National Technical Institute for the Deaf - 2017

Faculty Scholarship 2017

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Erin Auble

Principal Lecturer
Cultural and Creative Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions


Auble, Erin. "Fairy Tale Courtroom". Apr. 2017. 1510 Lab Theatre, Rochester, New York. Performance.

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Gerald Bateman

Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Internal Reports/Manuscripts/Articles

Ed.D., Gerald C. Bateman,. "Social Studies Education for the Deaf" Rochester: Master of Science in Secondary Education at NTID, 2017. Print.

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Gerald Berent

Liberal Studies - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Invited Paper

Berent, Gerald P., et al. "L2 and Deaf Learners’ Comparative Knowledge of English Transitive and Intransitive Verb Properties: Relative Linguistic Complexity Yields Acquisitional Parallels." American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Portland, OR. (2017). Web. «

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Berent, Gerald P., et al. "Derivational Complexity, Interface Knowledge, and L2 Learner-Deaf Learner Parallels in Acquisition of Transitive and Intransitive Sentence Properties." 2017. TS - typescript (typed). «

Invited Article/Publication

Berent, Gerald P., et al. "Variation in Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing College Students’ Knowledge of General-Purpose and Academic English Verbs." Paper presentation at the 2017 NTID Scholarship Symposium, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, RIT. (2017). Web. *

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Joseph Bochner

Cultural and Creative Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

M., Garrison, W. and Bochner, J.H. "An Application For Screening Gradual-Onset Age-Related Hearing Loss." Health 9. (2017): 715-726. Print. *

Book Chapter

Bochner, J., et al. "Method and Materials For A Computer-Based Test of Sign Language Ability: The American Sign Language Discrimination Test (ASL-DT)." New Research in Sign Language. Ed. R. Louis. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2017. 57-81. Print.

Provisional Patent

Bochner, J., W. Garrison, and V. Samar. "Method for Measuring Sign Recognition Ability in Learners of American Sign Language (ASL) as a Second Language." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 330_P233_Prov. 18 Jul. 2017.

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Rain Bosworth

Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Tyler, Sarah C., Rain G. Bosworth, and Karen R. Dobkins. "Development of temporal order attention in children 6-36 months old." Proceedings of the Society for Research in Child Development. Ed. SRCD. Austin, Texas: n.p.. «

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Janine Butler

Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Butler, Janine. "Bodies in Composition: Teaching Writing through Kinesthetic Performance." Composition Studies 45. 2 (2017): 73—90. Print. *

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David Cohn

Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions


Cohn, David. "Behold...". 31 Jan. 2017. Image City Photography Gallery, Rochester. Exhibit. £

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Kathryn Crowe

Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

McCormack, Jane, Elise Baker, and Kathryn Crowe. "The Human Right To Communicate and Our Need To Listen: Learning From People with A History Of Childhood Communication Disorder." International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. (2018): 1-10. Print. «

McLeod, Sharynne, et al. "Preschool Children’s Communication, Motor and Social Development: Parents’ and Educators’ Concerns." International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. (2017): 1-10. Print. «

Crowe, Kathryn, et al. "Educators’ Perspectives On Facilitating Computer-Assisted Speech Intervention In Early Childhood Settings." Child Language Teaching and Therapy 33. 3 (2017): 267-285. Print. «

Crowe, Kathryn, et al. "Achievement, Language, and Technology Use Among College-Bound Deaf Learners." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 22. 4 (2017): 393-401. Print. «

McCormack, Jane, et al. "Implementation Fidelity of A Computer-Assisted Intervention For Children with Speech Sound Disorders." International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 19. 265-276 (2017): 265-276. Print. «

McLeod, Sharynne, et al. "Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Intervention Delivered By Educators For Children with Speech Sound Disorders." Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 60. (2017): 1891-1910. Print. «

McLeod, Sharynne, et al. "Profile of Australian Preschool Children with Speech Sound Disorders At Risk For Literacy Difficulties." Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 22. 1 (2017): 15-33. Print. «

McLeod, Sharynne, Sarah Verdon, and International Expert Panel on Multilingual Children’s Speech. "Tutorial: Speech Assessment For Multilingual Children Who Do Not Speak the Same Language(s) As the Speech-Language Pathologist." American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 26. (2017): 691-708. Print. «

Washington, Karla, et al. "Validation of the Intelligibility In Context Scale For Jamaican Creole-Speaking Preschoolers." American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 26. (2017): 750-761. Print. «

Book Chapter

Crowe, Kathryn. "DHH Multilingual Learners: Language Acquisition In A Multilingual World." "Evidence-based practice in deaf education." Ed. Harry Knoors and Marc Marschark. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, . 1-10. Print. £

Wren, Yvonne, et al. "Digital Tools To Support Children’s Speech and Language Skill." "Digital Childhoods: Technologies in children's everyday lives." Ed. Susan Danby, et al. New York, New York: Springer, 2017. 1-10. Print. £

Verdon, Sarah, Sharynne McLeod, and Kathryn Crowe. "Multilingualism, Language Choice, and Language Use In Childhood." "Crossing Boundaries: Interdisciplinarity In Language Studies." Ed. Vander Viana. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins, 2017. 1-10. Print. £

Published Review

Crowe, Kathryn. "“Here in Nepal There are No Old Deaf People”: Describing Deafness in a Nepali Context." Rev. of Signing and belonging in Nepal, by Erica Hoffmann-Dilloway. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 9 Aug. 2017: 434. Print. £

Uninvited Presentations

McLeod, Sharynne and Kathryn Crowe. "Consonant Acquisition by 26,008 Children In 31 Countries Across 27 Languages." Speech Pathology Australia National Conference. Speech Pathology Australia. Sydeny, Australia. 22 May 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Verdon, Sarah, et al. "Innovations and Evidence-Based Practice For Working In A Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Society: A Summary of the Speech Pathology Australia Position Paper and Clinical Guidelines For Working In A Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Society." Speech Pathology Australia National Conference. Speech Pathology Australia. Sydney, Australia. 22 May 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Crowe, Kathryn, Sharynne McLeod, and Breda Carty. "Multilingual Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Learners: Languages, Choices, and Outcomes." Proceedings of the 5th International Composium on Communication Disorders in Multilingual and Multicultural Populations. Ed. HSB. Bremen, Germany: n.p.. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Crowe, Kathryn. "Understanding Multilingualism and Hearing Loss: Taking Charge of Change." Advising Itinerant Teachers: Hearing Impairment Conference. Education Queensland. Brisbane, Australia. 20 Jul. 2017. Keynote Speech. £

Crowe, Kathryn. "Hei! 你好! !مرحب: Language Acquisition In A Multilingual World." European Association of Cochlear Implant Users symposium. European Association of Cochlear Implant Users. Helsinki, Finland. 21 Apr. 2017. Keynote Speech. £

Crowe, Kathryn. "DHH Multilingual Learners: Language Acquisition In A Multilingual World." 2nd International Conference on Teaching Deaf Learners. Royal Dutch Kentalis / National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 23 Mar. 2017. Keynote Speech. £

Crowe, Kathryn. "Why Potatoes Aren’t Vegetables: Things I’ve learnt From My Fulbright Scholarship." Public Lecture. Charles Sturt University. Bathurst, Australia. 5 Jul. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Invited Article/Publication

Crowe, Kathryn. "Speaking the Same Language: Parent and Professional Perspectives On Communication Choice." Cochlear implanted children’s support group. (2017). Print. ∆

Crowe, Kathryn. "Mamá, Mare, Nai, or Ama: Multilingí¼ismo E Implantes Cocleares [Mamá, Mare, Nai, or Ama: Language Choice and Cochlear Implants]." Integración. (2017). Print. ∆

Crowe, Kathryn, Sharynne McLeod, and Jacqueline Barr. "Siblings of Children with Hearing Loss." Raising and educating deaf children: Foundations for policy, practice and outcomes. (2017). Web. £

Crowe, Kathryn. "Multilingualism and Deaf Learners: The Good, The Bad and The Evidence." British Association of Teachers of the Deaf Magazine. (2017). Print. ∆

Crowe, Kathryn. "Speech-language Pathologists and Education Transitions." Raising and educating deaf children: Foundations for policy, practice and outcomes. (2017). Web. £

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Jessica Cuculick

Liberal Studies - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Book Chapter

Barnett, Steven B., et al. "National Center for Deaf Health Research: CBPR with the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community." "Community-Based Participatory Research for Health." Ed. N. Wallerstein, et al. New York, New York: Jossey-Bass, 2017. 157-174. Print. ˆ

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Robyn Dean

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Dean, Robyn K. and Andrea Sinden. "Exploring Accessibility and Transcreation Between Written English and ASL." Mt. Aloyisius Student-Run Interpreter Conference. Pennsylvania Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Mt Aloyisius, PA. 8 Mar. 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Dean, Robyn K. "Moral Exemplars and Their Influence on Ethical Thinking of Interpreting Students." Ethics Across the Curriculum. Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum. Grand Rapids, MI. 5 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation. «

Dean, Robyn K. "Les Miserables and Rest’s Three Moral Schemas." Ethics Across the Curriculum. Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum. Grand Rapids, MI. 5 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation. «

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Dean, Robyn K. "English-Dominant Presenters Opting for ASL: Is the Assumption of Access Correct?" 15 May 2017. TS - typescript (typed). «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Dean, Robyn K. "Demand Control Schema and Supervision in Educational Interpreters." Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind. Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind. Phoenix, AZ. 20 Jan. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Dean, Robyn K. "Justice Reasoning: How Our Ethical Discourse Counters Our Ethical Claims." Oregon Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Oregon Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Monmouth, OR. 20 Apr. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Dean, Robyn K. "You Can’t Measure A Room With the Color Blue: What the INTERPRETING Profession Gets Wrong About Practical Ethics and How to Make It Right." German Interpreting Association. German Interpreting Association. Zwickau, Germany. 13 May 2017. Keynote Speech.

Dean, Robyn K. and Rachel St. John. "Medical Professionals & Interpreters: Hitting The (Ethical) Mark." Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Loss. Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Loss. Rochester, NY. 11 Jun. 2017. Keynote Speech.

Dean, Robyn K. "Being Seasoned: A Conversation on Finding Meaning in the “Second Half” of our Careers." Mental Health Interpreter Training Alumni Sessions. Alabama Department of Mental Health. Montgomery, AL. 3 Aug. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Dean, Robyn K. "Reflective Practice Techniques for Signed Language Interpreters in the EU." EUMASLI: Magdeburg Block Seminar. European Union Master's of Signed Language Interpreting. Magdeburg, Germany. 18 Sep. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Dean, Robyn K. "Re-imagining the Career Ladder of an Interpreter." Interpretek: Director's Meeting. Interpretek. Rome, NY. 7 Nov. 2017. Guest Lecture.

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Matthew Dye

Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Dye, Matthew, Poorna Kushalnagar, and Jon Henner. "Concerns with Data Analysis and Interpretation. Commentary on: Geers et al. (2017). Early Sign Language Exposure and Cochlear Implantation Benefits." Pediatrics. (2017): 1-10. Web.

Dye, Matthew and Olivier Pascalis. "Editorial: The Sensation-Cognition Interface: Impact of Early Sensory Experiences On Cognition." Frontiers in Psychology. (2017): 1. Web. £

Stoll, Chloé, et al. "Face Recognition is Shaped by the Use of Sign Language." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2017): 1. Print. «

Uninvited Presentations

Dye, Matthew. "Does Audition Drive the Development of Domain-General Sequencing Abilities?" 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Society for Research in Child Development. Austin, TX. 1 Apr. 2017. Conference Presentation. «

Dye, Matthew. "Deafness Related Deficits In Temporal Attention: Hearing Loss or Linguistic Deprivation?" Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science and Communication. Linkí¶ping University. Linkí¶ping, Sweden. 1 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Lao, Junpeng, et al. "Deafness Amplifies Visual Information Sampling During Face Recognition." Vision Sciences Society 2017. Vision Sciences Society. St. Pete’s Beach, FL. 1 May 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Dye, Matthew. "Temporal Visual Attention Windows are Larger in Deaf Children." 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society. Psychonomics Society. Vancouver, BC. 1 Nov. 2017. Conference Presentation. «

Stoll, Chloé, et al. "Analyzing the Allocation of Visual Attention in Deaf and Hearing Signers with a Drift-Diffusion Model." 40th European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP 2017. Charité Universitätsmedzin Berlin. Berlin, Germany. 27 Aug. 2017. Poster Session. *

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Pelczarski, Kristin, et al. "Delayed Phonological Encoding In Stuttering: Evidence From Eye Tracking." 2017. TS - typescript (typed). «


Dye, Matthew and Anu Sharma (2017-2022). Neurocognitive Plasticity in Young Deaf Adults: Effects of Cochlear Implantation and Sign Language Exposure. Grant proposal submitted to R01, NIH. ≠

Dye, Matthew, et al (2018-2021). Collaborative Research: Multimethod Investigation of Articulatory and Perceptual Constraints on Natural Language Evolution. Grant proposal submitted to BCS Linguistics, NSF. ≠

Hauser, Peter, Matthew Dye, and Cecilia Alm (2018-2023). PIRE: Multimodal Multilingual Development in Multiple Environments (M3-PIRE). Grant proposal submitted to OISE, NSF. ≠

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Lisa Elliot

Research Associate Professor
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Stinson, Michael S., Lisa B. Elliot, and Ronald R. Kelly. "Deaf and Hard-of Hearing High School and College Students' Perceptions of Speech-to-Text and Interpreting/Note Taking Services and Motivation." Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 29. (2017): 131-152. Web. *

Gehret, Austin U., Lisa B. Elliot, and Jonathan H.C. MacDonald. "Active Collaborative Learning Through Remote Tutoring: A Case Study with Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing." Journal of Special Education Technology 32. 1 (2017): 36-46. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Elliot, Lisa, et al. "User Experiences When Testing a Messaging App for Communication Between Individuals who are Hearing and Deaf or Hard of Hearing." Proceedings of the ASSETS'17, October 29-November 1, 2017, Baltimore MD. Ed. Amy Hurst, Leah Findlater, and Meredith Ringle-Morris. New York City, New York: ACM, 2017. Web. *

Mallory, James R., et al. "Personal Perspectives on Using Automatic Speech Recognition to Facilitate Communication between Deaf Students and Hearing Customers." Proceedings of the ASSETS'17, October 29-November 1, 2017, Baltimore MD. Ed. Amy Hurst, Leah Findlater, and Meredith Ringle-Morris. New York, New York: ACM, 2017. Web. *

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Using Automatic Speech Recognition to Facilitate Communication Between an Individual who is Hearing and One who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing." Proceedings of the ASSETS'17, October 29-November 1, 2017, Baltimore MD. Ed. Amy Hurst, Leah Findlater, and Meredith Ringle-Morris. New York, New York: ACM, 2017. Web. *

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James Fugate

Assistant Professor
Engineering Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Fugate, James R. "Assessment for Project-Based Courses." Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education. (2018): 1-10. Web. *


Tomaszewski, Brian, et al (2017-2020). REU Site: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Disaster Resilience Spatial Thinking. Grant received/funded by Research Experience for Undergraduate Sites (REU), NSF. ≠


Fugate, James R. "Passive Solar Retrofit for a Gloomy Climate." Diss. Rochester Institute of Technology, 2018. Print. ˜

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Austin Gehret

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Gehret, Austin U., Jessica W. Trussell, and Lea V. Michel. "Approaching Undergraduate Research with Students who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing." Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities 20. 1 (2017): 1-10. Web. «

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Gehret, Austin U., Jessica W. Trussell, and Lea V. Michel. "Approaching Undergraduate Research with Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (31.589.1)." Proceedings of the Experimental Biology 2017, Chicago, Il, April 22-26, 2017. Ed. Thoru Pederson. Bethesda, MD: The FASEB Journal. ˜

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Linda Gottermeier

Communication Studies and Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Gottermeier, Linda and Carol DeFilippo. "Patterns of loudness growth in experienced listeners with early-onset severe-profound hearing loss." Journal of the American Academy of Audiology. 29. 6 (2018): 457-476 (20). Print. «


Gottermeier, Linda (2016-2017). Exploring automatic speech recognition technologies in an NTID classroom. Grant received/funded by PLIG, RIT. *

Stinson, Michael, et al (2017-2019). MITRE FCC Telecommunication Relay Services (TRS). Grant received/funded by FCC, FCC. ≠

Gottermeier, Linda and Todd Pagano (2016-2017). Automatic Speech Recognition to Support Spoken Language Communication. Grant received/funded by SPDI, NTID. ˜

Gottermeier, Linda (2017-2018). Mobile Applications to Enhance Communication in Learning and Business Environements. Grant received/funded by Dodge Grant, Dodge. ˜

Uninvited Presentations

Gottermeier, Linda, et al. "Gaining Equal Access to Communication." Spoken Communication Strategies and Techniques. NTID. Rochester, NY. 5 Oct. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Gottermeier, Linda, et al. "Professional Interactions Using Mobile Applicatioins." Imagine RIT. RIT. Rochester, NY. 5 May 2017. Poster Session. ˜

Gottermeier, Linda, et al. "Gaining Equal Access to Communication (Part 2)." ESSP. ESSP. Rochester, NY. 3 Nov. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Gottermeier, Linda and Bonnie Bastian. "Smart Phones to Enhance Student Engagement." Educational Technology Day 2018. Ithaca College. Ithaca, NY. 22 Mar. 2018. Lecture. ˜

Gottermeier, Linda, Charlotte Thoms, and Mark Marschark. "How to Say No." Tenure Track Faculty PD Group. NTID. Rochester, NY. 27 Mar. 2018. Guest Lecture.

Internal Reports/Manuscripts/Articles

Kavin, Denise, et al. "NTID T-Shaped Committee Recommendations and Development of Soft Skills for the NTID Student" [Communication Studies and Services]. Rochester: National Technical Institute for the Deaf, 20 Feb. 2017. Print.

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Paula Grcevic

Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions


Grcevic, Paula A. The Sketchbook Project World Tour: Little Things. 31 Mar. 2017. Brooklyn Art Library, Brooklyn. Exhibit. *

Grcevic, Paula A. Red Onion and Shallots. 29 May 2017. Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester. Exhibit.

Grcevic, Paula A. Indian Corn. 27 Jan. 2017. Dyer Arts Center, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester. Exhibit.

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Laural Hartman

Senior Lecturer
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions


Hartman, Laural. Transmigration of the Gold Plate. 1 Nov. 2017. Gallery R, Rochester. Installation.

Hartman, Laural. Postpartum No.1. Jan. 2017. Dyer Arts Center, Rochester. Exhibit.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Hartman, Laural. "Dirtybeardpress." University of Rochester. Linguistic Department (American Sign Language). Rochester, NY. 21 Nov. 2017. Guest Lecture.

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Joseph Hill

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hill, Joseph. "The Importance of the Sociohistorical Context In Sociolinguistics: The Case of Black ASL." Sign Language Studies 18. 1 (2017): 41-57. Print. £

Published Review

Hill, Joseph. "Book Review." Rev. of Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States, ed. Ceil Lucas. Sign Language Studies 11 Oct. 2017: 162-165. Print.

Published Conference Proceedings

Bayley, Robert and Joseph Hill. "Attitudes Towards Black American Sign Langauge." Proceedings of the University of Pennsylvania Working Papers, New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 45), Vancouver BC. Ed. Betsy Sneller. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennysylvania, 2017. Web. ∆

Coyne, Dave and Joseph Hill. "Infusing Social Justice into Interpreting Education." Proceedings of the CIT 2016 Conference Proceedings. Ed. Miako Rankin, Mary Thumann, and Risa Shaw. Fremont, CA: Conference of Interpreter Trainers, 2017. Web.

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Bonnie Jacob

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Jacob, Bonnie and Jobby Jacob. "lp -Optimal Rankings and Max-Optimal Rankings are Different." Graphs and Combinatorics 33. (2017): 1473-1483. Print. *

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Ronald Kelly

MSSE - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Stinson, Michael S., Lisa B. Elliot, and Ronald R. Kelly. "Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing High School and College Students’ Perceptions of Speech-To-Text and Interpreting/Note Taking Services and Motivation." Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 29. 1 (2017): 131-152. Print. ˜

Mousley, Keith and Ronald R. Kelly. "Developing Deaf Students Fraction Skills Requires Understanding Magnitude and Whole Number Division." Journal of Education and Learning. (2018): 1-9. Print. £

Book Chapter

Kelly, Ronald R. "The Changing Face of the NTID Research Enterprise 1968-2017." "NTID 50th Anniversary History." Ed. James McCarthy. Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2018. 115-123. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kelly, Ronald R. and Andrew B. Quagliata. "Developing Personal Characteristics and Soft Skills Needed for Promotion & Career Growth." 2017 Conference of the Association of College Educators-Deaf and Hard of Hearing. ACE-DHH Association of College Educators-Deaf and Hard of Hearing. San Antonio, TX. 7 Feb. 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Kelly, Ronald R., et al. "Stereotype Threat Effects on Deaf & Hard of Hearing College Students Math Performance." 2017 Conference of the Association of College Educators-Deaf and Hard of Hearing. ACE-DHH Association of College Educators-Deaf and Hard of Hearing. San Antonio, TX. 6 Feb. 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Kelly, Ronald R. and Andrew B. Quagliata. "Developing Strategies, Personal Characteristics and Soft Skills Needed for Job Advancement & Career Success." ADARA Conference 2017: Pathways to New Opportunities. ADARA-American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association. Portland, OR. 24 May 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Quagliata, Andrew B. and Ronald R. Kelly. "Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies to Evaluate and Improve Student Writing." Evidence-Based Teaching & Learning Lilly Conference. Lilly. Austin, TX. 4 Jan. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

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Pamela Kincheloe

Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kincheloe, Pamela. "“Imageword: Multimodal Theory into Practice in the Deaf Classroom." Composition Forum. (2017): 1-10. Print. *

Book Chapter

Kincheloe, Pamela. "Half-Deaf-Mother-Scholar." Professing Parenthood. New Brunswick, NY: Rutgers UP, 2018. 1-10. Print. *

Published Review

Kincheloe, Pamela. "Good Writing is Good Writing." Rev. of Good Writing: A Rhetoric and Reader for Argument, , by Connie Snyder Mick. Oxford UP 18 Nov. 2017: 1-10. Web.

Kincheloe, Pamela. Rev. of Coming out Rhetoric In Disability Studies: Exploring Its Fit With The Deaf Experience, ed. Kim E. Nielson. Disability Studies Quarterly 17 Dec. 2017: 1-10. Web.

Uninvited Presentations

Kincheloe, Pamela. "Putting a Stamp on Deaf Literacy." Annual Meeting of the ESSP. Educational Support Service Personnel. Rochester, NY. 3 Nov. 2017. Conference Presentation.

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Eric Kunsman

Assistant Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education, Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions


Kunsman, Eric T. Kodak Hawkeye Building from the series "Private | Now Back Go : Go Back | Private". 9 Apr. 2017. Allegany National Photography Competition and Exhibition, Cumberland. Installation. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... 26 Apr. 2017. SRO Photo Gallery, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Kodak Hawkeye Building from the series "Private | Now Back Go : Go Back | Private\". n.d. Allegany Arts Council\'s Saville Gallery, Cumberland, MD. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... n.d. The Blackboard Gallery, Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Reflections of an Oncoming Storm. n.d. The Atrium Gallery, Morristown, NJ. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... n.d. Barrett Art Center, Poughkeepsie, NY. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... n.d. Indiana University East, Whitewater Art Gallery, Richmond, Indiana. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... 25 Oct. 2017. The Center, Santa Fe Portfolio Reviews, Santa Fe, NM. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... n.d. Woodstock Photographic Arts Center, Woodstock, NY. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Private | Now Back Go : Go Back | Private. n.d. Colorado Photographic Arts Center, Denver, CO. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. "What Makes An Enduring Image?" Exhibition. 6 Oct. 2017. BRANNER SPANGENBERG GALLERY, Redwood City, CA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... 4 Nov. 2017. Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... n.d. NOS Citrus Fair Photography Contest, San Bernardino, CA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Bryce Canyon, UT. 20 Apr. 2017. Providence Center for Photographic Arts, Providence, RI. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... 14 Oct. 2017. H Gallery + Studios, Ventura, CA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... 19 Jun. 2017. Naples Art Association, Naples, FL. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... n.d. Larson Gallery, Yakima Valley College, Yakima, WA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Thou Art..., Will Give... n.d. LA Artcore, Los Angeles, CA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Private | Now Back Go : Go Back | Private. n.d. Webster Arts, St. Louis, MO. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Private | Now Back Go : Go Back | Private. 3 Nov. 2017. Crayola Gallery, ArtsQuest, Banana Factory Arts Center, Bethlehem, PA. Exhibit. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Private | Now Back Go : Go Back | Private. 30 Sep. 2017. Hew Hope Arts Center, New Hope, PA. Exhibit. *

National/International Competition Award Winner

Kunsman, Eric T. Allegany National Photography Competition and Exhibition. Honorable Mention Award for B&W Image for the "Kodak Hawkeye Building". Cumberland, MD, 2017. *

Kunsman, Eric T. LA Artcore. 3rd place. Los Angeles, CA, 2017. *

Kunsman, Eric T. Webster Arts. Honorable Mention. Webster Groves, MO, 2017. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kunsman, Eric. "Digital Press Technologies." Digital Printing Technologies Boot Camp. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 14 Mar. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Wide Format Inkjet Printing Technologies." Digital Printing Technologies Boot Camp. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 15 Mar. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Digital Press Technologies." Paper, Packaging, Printing & Sustainability for Staples. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 26 Apr. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Digital Press Technologies." Paper, Packaging, Printing & Sustainability for Staples. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 23 May 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Digital Press Technologies." Paper, Packaging, Printing & Sustainability for Staples. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 13 Jun. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Digital Press Technologies." Orientation to the Graphic Arts. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 15 Aug. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Wide Format Printing Technologies." Orientation to the Graphic Arts. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 17 Aug. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Color Management for Digital Technologies." Orientation to the Graphics Arts. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 17 Aug. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Digital Printing Technolgies." Printing Process ID and Image Analysis for Forensic Document Examiners. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 17 Oct. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Digital Printing Technolgies." Digital Printing Boot Camp for UPM Paper. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 7 Nov. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Digital Press Technologies." Digital Printing Boot Camp for Ariva Paper. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 15 Nov. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Wide-Format Inkjet Printing Technologies." Digital Printing Boot Camp for Ariva Paper. Printing Applications Lab at RIT. Rochester, New York. 16 Nov. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Traditional and Digital Printing Technologies." Flower City Printing Print Academy. Flower City Printing. Rochester, New York. 25 Apr. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Print Buyers Vs. Print Sellers." Flower City Printing Print Academy. Flower City Printing. Rochester, New York. 25 Apr. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Print Buyers Vs. Print Sellers." Flower City Printing Print Academy. Flower City Printing. Rochester, New York. 17 Oct. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric. "Traditional & Digital Printing Technologies." Flower City Printing Print Academy. Flower City Printing. Rochester, New York. 17 Oct. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "COLOR MANAGED WORKFLOW FOR DIGITAL PRINT." School of Photographic Arts & Sciences. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 12 Jul. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "The Art of the Fine Print." School of Photographic Arts & Sciences, Photo 1 class. School of Photographic Arts & Sciences. Rochester, NY. 4 Oct. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "Thou Art..., Will Give..." Brown Bag Lecture Series. College of Imaging Arts & Sciences. Rochester, NY. 26 Apr. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "History of Booksmart Studio." Frank Cost's class "The Experimental Book". School of Photographic Arts & Sciences. Rochester, NY. 4 Dec. 2017. Lecture. ˜

Kunsman, Eric T. "The Photo Book Structures." Imaging Systems Minor Students. School of Photographic Arts & Sciences. Rochester, NY. 17 Nov. 2017. Guest Lecture. ˜

View All Submissions

Christopher Kurz

Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Book Chapter

Kurz, Christopher A.N., Kim B. Kurz, and Raychelle Harris. "Effectively Interpreting the Content Areas Utilizing Academic Language Strategies." "Deaf Eyes on Interpreting." Ed. Thomas Holcomb and David Smith. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2017. 1-10. Print. £

Higgins, Jennifer A., et al. "Lessons Learned From Research and Development of ASL Guidelines For K-12 Educational Assessments." "Research Methodology in Deaf Education." Ed. Stephanie Cawthon and Catherine L. Garberoglio. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. 1-10. Print. £

Higgins, Jennifer, et al. "Research and Development of Guidelines for ASL Translation of Educational Assessments." Research in Deaf Education: Contexts, Challenges, and Considerations. Ed. Stephanie Cawthon and C.L. Garberoglio. New York City, New York: Oxford Unviersity Press, 2017. 161-179. Print. £

Kurz, Christopher, Kim B. Kurz, and Raychelle Harris. "Effectively Interpreting the Content Areas Utilizing Academic Language Strategies." "Deaf Eyes on Interpreting." Ed. Thomas Holcomb and Dave Smith. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2018. 1-10. Print. £

Journal Editor

Kurz, Christopher, ed. Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures. e-City: ASLized!, 2017. Web.

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Rinkevich, Micah and Christopher Kurz. "Virtual Labs and Simulations in the DHH Science Classroom." Proceedings of the Association of College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Conference. Ed. Association of College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. San Antonio, TX: n.p.. *

Uninvited Presentations

Lee, ChongMin, Christopher Kurz, and Keith Mousley. "Deaf Students’ Understanding of Rational Numbers: Educational Implications." American Educational Research Association Conference. American Educational Research Association. San Antonio, TX. 13 Apr. 2017. Reading. *

Lee, ChongMin and Christopher Kurz. "Rational Numbers: Is It Hard To Master?" Association of College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Conference. ACE-DHH. San Antonio, TX. 14 Feb. 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kurz, Kim B. and Christopher Kurz. "Educational Interpreter’s Roles & Deaf Children’s Comprehension of Direct and Interpreted Education." La Salle Green Hills. De La Salle - College of St. Benilde. Manila, Philippines. 23 Jan. 2017. Lecture. ∆

Kurz, Christopher and Kim Kurz. "Supporting Deaf Students: Effective Strategies in Promoting Academic Languages in Content Areas." La Salle Green Hills. De La Salle - College of St. Benilde. Manila, Philippines. 22 Jan. 2017. Address.

Kurz, Christopher. "Deaf Experience: Mathematical Literacy." Promoting Student Success in Mathematics: Working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students Conference. TSD. San Antonio, TX. 16 Apr. 2017. Keynote Speech.

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Hansen, Eric, et al. "The Usability of American Sign Language Videos for Presenting Mathematics Assessment Items." 1 Jul. 2017. TS - typescript (typed). «

View All Submissions

Kim Kurz

American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Book Chapter

Bochner, Joseph, et al. "Method and Materials For A Computer-Based Test of Sign Language Ability: The American Sign Language Discrimination Test." "New Research on Sign Language." Ed. Reynard Louis. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2017. 22. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kurz, Kim and Christopher Kurz. "Educational Interpreter's Roles & Deaf Children's Comprehension of Direct and Interpreted Education." La Salle Green Hills. La Salle Green Hills. Manila, Philippines. 15 Jan. 2017. Lecture. ≠

Kurz, Christopher and Kim Kurz. "Supporting Deaf students: Effective Strategies in Promoting Academic Languages in Content Areas." La Salle Green Hills. La Salle Green Hills. Manila, Philippines. 16 Jan. 2017. Lecture. ≠

Kurz, Kim. "Applying National Standards to ASL Curriculum." Maryland American Sign Language Teachers Association Conference. Maryland American Sign Language Teachers Association. Baltimore, Maryland. 8 Aug. 2017. Lecture. ≠

Kurz, Kim. "Comparing Direct Communication and Interpreted Education." National Educational Interpreter National Conference. National Association of Educational Interpreters. Greeley, CO. 15 Jun. 2017. Lecture. ≠

Uninvited Presentations

Hill, Joseph and Kim Kurz. "Deaf Perspectives on Interpreters\' Ownership and Language Attitudes." International Interpretation and Translation Research Symposium. Gallaudet University. Washington, DC. 28 Mar. 2017. Conference Presentation. *

Kurz, Kim and Christopher Kurz. "Sign Language Assessment: Applying it to Filipino Sign Language." College of St. Benilde. College of St. Benilde. Manila, Philippines. 10 Jan. 2017. Lecture. ≠

Kurz, Christopher and Kim Kurz. "Academic Languages in Content Areas - Contextualizing Literacy: New Possibilities, New Directions." College of St. Benilde. College of St. Benilde. Manila, Philippines. 15 Jan. 2017. Lecture. ≠

Kurz, Kim, Leslie Greer, and Carole Lazorisak. "Facing Roadblocks? What is Preventing You from Advancing Your Deaf Interpreting Skills?" Deaf Interpreting Conference II. National Deaf Interpreting Association. Philadelphia, PA. 28 Jun. 2017. Lecture. *

Greer, Leslie, et al. "Delve Into Embracement and Empowerment: What Can CIT Do For You?" Deaf Interpreter Conference II. National Deaf Interpreter Association. Philadelphia, PA. 29 Jun. 2017. Lecture. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Kurz, Kim and Joseph Hill. "The "Heart" of Interpretation from Deaf Perspective." Proceedings of the International Interpretation and Translation Research Symposium; Washington, DC. Washington, DC: n.p.. *

View All Submissions

Dino Laury (Lauria)

Associate Professor
Engineering Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

D.J., Laury,. "Applying Retention Theories to Student-Faculty Interactions." Journal of Ethical Educational Leadership 4. 2 (2017): 1-12. Web. *

View All Submissions

Viet Le

Senior Lecturer
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Le, Viet, Mapa Mapa, and Kandatege Wimalasena. "Reverse transport of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) is mediated by extracellular calcium in dopaminergic MN9D." Proceedings of the 253rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Ed. American Chemical Society. San Fransico, CA: n.p., Print.

Le, Viet, Mapa Mapa, and Kandatege Wimalasena. "2-APB and CGP-37157 as Neuroprotective Agents Against the Toxicity and Uptake of 1-Methyl-4-Phenylpyridinium in Dopaminergic MN9D Cell." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 254rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Ed. American Chemical Society. Washington, DC: n.p., Web.

View All Submissions

Jason Listman

Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Beal, Jennifer S., et al. "University American Sign Language Learners: Longitudinal Self- and Faculty Evaluation Ratings." Journal of Interpretation. (2018): 1-10. Print. *

Book Chapter

Listman, Jason D. and Kalyna Sytch. "Use of Written English in ASL Classroom." "New Research on Sign Language." Ed. Reynard Louis. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publisher, 2017. 105-122. Print. ˜

Bochner, Joseph, et al. "Method and Materials for a Computer-Based Test of Sign Language Ability: The American Sign Language Discrimination Test (ASL-DT)." "New Research on Sign Language." Ed. Reynard Louis. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2017. 57-81. Print. ˜

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Listman, Jason D. and Robert Q. Pollard. "Deaf Culture." 2 Nov. 2017. TS - typescript (typed).

Listman, Jason D., Rosa Lee. Timms, and Summer C. Loeffler. "Deaf Musicality and Unearthing The Music Translation Process." In Press. TS - typescript (typed). ˜

Uninvited Presentations

Listman, Jason D. "Use of English in ASL Classroom." American Teachers Association. American Teachers Association. Salt Lake City, UT. 1 Jul. 2017. Conference Presentation. *

View All Submissions

Matthew Lynn

Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Miecznikowski, John R., et al. "Deactivation of a Ruthenium(II) N-Heterocyclic Carbene p-Cymene Complex During Transfer Hydrogenation Catalysis." Transition Metal Chemistry. (2017): 1-9. Print. ˜

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Lynn, Matthew A, et al. "Diversifying Academic Medicine: Mentoring and Supporting Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Scholars." 17 Nov. 2017. TS - typescript (typed). ˜

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Simpson-Haidaris, PJ, et al. "Experiences and Best Practices for Mentoring, Collaborating and Supporting Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Scientists to Promote Diversity in the Workforce." 2017 IRACDA Annual Conference. IRACDA. Birmingham, AL. 6 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Simpson-Haidaris, PJ, et al. "Rochester Postdoc Partnership (RPP) to Advance Research and Academic Careers of Deaf Scholars." 2017 Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) Conference. IRACDA. Birmingham, AL. 4 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Simpson-Haidaris, PJ, et al. "Rochester Postdoc Partnership (RPP) to Advance Research and Academic Careers of Deaf Scholars." Rochester Summer Research Training Institute (RSRTI). University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 11 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Uninvited Presentations

Zhang, Yaxin and Matthew A Lynn. "Validation of Intermolecular Charge Transfer Excited State Contribution in Aggregated Squaraines." 26th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 4 Aug. 2017. Conference Presentation.

View All Submissions

James Mallory

Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Mallory, James, et al. "Personal Perspectives on Using Automatic Speech Recognition to Facilitate Communication between Deaf Students and Hearing Customers." ACM ASSETS 2017 Conference Proceedings ASSETS’17, October 29-November 1, 2017, Baltimore, MD, USA. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-4926-0/17/10 (2017): 1-4. Web. «

Invited Paper

Mallory, James, Brian Trager, and Chris Campbell. "Collaborating with Microsoft for Automatic Speech Recognition to Facilitate Communication between Deaf Students and the Hearing World." Collaborating with Microsoft for Automatic Speech Recognition to Facilitate Communication between Deaf Students and the Hearing World. (2017). Web. ∆

View All Submissions

Marc Marschark

Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Full Length Book

Knoors, Harry and Marc Marschark. "Evidence-Based Practice in Deaf Education." New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018. Print. £

Marschark, Marc. Raising and Educating a Deaf Child. Third ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018. Print.

Journal Paper

Blom, Helen, Marc Marschark, and Elizabeth Machmer. "Simultaneous Communication Supports Learning In Noise By Cochlear Implant Users." Cochlear Implants International 18. (2017): 49-56. Print. «

Marschark, Marc, et al. "Don’t Assume Deaf Students are Visual Learners." Journal of Physical and Developmental Disabilities 29. (2017): 153-171. Print. «

Marschark, Marc, et al. "Don’t Assume Deaf Students are Visual Learners." Journal of Physical and Developmental Disabilities 29. (2017): 153-171. Print. «

Marschark, Marc, Ingo Zettler, and Jesper Dammeyer. "Social Dominance Orientation, Language Orientation, and Deaf Identity." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 22. (2017): 269—277. Print. «

Crowe, Kathryn, et al. "Achievement, Language, and Technology Use Among College-Bound Deaf Learners." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 22. (2017): 393-401. Print. «

Dammeyer, Jesper, Christine Lehane, and Marc Marschark. "Use of Technological Aids and Interpretation Services Among Children and Adults with Hearing Loss." International Journal of Audiology 56. (2017): 740-748. Print. «

Marschark, Marc, et al. "Language and Psychosocial Functioning among Deaf Learners with and without Cochlear Implants." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2017): 1-10. Print. «

Bull, Rebecca, et al. "The Approximate Number System and Domain-General Abilities As Predictors of Mathability In Children with Normal Hearing and Hearing Loss." British Journal of Developmental Psychology. (2018): 1-10. Print. «

Book Chapter

Marschark, Marc and Harry Knoors. "Sleuthing the 93% Solution in Deaf Education." "Evidence-Based Practice in Deaf Education." Ed. Harry Knoors and Marc Marschark. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018. 1-10. Print. ˜

Knoors, Harry, Annet de Klerk, and Marc Marschark. "The Need for Constructing and Implementing Teaching Practices Informed by Research Evidence." "Evidence-Based Practice in Deaf Education." Ed. Harry Knoors and Marc Marschark. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018. 1-10. Print. ˜

View All Submissions

Rachel Mazique

Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Book Chapter

Mazique, Rachel C. "Sign Language Peoples’ Right to be Born: The Bioethical Debate in Karawynn Long’s "Of Silence and Slow Time"." Innovations in Deaf Studies: The Role of Deaf Scholars. Ed. Annelies Kusters, Dai O’Brien, and Maartje De Meulder. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2017. 295-329. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Mazique, Rachel. "Sign Language Peoples' Right to be Born: The Bioethical Debate in Karawynn Long's "Of Silence and Slow Time"." Deaf Scholars and Innovations in Deaf Studies Conference. Heriot-Watt University. Edinburgh, UK. 15 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation. ∆

View All Submissions

Keith Mousley

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Published Review

Sun, Barbara. "Developing Deaf Students Fraction Skills Requires Understanding Magnitude and Whole Number Division." Rev. of Research work, by Keith Mousley and Ronald R. Kelly. Journal of Education and Learning 11 Dec. 2017: 1-9. Print. «

View All Submissions

Jason Nordhaus

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Chen, Z., et al. "Wind-Accelerated Orbital Evolution In Binary Systems with Giant Stars." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473. 1 (2017): 747-756. Web. £

Chen, Z., et al. "Mass Transfer and Disc Formation In AGB Binary Systems." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 468. 4 (2017): 4465-4477. Web. £

Trussell, J., et al. "Morphology Instruction In The Science Classroom For Students Who Are Deaf: A Multiple Probe Across Content Analysis." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2017): In press. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Chen, Z., et al. "Mass Transfer In Asymptotic-Giant-Branch Binary Systems." Proceedings of the Planetary Nebulae: Multi-Wavelength Probes of Stellar and Galactic Evolution, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Ed. A. Karakas. Beijing, China: IAU, Web. £

Marco, O. De, et al. "Post-Common Envelope PN, Fundamental or Irrelevant?" Proceedings of the Planetary Nebulae: Multi-Wavelength Probes of Stellar and Galactic Evolution, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium. Ed. A. Karakas. Beijing, China: IAU, Web. £

Nordhaus, J. "Common Envelope Evolution: Implications for Post-AGB Stars and Planetary Nebulae." Proceedings of the Planetary Nebulae: Multi-Wavelength Probes of Stellar and Galactic Evolution, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Ed. A. Karakas. Beijing, China: IAU, Web. £

Uninvited Presentations

Kirschbaum, A. and J. Nordhaus. "Orbital Stability of the Hierarchical Triple System HIP 3678." NTID Student Research Conference. NTID/RIT. Rochester, NY. 12 May 2017. Poster Session.

Perfect, C. and J. Nordhaus. "A Tertiary Formation Scenario for GW150914." NTID Student Research Symposium. NTID/RIT. Rochester, NY. 12 May 2017. Conference Presentation.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Nordhaus, J. "Gravitational Waves: A New Era in Astrophysics." Science Teacher Association of New York State. STANYS. Rochester, NY. 6 Nov. 2017. Keynote Speech.

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Kirschbaum, A. and J. Nordhaus. "Orbital Stability of the Hierarchical Triple System HIP 3678." Ed. AAS. Grapevine, Texas: AAS.

Aarnio, A., et al. "The AAS Working Group on Accessibility and Disability (WGAD): Year 1 Highlights." Proceedings of the American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #229. Ed. AAS. Grapevine, Texas: AAS.


Nordhaus, J. (2017-2020). "Unveiling Hidden Companions In Post-AGB Stars: 3D Simulations of Evolved Star Binaries." Grant proposal submitted to Hubble Space Telescope, NASA. ≠

Nordhaus, J. (2017-2020). Black holes inside giant stars: relativistic effects in common envelopes and associated multi-messenger signatures. Grant proposal submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Grants, National Science Foundation. ≠

Invited Article/Publication

Nordhaus, Jason. "Common Envelope Evolution: Implications for Post-AGB Stars and Planetary Nebulae." International Astronomical Union Symposium: Planetary Nebulae as Multiwavelength Probes of Stellar Evolution. (2017). Print. £

View All Submissions

Todd Pagano

Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Harrison, Melissa M., et al. "Phenolic Content of Invasive and Non-Invasive Emergent Wetland Plants." Aquatic Botany 136. (2017): 146-154. Print. *

Gerloff, Janice, et al. "Inflammatory Response by Different E-Cigarette Flavoring Chemicals Identified by GC-MS in e-Liquids and e-Vapors on Human Lung Epithelial Cells and Fibroblasts." Applied In Vitro Toxicology 3. 1 (2017): 28-40. Print. *

Harrison, Melissa, et al. "Variability in the Phenolic Content of Invasive and Non-Invasive Emergent Wetland Plants." Aquatic Botany 136. (2017): 146-154. Print. *

Rogers, Reginald and Todd Pagano. "Intentional Efforts Towards an Inclusive Undergraduate Research Environment for Underrepresented Students." Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 1. 4 (2018): 47. Web. *

Bida, Morgan, et al. "Fluorescence Characteristics and PARAFAC Modeling of Bitumen from Ancient Ceramics." Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 5. (2017): 69-83. Print. *

Book Chapter

Pagano, Todd. "Making Education and Careers in Chemistry Accessible and Successful for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." "Diversity in the Chemistry Community." Ed. Donna Nelson and H.N. Cheng. Washington, DC, DC: American Chemical Society, 2017. 1-5. Web. *

Pagano, Todd. "On Giants\' Shoulders: A Tradition of Excellence in Teaching." A Shining Beacon: 50 Years of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Ed. James McCarthy. Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2017. 135-145. Print.

Pagano, Todd and David Templeton. "From Roots to STEM: STEM Education at NTID." A Shining Beacon: 50 Years of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Ed. James McCarthy. Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2017. 149-161. Print.

Pagano, Todd. "Making Education and Careers in Chemistry Accessible and Successful for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." Diversity in the Scientific Community. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2017. 125-132. Print. *

Journal Editor

Pagano, Todd, ed. Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities. Rochester: Science Education for Students with Disabilities, 2017. Web. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Pagano, Todd. "Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teacher Award Lecture: Maximizing Inclusivity in the Postsecondary Science Classroom." National Meeting of the National Science Teacher Association. National Science Teacher Association. Los Angeles, CA. 30 Mar. 2017. Keynote Speech. £

Uninvited Presentations

Dominguez, Jonathan, et al. "Essential Oil Composition, Antioxidant Capacity, and Total Phenolic Content of Eugenia samanensis Alain, a Species Endemic to the Samana Peninsula, Dominican Republic." IX Congreso de la Biodiversidad Caribena. Congreso de la Biodiversidad Caribena. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 1 Feb. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Pagano, Todd, et al. "Characterization of Antioxidant Components in Wild Fruits Consumed by Migratory Birds using Multidimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Chemometrics." Annual Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society. Wilson Ornithological Society. Fort Meyers, FL. 1 Mar. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Cummings, Cody, et al. "Comparison of Methods for the Capture of e-Cigarette Emissions for the Determination of Constituents using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry." 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA. 1 Apr. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Harrison, Melissa, et al. "Phenolic Content of Invasive and Non-Invasive Emergent Wetland Plants." New York State Wetlands Forum and Society of Wetland Scientists Joint Conference. New York State Wetlands Forum and Society of Wetland Scientists. Suffern, NY. 20 Apr. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Cummings, Cody, et al. "Comparison of Methods for the Capture of e-Cigarette Emissions for the Determination of Constituents using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry." 62nd Annual Rochester American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Symposium. Rochester Section of the American Chemical Society. Pittsford, NY. 14 Apr. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Pagano, Susan Smith, et al. "An Integrated Investigation of Thrush Stopover Biology on the South Shore of Lake Ontario." Northeast Natural History Conference. Northeast Natural History. Cromwell, CT. 15 Apr. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

11/1/2017 - 12/5/2017
     U.S. Dept. of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
     Amount: $10000 £

View All Submissions

Robert Pollard

Office of the President, Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Barnett, Steven, et al. "Collaboration with Deaf Communities to Conduct Accessible Health Surveillance." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 52. 3S3 (2017): S250-S254. Print. «

Book Chapter

Pollard, Robert and Meghan Fox. "Forensic Evaluation of Deaf Individuals: Challenges and Strategies." Language Deprivation in Deaf Mental Health Care. Ed. Neil Glickman and Wyatte Hall. New York, New York: Rutledge, 2019. 1-30. Print. ∆

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Pollard, Robert and Brian T. Berlinski. "Forensic Evaluation of Deaf Individuals: Challenges and Strategies." 15 Jul. 2017. TS - typescript (typed). ∆

Uninvited Presentations

Pollard, Robert. "Technical Standards and Other Legal Challenges Confronting D/HH Healthcare Professionals." Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Loss. Association of Medical Professionals with Hearing Loss. Rochester, NY. 10 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Jr, Robert Q Pollard and Robyn K. Dean. "Mental Health Interpreting: Clinical Information and Work Strategies for A Practice Profession." Mental Health Interpreter Training. Alabama Department of Mental Health. Montgomery, AL. 1 Aug. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Jr, Robert Q Pollard. "Forensics and the Deaf Population: Challenges and Strategies for Interpreters and Clinicians." Alumni Session, Mental Health Interpreter Training. Alabama Department of Mental Health. Montgomery, AL. 31 Jul. 2017. Lecture.

Jr, Robert Q Pollard. "The Misguided Search For A Psychology of the Deaf." Union College Psychology Department Speaker Series. Union College. Schenectady, NY. 28 Sep. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Pollard, Robert. "Deaf-hearing Relations: “Getting It” and Avoiding Conflicts." American Sign Language Program, University of Rochester. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 26 Sep. 2017. Guest Lecture.


Smith, Scott, Robert Pollard, and Wyatte Hall (2017-2019). Investigating Key Biopsychosocial Factors That Mediate Lifespan Management of Pre-Lingual Deafness. Grant received/funded by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health. *

Pearson, Thomas H. and Robert Q Pollard Jr. (2012-2016). Revised Application to Advance Evidence-Based Research to Protect Human Subjects. Grant received/funded by National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences and the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, National Institute of Health. «

Jr., Robert Q Pollard and Scott Smith (2017-2020). Investigating Key Biopsychosocial Factors That Mediate Lifespan Management of Pre-Lingual Deafness.”. Grant received/funded by R21, NIH/National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. *

View All Submissions

Octavian Robinson

Cultural and Creative Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Robinson, Octavian E and Jonathan Henner. "The Personal is Political in The Deaf Mute Howls: Deaf Epistemology Seeks Disability Justice." Disability & Society 32. 9 (2017): 1416-1436. Web. «

Robinson, Octavian E. "Moving Toward Disability Justice." Disability Studies Quarterly 37. 3 (2017): 1-10. Web. £

Published Review

Robinson, Octavian E. "DEAF-SAME: Is it For Real?" Rev. of It's A Small World: Deaf Spaces in International Encounters, eds. Friedner, Michele and Kusters, Annelies. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1 Oct. 2017: Web. £

Journal Editor

Robinson, Octavian E, et al, ed. Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures. Denver: ASLized, 2018. Web.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Robinson, Octavian E and Naomi Sheneman. "Power and Privilege in Interpreting." Workshop for MCDHH. Massachusetts Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Worcester, MA. 15 Jun. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Robinson, Octavian E. "In-Betweenity: Deconstructing the Binary and Ditching the Hierarchy of Identity." Pride Summit of the Intelligence Community. Federal Bureau of investigation. Washington, DC. 12 Jun. 2017. Address.

Robinson, Octavian E. "In-Betweenity: The Encounters of Identity Among Deaf People and Their Intersections." Brown University Disabilities in Medicine. Brown University School of Medicine. Providence, RI. 15 Apr. 2017. Address.

Robinson, Octavian E. "Whiteness, Xenophobia, Stigma, and the Battle Against Sign Language." Brown University. Brown University. Providence, RI. 15 Mar. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Robinson, Octavian E. "Three Degrees Apart: Being Trans and Grappling with Deaf Cultural Norms." Invited Talk. Brown University. Providence, RI. 15 Mar. 2017. Guest Lecture.

Robinson, Octavian E. "Agents of Change: Teaching ASL from a Social Justice Framework for deaf Instructors." Invited Talk. Road to Deaf Interpreting. Worcester, MA. 26 Jan. 2017. Address.

Uninvited Presentations

Robinson, Octavian E and Naomi Sheneman. "False Goodwill: Muting the Deaf Voice in Access." Pacific Rim international Conference on Disability Studies and Diversity. University of Hawaii. Honolulu, HI. 10 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Robinson, Octavian E, et al. "Emerging Deaf Historians: Researching, Writing, and Reinterpreting Deaf History." International Deaf Academics and Researchers Conference. Deaf Academics. Copenhagen, Denmark. 11 Aug. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Robinson, Octavian E and Andrew Veith. "Beyond Observation: Service Learning and Community Involvement for American Sign Language and Deaf Studies Students." American Sign Language Teachers Association. ASLTA. Salt Lake City, UT. 26 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Robinson, Octavian E. "Social Justice Framework in Teaching ASL and Deaf Studies: Benefits and Applications." American Sign Language Teachers Association conference. ASLTA. Salt Lake City, UT. 26 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Robinson, Octavian E. "Sign Language Interpreters: For Show or for Access?" International Conference on Disability as Spectacle. University of California at Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA. 13 Apr. 2017. Conference Presentation. £

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Robinson, Octavian E and Naomi Sheneman. "No Room for Ego: Sign Language Interpreting for Equity, Not Entertainment." Proceedings of the Pacific Rim international conference on disability studies, October, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii. Honolulu, Hawaii: n.p.. *

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Sidonie Roepke

Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions


Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. Black Holes. Jan. 2017. Dyer Arts Center, Rochester, NY. Exhibit.

Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. Yipes! Stripes. Jan. 2017. Dyer Arts Center, Rochester, NY. Exhibit.

Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. Seven-Eleven. Jan. 2017. Dyer Arts Center, Rochester, NY. Exhibit.

Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. W W. Jan. 2017. Dyer Arts Center, Rochester, NY. Exhibit.

Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. Skaket. May 2017. Rochester Contemporary, Rochester, NY. Exhibit.

Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. Something on a Ritz. Aug. 2017. William Harris Gallery, Rochester, NY. Exhibit.

Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. Resolute. Oct. 2017. Mill Art Center & Gallery, Honeoye, NY. Exhibit.

Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. Wonder Windows. Oct. 2017. Big Arts Center, Sanibel, FL. Exhibit.

Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. Lineation. Dec. 2017. Geisel Gallery at One Bausch and Lomb Place, Rochester, NY. Exhibit.

Roepke, Sidonie Merkel. Structured. Dec. 2017. Mill Art Center & Gallery, Honeoye, NY. Exhibit.

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Annemarie Ross

Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions


Ross, Annemarie D. "Examining Deaf Students’ Equitable Access to Science vis-a-vis Contemporary Pedagogical Practices." Diss. State of New York-Buffalo, 2017. Print. ˜

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Ernest Roszkowski

Principal Lecturer
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Manufactured Product

Roszkowski, Ernest and Audra Mikaliukas. NTID Diversity Group. T-shirt. Route 66. (2017).


Roszkowski, Ernest. "AudialText." Diss. Rochester Institute of Technology, 2017. Print. *

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Vincent Samar

Liberal Studies - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Book Chapter

Bochner, Joseph, et al. "Method and Materials for a Computer-Based Test of Sign Language Ability: The American Sign Language Discrimination Test (ASL-DT)." "New Research in Sign Language." Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2017. 1-35. Print. ˜


Pollard, Robert, et al (2017-2019). Investigating Key Biopsychosocial Factors that Mediate Lifespan Management of Pre-Lingual Deafness. Grant received/funded by R21, NIH. ˜

Bochner, Jpseph, et al (2017-2018). Auditory Experience, Critical Periods and the Development of Categorical Perception in Cochlear Implant Users: A Preliminary Investigation. Grant received/funded by Health Hearing Foundation, Health Hearing Foundation. ˜

Samar, Vincent J (2017-2017). PROMIS (Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System) Materials Development. Grant received/funded by Mitten Family Foundation, Mitten Family Foundation.

Samar, Vincent J (2017-2017). Sexual Health Survey Pilot Project. Grant received/funded by University of Rochester, Deans Office, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (Center for Aids Research), University of Rochester, Deans Office, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (Center for Aids Research).

Smith, Scott R, Vincent J Samar, and Paul Craig (2017-2022). RIT-RISE Scientists-in-Training Program for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Undergraduates. Grant received/funded by NIH, NIH. ˜

Samar, Vincent J (2017-2017). New York State Deaf Health Survey. Grant received/funded by National Center for Deaf Health Research and New York State Department of Health, National Center for Deaf Health Research and New York State Department of Health.

Samar, Vincent J and Robert Pollard (2017-2018). NTID Subcontract to the Rochester Prevention Research Center- National Center for Deaf Health Research (NCDHR), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Prevention Research Centers Program. Grant received/funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Prevention Research Centers Program., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

DeCaro, James and Vincent J Samar (2016-2017). NTID Subcontract to the Rochester Prevention Research Center- National Center for Deaf Health Research (NCDHR), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Prevention Research Centers Program. Grant received/funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Prevention Research Centers Program., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Uninvited Presentations

Samar, Vincent J, et al. "Adult Bicultural Deaf/Hearing Identity is Associated with Health-Related Correlates of Academic Achievement." ADARA Conference 2017- Professionals, Purpose, Passion: Pathways to New Opportunities. ADARA. Portland, Oregon. 23 May 2017. Poster Session. ˜

Samar, Vincent J and Paige Bernal. "Attachment to Parents, Family Communication, and Academic Achievement of Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Adults." ADARA Conference 2017- Professionals, Purpose, Passion: Pathways to New Opportunities. ADARA. Portland, Oregon. 23 May 2017. Poster Session. ˜

Parasnis, Ila, et al. "A Valid Sign Language-Based ADHD Test for Deaf Adults." ADARA Conference 2017- Professionals, Purpose, Passion: Pathways to New Opportunities. ADARA. Portland, Oregon. 23 May 2017. Poster Session. ˜

Coll, Ysabela and Vincent J Samar. "Academic Achievement of Firstborn and Secondborn College Adults: Effects of Birth Order, Birth Spacing, and Childhood Socioeconomic Status." 29th Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Boston, MA. 26 May 2017. Poster Session. ˜

Lagasca, Audrey. "Sleep Quality and Types of Aggression in Deaf and Hearing Adults." 29th Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Boston, MA. 27 May 2017. Poster Session. ˜

Bellevue, Cathy and Vincent J Samar. "High Childhood SES and Cochlear Implants Increase Performance on Print Exposure Measures of Cognitive and Literacy Development in Deaf Adults." 29th Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Boston, MA. 27 May 2017. Poster Session. ˜

Samar, Vincent J and Lauren Berger. "Does A Flatter General Gradient of Visual Attention Explain Peripheral Advantages and Central Deficits in Deaf Adults?" 29th Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention. Annual Association for Psychological Science. Boston, MA. 28 May 2017. Poster Session. ˜

Invited Article/Publication

Barnett, Steven L, et al. "Collaboration With Deaf Communities to Conduct Accessible Health Surveillance." American Journal of Preventive Medicine. (2017). Print. ∆

Samar, Vincent J and Lauren Berger. "Does A Flatter General Gradient of Visual Attention Explain Peripheral Advantages and Central Deficits in Deaf Adults?" Frontiers in Psychology. (2017). Print. ˜

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Deirdre Schlehofer

Associate Professor
Cultural and Creative Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Book Chapter

Bochner, Joseph, et al. "Method and Materials For A Computer-Based Test of Sign Language Ability: The American Sign Language Discrimination Test (ASL-DT)." "New Research on Sign Language." Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2017. 57-82. Print. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Owens, Kristina, et al. "Women, Deaf culture and Health Literacy: Examining the Gap Between Deaf and Hearing College Students." Proceedings of the Women's Health 2017: The 25th Annual Congress. Ed. Journal of Women's Health. Washington, DC: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.. *

Panko, Tiffany, et al. "Cancer Diagnosis, Knowledge, and Prevention Among Deaf Women in the 2015-2016 National Health Interview Survey." Proceedings of the Rochester Summer Research Training Institute, June 2017, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY. Ed. University of Rochester and National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Rochester, NY: n.p.. *

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Sara Schley

Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Lynn, M. A., et al. "Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Hearing Students In A Freshmen Biology Course: How the Development of Social Learning Styles and College Experiences Contribute To Success." Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 29. 1 (2017): 173-201. Print. *


(PI), S. Schley (2018-2022). Multimedia Materials and Access to Postsecondary Education: Exploration of Malleable Design Features for Students with Diverse Language and Communication Characteristics. Grant proposal submitted to IES, US Dept. of Education. ˜

(coPI), S. Schley (2017-2020). Students with Disabilities and Pedagogical Practices of Teachers in 3 Regions of Haiti. Grant received/funded by PEER Cycle 6, USAID. ˜

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Kathryn Schmitz

Associate Professor
Academic Affairs
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Editor

Schmitz, Kathryn L., ed. The Volta Review. Washington, DC: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, 2017. Web. «

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Michael Skyer

Senior Lecturer
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Skyer, Michael E. "Bodies In Dependence: A Foucauldian Genealogy of the Americans with Disabilities Acts of 1990 and 2008." Proceedings of the University of Rochester, 5th Annual Diversity Conference: “Crossroads: An Opportunity for Progress,”. Rochester, NY: n.p.. £

Uninvited Presentations

Skyer, Michael E. "Visual Pedagogy and Ocularcentric Deaf Education: Confluences and Conflicts In Research On Deaf Pedagogy." Inaugural Deaf and Hard of Hearing Scientists Rochester Summer Research Training Institute (RSRTI). Saunders Research Building. University of Rochester, Sunday. RIT and UR. Rochester, NY. 11 Jun. 2017. Poster Session. £

Skyer, Michael E. "Multimodal Deaf Digital Learning Platforms in Higher Education." University of Rochester 8th Annual Diversity Conference Poster Session. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 31 Mar. 2017. Poster Session. £

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Scott Smith

Research Associate Professor
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Buckley, Gerard, et al. "Building Community For Deaf Scientists." Science 355. 6322 (2017): 255. Print. ∆

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Smith, Scott R., et al. "Interactive Health Literacy Skills of Deaf and Hearing College Students: The Role of Accessing Indirect (Incidental) Health Information." Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare & the Health literacy Annual Research Conference. Ed. ICCH and HARC. Baltimore, MD: n.p.. «

Smith, Scott R. "RIT-RISE Scientists-In-Training Program for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Undergraduates." Proceedings of the Training and Workforce Diversity (TWD) Annual Meeting. Ed. Training and Workforce Diversity. Baltimore, MD: n.p.. £

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Hall, Wyatte and Scott Smith. "Considering Parental Hearing Status As A Social Determinant of Deaf Population Health: Public Health Insights From Experiences of the “Dinner Table Syndrome”." 1 Jul. 2017. TS - typescript (typed). «


Smith, Scott R., Paul Craig, and Vincent Samar (2017-2022). Rochester Institute of Technology Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement Scientist-In-Training Program for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Undergraduates. Grant received/funded by Research Initaitive for Scientific Enhancement (R25), NIGMS/NIH. «

Smith, Scott R. and Robert Pollard (2017-2019). Investigating Key Biopsychosocial Factors that Mediate Lifespan Management of Prelingual Deafness. Grant received/funded by R21, NIDCD. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Smith, Scott R. "Building Community for Deaf Scientists." National Annual Meeting of the Society of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. Society of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. Denver, CO. 1 Aug. 2017. Conference Presentation. ∆

Smith, Scott R. "The Health of Deaf People." Medical Humanities. LeMoyne College PA School. Syracuse, NY. 3 May 2017. Lecture.

Smith, Scott R. "The Health of Deaf People." Deaf Health Pathway Program. University of Rochester Medical Center. Rochester, NY. 15 Sep. 2017. Lecture.

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Michael Stinson

Research Associate Professor
MSSE - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Rathbun, Kevin, et al. "Eye Movements of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Viewers of Automatic Captions." Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities. (2017): 1-10. Print. *

Stinson, Michael S., Lisa B. Elliot, and Ronald R. Kelly. "Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing High School and College Students’ Perceptions of Speech-To-Text and Interpreting/Note Taking Services and Motivation." Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 28. 1 (2017): 131-152. Print. *

Book Chapter

Stinson, Michael S. "Importance of Technology for Education of Deaf Students." "Educating Deaf Learners: New Perspectives." Ed. Marc Marschark and Harry Knoors. New York, New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. 1-10. Print. ˜

Published Conference Proceedings

Stinson, Michael S., et al. "Knowledge Building and Problem Solving in Teams with Hearing, Deaf, and Hard of Hearing Postsecondary Students." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, April 13-17, 2018. Ed. Carla O-Conner and Suzanne Wilson. Washington, DC: n.p., Web. *

Stinson, Michael S., et al. "Using Automatic Speech Recognition to Facilitate Communication Between and Individual who is Hearing and One who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS17),. Ed. M. Findlater and M. Morris. New York, New York: ACM, 2017. Web. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Stinson, Michael S. "Importance of Technology for Education of Deaf Students." Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Teaching Deaf Learners. Ed. Harry Knoors and Marc Marschark. Amsterdam, Netherlands: n.p.. ∆

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Jessica Trussell

Associate Professor
Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions

Journal Paper

Trussell, Jessica W., et al. "The Effects of Interactive Storybook Reading with Preschoolers Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing." Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 37. 3 (2017): 147-163. Print. *

Book Chapter

Trussell, Jessica W. and M. Christina Rivera. "Word identification and the adolescent deaf and hard-of-hearing reader: Going back to learning to read." "Evidence-based practice in deaf education." New York City, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018. 237-262. Print. *


Trussell, Jessica W. (2018-2021). Improving Reading Outcomes of Students Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing. Grant proposal submitted to NCSER Goal 2 Development and Innovation under Reading, Writing, and Language topic - Research Training Program in Special Education: Early Career Development and Mentoring, Institute of Education Sciences. *

Trussell, Jessica W. (2018-2020). Improving Literacy Outcomes for Students Who Are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. Grant proposal submitted to NIDCD, NIH. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Trussell, Jessica W. "Decoding For Adolescent Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Readers." Teaching Deaf Learners Conference. Royal Dutch Kentalis. Amsterdam, NL. 24 Mar. 2017. Conference Presentation. ˜

Trussell, Jessica W. "Supporting Early Reading Skills at Home and School." Great Start 2017. Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. State College, PA. 23 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.

Trussell, Jessica W. "Reading a Language You Can't Hear." Canadian Educators of the DHH Conference. Canadian Educators of the DHH Conference. Vancouver, BC. 20 Oct. 2017. Keynote Speech.

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Trussell, Jessica W., et al. "Morphology Instruction in the Science Classroom For Students Who Are Deaf: A Multiple Probe Across Content Analysis." Jul. 2017. TS - typescript (typed). *

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Michael Voelkl

Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions


Voelkl, Michael J. ADK Late Afternoon. 22 Jan. 2018. Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky. Exhibit. *

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Andrea Zuchegno

Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2017 Submissions


Zuchegno, Andrea. Deaf Aid Cathode. 1-24 Sep. 2017. The Studio Door - Artistry Through Deaf Eyes Exhibition: California, San Diego. Exhibit.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schley, Sara and Zuchegno, Andrea. "Accessible Instruction, Faculty Innovation, and Pedagogy." Day-long workshop at SOAR 2: Seeking Options to Add Rigor. Alabama School for the Deaf. Talladega, AL. 12 Jun. 2017. Conference Presentation.

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