines. (2017). Web. *

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Doreen Edwards

Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Cahill, James T., et al. "Effect of Current Diffusivity in Metal Hexaborides: A Spark Plasma Sintering Study." ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9. 42 (2017): 37357—37363. Print. ˜

Gao, Peng, et al. "The Critical Role of Point Defects In Improving the Specific Capacitance of δ-MnO2 Nanosheets." Nat. Commun. 8. (2017): 1-10. Web. £

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Marcos Esterman

Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Deo, Devdatta, Marcos Esterman, and Brian Thorn. "A Methodology to Quantify Cumulative Damage Function (CuDF) for Integration Into an Object-Oriented Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)." Proceedings of the Proceedings of IDETC ‘17: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: ASME, 2017. Web. £

Gadre, Shantanu, Marcos Esterman, and Brian Thorn. "Implementation of an Object-Oriented Life Cycle Assessment Framework Using Functional Analysis and Systems Engineering Principles." Proceedings of the Proceedings of IDETC ‘17: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: ASME, 2017. Web. £

Gruszewski, Richard, et al. "Uncovering Hidden Costs in R&D Outsourcing: A Case Study." Proceedings of the Proceedings of IDETC ‘17: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: ASME, 2017. Web. £

Takai, Shun and Marcos Esterman. "Towards a Better Design Team Formation: A Review of Team Effectiveness Models and Possible Measurements of Design-Team Inputs, Processes, and Outputs." Proceedings of the Proceedings of IDETC ‘17: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: ASME, 2017. Web. £

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Alfonso Fuentes Aznar

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio and Alfonso Fuentes-Aznar. "Analytical Determination of Basic Machine-Tool Settings for Generation of Spiral Bevel Gears and Compensation of Errors of Alignment in the Cyclopalloid System." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 120. (2017): 91-104. Print. £

Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso, Ramon Ruiz-Orzaez, and Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez. "Numerical Approach for Determination of Rough-Cutting Machine-Tool Settings for Fixed-Setting Face-Milled Spiral Bevel Gears." Mechanism and Machine Theory 112. (2017): 22-42. Print. £

Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio and Alfonso Fuentes-Aznar. "Implementation of a Finite Element Model for Stress Analysis of Gear Drives Based on Multi-Point Constraints." Mechanism and Machine Theory 117. (2017): 35-47. Print. £

Book Chapter

Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso, Scott Eisele, and Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez. "Computerized Simulation of Manufacturing Errors in Cylindrical Spur Gears and Their Compensation Through Flank Modifications." Advanced Gear Engineering. Ed. Veniamin Goldfarb, Evgenii Trubachev, and Natalya Barmina. Switzerland, EU: Springer International Publishing, 2017. 1-26. Print.

Published Conference Proceedings

Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso and Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez. "Gear Tooth Strength Analysis of High Pressure Angle Cylindrical Gears." Proceedings of the 2017 AGMA Fall Technical Meeting. Ed. AGMA. Alexandria, VA: American Gear Manufacturers Association, 2017. Print. £

Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio and Alfonso Fuentes-Aznar. "Comparison of Cyclo-Palloid and Cyclo-Cut Cutting Methods for Generation of Spiral Bevel Gears." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017. Print. ˜

Guo, Hong, et al. "Friction and Wear Properties of Halogen-Free and Halogen-Containing Ionic Liquids Used as Neat Lubricants, Lubricant Additives and Thin Lubricant Layers." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017. Print. ˜

Invited Paper

Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso, Harish K. Pasapula, and Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez. "Ingranaggi Conici a Denti Dritti con Profili Ottimizzati." Organi di Transmissione. (2017). Print.

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Artoni, Alessio, et al. "Robust Design of Face-Milled Spiral Bevel Gears for Minimum Noise and Maximum Load Capacity with Stochastic Misalignments." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ˜

Invited Article/Publication

Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso, Ignacio Gonzalez-Perez, and Harish K. Pasapula. "Computerized Design of Straight Bevel Gears with Optimized Profiles for Forging, Molding, or 3D Printing." Thermal Processing. (2017). Print.

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Thomas Gaborski

Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Carter, R.N., et al. "Ultrathin Transparent Porous Glass Membranes For Cell Culture." Biofabrication 9. 1 (2017): 1-23. Print. *

Casillo, S.M., et al. "Membrane Pore Spacing Can Modulate Endothelial Cell-Substrate and Cell-Cell Interactions." ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 3. 3 (2017): 243-248. Print. *

Ramirez, M.M. and T.R. Gaborski. "Fabrication Techniques Enabling Ultrathin Nanostructured Membranes for Separations." Electrophoresis 28. 19 (2017): 2374-2388. Print. *

Chung, H.H., et al. "Porous Substrates Promote Early Endothelial Migration at the Expense of Fibronectin Fibrillogenesis." ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 4. 1 (2018): 222-230. Print. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Dehghani, M.A. and T.R. Gaborski. "Capture and Release of Extracellular Vesicles on Nanoporous Membranes." Proceedings of the ASME International Conference on Mini Micro and Nanochannels. Ed. ASME. Boston, MA: ASME. *

Chung, H.H., et al. "Porous Substrates Influence Early Endothelial Migration and the Associated Fibronectin Fibrillogenesis." Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Ed. BMES. Phoenix, AZ: BMES. *

Casillo, S.M., S.J. Perry, and T.R. Gaborski. "Disrupted Surfaces of Porous Membranes Reduce YAP Nuclear Localization in Adipose-Derived Stem Cells." Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Ed. BMES. Phoenix, AZ: BMES. *

Ramirez, M.M., C. Soule, and T.R. Gaborski. "Co-Culture Membranes With Tunable Nanopore Sizes To Selectively Control Cell-Cell Communication." Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Ed. BMES. Phoenix, AZ: BMES. *

Ramirez, M.M., et al. "Development of Transparent Ultrathin Membranes Capable of Modulating Cell-Substrate and Cell-Cell Interactions." Proceedings of the Materials Research Society. Ed. MRS. Phoenix, AZ: MRS. *

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Amlan Ganguly

Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Shamim, M.S., et al. "A Wireless Interconnection Framework for Seamless Inter and Intra-Chip Communication in Multichip Systems." IEEE Transactions on Computers 66. 3 (2017): 389-402. Web. ˜

Mondal, H.K., et al. "Interference-Aware Wireless Network-On-Chip Architecture Using Directional Antennas." IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 3. 3 (2017): 193-205. Web. ˜

Ganguly, Amlan, Partha Pande, and Benjamin Belzer. "Crosstalk-Aware Channel Coding Schemes for Energy Efficient and Reliable NoC Interconnects." IEEE Transactions on VLSI (TVLSI) 17. 11 (2009): 1626-1639. Print.

Ganguly, Amlan, et al. "Design of Low Power & Reliable Networks on Chip Through Joint Crosstalk Avoidance and Multiple Error Correction Coding." Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA). Special Issue on Defect and Fault Tolerance (2008): 67-81. Print.

Pande, Partha, et al. "Energy Reduction Through Crosstalk Avoidance Coding in Networks on Chip." Journal of System Architecture (JSA) 54. 3-4 (2008): 441-451. Print.

Published Conference Proceedings

Narde, R.S., et al. "On-Chip Antennas for Inter-Chip Wireless Interconnections: Challenges and Opportunities." Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). Ed. EuCAP. London, UK: EuCAP, 2018. Print.

Ahmed, M.M., et al. "Increasing Interposer Utilization: A Scalable, Energy Efficient and High Bandwidth Multicore-Multichip Integration Solution." Proceedings of the IEEE Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC). Ed. IEEE. Orlando, FL: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Dharb, G., et al. "PaSE: A Parallel Speedup Estimation Framework for Network-On-Chip Based Multicore Systems." Proceedings of the IEEE IGSC Workshop on Sustainability in Multi/Manycore Systems. Ed. IEEE. Orlando, FL: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Saxena, S., et al. "Energy-Efficiency in Interconnection Fabrics for Inter and Intra-Chip Communication Using Graphene-Based THz-Band Antennas." Proceedings of the IEEE IGSC Workshop on Sustainability in Multi/Manycore Systems. Ed. IEEE. Orlando, FL: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Umamaheswaran, S.G., et al. "Reducing Power Consumption of Datacenter Networks with 60GHz Wireless Server-to-Server Links." Proceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM. Ed. IEEE. Marina Bay Sands, Singapore: IEEE, 2017. Web.

Shamim, M.S., et al. "Energy-Efficient Wireless Interconnection Framework for Multichip Systems with In-Package Memory Stacks." Proceedings of the IEEE System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC). Ed. IEEE. Munich, Germany: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Ganguly, A., et al. "A 0.36pJ/bit, 17Gbps OOK Receiver in 45-nm CMOS for Inter and Intra-Chip Wireless Interconnects." Proceedings of the IEEE System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC). Ed. IEEE. Munich, Germany: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Mamun, S.A., et al. "An Energy-Efficient, Wireless Top-of-Rack to Top-of-Rack Datacenter Network Using 60GHz Links." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communication (GreenCom). Ed. IEEE. Exeter, UK: IEEE, 2017. Print.

Narde, R.S., J. Venkataraman, and A. Ganguly. "Feasibility Study of Transmission Between Wireless Interconnects in Multichip Multicore Systems." Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (APS). Ed. IEEE. San Diego, CA: IEEE, 2017. Print.

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Hany Ghoneim

Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Chokshi, K. and H. Ghoneim. "A Flexible-Matrix-Composite Hydraulic Engine Mount." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Ed. Stephen D. Tse. Tampa, FL: ASME, 2017. Print. «

Rutuja, Joshi S. and H. Ghoneim. "Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Radial Lip Seals." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Ed. Stephen D. Tse. Tampa, FL: ASME, 2017. Print. «

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Surendra Gupta

Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Gupta, S.K., et al. "Vacuum UV Photo-Oxidation of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate)." Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 31. 23 (2017): 2542-2554. Print. ˜

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Anju Gupta

Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Jaikumar, A., S.G. Kandlikar, and A. Gupta. "Pool Boiling Enhancement through Graphene and Graphene Oxide Coatings." Heat Transfer Engineering 38. (2017): 1-13. Print. £

Gupta, Anju, et al. "Introducing Chemical Reactions Concepts in K-6 Through a Hands-on Food Spherification and Spaghetti—fication Experiment." JSTEM: Innovations and Research 18. (2017): 6-10. Print. «

A, 1. Gupta A, Jaikumar, A, Kandlikar, S, Rishi, A, Layman,. "A multiscale morphological insight into graphene based coatings for pool-boiling applications." Journal of Heat Transfer Engineering. (2017): in print. Print. £

W, 3. Kohr, E, Karawdeniya, B, Dwyer, J, Gupta, A*, Euler,. "A Comparison of SERS and MEF of Rhodamine 6G on a Gold Substrate." A. (2017): print. Print. £

C, 4. Zheng, C, Jalan, I, Cost, P, Oliver, K, Gupta, A, Misture, S, Cody, J, Collison,. "Impact of Alkyl Chain Length on Small Molecule Crystallization and Nano morphology in Squaraine-Based Solution Processed Solar Cells." Journal of Physical Chemistry. (2017): print. Print. £

S.G, 5. Jaikumar, A, Rishi, A, Gupta, A, Kandlikar,. "Microscale Morphology Effects on Pool Boiling Enhancement Characteristics of Copper-Graphene Oxide Coatings." Journal of Heat Transfer. (2017): print. Print. £

W, Alhasani, M, Gupta, A*, Euler,. "The Influence of Zn2+-doped PVDF on the Fluorescent Properties of Rhodamine 6G,." Journal of Luminescence. (2018): print. Print. £

A, 6. Kalyanram, P, Valenzuela, P, Gupta,. "Aerosol-OT stabilized micro and nano-scale emulsions for pharmaceutical formulations." Organic & Medicinal Chemistry International Journal. (2017): print. Print. £

C.Y, 7. Jaikumar, A, Gupta, A, Kandlikar, S, Yang, C.Y, Su,. "Evaluation of Thermal Conductivity, Wettability, Morphology Induced Roughness and Microlayer-Partitioning Mechanisms for Enhanced Pool Boiling with Graphene and Graphene Oxide Coatings." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 109. (2017): 357—366. Print. £

Published Conference Proceedings

S, 1. Rishi A, Gupta, A, Kandlikar,. "Electrodeposition of Selective Anions with Non-Electrolyte Bath for Enhancing the Pool Boiling Performance." Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Ed. NA. SriLanka, SriLanka: n.p., Print. ∆

Provisional Patent

Valenzuela, Gupta and. "Novel tri-surfactant emulsion for oil spill mitigation and drug delivery applications." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 62647143. 28 Mar. 2018.

Full Patent

Gupta,Kandlikar, Rishi,. "Multi-step electrodeposition technique to enhance the bond strength." U.S. Patent 62620652. 12 Dec. 2017.

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Edward Hensel Jr.

Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Y, Youn O Lee, et al. "Examining Daily Electronic Cigarette Puff Topography Among Established and Non-established Cigarette Smokers in their Natural Environment." Nicotine Tobacco Research 10. (2017): 1-10. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Hensel, Edward C and Risa J. Robinson. "Interdisciplinary Research Methods: Enhancing Professional Skills of Engineering Ph.D. Students." Proceedings of the LACCEI International Multi-Conference 2017: “Global Partnerships for Development and Engineering Education". Ed. LACCEI. Boca Raton, FL: LACCEI, 2017. Web. *

Strand, A.J., R. Kehn, and E.C. Hensel. "Mixing in Single Phase Systems." Proceedings of the 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting. Ed. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN: AICHE, 2017. Web. *

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Patricia Iglesias Victoria

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Saurin, N., et al. "Carbon Nanophases in Ordered Nanofluid Lubricants." Wear. 2017 WOM special issue (2017): 747-755. Web. «

Saurin, N., et al. "Carbon Nanophases in Ordered Nanofluid Lubricants." Wear 376-377. (2017): 747-755. Web. «

E.Cigno, , et al. "Lubricating Ability of Two Phosphonium-Based Ionic Liquids as Additives of a Bio-Oil for use in Wind Turbines Gearboxes." Wear 376-377. (2017): 747-755. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

A.Tock, , et al. "Wear Performance of New Textured Surfaces Created by Modulation Machining." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2017. Ed. ASME. Tampa, FL: ASME, 2017. Web. «

Guo, H., et al. "Wear Performance of New Textured Surfaces Created By Modulation Machining." Proceedings of the Power Transmission and Gear Conference, ASME 2017 IDETC/CIE. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: ASME, 2017. Web. «

Kothuru, A., et al. "Wear Performance of New Textured Surfaces Created By Modulation Machining." Proceedings of the Power Transmission and Gear Conference, ASME 2017 IDETC/CIE. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: ASME, 2017. Web. «

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Liu, R., et al. "Influence of Micro-Scale Textures on the Lubrication Regime of Frictional Surfaces." Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Wear of Materials. Ed. WOM 2017. Long Beach, CA: WOM. ˜

Guo, H. and P. Iglesias. "Investigation of Ionic Liquids as Neat Lubricants, Additives of Lubricants and Thin-Film Lubricant Layers." Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Wear of Materials. Ed. WOM 2017. Long Beach, CA: WOM. ˜

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Satish Kandlikar

Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Perez-Raya, I. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Discretization and Implementation of a Sharp Interface Model for Interfacial Heat and Mass Transfer During Bubble Growth." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 116 (2018): 30-49. Print. *

Perez-Raya, I. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Discretization and implementation of a sharp interface model for interfacial heat and mass transfer during bubble growth." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 116 (2018): 30-49. Web. *

Recinella, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Enhanced Flow Boiling Using Radial Open Microchannels With Manifold and Offset Strip Fins." J. Heat Transf. 140. (2017): 111502-111502—7. Print. *

Raghupath, P.A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Thermophysical Properties of the Heater Substrate on Critical Heat Flux in Pool Boilin." J. Heat Transf 139. (2017): 111502-111502—7. Print. *

Raghupathi, P.A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Characterization of Pool Boiling of Seawater and Regulation of Crystallization Fouling by Physical Aberration." Heat Transf. Eng 38. (2017): 1296-1304. Print. *

Raghupathi, P.A. and S.G. Kandlikar,. "Pool boiling enhancement through contact line augmentation." Appl. Phys. Lett 110. (2017): 204101. Print. *

Raghupathi, P.A., et al. "Bubble induced flow field modulation for pool boiling enhancement over a tubular surface." Appl. Phys. Lett 110. (2017): 251603. Print. *

Panse, S.S. and S.G. Kandlikar. "A thermosiphon loop for high heat flux removal using flow boiling of ethanol in OMM with tape." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf 106. (2017): 546-557. Print. *

Kandlikar, S.G. "Enhanced Macroconvection Mechanism With Separate Liquid—Vapor Pathways to Improve Pool Boiling Performance." J. Heat Transf. 139. (2017): 051501-051501-11. Print. *

Kandlikar, S.G., et al. "Infrared imaging technology for breast cancer detection — Current status, protocols and new directions." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf 108. (2017): 2303-2320. Print. *

Kandlikar, S.G. and A. Ganguly,. "Fundamentals of Heat Dissipation in 3D IC Packaging, in: 3D Microelectron. Packag." Springe. (2017): 245-260. Print. *

Kandlikar, S. "Boiling and Two-Phase Flow in Narrow Channels." Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering. (2017): 1-22. Print. *

Kandlikar,, S., et al. "Special Issue From International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change Phenomena Held in Trondheim." J. Heat Transf. 139. (2017): 110301-110301—1. Print. *

Jaikumar,, A., et al. "Microscale Morphology Effects of Copper—Graphene Oxide Coatings on Pool Boiling Characteristics." J. Heat Transf. 139. (2017): 111509-111509—11. Print. *

Jaikumar, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Coupled Motion of Contact Line on Nanoscale Chemically Heterogeneous Surfaces for Improved Bubble Dynamics in Boiling." Sci. Rep 7. (2017): 15691. Print. *

Jaikumar,, A., S.G. Kandlikar,, and A. Gupta,. "Pool Boiling Enhancement through Graphene and Graphene Oxide Coatings." Heat Transf. Eng. 38. (2017): 1274-1284. Print. *

Jaikumar,, A., et al. "Scale effects of graphene and graphene oxide coatings on pool boiling enhancement mechanisms." Int. J. Heat Mass Transf 109. (2017): 357-366. Print. *

Jaikumar, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Pool boiling inversion through bubble induced macroconvection." Appl. Phys. Lett 110. (2017): 94107. Print. *

Gupta, A., et al. "A Multiscale Morphological Insight into Graphene Based Coatings for Pool Boiling Applications." Heat Transf. Eng.. (2017): 0-13. Print. *

Emery,, T.S. and S.G. Kandlikar,. "Pool boiling with four non-ozone depleting refrigerants and comparison with previously established correlations." Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 85. (2017): 132-139. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

A,, Jaikumar and Kandlikar SG. "Pool Boiling Inversion on Surfaces With Separate Liquid-Vapor Pathways and Enhanced Macroconvection Mechanisms." Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ASME. Cambridge, MA: n.p., 2017. Print. *

TS,, Emery and Kandlikar SG. "Enhanced Pool Boiling With HFE7000 Over Selectively Sintered Microchannels." Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ASME. Cambridge, MA: n.p., 2017. Print.

A, Chauhan and Kandlikar SG. "Effect of Liquid Volume on Thermosiphon Loop Performance Using Open Microchannels Manifold for CPU Cooling in Data Center." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 15th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ASME. Cambridge, MA: n.p., 2017. Print.

Emery, T. S., et al. "CPU cooling with a thermosiphon loop with tapered manifold (OMM),"." Proceedings of the 2017 16th IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm),. Ed. ITherm. Orlando, FL: n.p., 2017. Print.

Rishi, A.M., A. Gupta,, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Electrodeposition of Selective Anions with Non-Electrolyte Bath for Enhancing the Pool Boiling Performance." Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Ed. 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: n.p., 2017. Print.

P.Raghupathi,, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Evaporation Momentum Force on Bubble Departure Trajectory." Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Ed. International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Peradeniya,, Sri Lanka: n.p., 2017. Print.

Jaikumar, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Microcavity Augmented Pool Boiling Surfaces." Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Ed. International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,: n.p., 2017. Print.

Full Patent

Ganguly, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Gas-Cooled 3D IC with Wireless Interconnects." U.S. Patent 20170323843A1. 2017.

Jaikumar, A. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Enhancement with Feeder Channels Supplying Liquid to Nucleating Regions." U.S. Patent US2017138678A1. 2017.

Provisional Patent

Kandlikar, S.G and C. Patil. "Enhanced Boiling with Selective Placement of Nucleation Sites." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 20170176114A1. 19 Jan. 2018.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

S.G.,, Kandlikar,. "Mentoring Perspective." Workshop Presentation. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 20 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.

S.G.,, Kandlikar,. "Boiling." Workshop Presentation,. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 21 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.

S.G, Kandlikar,. "New Understanding in Pool Boiling Mechanism." 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena,. International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Peradeniya,, Sri Lanka. 22 Sep. 2017. Keynote Speech.

S.G.,, Kandlikar,. "New understanding of the heat transfer mechanisms during pool and flow boiling and its application in boiling enhancement." Graduate Seminar. University of California. Meced, CA. 27 Oct. 2017. Guest Lecture.

S.G.,, Kandlikar,. "New Understanding of the Heat Transfer Mechanisms During Pool and Flow Boiling,." Graduate Seminar. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN. 11 Dec. 2017. Guest Lecture.

View All Submissions

Parsian Katal Mohseni

Associate Professor
Microsystems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kim, J.D., et al. "Scaling the Aspect Ratio of Nanoscale Closely Packed Silicon Vias by MacEtch: Kinetics of Carrier Generation and Mass Transport." Advanced Functional Materials 27. (2017): 1-8. Print. *

Choi, W., et al. "Direct Electrical Probing of Period Modulation of Zinc-Dopant Distributions in Planar Gallium Arsenide Nanowires." ACS Nano 11. (2017): 1530-1539. Print. *

Wilhelm, T.S., et al. "Fabrication of Suspended III-V Nanofoils by Inverse Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of InGaP/GaAs Heteroepitaxial Films." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10. (2018): 2058-2066. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Baboli, M.A., et al. "Selective-Area Van Der Waals Epitaxy of InAsP Nanowires on Two-Dimensional Nanosheets: III-V Integration on Graphene, h-BN, and MoS2." Proceedings of the Nanowire Week. Ed. K.A. Dick. Lund, Scania: Nanowire Week, 2017. Web.

Mohseni, P.K. "Technology Parameter Space Mapping of InAsPNW Arrays on Graphene, h-BN, and MoS2Toward Selective-Area van der Waals Epitaxy." Proceedings of the Electronic Materials Conference. Ed. S. Mohney. South Bend, IN: EMC, 2017. Web.

View All Submissions

Dhireesha Kudithipudi

Research Professor
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Mnatzaganian, James, Ernest Fokoue, and Dhireesha Kudithipudi. "A Mathematical Formalization of Hierarchical Temporal Memory’s Spatial Pooler." Frontiers in Robotics and AI. (2017): 1-14. Web. *

View All Submissions

Michael Kuhl

Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Li, Maojia P. and Michael E. Kuhl. "Design and Simulation Analysis of PDER: A Multiple-Load Automated Guided Vehicle Dispatching Algorithm." Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. Ed. W. K. V. Chan, et al. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. Web. £

Kuhl, Michael E. "History of Random Variate Generation." Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. Ed. W.K.V. Chan, et al. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. Web. £

Alexopoulos, Christos, Jeffrey A. Joines, and Michael E. Kuhl. "History of the Winter Simulation Conference: Modern Period (2008—2017)." Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. Ed. W. K. V. Chan, et al. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2017. Web. £

Garg, Siddharth and Michael E. Kuhl. "Comparison of Alternative Hospital Supply Chain Systems Using Simulation." Proceedings of the 2017 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Ed. K. Coperich, E. Cudney, and H. Nembhard. Norcross, GA: Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, 2017. Web. £

Yang, Shanchieh Jay, Aunshul Rege, and Michael E. Kuhl. "Learning, Simulating, and Predicting Adversary Attack Behaviors for Proactive Cyber Defense." Proceedings of the NATO IST-152 Workshop on Intelligent Autonomous Agents for Cyber Defence and Resilience. Ed. Michal Pechoucek and Alexander Kott. Prague, Czech Republic: NATO, 2017. Web. £

View All Submissions

Santosh Kurinec

Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kurinec, Santosh K., et al. "Degradation Analysis of an Operating PV Module on a Farm Sanctuary." Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 10. 1 (2018): 013505-013513. Print. *

Kurinec, Santosh K., et al. "Shallow Si N + P junction diodes realized via molecular monolayer doping." Journal of Microelectronic Engineering Volume 193. (2018): 1-6. Print. *

Kurinec, Santosh K., Abhijeet Walke, and GarrettSchlenvogt. "Design strategies for ultra-low power 10 nm FinFETs." Solid-State Electronics Volume 136. (2017): 75-80. Print. *

Kurinec, Santosh K. and Abhijeet Walke. "Effect of Fin Thickness on Subthreshold Characteristics of 10 nm FinFETs Using 3D TCAD." A Journal for Process and Device Engineers Volume 27. 2 (2017): 1-4. Print. *

Kurinec, Santosh K., Michal Kucer, and Bill Schlein. "Monitoring a Photovoltaic System during the Partial Solar Eclipse of August 2017." EPJ Photovoltaics 9. 7 (2018): 10. Web. *

Anderson, Jackson D, et al. "Evaluation of Si:HfO2 Ferroelectric Properties in MFM and MFIS Structures." Journal of Electron Device Society 6. (2018): 525-534. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Kurinec, Santosh K., et al. "Performance analysis of a “Green” building photovoltaic system." Proceedings of the : Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2016 IEEE 43rd. Ed. IEEE. Portland, Oregon: IEEE, 2016. Print. *

Kurinec, Santosh K., et al. "Nickel silicide metallization for passivated tunneling contacts for silicon solar cells." Proceedings of the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2016 IEEE 43rd. Ed. IEEE. Portland, Oregon: IEEE, 2016. Print. *

View All Submissions

Brian Landi

Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Crompton, Kyle R., et al. "Lithium Rich Cathode/Graphite Anode Combination for Lithium Ion Cells with High Tolerance to Near Zero Volt Storage." Journal of Power Sources 343. (2017): 109-118. Print. *

Rossi, Jamie E., et al. "Removal of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Surfactant From Aqueous Dispersions of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 495. (2017): 140-148. Print. *

Robinson, J.T., et al. "Graphene Strained by Defects." ACS Nano 11. 5 (2017): 4745-4752. Print. *

Cox, Nate D., et al. "Modification of Silver/Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Electrical Contact Interfaces via Ion Irradiation." ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9. 8 (2017): 7406-7411. Print. *

Cress, Cory D., et al. "Carbon Nanotube Wires with Continuous Current Rating Exceeding 20 Amperes." Journal of Applied Physics 122. (2017): 1-8. Print. *

Lee, Y.B., et al. "Synthesis and Property of Polyimines Containing 2,2,4,4-Tetramethyl-1,3-Cyclobutadiimine Moiety." Macromol. Res 25. 6 (2017): 578-583. Print. *

Crompton, Kyle R., et al. "Enhanced Overdischarge Stability of LiCoO2 by Solution Deposited AlPO4 Coating." J. Electrochemical Society 164. 13 (2017): A3214-A3219. Print. *

View All Submissions

Blanca Lapizco-Encinas

Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Flanagan, L.A., F.H. Labeed, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Focus on AES Annual Meeting 2016." Electrophoresis 38. 20 (2017): 2553-2553. Print. *

Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. and Z. El Rassi. "Electro"and Liquid Phase"Separations (ITP 2016)." Electrophoresis 38. 12 (2017): 1537-1537. Print. *

Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Dielectrophoresis 2017." Electrophoresis 38. 11 (2017): 1405-1406. Print. *

Saucedo-Espinosa, M.A. and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Exploiting Particle Mutual Interactions To Enable Challenging Dielectrophoretic Processes." Analytical Chemistry 89. 16 (2017): 8459-8467. Print. *

Romero-Creel, M.F., et al. "Assessment of Sub-Micron Particles By Exploiting Charge Differences with Dielectrophoresis." Micromachines 8. 8 (2017): 239-253. Web. *

Journal Editor

Lapizco-Encinas, B.H., ed. Electrophoresis. Germany: Wiley, 2017. Print.

National/International Competition Award Winner

Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. National Science Foundation. Funded Grant: Development of Dielectrophoresis Chromatography Employing Asymmetric Insulating Structures and Electric Fields. Alexandria, VA, 2017. *

Goodrich, Eric and Blanca Lapizco-Encinas. AES Electrophoresis Society. AES Travel Award. Minneapolis, MN, 2017. £

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Polniak, D., E. Goodrich, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Dielectrophoretic Separation of Large Microscale Particles (dp>5 um) By Exploiting Charge Differences." Proceedings of the AlCHE Annual Meeting 2017. Ed. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN: AICHE. £

Goodrich, E., M.F. Romero-Creel, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Dielectrophoretic Assessment of Sub-Micron Particles By Exploiting Charge Differences." Proceedings of the AICHE Annual Meeting 2017. Ed. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN: AICHE. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Effects of Particle’s Properties On Dielectrophoretic Separations." 24th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques. ITP. Sopot, Poland. 11 Sep. 2017. Keynote Speech.

Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Dielectrophoretic Schemes For Particle Manipulation." Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX. 10 Apr. 2017. Keynote Speech.

Perez-Gonzalez, V.H., R.C. Gallo-Villanueva, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Obstacle-Density Effects on Particle Trapping in Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis Systems." AlCHE Annual Meeting 2017. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN. 31 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., V.H. Perez-Gonzalez, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Effect of Insulator Post Shape on Joule Heating Effects in Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." AICHE Annual Meeting 2017. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN. 1 Nov. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Saucedo-Espinosa, M.A and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Using Particle-Particle Interactions to Enable Challenging DEP Separations." AICHE Annual Meeting 2017. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN. 31 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Wang, T., et al. "Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis As an Anti-Fouling Strategy for Nanoporous Silicon-Nitride Membrane Filters." 2017 Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. ECS. New Orleans, LA. 31 May 2017. Conference Presentation. £

View All Submissions

Alexander Liberson

Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Liberson, Alexander S., Yashar Vahedein, and David A. Borkholder. "Variational Approach of Constructing Reduced Fluid-Structure Interaction Models in Bifurcated Networks." Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, Barselona. 103 (2017): 1031-1039. Web. *

Liberson, Alexander S. and Steven H. Hesler. "A Unified CFD Based Approach to a Variety of Condensation Processes in a Viscous Turbulent Wet Steam Flow." International journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Applications. (2017): 85-96. Print. *

Liberson, Alexander S. "Microscale: Wave Propagations Modeling Using a High Order Gradient Continuum Theory." Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3d ed. (2017): 1-6. Print. *

Liberson, Alexander S., Yashar Seyed Vahedein, and David A. Borkholder. "Application of Variational Principle to Form Reduced Fluid-Structure Interaction Models in Bifurcated Networks." Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer 4. (2017): 1-9. Print. *

Liberson, Alexander S., et al. "Fluid Structure Interaction Model Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation in Patients With Continuous Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device." Int J Artif Organs. (2017): 1-6. Web. *

View All Submissions

Cristian Linte

Associate Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Linte, C.A., et al. "Lesion Modeling, Characterization, and Visualization for Image-guided Cardiac Ablation Therapy Monitoring." Journal of Medical Imaging. (2017): 1-16. Print. *

Otani, N.F., et al. "Assessing Cardiac Tissue Function via Action Potential Wave Imaging Using Cardiac Displacement Data." Lect Notes Comput Vision Biomech 27. (2017): 903-912. Print. *

Dangi, S., et al. "A Robust Head CT Image Registration Pipeline for Craniosynostosis Skull Correction Surgery." IET Healthcare Technology Letters 4. 5 (2017): 174-178. Print. «

Dangi, S. and C.A. Linte. "Using Atlas Prior with Graph Cut Techniques For Right Ventricle Segmentation Form Cardiac MRI Images." Lect Notes Comput Sci 10263. (2017): 83-94. Print. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Zikri, Y.K. Ben, S. Mendez, and C.A. Linte. "Anatomical Based Registration of Multi-sector X-ray Images for Long Limb Panorama Generation." Proceedings of the Proc SPIE Medical Imaging: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Functional and Structural Images. Ed. B. Jimi and A. Krol. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2017. Print. *

Jalalahmadi, G., M. Helguera, and C.A. Linte. "A Numerical Finite Element Model to Study the Biomechanical Behavior of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm." Proceedings of the Proc SPIE Medical Imaging: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Functional and Structural Images. Ed. B. Jimi and A. Krol. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2017. Print. *

Jackson, A., et al. "3D Printing for Orthopedic Applications: From High Resolution Cone Beam CT Images to Life Size Physical Models." Proceedings of the Proc SPIE Medical Imaging: Imaging Informatics for Healthcare, Research and Applications. Ed. T. Cook and J. Zhang. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2017. Print. *

Krueger, E., et al. "An Interactive, Stereoscopic Virtual Environment for Medical Imaging Visualization, Simulation and Training." Proceedings of the Proc SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Perception, Observer performance and Technology Assessment. Ed. M. Kupinsky and R. Nishikawa. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2017. Print. *

Shontz, S.M., et al. "High-Order Tetrahedral Mesh Generation for Cardiac Simulations." Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering — Coupled Problems. Ed. M. Papadrakakis, E. Oñate, and B.A. Schrefler. Barcelona, Spain: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2017. Print. *

Journal Editor

Linte, C.A. and N. Padoy, ed. Springer's Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - Special Issue on Information Processing for Computer-Assisted Interventions. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2017. Print. *

Linte, C.A., et al, ed. IET Healthcare Technology Letters Journal - Special Issue on Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions. Stevenage: IET, 2017. Print. «

Linte, C.A., ed. IEEE Access. Piscataway: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Linte, C.A., ed. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization. London: Taylor & Francis, 2017. Print. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Stees, M. "High-Order Tetrahedral Mesh Generation for Cardiac Simulations." Proceedings of the Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering VII. Ed. M. Papadrakakis, E. Oñate, and B. Schrefler. Barcelona, Spain: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).

Krueger, E., et al. "An Interactive, Stereoscopic Virtual Environment For Medical Imaging Visualization, Simulation and Training." Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Perception, Observer Performance and Technology Assessment. Ed. M. Kupinsky and R. Nishikawa. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.

Jalalahmadi, G., M. Helguera, and C.A. Linte. "A Numerical Finite Element Model to Study the Biomechanical Behavior of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm." Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural and Functional Imaging. Ed. B. Gimi and A. Krol. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Linte, C.A. "From Medical Image Computing to Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Challenges and Lessons Learned." Warwick Engineering in Biomedicine Initiative. University of Warwick. Coventry, UK. 23 Nov. 2017. Lecture.

Linte, C.A. "Assessing Cardiac Tissue Function via Action Potential Wave Imaging Using Cardiac Displacement Data." Visualization and Image Processing. ECCOMAS. Porto, Portugal. 19 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Dangi, S. and C.A. Linte. "A Robust Head CT Image Registration Pipeline for Craniosynostosis Skull Correction Surgery." MICCAI Workshp on Augmented Environments for Computer-assisted Interventions. MICCAI. Quebec City, Canada. 10 Sep. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Dangi, S. and C.A. Linte. "Using Atlas Prior with Graph Cut Techniques for Right Ventricle Segmentation Form Cardiac MRI Images." Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH). Computing in Cardiology. Toronto, Canada. 11 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Jackson, A. and C.A. Linte. "3D Printing For Orthopedic Applications: From High Resolution Cone Beam CT Images To Life Size Physical Models." SPIE Medial Imaging: Imaging Informatics for Healthcare, Research and Applications. International Society of Optics and Photonics (SPIE). Orlando, FL. 21 Feb. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Zikri, YK Ben and C.A. Linte. "Anatomical Based Registration of Multi-Sector X-Ray Images For Long Limb Panorama Generation." SPIE Medical Imaging: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Functional and Structural Images. International Society of Optics and Photonics (SPIE). Orlando, FL. 18 Feb. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Dangi, S. and C.A. Linte. "Integrating Atlas and Graph Cut Methods For Right Ventricle Segmentation From Cardiac Cine MRI." SPIE Medial Imaging: Image-guied Procedures, Robotic Interventions and Modeling. International Society of Optics and Photonics (SPIE). Orlando, FL. 19 Feb. 2017. Conference Presentation.

National/International Competition Award Winner

Dangi, S., et al. Rochester Institute of Technology. Best Student Paper Award - MICCAI 2017 Workshop on Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions (AE-CAI). Quebec City, Canada, 2017. *

View All Submissions

Katie McConky

Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Amoroso, Briana, Eric Hittinger, and Katie McConky. "Keeping Your Cool - A Multi-Stakeholder Look at AC Sizing." Building and Environment 131. (2018): 306-329. Print. *

McConky, Katie, Roger B. Chen, and Glenn R. Gavi. "A Comparison of Motivational and Informational Contexts for Improving Eco-Driving Performance." Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 52. (2018): 62-74. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Saxena, Harshit and Katie McConky. "Forecasting Models for Short Term Peak Load Prediction." Proceedings of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Annual Conference. Ed. Katie Coperich, Elizabeth Cudney, and Harriet Nembhard. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: IISE, 2017. Web. «

Okutan, Ahmet, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Katie McConky. "Predicting Cyber Attacks With Bayesian Networks Using Unconventional Signals." Proceedings of the CISRC '17 12th Annual Conference on Cyber and Information Security Research. Ed. John Goodall. Oak Ridge, Tennessee: ACM, 2017. Web. *

Werner, Gordon, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Katie McConky. "Time Series Forecasting of Cyber Attack Intensity." Proceedings of the CISRC '17 - 12th Annual Conference on Cyber and Information Security Research. Ed. John Goodall. Oak Ridge, Tennessee: ACM, 2017. Web. *

McConky, Katie, et al. "Evaluating the Integration of Operations Tasks While Optimizing ISR Activities." Proceedings of the SPIE Defense + Security. Ed. Tien Pham and Michael A Kolodny. Anaheim, California: SPIE, 2017. Web. £

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Okutan, Ahmet, et al. "Cyber Attack Prediction of Threats from Unconventional Sensors (CAPTURE)." Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2017. Ed. Kevin Hamlen and Heng Yin. Dallas, TX: ACM. *

Chen, Roger B., Katie McConky, and Glenr R. Gavi. "Comparison of Motivational and Informational Contexts for Improving Eco-Driving Performance." Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Ed. Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. *

View All Submissions

Poornima Padmanabhan

Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Sun, Yangyang, et al. "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermotropic Bolaamphiphiles with A Swallow-Tail Lateral Chain: Formation of Cubic Network Phases." Soft Matter 13. (2017): 8542-8555. Web. *

View All Submissions

Dorin Patru

Associate Professor
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Patru, Dorin and Mihail Barbosu. "“COARSSS – Chain of Autonomous Remote Sensing Small Spacecraft”." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites 2017. Ed. AIAA/USU. Logan, UT, USA: AIAA/USU. *

View All Submissions

Stefan Preble

Microsystems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Tison, C.C., et al. "The Path to Increasing the Heralding Efficiency of Integrated Photon Sources." Optics Express 25. (2017): 1-9. Web. *

Vernon, Z., et al. "Truly Unentangled Photon Pairs Without Spectral Filtering." Optics Letters 42. (2017): 1-5. Print. *

Wang, Z., et al. "Passive Mode-Locked InAs Quantum Dot Lasers on Silicon Substrate By Pd-GaAs Wafer Bonding." Applied Physics Letters 110. (2017): 1-5. Print. *

Steidle, J.A., et al. "Measurement of Quantum Interference in a Silicon Ring-Resonator Photon Source." Journal of Visualized Experiments 122. (2017): 1-8. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Lu, Tsung-Ju, et al. "Wide-Bandgap AlN Photonics Platform for Visible to UV Spectrum Quantum Information Processing." Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting. Ed. MRS. Boston, MA: MRS, 2017. Web. *

Fanto, M.L., et al. "Integrated Photon Sources for Quantum Information Science Applications." Proceedings of the SPIE Security + Defense. Ed. SPIE. Warsaw, Poland: SPIE, 2017. Print. *

Fanto, M.L. and Stefan F. Preble. "Integrated Photon Sources for Quantum Information Science." Proceedings of the IEEE Photonics Summer Topical. Ed. IEEE. San Juan, Puerto Rico: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Vernon, Z., et al. "An Integrated Source of Truly Unentangled Photons for Efficient Single Photon Heralding." Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). Ed. OSA. San Jose, CA: OSA, 2017. Web. *

Lakshminarayanamurthy, S., D. Ewbank, and S.F. Preble. "Silicon Photonic Wafer Fabrication for Education." Proceedings of the Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC). Ed. ASM. Saratoga Springs, NY: ASM, 2017. Web. *

Journal Editor

Preble, Stefan F., ed. Optical Engineering. USA: SPIE, 2017. Web. *

Preble, Stefan F., ed. SPIE Spotlights. USA: SPIE, 2017. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Preble, Stefan F. "AlN Integrated Quantum Photonics Circuits." IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting. IEEE. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 10 Jul. 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Preble, Stefan F. "PICs: Fabless Silicon Photonics Design Flow." AIM Photonics Summer Academy. MIT. Boston, MA. 26 Jul. 2017. Lecture. ≠

View All Submissions

Ruben Proano

Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Proano, Ruben A. and Akshit Agarwal. "Scheduling Internal Medicine Resident Rotations To Ensure Fairness and Facilitate Continuity of Care." Healthcare Management Science. (2017): 1-14. Web. «

Zhang, Wenchang, et al. "Accelerating the Adoption of Bundled Payment Reimbursement Systems: A Data-Driven Approach Utilizing Claims Data." IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering. (2017): 1-13. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Proano, Ruben A. "Improving Vaccine Affordability via and Optimization-Based Coordinated Market." 6th Biennial Workshop on Information Intensive Services. Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY. 22 Sep. 2017. Conference Presentation. ∆

Proano, Ruben A. "Optimial Bed Assignment In Multi-Occupancy Facilities." INFORMS Annual Conference. Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. Houston, TX. 23 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation. ∆

View All Submissions

Raymond Ptucha

Associate Professor
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Such, F. Petroski, et al. "Robust Spatial Filtering with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11. 6 (2017): 100-113. Print. «

Sah, S., et al. "Video Redaction: A Survey and Comparison of Enabling Technologies." Journal of Electronic Imaging Special issue on Video Analytics for Public Safet. (2017): 200-214. Print. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Nguyen, T., S. Sah, and R. Ptucha. "Multistream Hierarchical Boundary Network for Video Captioning." Proceedings of the Western NY Image & Signal Processing Workshop. Ed. IEEE. Rochester, NY: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Dhamdhere, R., et al. "Deep Learning for Philately Understanding." Proceedings of the Western NY Image & Signal Processing Workshop. Ed. IEEE. Rochester, NY: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Dominguez, M., M. Daigneau, and R. Ptucha. "Source-Separated Audio Input for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks." Proceedings of the Western NY Image & Signal Processing Workshop. Ed. IEEE. Rochester, NY: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Sah, S., et al. "Vector Learning for Cross Domain Representations." Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR) Conference. Ed. IEEE. Washington, DC: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Kangutkar, R., et al. "ROS Navigation Stack for Smart Indoor Agents." Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR) Conference. Ed. IEEE. Washington, DC: IEEE, 2017. Print. *

Thomas, T., M. Dominguez, and R. Ptucha. "Deep Independent Audio-Visual Affect Analysis." Proceedings of the Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. Ed. IEEE. Montreal, Canada: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Zhang, C., et al. "Semantic Sentence Embeddings for Paraphrasing and Text Summarization." Proceedings of the Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. Ed. IEEE. Montreal, Canada: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Sah, S., et al. "Temporally Steered Gaussian Attention for Video Understanding." Proceedings of the CVPR Workshop Deep-Vision: Deep Learning in Computer Vision. Ed. IEEE. Honolulu, Hawaii: IEEE, 2017. Web. «

Sah, S., et al. "Detection without Recognition for Redaction." Proceedings of the CVPR Workshop The First International Workshop on The Bright and Dark Sides of Computer Vision: Challenges and Opportunities for Privacy and Security. Ed. IEEE. Honolulu, Hawaii: IEEE, 2017. Web. «

Dominguez, M., et al. "Towards 3D Convolutional Neural Networks with Meshes." Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing. Ed. IEEE. Beijing, China: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Zhang, C., et al. "Batch-Normalized Recurrent Highway Networks." Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing. Ed. IEEE. Beijing, China: IEEE, 2017. Print. «

Calderwood, A., et al. "Understanding the Semantics of Narratives of Interpersonal Violence through Reader Annotations and Physiological Reactions." Proceedings of the Computational Semantics Beyond Events and Roles (SemBEaR). Ed. IEEE. Valencia, Spain: IEEE, 2017. Web. «

Sah, S., et al. "Semantic Text Summarization of Long Videos." Proceedings of the WACV. Ed. IEEE. Santa Rosa, CA: IEEE, 2017. Web. «

Bag, S., V. Venkatachalapathy, and R. Ptucha. "Motion Estimation Using Visual Odometry and Deep Learning Localization." Proceedings of the Proceedings of Electronic Imaging: Image Processing Algorithms and Systems. Ed. IS&T. San Francisco, CA: IS&T, 2017. Web. «

Hssayeni, M., et al. "Distracted Driver Detection: Deep Learning vs Handcrafted Features." Proceedings of the Proceedings of Electronic Imaging: Image Processing Algorithms and Systems. Ed. IS&T. San Francisco, CA: IS&T, 2017. Print. «

Echefu, S., et al. "Milpet — The Self-driving Wheelchair." Proceedings of the Proceedings of Electronic Imaging: Image Processing Algorithms and Systems. Ed. IS&T. San Francisco, CA: IS&T, 2017. Print. «

Provisional Patent

Such, F. Petroski, R. Ptucha, and P. Hutkowski. "System and Method of Character Recognition Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 20170000000. 1 Oct. 2017.

Such, F. Petroski, R. Ptucha, and P. Hutkowski. "System and Method of Character Recognition Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks with Attention." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 15812681. 14 Nov. 2017.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Ptucha, R. and A. Gray. "Fundamentals of Deep Learning." Tutorial at Electronic Imaging. IS&T. San Francisco, CA. 1 Feb. 2017. Lecture.

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Lauzon, J., et al. "Milpet- Voice Activated Wheelchair." Proceedings of the Effective Access Technology Conference. Ed. IEEE. Rochester, NY: IEEE. *

View All Submissions

Ehsan Rashedi

Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Rashedi, Ehsan and Maury A. Nussbaum. "Quantifying the History Dependency of Muscle Recovery From A Fatiguing Intermittent Task." Journal of Biomechanics 51. (2017): 26-31. Print. «

Esfahani, Mohammad Mokhlespour, et al. "Trunk Motion System (TMS) Using Printed Body Worn Sensor (BWS) via Data Fusion Approach." Sensors 17. 1 (2017): 1-16. Print. «

Alabdulkarim, Saad, et al. "Impact of Task Design on Task Performance and Injury Risk: Case Study of A Simulated Drilling Task." Ergonomics 60. 6 (2017): 851-866. Print. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Alemi, Mehdi, et al. "Assessing Slip and Trip Risk when Wearing Upper-Extremity Exoskeleton." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting. Ed. ASB. Boulder, CO: ASB, 2017. Web. £

Esfahani, Mohammad Mokhlespour, et al. "Effects of an Occupational Wearable Assistive Device on Low Back Loads." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting. Ed. ASB. Boulder, CO: ASB, 2017. Web. £

View All Submissions

Risa Robinson

Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Robinson, R., et al. "Assessing Airflow Sensitivity to Healthy and Diseased Lung Conditions in a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model Validated In Vitro." Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. (2018): 1-49. Print. *

Lee, Youn Ok, et al. "Examining Daily Electronic Cigarette Puff Topography Among Established and Non-established Cigarette Smokers in their Natural Environment." Nicotine and Tobacco Research 10. (2017): 1-10. Web. *

Robinson, R., et al. "Inflammatory Response by Different E-Cigarette Flavoring Chemicals Identified by GC-MS in E-Liquids and E-Vapors on Human Lung Epithelial Cells and Fibroblasts." Applied in Vitro Toxicology. (2017): 28-40. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Robinson, R., et al. "Comparison of Methods For the Capture of E-Cigarette Emissions For the Determination of Constituents Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry." Proceedings of the 253rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Ed. R. Robinson. San Francisco, CA: ACS, 2017. Print. *

Robinson, R., et al. ", Computational Assessment of Airflow Sensitivity to Healthy and Diseased Lung Conditions." Proceedings of the Biomedical Engr Society Annual Meeting. Ed. R. Robinson. Phoenix, AZ: BMES, 2017. Print. *

Robinson, R. and Edward Hensel. "Interdisciplinary Research Methods: Enhancing Professional Skills of Engineering,." Proceedings of the 15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology. Ed. R. Robinson. Boca Raton, FL: LACCEI, 2017. Print. *

View All Submissions

Reginald Rogers

Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Cresce, Arthur V., et al. "Solvation Behavior of Carbonate-Based Electrolytes in Sodium Ion Batteries." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19. (2017): 574-586. Web. *

Rocha, John-David R., et al. "Emerging Investigators Series: Highly Effective Adsorption of Organic Aromatic Molecules by Electronically Sorted Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes." Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 3. (2017): 203-212. Print. *

National/International Competition Award Winner

Rogers, Reginald E. National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers. Henry C. McBay Outstanding Teacher Award. Minneapolis, MN, 2017.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Rogers, Reginald E. "Nanomaterials for Next Generation Applications: How Carbon Nanomaterials Can Shape Energy and Separation Applications." Cleveland State University Seminar Series. Cleveland State University. Cleveland, OH. 9 Mar. 2017. Lecture.

Rogers, Reginald E. "New Opportunities in Separation Engineering Using Carbon Nanomaterials." Oregon State Graduate Seminar Series. Oregon State University & eChemion. Corvallis, OR. 1 Jun. 2017. Lecture.

Rogers, Reginald E. "Clean Water: How Carbon Nanotubes Could Help Accomplish the Grand Challenge." ITDL-205 — Grand Challenges: Clean Water. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 31 Aug. 2017. Lecture.

Rogers, Reginald E. "Using Carbon Nanomaterials for Selective Adsorption of Contaminants from Water Systems." SUNY-Geneseo Chemistry Seminar Series. State University of New York at Geneseo. Geneseo, NY. 13 Oct. 2017. Lecture.

Rogers, Reginald E. "New Opportunities in Separation Engineering Using Carbon Nanomaterials." Amgen Seminar Series. University of Rhode Island. Kingston, RI. 30 Nov. 2017. Lecture.

Rogers, Reginald E. "STEM Education: Bridging the Gap Between the Classroom and Research Laboratory." NOBCChE National Meeting. National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers. Minneapolis, MN. 2 Nov. 2017. Lecture.

View All Submissions

Eli Saber

Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Liu, Yansong, et al. "Dense Semantic Labeling of Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery and LIDAR with Fully Convolutional Neural Networks and Higher Order CRFs." Proceedings of the CVPR Workshops 2017. Ed. CVPR. Honolulu, Hawaii: CVPR, 2017. Web. *

Liu, Yansong, et al. "Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Data Using Gaussian Processes and Higher Order CFRs." Proceedings of the IGARSS 2017. Ed. IEEE. Fort Worth, TX: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

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Andreas Savakis

Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Hssayeni, M., et al. "Distracted driver detection: Deep learning vs handcrafted features." Proceedings of the Electronic Imaging. Ed. IS&T. San Francisco, CA: IS&T, 2017. Web. *

Muller, P. and A. Savakis. "Flowdometry: An Optical Flow and Deep Learning Based Approach to Visual Odometry." Proceedings of the Winter Applications on Computer Vision (WACV). Ed. IEEE. Santa Rosa, CA: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

Chachlakis, D., et al. "Visual Tracking with L1 Grassmann Manifold Modeling." Proceedings of the Defense and Commercial Sensing Compressive Sensing VI: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics;. Ed. SPIE. Anaheim, CA: SPIE, 2017. Web. *

Chachlakis, D., et al. "Visual Tracking with L1 Grassmann Manifold Modeling." Proceedings of the Defense and Commercial Sensing Compressive Sensing VI: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics;. Ed. SPIE. Anaheim, CA: SPIE, 2017. Web. *

Minnehan, B. and A. Savakis. "Manifold Guided Label Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation." Proceedings of the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. Ed. IEEE. Honolulu, Hawaii: IEEE, 2017. Web. *

View All Submissions

Rachel Silvestrini

Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Full Length Book

Burke, Sarah E. and Rachel T. Silvestrini. The Certified Quality Engineer Handbook. 4th ed. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press, 2017. Print.

Journal Paper

Stone, Brian B., et al. "No-confounding Designs with 24 Runs for 7 - 12 factors." International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimization 5. 3 (2017): 151 - 171. Web. «

Stone, Brian B., et al. "No-confounding Designs with 20 Runs - Alternatives to Resolution IV Screening Designs." Quality and Reliability Engineering International 33. 8 (2017): 1861—1872. Web. «

Sagi, Bhargava Rohit and Rachel T. Silvestrini. "Application of Combinatorial Tests in Video Game Testing." Quality Engineering 29. 4 (2017): 745—759. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Gamm, Brian M. and Rachel T. Silvestrini. "The Analysis of Inline Color Measurements for Package and Labels Printing Using Statistical Process Monitoring Techniques." Proceedings of the TAGA Annual Technical Conference. Ed. Printing Industries of America. Houston, TX: Printing Industries of America, 2017. Web. £

View All Submissions

Patricia Taboada-Serrano

Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Li, Xiang, et al. "Electrosorption of monovalent alkaline metal ions onto mesoporous titanium dioxide nanotubes." Electrochimica Acta 231. (2017): 632-640. Print. ˜

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Brian Thorn

Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Tornese, Fabiana, et al. "Investigating the Environmental and Economic Impact of Loading Conditions and Repositioning Strategies for Pallet Pooling Providers." Journal of Cleaner Production 172. (2018): 155-168. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Deo, Devdatta, Marcos Esterman, and Brian K. Thorn. "A Methodology to Quantify Cumulative Damage Function (CuDF) for Integration Into an Object-Oriented Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: ASME, 2017. Web. *

Gadre, Shantanu, Marcos Esterman, and Brian K. Thorn. "Implementation of an Object-Oriented Life Cycle Assessment Framework Using Functional Analysis and Systems Engineering Principles." Proceedings of the ASME Proceedings | 22nd Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference. Ed. ASME. Cleveland, OH: ASME, 2017. Web. *

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Gill Tsouri

Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Conroy, T., et al. "Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Using an Earlobe Photoplethysmographic Sensor." Physiological Measurement 38. 10 (2017): 1-14. Print. *

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

7/1/2017 - 6/30/2021
     NIH-DHHS (RO1 Program)
     Amount: $764K *

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Jayanti Venkataraman

Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Tsouri, Gill, Stephanie Zambito, and Jayanti Venkataraman. "On the Benefits of Creeping Wave Antennas in Reducing Interference Between Neighboring Wireless Body Area Networks." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Syayetms 11. 1 (2017): 153-160. Print. £

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Steven Weinstein

Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Barlow, Nate S., Steven J. Weinstein, and Joshua A. Faber. "An Asymptotically Consistent Approximant For the Equatorial Bending Angle of Light Due To Kerr Black Holes." Classical and Quantum Gravity 34. (2017): 1-16. Print. £

Ruschak, Kenneth J. and Steven J. Weinstein. "Model For the Outer Cavity of A Dual-Cavity Die with Parameters Determined From Two-Dimensional Finite-Element Analysis." AIChE Journal 64. 2 (2018): 1-38. Print. £

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Shanchieh Yang

Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Moskal, Stephen, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Michael Kuhl. "Cyber Threat Assessments via Attack Scenario Simulation over Integrated Adversary and Network Models." Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 15. 1 (2018): 13-29. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Chan, Neil Wong Hon and Shanchieh Jay Yang. "SCANNER: Sequence Clustering of Android Resource Accesses." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing. Ed. IEEE. Taipei, Taiwan: IEEE, 2017. Print. *

Cui, Biru, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Chris Homan. "Modeling Information Sharing Behavior on Q&A Forums." Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD). Ed. ACM. Jeju, South Korea: ACM, 2017. Print. «

Werner, Gordon, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Katie McConky. "Time Series Forecasting of Cyber Attack Intensity." Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Cyber and Information Security Research. Ed. ACM. Oak Ridge, TN: ACM, 2017. Print. *

Okutan, Ahmet, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Katie McConky. "Predicting Cyber Attacks with Bayesian Networks Using Unconventional Signals." Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Cyber and Information Security Research. Ed. ACM. Oak Ridge, TN: ACM, 2017. Print. *

View All Submissions

Yasemin Yilmazel

Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

LaBarge, Nicole, et al. "Effect of Pre-Acclimation of Granular Activated Carbon on Microbial Electrolysis Cell Startup and Performance." Bioelectrochemistry 113. (2017): 20-25. Print. *

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