The pitch of the speaker's voice is rated on a five-point scale to indicate how well the speaker can produce voice which has an appropriate pitch for the age and sex of the speaker. Ratings of 4, 3, and 2 indicate progressive degrees of deviation from normal. If a speaker is given a rating of +3, this would indicate that the pitch is judged to be moderately inappropriate and too high. A pitch that is moderately inappropriate and too low would be called -3. If pitch changes markedly during reading, the judgment of pitch is based upon the pitch which is noted during most of the recording.
Rating | Comments | Sample |
Level 1 | Cannot sustain phonation. In this example, the speaker cannot sustain phonation. Vocalization and nasalization of some vowel-like sounds of short duration are provided. Few, if any, consonants are identifiable. Valving for sound generation takes place primarily at the glottis, under conditions of excessive tension. | (Male) |
Level 2 | Much above or below optimal level. In the example, a mild harshness is associated with the high pitch register. The speaker illustrates the fact that marked deviations in pitch register and sometimes quality can co-exist and need not seriously impair intelligibility. The speech is unpleasant to listen to, but the intelligibility of the message is preserved. This fact emphasizes the essentiality of rating and evaluating many interrelated factors in speech and voice diagnosis. | (Female) |
Level 3 | Moderately above or below optimal level. In this example, the moderately high pitch register for this male is associated with a very tense as well as harsh voice quality. The speaker does produce a few words intelligibly. However, in general he is unable to coordinate and control respiration and phonation. Under these conditions intelligible consonants within a continual speech context cannot be realistically anticipated. | (Male) |
Level 4 | Slightly above or below optimal level. In the first sample, pitch register is slightly above optimum. The inflection is rather flat, varying within a limited frequency range. This restriction in range and a rather constant rate of syllable articulation make the speech pattern monotonous. However, some variation and expressiveness is attained by the speaker's ability to use pause appropriately. | (Female) |
Level 5 | Appropriate for age and sex. In this example, inflection of the fundamental seems close to normal with an associated slower-than-normal rate of syllable articulation. A few articulatory errors, slighting of final consonants and the omission of the article are other characteristics noted within this sample. | (Male) |