School of Individualized Study - 2011
Faculty Scholarship 2011
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Select a Department from the list on the right to narrow results.Thomas Moran
School of Individualized Study
School of Individualized Study
2011 Submissions
Book Chapter
Moran, Tom. "Designing for Success." Volume 1 - Writing for Success: An Engineer's Guide. Washington, D.C.: IEEE-USA, 2011. 4-28. Web. *
Moran, Tom. "Volume 2 - The Road to Excellence." Writing for Success: An Engineer's Guide. Washington, D.C.: IEEE-USA, 2011. 4-28. Web. *
Moran, Tom. "Will the Real Ken Kesey Please Steal Something." Stone Canoe: A Journal of Arts, Literature and Social Commentary. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University, 2011. 229-232. Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Moran, Tom and Michelle Firnstein. "The Good Class and the Not So Good Class." Faculty Institute on Teaching and Learning. The Wallace Center. RIT, Rochester, NY. 25 May 2011. Conference Presentation. £
James Myers
School of Individualized Study
School of Individualized Study
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Myers, James, Brian Bowen, and Agon Nixha. "Kosova's Energy Efficiency and Fuel Supplies." International Journal of Energy Sector Management 5. 4 (2011): 545-563. Print. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Myers, James. "Sante Nan Lakou: A Strategic Response to Cholera in Rural Haiti." National Haitian American Health Alliance (NAHA) Conference. National Haitian American Health Alliance. Karibe Hotel, Port au Prince, Haiti. 20 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆