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Rick Lagiewski

Co-Director Executive Education, External Engagement

Saunders Executive Education
Saunders College of Business

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Rick Lagiewski

Co-Director Executive Education, External Engagement

Saunders Executive Education
Saunders College of Business


BS, MS, Rochester Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Edinburgh Napier University (United Kingdom)


Rick Lagiewski is an Assistant Professor in the Department of International Hospitality and Service Innovation in the Saunders College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology. He has been teaching Hospitality and Tourism related university course work for the past 25 years. His research has concentrated on diverse destination related development, marketing and management related themes. This has included work with the EastWest Institute on cross-border institution building for tourism in the Balkans. Also through a US Department of State fellowship, he studied privatization of the lodging sector in Croatia during their transition to a market economy. Additionally he worked on destination attraction marketing and promotion through gamification in New York State’s Path Through History tourism marketing program. Rick has lectured, taught and led study abroad programs in Costa Rica, Italy, Croatia, Kosovo, Dominican Republic, Peru and the United Arab Emirates. Most recently his work has focused on the role of the lodging sector in destination resilience during period of crisis with the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation

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Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This is the first of a two-course sequence, 4 credit year long experience, comprising the freshman-integrated experience. In Business 1, students will be introduced to the key functional areas of business, discuss current factors, events, and trends that impact business, build professional, personal leadership, communication, and teamwork skills, and evaluate business decisions, and the business plan process. By understanding the key functions of business and analyzing business decisions in Business 1, students will be able to then develop their own business ideas in Business 2.
1 Credits
This course, the second in the First-year Business 4 Credit Experience, applies business and technology tools to create a modified business plan. Supported by guest speakers on a variety of professional development topics, along with student and professional mentors, students in this project-centered course use the Business Model Canvas innovation tool and learn to identify and communicate the nine key elements of a business model. Students will complete a team project that outlines the business case for a new product or service to address a selected challenge or opportunity. Student teams present a business case in both a one-page document and a 10-minute presentation pitch.
3 Credits
Designed as an introductory business course for students in the Saunders College that want to learn more about the fundamentals of business. This course provides an overview of the functions and processes of business organizations. Topics include the role and responsibility of the manager, the processes and functions of business, the impact of technology, business planning process, doing business in global environments, and career exploration. NOTE: Students may not take MGMT 150 if they have already taken MGMT 101 and MGMT 102.
1 Credits
This course will introduce students to personal leadership and professional leadership concepts and exercises that will assist students in developing the skills and behaviors needed for success in the workplace. Personal leadership skills will focus on self-awareness of strengths and areas for development, differences in communication and work style and how to adapt, emotional intelligence strategies, values and decision making, as well relationship building, networking, and influencing others. The professional leadership concepts will focus on the skills needed to effectively lead others and solve workplace challenges, including developing trust and credibility, creating a shared vision, managing change, influencing a positive work culture, and motivating and empowering others. Students will analyze current leaders and challenges as well as network and engage with speakers who serve as leaders in a variety of industries.