MeDesign Human Health Book
MeDesign Human Health Book
The first edition of the Human Health Book was filled with charts and diagrams of anatomy and useful non-technical information about human ailments. In an upcoming new and revised edition, Human Health Book 2 will be produced both in print form and in an interactive digital format as an educational orientation tool for incoming students in RIT’s College of Health Sciences and Technology.
Critical acclaim for the original Human Health Book
A doctor at Syracuse’s Golisano Children’s Hospital commented: “I recently saw the Human Health Book. It is wonderfully designed with great information. I am a pediatric surgeon and the information in the book, along with the artwork, are perfect for providing families and adolescents with information about their bodies, and also to discuss possible upcoming operations. This book is certainly something that we can use to help educate our patients and their families as we explain surgical procedures. This would be invaluable for both patient and family education. Further, I think it is a great tool to help stimulate an interest in the biological sciences, not just to teach to those already enrolled in courses.”
From Kuwait University, an instructor in the medical college wrote: “I believe this book would be perfect for my first-year medical students. It’s clear, concise, and beautifully designed.”
Even designer Massimo Vignelli added his kudos after seeing the Human Health Book. He commented: “This book design has been carried out with great style, imagination and flair. It is the best guide of the human body I have ever seen.”