Reza Aliabadi

Inspired by Massimo’s view on ‘Demitasse’ — mid 19th century: from French, literally “half-cup”— I wanted to create a glass that in itself does not allow you to fill it up all the way to the top. After browsing the Vignellis’ archive, in an epiphanic moment, rather than designing from scratch I decided to use the Vignellis’ visual
vocabulary. So, if you will, in a Duchampian way I came up with a semi-readymade: a collage of a perfume door by Lella and a cocktail glass by Massimo. The proposed prototype borrows the exact measurements and geometry from the two objects. Intended for neat high quality single malt scotch or brandy, once in use, the knob will always keep the glass tilted and rolling. Hence, it is always a demitasse— a tipsy one. —RZLBD