University Writing Committee


The ICC shall call upon the Senate to initiate college elections to fill positions on subcommittees it may form to oversee general education and university writing. The college representation on the General Education or University Writing subcommittees shall reflect the college representation on the ICC.

The membership of the sub-committee for University Writing (UWC) shall include representation from the same units as ICC [one faculty member per college which offers an undergraduate program, each to be elected by their collegial faculty; one representative elected at large by the Faculty Senate and who is a member of a college offering an undergraduate program; one representative from the academic deans or designee; one representative from Student Government; and the provost or their delegate (ex-officio, voting)] and will also include the First-Year Writing Coordinator, the University Writing Program director, one representative from the Academic Success Center, and one representative from the English Language Center.

The chairs of GEC and UWC, or their designee, shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the ICC. The chair of ICC, or designee, shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member on each of the ICC subcommittees.

Charges for AY 2024

Standing Charge

  1. Continue to perform the responsibilities of UWC as outlined in Policy D0.10, Section VI, Part C)


David Yockel

Academic Affairs

Chair AY 2024-2025

Provost Appointee

Open Term


Jennifer Bailey

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

2023-2026 (2nd Term)


Claudia Bucciferro

College of Liberal Arts

2024-2027 (1st term)

Neeraj Buch

Academic Affairs

Deans Delegate

2024-2027 (1st term)

Franklin Deese

College of Art and Design

At Large Representative

2024-2027 (1st Term)

Matthew Houdek

Academic Affairs

First-year Writing Coordinator

Open Term

Mark Indelicato

College of Engineering Technology

ICC Chair


Pamela Kincheloe

Academic Affairs

SOIS Representative -  AY 2023-2027 (1st Term)*

Director, University Writing Program

Open Term

Jennifer Matic

Saunders College of Business

2024-2027 (1st term)

Dina Newman

College of Science

2023-2026 (1st Term)

Cha Ron Sattler-LeBlanc

Academic Affairs

Senior Director, Academic Success Center

Open Term

Kathryn Schmitz

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2022 - 2026* (1st Term*)

Janice Shirley

College of Health Sciences and Technology

Spring 2025

Stanley Van Horn

Student Affairs

Director, English Language Center

Open Term

Gretchen Wainwright

College of Engineering Technology

2023-2026 (2nd Term)

Daniel Worden

College of Art and Design

Spring 2025

Michael Yacci

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

2023-2026 (1st Term)