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RIT's policy website provides RIT administrators, faculty, staff, and students with a central location to access university-level policies, as well as policy-related information and resources.

Access to University-Level Policies

Policies and procedures are fundamental to the functioning of any organization. Policies that are easy to locate and well-written help the university 1) accomplish its mission, 2) maintain accountability, 3) provide students, faculty, staff, and administrators with clear requirements and guidelines for their actions, and 4) clarify how the university conducts business.

To achieve these objectives, this website is the repository for current versions of governance policies (formerly found in the Institute Policies & Procedures Manual), located on the Governance Policy Library.  This website also provides access to current versions of numerous administrative policies via hyperlinks to websites of the responsible offices. These policies are on located on the Administrative Policy Library.  Last, but certainly not least, this website provides a central location for students to find university-level policies that apply to them.  These are located on the Student Policy Library.

The policies provided on, or accessed through, this website constitute official university-level policies for RIT.  When referring to university policies, accuracy is essential; therefore colleges, divisions, and departments must use hyperlinks to this website when doing so.  This requirement does not preclude colleges, divisions, or departments from developing and maintaining internal policies and procedures, provided they are not identified as, and do not conflict with university-level governance or administrative policies.

Policy-Related Information and Resources


If you have any questions, please contact Tamaira Brown, Policy Coordinator 

This website also provides policy-related information and resources for administrators, faculty, staff, and students.  Information includes, for example; descriptions of the university-level governance groups, the history of RIT policy structures and processes, and summaries of policies currently undergoing review and scheduled for review.  Resources (particularly for policy authors) include, for example, editorial guidelines, a glossary of policy terminology, the approved standard policy format, and guidance for navigating the governance review and approval processes.

As part of the ongoing review and updating of university-level policies in the Governance Policy Library, here is a list of new policies and policies that have been recently edited or revised during the 2023-2024 academic year. The list includes the name of the policy and a brief description of the changes provisionally approved through the applicable governance review and approval process with final review and approval by Dr. Munson. Please select the name of the policy to see the policy in its entirety.