College of Liberal Arts - 2011

Faculty Scholarship 2011

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Cecilia Alm

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Book Chapter

Alm, Cecilia O. "What Can Language Technologies do for Endangered Languages, and Vice Versa?" Endangered Languages: Voices and Images, FEL XV. Ed. M. Haboud and N. Ostler. Quito, Ecuador: Foundation for Endangered Languages, 2011. 98-102. Print. £

Published Conference Proceedings

Alm, Cecilia O. "Subjective Natural Language Problems: Motivations, Applications, Characterizations, and Implications." Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Ed. Dekang Lin, Yuji Matsumoto, Rada Mihalcea. Portland, OR: The Association for Computational Linguistic, 2011. Web. «

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Fjorentina Angjellari Dajci

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Angjellari-Dajci, Fjorentina, et al. "A New Approach to Organizations: Stability and Change in Dark Social Networks." Journal of Enterprise Transformation 1. 4 (2011): 290-322. Print. «

Book Chapter

Angjellari-Dajci, Fjorentina, et al. "Social Network Analysis and Bistability: From Theory to a Computational Model of Control." Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions. Ed. M. Cruz-Cunha, et al. Hershey, PA: Global IGI, 2011. 14-33. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Angjellari-Dajci, Fjorentina, F. Goldstein, and W.F. Lawless. "Cost-Effectiveness of a Telepsychiatric Service Delivery to Autistic Children." Proceedings of the International Society for Telemedicine and e-Health (ISfTeH) Med-e-Tel Conference. Ed. F. Lievens and M. Jordanova. ISfTeH, 2011. Print. «

Angjellari-Dajci, Fjorentina, et al. "The Potential Socio-Economic Impact of Using Telehealth Technologies for Diagnosis and Management of Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study Progress Report." Proceedings of the International Society for Telemedicine and e-Health (ISfTeH) Med-e-Tel Conference. Ed. F. Lievens and M. Jordanova. Luxembourg, G.D. of Louxembourg: ISfTeH, 2011. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Angjellari-Dajci, Fjorentina. "A Benefit-Cost Methodological Framework for Evaluating Telehealth Models in Autism." 2011 American Telemedicine Association International Meeting and Exposition. ATA. Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, FL. 3 May 2011. Conference Presentation. «

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Benjamin Banta

Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Banta, Benjamin R. "‘Virtuous War’ and the Emergence of Jus post Bellum." Review of International Studies 37. 1 (2011): 277-299. Print. «

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Sharon Beckford-Foster

Associate Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Full Length Book

Beckford, Sharon Morgan. Naturally Woman: The Search for Self in Black Canadian Women's Literature. 1st ed. : Inanna Publications and Education Inc., 2011. Print. *

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Silvia Benso

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Guglielminetti, Enrico, et al. "Thinking of Work." SpazioFilosofico. 1 (2011) Web.

Book Chapter

Benso, Silvia. "Introduction: Struggling with the Angel:Time, Finitude, and Metaphysical Sentiment." The Possible Present. Ed. Ugo Perone. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2011. IX-XVIII. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Benso, Silvia. "Stoic Cosmopolitanism Between Now and Then: Embodied Citizens of the World." Ancient Philosophy Society. Utah Valley University. Sundance Resort, Salt Lake City, UT. 13 Apr. 2011. Keynote Speech. ∆

Benso, Silvia. "Hermeneutic Communism Between Archeology and Eschatology: Is Anything Missing?" Hermeneutic Communism Conference. Stony Brook University. Manhattan Campus, New York, NY. 19 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

Benso, Silvia. "Gianni Vattimo's Politics Between Reformism and Revolution." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Villanova University/Penn State University. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 21 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation.

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Evelyn Brister

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Brister, Evelyn, Elizabeth Hane, and Karl Korfmacher. "Visualizing Plant Community Change Using Historical Records." International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 2. 4 (2011): 1-18. Print. *

Book Chapter

Brister, Evelyn. "On Scientific Advocacy: Putting Values and Interests in Their Place." Science at the Frontiers: Perspectives on the History and Philosophy of Science. Ed. William Krieger. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011. 157-174. Print. ∆

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John Capps

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Book Chapter

Capps, John. "Epistemology, Logic, and Inquiry." The Continuum Companion to Pragmatism. Ed. Sami Pihlstrom. New York, NY: Continuum, 2011. 81-91. Print. ∆

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Tamar Carroll

Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Published Review

Carroll, Tamar W. "Love and (Gender) Trouble in Interwar African American Marriages." Rev. of Stormy Weather: Middle-Class African American Marriages Between the Two World Wars, by Anastasia Carol Curwood. H-Law, H-Net Aug. 2011: 1-3. Web. ˜

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Conerly Casey

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Casey, Conerly. "Amplifying Memory: Topographies, Collaborations, Mediations in Post-invasion Kuwait." Mind, Medicine and Culture. University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Anthropology and Center for Near East Studies. Los Angeles, CA. 25 Apr. 2011. Lecture. ∆ ≠

Casey, Conerly. "Mediating 'Justice': Youths, Media and Affective Justice in the Politics of Northern Nigeria." Democracy and Prebendal Politics in Nigeria: Critical Reinterpretations. Kayode Fayemi, Governor of Ekiti State, Nigeria, host; Dr. Wale Adebanwi and Dr. Ebenezer Obadare, coorganizers. Eko Hotel, Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. 10 Sep. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆ ≠

Casey, Conerly. "Vigilant Attunements: Danger and the Magic-art of Global Media; Current work in person centered ethnography: Tensions Between Subjects and their Milieux." Society for Psychological Anthropology Biennial meetings. Society for Psychological Anthropology; Jacob Hickman, organizer. Sheraton Delfina Hotel, Los Angeles, CA. 2 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

Casey, Conerly. "Tanko: Witchcraft Affliction and Paranoid Schizophrenia; Panel title: Cultural Variability in Schizophrenia: What We Do and Don't Know." Society for Psychological Anthropology Biennial meetings. Society for Psychological Anthropology. Sheraton Delfina Hotel, Los Angeles, CA. 2 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

Casey, Conerly. "Vigilant Attunements: Violence and the Magic-Art of Global Media in Northern Nigeria." Panel title: The Aesthetics of the Global, organized by Bhaskar Sarkar and Bishnu Ghosh. Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual meetins. New Orleans, LA. 11 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Philippe Chavasse

Associate Professor
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Chavasse, Philippe. "“Le Cosmopolitisme antisémite de Georges Eekhoud dans La Nouvelle Carthage”." Nineteenth-Century French Studies 38. (2009): 97-112. Print. *

Chavasse, Philippe. "“Frédéric Marcelin, auteur nationaliste et résistant bourgeois”." Haitian Studies Journal 13. 1 (2007): 61-82. Print. *

Chavasse, Philippe. "“Martyrologe d’un genre nouveau: le dénouement d’Escal-Vigor de Georges Eekhoud”." Nineteenth-Century French Studies 34. (2006): 371-86. Print. *

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Elisabetta DAmanda

Principal Lecturer
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

D'Amanda, Elisabetta Sanino. "Il cinema etico di Mimmo Calopresti [The Ethical Cinema of Mimmo Calopresti]." New Trends in Modern and Contemporary Italian Cinema Symposium. Indiana University. Indiana University in Bloomington, IN, Bloomington, IN. 15 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

D'Amanda, Elisabetta Sanino. "De Santis da Uomini e Lupi a Riso Amaro [De Santis from Uomini e Lupi To Riso Amaro]." Annual AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian) 2010 Convention. AATI. Erice Town Hall, Erice, Italy. 25 May 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

D'Amanda, Elisabetta Sanino. "The Ethical Cinema of Mimmo Calopresti (Presented in English)." Annual ACTFL (American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages) Conference. ACTFL - AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian). Colorado Convention Center, Boulder, CO. 18 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Nicholas DiFonzo

Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Fine, G. A. and N. DiFonzo. "Uncertain Knowledge." Contexts 10. 3 (2011): 16-21. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Difonzo, N. "Rumor Accuracy: Finding Facts or Fashioning Fallacies?" University of Baltimore Psi Chi Meeting. University of Baltimore Psi Chi Chapter. University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 12 Oct. 2011. Lecture. ∆

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Venera Dumukaj

Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

1/1/2012 - 7/20/2013
     Regional Research Promotion Program RRPP
     Amount: 32,476 CHF ≠

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John Edlund

Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Edlund, John E. "Jealousy Reconsidered: A Reply to DeSteno (2010)." Evolutionary Psychology 9. (2011): 116-117. Web. * «

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Babak Elahi

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Editor

Tavakoli-Targhi, Mohamad, Babak Elahi (Guest Editor), and Persis Karim (Guest Editor), ed. Comparative Studies in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Durham, NC: Duke, 2011. Print. *

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Javier Espinosa

Associate Professor
Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Book Chapter

Evans, William N. and Javier Espinosa. "Falling Consumption and Worker Displacement in the Cigarette Manufacturing Industry." After Tobacco: What Would Happen If Americans Stopped Smoking? Ed. Peter Bearman, Kathryn Neckerman, and Leslie Wright. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2011. 76-105. Print. ˜

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Bridget Gleeson

Associate Professor
Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hanna, Brid Gleeson and Bharat Bhole. "Do Higher Defendant Reversal Rates Imply Appellate Court Plaintiphobia?" Applied Economics Research Bulletin. (2011): Forthcoming. Web. *

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Elizabeth Goins

Associate Professor
Department of Performing Arts and Visual Culture
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Book Chapter

Goins, Elizabeth S. "Museum Games and Interactive Narrative & Design: The Way We Tell Stories with Object." Museums At Play: A Games, Interaction and Learning. Ed. Katy Beale. Edinburgh, UK: MuseumsEtc, 2011. 500-517. Print. £ ˆ

Published Conference Proceedings

Goins, Elizabeth. "Museum Games: Some Strategies for Achieving Project Goals." Proceedings of the Museums and the Web, Philadelphia, April 6-9, 2011. Ed. Jennifer Trant and David Bearman. Philadelphia: n.p., 2011. Web. * ˆ

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Vincent Golphin

Assistant Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Full Length Book

Golphin, Vincent F. A. 10 Stories Down. Kanona, NY: Foothills Publishing, 2011. Print. ˜

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Lauren Hall

Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hall, Lauren K. "Political Graveyards: The Political Significance of Burial and Remembrance." Society 48. 4 (2011): 316-322. Print. *

Hall, Lauren K. "Rights and the Heart: Emotions and Rights Claims in the Political Theory of Edmund Burke." Review of Politics 73. (2011): 1-23. Print. «

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Andrew Herbert

Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Cattaneo, Z., et al. "The Role of the Human Extrastriate Visual Cortex in Mirror Symmetry Discrimination: A TMS-adaptation Study." Brain and Cognition 77. (2011): 120-127. Print. *

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Lisa Hermsen

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Hermsen, Lisa. "Hysteria." Meaningful Play. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI. Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. *

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Andrea Hickerson

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hickerson, Andrea. "Journalists Sourcing and Framing of Abu Ghraib." Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 88. 4 (2011): 789-806. Print. *

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Thomas Hopkins

Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hopkins, Thomas D. "The Evolution of Regulatory Oversight--CWPS to OIRA." Administrative Law Review 63. OIRA Special Edition (2011): 71-77. Print. ∆

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Michelle Jansen

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Jansen, Shelly. "Exchange and Restoration: Sacrifice as a Commemorative Act in Iphigenia in Aulis." Watermark 5. (2011): 160-77. Print. *

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Eunmi Ko

Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Ko, Eunmi. "Changes in Wage Differentials among College Graduates in South Korea, 1999-2008." Korean Journal of Labor Economics 34. 1 (2011): 103-138. Print. *

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Christine Kray

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kray, Christine A. "Of Progress and Delicious Regress: Technology and Eating Locally in the 21st Century." Conable Conference in International Studies. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 25 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. *

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Eun Sook Kwon

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kwon, Eun Sook and Yongjun Sung. "Follow Me! Global Marketer’s Twitter Use." Journal of Interactive Advertising 12. 1 (2011): 4–16. (Cited by 279 articles). Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Um, Nam-Hyun, et al. "Creative Characteristics of Celebrity Endorsement in Korean and U.S. Prime Time TV Commercials." Proceedings of the 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, June 8-10, Brisbane, Australia. Ed. Carrie La Ferle and Gayle Kerr. Dallas, TX: n.p., 2011. Web. «

Kwon, Eun Sook and Yongjun Sung. "Follow Me, We Will Be Your Best Friends! A Content Analysis of Global Brands’ Twitter Use in South Korea." Proceedings of the 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, June 8-10, Brisbane, Australia. Ed. Carrie La Ferle and Gayle Kerr. Dallas, TX: n.p., 2011. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Um, Nam-Hyun, Kyung-Ok Kim, and Eun Sook Kwon. "Use of Culturally Meaningful Symbols or Iconographies in Gay-Themed Ads." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. AEJMC. St. Louis, MO. 10-13 Aug. 2011. Conference Presentation. «

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Michael Laver

Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Full Length Book

Laver, Michael. The Sakoku Edicts and the Politics of Tokugawa Hegemony. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2011. Print. «

Laver, Michael. Japan’s Economy by Proxy in the Seventeenth Century: China, The Netherlands, and the Bakufu. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2008. Print. «

Published Review

Laver, Michael. Rev. of The Traveler’s World: Europe to the Pacific, by Harry Liebersohn. Canadian Journal of History 2011: N/A. Print.

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Uli Linke

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Full Length Book

Linke, Uli and Danielle T. Smith (eds). Cultures of Fear: A Critical Reader. 1st ed. London, UK: Pluto Press, 2009. Print. *

Linke, Uli. German Bodies: Race and Representation after Hitler. 1st ed. New York, NY: Routledge, 1999. Print. «

Linke, Uli. Blood and Nation: The European Aesthetics of Race. 1st ed. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Print. «

Shapiro, Warren and Uli Linke (eds). Denying Biology. 1st ed. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1996. Print. *

Book Chapter

Linke, Uli. "Technologies of Othering: Black Masculinities in the Carceral Zones of European Whiteness." Europe in Black and White. Ed. Manuela Ribeiro Sanches, et al. : The University of Chicago Press, Intellect Books, 2011. 123-141. Print. *

Published Review

Linke, Uli. "Book Review." Rev. of Anthropology at War: World War I and the Science of Race in Germany, by Andrew D. Evans. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 17(3) 2011: 676-677. Print.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Linke, Uli. "Urban Iconicities: Representations of Slum Life as Commodity and Spectacle." American Anthropological Association. Society for Urban, National, Transnational Anthropology and the Society for the Anthropology of Europe. Convention Center, Montreal, Canada. 19 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. *

Linke, Uli. "Racializing Cities, Naturalizing Space: The Global Appeal of Iconic Representations of Slum Life." Symposium: Race, Space, and Nature. Department of Geography. University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. 27 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

Koning, Anouk De and Uli Linke. "Invited Double Session: Embattled Cities: (Post)Colonial Legacies and Specters of Difference in Urban Europe." American Anthropological Association. Society for Urban, National, Transnational Anthropology and the Society for the Anthropology of Europe. Convention Center, Montreal, Canada. 19 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. *

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Kelly Martin

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Gallagher, Victoria J., Kelly Norris Martin, and Magdy Ma. "Visual Wellbeing: Intersections of Rhetorical Theory and Visual Design." Design Issues 27. 2 (2011): 25-39. Print. *

Dannels, Deanna, Amy L. Housley Gaffney, and Kelly Norris Martin. "Students Talk About the Climate of Feedback Interventions in the Critique." Communication Education 60. 1 (2011): 95-114. Print. *

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Laverne McQuiller

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Porter, Judy and LaVerne McQuiller Williams. "Intimate Violence Among Underrepresented Groups on a College Campus." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26. 16 (2011): 3210-3224. Print. «

Porter, Judy and LaVerne McQuiller Williams. "Auditory Status and Experiences of Abuse Among College Students." Violence and Victims 26. 6 (2011): 788-798. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Porter, Judy and LaVerne McQuiller Williams. "Deaf and Hard of Hearing Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual College Students: Sexual, Psychological, and Physical Abuse." Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Toronto, Canada. 5 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

Porter, Judy and LaVerne McQuiller Williams. "African-American College Students Experiences of Sexual, Psychological and Physical Violence." American Society of Criminology. American Society of Criminology. Washington, DC. 5 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Andrew Moore

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Book Chapter

Legge, Anthony J. and Andrew M.T. Moore. "Clutching at Straw: the Early Neolithic of Croatia and the Dispersal of Agriculture." The Dynamics of Neolithisation in Europe: Studies in Honour of Andrew Sherratt. Ed. Angelos Hadjikoumis, Erick Robinson, and Sarah Viner. Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books, 2011. 176-195. Print. «

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Danielle Pafunda

Assistant Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Full Length Book

Pafunda, Danielle. Iatrogenic: Their Testimonies. Las Cruces, NM: Noemi Press, 2010. Print. £

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Vincent Pandolfi

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Book Chapter

Magyar, Caroline I. and Vincent Pandolfi. "Student Evaluation." Developing and Evaluating Educational Programs for Students with Autism. New York: Springer, 2011. 159-180. Print. ∆

Magyar, Caroline I. and Vincent Pandolfi. "Case Example: Inclusion Program Development." Developing and Evaluating Educational Programs for Students with Autism. New York: Springer, 2011. 235-245. Print. ∆

Magyar, Caroline I. and Vincent Pandolfi. "Case Example: Redesigning a Specialized School." Developing and Evaluating Educational Programs for Students with Autism. New York: Springer, 2011. 247-271. Print. ∆

Magyar, Caroline I. and Vincent Pandolfi. "Building Regional Capacity: Select Case Examples." Developing and Evaluating Educational Programs for Students with Autism. New York: Springer, 2011. 273-289. Print. ∆

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Judy Porter

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Porter, Judy L. and LaVerne McQuiller Williams. "Intimate Violence Among Underrepresented Groups on a College Campus." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26. 16 (2011): 3210-3224. Print. *

Porter, Judy L. and LaVerne McQuiller Williams. "Auditory Status and Experiences of Abuse Among College Students." Violence and Victims 26. 6 (2011): 788-798. Print. *

Porter, Judy L. and John M. Klofas. "Corrections and Sustainable Communities: The Impact on Local Populations." Journal of the Institute of Justice & International Studies 11. (2011): 117-128. Print. *

Porter, Judy L. "The Hidden Story of Vocational Education in Corrections." Vocational Education In Correctional Facilities: An Anthology of Personal Perspectives. (2011): all. Print. *

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Esa Rantanen

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Stankovic, Stephanie, et al. "Individual Differences in the Effect of Vertical Separation on Conflict Detection in Air Traffic Control." International Journal of Aviation Psychology 21. 4 (2011): 325-342. Print. ˜

Published Conference Proceedings

Rantanen, E. M. and W. F. Moroney. "Educational and Skill Needs for New Human Factors/Ergonomics Professionals." Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Las Vegas, NV, September 19-23, 2011. Ed. HFES. Santa Monica, CA: n.p., 2011. Print. *

Rantanen, E. M. and J. L. Smagner. "User Experience with Cybercollaboration Technologies." Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Santa Monica, CA: HFES, 2011. Print. * †

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John Roche

Associate Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Full Length Book

Roche, John. Road Ghosts. 1st ed. Palmyra, NY: theenk Books, 2011. Print.

Published Review

Roche, John. "Hugh Fox, Approaching: Poems of Brazil." Rev. of Approaching: Poems of Brazil, ed. Diane Smith. Gray Sparrow Journal May 2011: 1. Web. £

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Michael Saffran

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Saffran, Michael J. "Effects of Local-Market Radio Ownership Concentration on Radio Localism, the Public Interest, and Listener Opinions and Use of Local Radio." Journal of Radio & Audio Media 18. 2 (2011): 281-294. Print. ∆

Journal Editor

Saffran, Michael J., ed. Journal of Radio & Audio Media (Radio Localism symposium). Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis/Routledge, 2011. Print. ∆

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Michael Sarnowski

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Book Chapter

Sarnowski, Michael. "Judy Garland, Live in Chelsea, London, June 23rd, 1969 and Self Portrait." Excerpt from "A Map to the Catacombs". Santa Monica, CA: Black Heart Magazine, 2011. 1-2. Web. ˜

Sarnowski, Michael. "Quiet Nights in the Afterlife and Emptying Lots." Excerpt from "A Map to the Catacombs". Blast Furnace, 2011. 1-2. Web. ˜

Sarnowski, Michael. "This is Not Ukraine, This is My Apartment." Exerpt from "A Map to the Catacombs". : Potomac Review, Montgomery College, 2011. 11. Print. ˜

Journal Editor

Sarnowski, Michael, ed. Anis Mojgani- "The Feather Room". Long Beach, CA: Write Bloody Publishing, 2011. Print. ˆ

Sarnowski, Michael, ed. Ben Clark- "Reasons to Leave the Slaughter". Long Beach, CA: Write Bloody Publishing, 2011. Print. ˆ

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

1/1/2011 - 1/15/2011
     Vermont Studio Center- Writing Residency Fellowship
     Amount: $1400.00 ≠

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Rebecca Scales

Associate Professor
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Scales, Rebecca. "Metissage on the Airwaves: Colonial Modernity and the Cultural History of Imperial Broadcasting in French Colonial Algeria"." Building Empires on the Air: Histories and Geopolitics of Radio and Empire. National University of Ireland-Galway. Moore Institute, Galway, Ireland. 1 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

Scales, Rebecca. "Subversive Sound: Transnational Broadcasting and Colonial Borders in the French Mediterranean, 1934-1939." Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. American Historical Association. Boston, MA. 3 Jan. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Christopher Schreck

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

McGloin, Jean Marie, et al. "Predicting the Violent Offender: The Discriminant Validity of the Subculture of Violence." Criminology 49. 3 (2011): 767-794. Print. «

Book Chapter

Schreck, Christopher J. and Eric A. Stewart. "The Victim-Offender Overlap and its Implications for Juvenile Justice." The Handbook of Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice. Ed. Barry C. Feld and Donna M. Bishop. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 47-70. Print. ∆

Journal Editor

Schreck, Christopher J., ed. Journal of Criminal Justice Education. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor and Francis, 2011. Print. «

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Brian Schroeder

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Full Length Book

Davis, Bret W., Brian Schroeder, and Jason M. Wirth, eds. Japanese and Continental Philosophy: Conversations with the Kyoto School. 1st ed. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2011. Print. *

Journal Paper

Guglielminetti, Enrico, et al. "Thinking of Work." SpazioFilosofico 1. 1 (2011): 11-12. Print. £

Book Chapter

Schroeder, Brian and Bret W. Davis. "Conversations on an Ox Path." Japanese and Continental Philosophy: Conversations with the Kyoto School. Ed. Bret W. Davis, Brian Schroeder, and Jason M. Wirth. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2011. 1-16. Print. *

Schroeder, Brian. "Other-Power and Absolute Passivity in Tanabe and Levinas." Japanese and Continental Philosophy: Conversations with the Kyoto School. Ed. Bret W. Davis, Brian Schroeder, and Jason M. Wirth. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2011. 193-211. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schroeder, Brian. "Old World and New World Perspectives on the Environment." International Society for Environmental Ethics. International Society for Environmental Ethics. Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 15 Jun. 2011. Keynote Speech. ∆

Schroeder, Brian. "Hegel and Absolute Difference." Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle. University of Cork. University of Cork, Cork, Ireland. 3 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. *

Schroeder, Brian. "Oneness is not Sameness: Reflections on Goodness, Peace and Truth." Soto Zen Seminar on Interfaith. University of Seattle and Eishoji Zen Community. University of Seattle, Seattle, WA. 5 Nov. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Brian. "Teaching and Truth: Plato, Levinas and the Vision of Universal Ethics." Hale Ethics Lecture Series. Hale Chair of Applied Ethics. RIT, Rochester, NY. 27 Oct. 2011. Lecture. ∆

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Jonathan Schroeder

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Pongsakornrungsilp, Siwarit and Jonathan Schroeder. "Understanding Value Co-Creation in a Co-Consuming Brand Community." Marketing Theory 11. 3 (2011): 303-324. Print. «

Book Chapter

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Brand Culture." Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology. Ed. George Ritzer. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. 41-42. Print. ∆

Campbell, Norah and Jonathan Schroeder. "Visual Culture." Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture. Ed. Dale Southerton. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. 100-121. Web. £

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Value Creation and the Visual Consumer." Beyond the Consumption Bubble. Ed. Karin Ekstom and Kay Glans. London: Routledge, 2011. 137-148. Print. ∆ £

Published Conference Proceedings

Zhao, Xin, et al. "Chinese Consumer Culture and Brand Culture." Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Beijing, June 2011. Ed. Zhihong Yi, Jing Jian Xiao, June Cotte, and Linda Price. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Print. «

Wu, Zhiyan, Janet Borgerson, and Jonathan Schroeder. "A Cultural Approach to Chinese Brand Development." Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Association for Consumer Research, Beijing, June 2011. Ed. Zhihong Yi, et al. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 2011. Print. «

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Global Brand Culture." Proceedings of the European Advances in Consumer Research, 2011. Ed. Pauline Maclaran, Chris Hackley, and Alan Bradshaw. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 2011. Print. «

Pongsakornrungsilp, Siwarit, T. Pusaksrikit, and Jonathan Schroeder. "Co-creation through Fear, Faith and Desire." Proceedings of the European Advances in Consumer Research, 2011. Ed. Pauline Maclaran, Chris Hackley and Alan Bradshaw. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Web. «

Wu, Zhiyan, Janet Borgerson, and Jonathan Schroeder. "Imagined Brands in Global Brand Culture: China and the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony." Proceedings of the European Advances in Consumer Research, 2011. Ed. Pauline Maclaran, Chris Hackley, and Alan Bradshaw. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 2011. Web. «

Journal Editor

Schroeder, Jonathan, ed. Consumption Markets & Culture. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. «

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

7/1/2011 - 8/31/2012
     Economic and Social Research Council, UK
     Amount: $18,134 «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Snapshot Aesthetics in Brand Culture." Making Sense of Visual Culture. Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies. Rochester, NY. 2 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Snapshot Aesthetics in Brand Culture." Marketing Seminar Series. Schulich School of Business. York University, Toronto, Ontario. 30 Jan. 2011. Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Brand Culture: How Brands Work to Produce Meaning and Value." Insight Seminars. Truth Branding Agency. Charterhouse Street, London, UK. 2 Jun. 2011. Keynote Speech. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "The Artist as Brand Manager." Arts Seminar. Arts Management Program. University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. 25 Oct. 2011. Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Images in Brand Culture." Masters course. Advertising and Public Relations Department. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. 2 Nov. 2011. Lecture. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan and Janet Borgerson. "Skin Signs: Fashioning Identity in Consumer Culture." Department Speaker Series. Center for Fashion Studies. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. 4 Nov. 2011. Lecture. ∆

Taalas, Saara, Marcus Lindahl, and Jonathan Schroeder. "Another Side of Knowledge Work." European Group for Organization Studies. Gothenburg University. School of Business, Economics, and Law, Gothenburg, Sweden. 8 Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation. £

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Disposing: Constructing and Structuring Consumption." Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference. ACR. Hyatt Hotel, St. Louis, MO. 14 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. «

View All Submissions

Jason Scott

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Book Chapter

Smith, Tony R. and Jason Scott. "Policing and Crime Prevention." Crime Prevention. Ed. David A. Mackey and Kristine Levan. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013. 61-92. Print. ˜

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Scott, Jason, Peter Tran, and John McCluskey. "Street Corner Crackdowns and the Impact on Crime." Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 4 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation.

View All Submissions

Evan Selinger

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Selinger, Evan, Kyle Whyte, and Kevin Outterson. "Poverty Tourism and the Problem of Consent." Journal of Global Ethics 7. 3 (2011): 337-348. Print. *

Selinger, Evan and Tom Seager. "Why Occupy Wall Street Is So Hard to Understand." The Atlantic. (2011): Online. Web. *

View All Submissions

Tony Smith

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Stevens, Bradley R., et al. "A Deadly Mix? An International Investigation of Handgun Availability, Drinking Culture and Homicide." International Journal of Comparative & Applied Criminal Justice 35. 1 (2011): 39-51. Print. *

View All Submissions

Elena Sommers

Principal Lecturer
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Sommers, Elena. "“Nabokov’s Mermaid: ‘Spring in Fialta’”." Nabokov Studies 12. (2011): 31-48. Web. «

View All Submissions

Katie Terezakis

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Book Chapter

Terezakis, Katie. "Living Form and Living Criticism." Georg Lukacs Reconsidered: Essays on Politics, Philosophy and Aesthetics. Ed. Michael Thompson. New York: Continuum, 2011. 211-228. Print. ∆ £

Terezakis, Katie. "Is Theology Possible After Hamann?" Hamann and the Tradition. New York: Northwestern University Press, 2012. 313-323. Print. ∆ £

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

7/1/2010 - 8/1/2011
     John William Miller Fellowship Fund
     Amount: $45,000 *

View All Submissions

Lawrence Torcello

Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Torcello, Lawrence. "Sophism and Moral Agnosticism, Or, How to Tell a Relativist from a Pluralist." The Pluralist 6. 2 (2011): 87-108. Print. «

Torcello, Lawrence. "The Ethics of Inquiry, Scientific Belief, and Public Discourse." Public Affairs Quarterly 25. 3 (2011): 197-215. Print. «

Book Chapter

Torcello, Lawrence and Stephen Wear. "The Commercialization of Human Body Parts: A Reappraisal from a Protestant Perspective." The International Trafficking of Human Organs: A Multidisciplinary Approach ed. : CRC Press, 2011. 227-243. Print. £

Torcello, Lawrence. "Animal Rights." Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen Chatterjee. London: Springer, 2011. 40-43. Print. ˜

Torcello, Lawrence. "Liberal Pluralism." Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen Chatterjee. London: Springer, 2011. 647-650. Print. ˜

Torcello, Lawrence. "Separation of Church and State." Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen Chatterjee. London: Springer, 2011. 995-999. Print. ˜

Torcello, Lawrence. "Singer, Peter." Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen Chatterjee. London: Springer, 2011. 1005-1009. Print. ˜

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Torcello, Lawrence. "Death and the Living: A Learning Community in Bioethics." Bioethics Reading Group. Center for Ethics, Humanities, and Palliative Care. University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY. 10 May 2011. Lecture. ∆

Torcello, Lawrence. "A Philosophical Review of Passive and Active Euthanasia." Ethics Grand Rounds Series. Rochester General Hospital. Rochester, NY. 28 Jun. 2011. Lecture. ∆

Torcello, Lawrence. "Ethics, Animal Rights, and Animal Welfare." Vetrinary Practice: Ethics and Animal Care. College of Vetrinary Medicine, Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. 7 Nov. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆

View All Submissions

Robert Ulin

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Full Length Book

Ulin, Robert C. Understanding Cultures. Second ed. England and U.S.: Blackwell, 2001. Print. *

View All Submissions

Jeffrey Wagner

Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Longo, Christine and Jeffrey Wagner. "Bridging Legal and Economic Perspectives on Interstate Municipal Solid Waste Disposal in the U.S." Waste Management 31. 1 (2011): 147-153. Print. *

Wagner, Jeffrey. "Incentivizing Sustainable Waste Management." Ecological Economics 70. 4 (2011): 585-594. Print. *

Pugliese, Tyler and Jeffrey Wagner. "Competing Impure Public Goods and the Sustainability of the Theater Arts." Economics Bulletin 31. 2 (2011): 1295-1303. Web. «

View All Submissions

Xiao Wang

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Anticipated Guilt in Intentions to Register as Organ Donors and to Discuss Organ Donation with Family." Health Communication 26. 8 (2011): 683-690. Print. « £

Wang, Xiao and Steven R. McClung. "Toward a Detailed Understanding of Illegal Digital Downloading Intentions: An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Approach." New Media and Society 13. 4 (2011): 663-677. Print. « £

Wang, Xiao. "The Role of Anticipated Negative Emotions and Past Behavior in Individuals' Physical Activity Intentions and Behaviors." Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12. 3 (2011): 300-305. Print. « £

View All Submissions

James Winebrake

Dean's Office
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Grimes-Casey, Hilary, et al. "Economic and Behavioral Uncertainty Analysis within a Predictive Life Cycle Inventory: An Engine Selection Case Study Estimating Rebound Effects." Journal of Industrial Ecology 15. 5 (2011): 726-742. Print. * «

Meyer, Patrick E., et al. "Total Fuel-Cycle Analysis of Heavy-Duty Vehicles Using Biofuels and Natural-Gas Based Alternative Fuels." Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 61. (2011): 285-294. Print. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Whitefoot, K., et al. "Product and Policy Life Cycle Inventories with Integrated Design and Demand." Proceedings of the 18th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Ed. Jurgen Hesselbach and Christoph Herrmann. Braunschweig, Germany: Springer, 2011. Print. *

View All Submissions

Tracy Worrell

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Worrell, Tracy R. "It Matters to Me: An Examination of the Impact of Information Utility on PSA Message Perceptions." 97th Annual National Communication Association Convention. NCA. New Orleans Marriott/Sheraton New Orleans, New Orleans, LA. 18 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. *

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Hiroko Yamashita

Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts

2011 Submissions

Full Length Book

Yamashita, Hiroko, Yuki Hirose, and Jerome L. Packard. Processing and Producing Head-final Structures. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2011. Print. *

Book Chapter

Kondo, Tadahisa and Hiroko Yamashita. "Why speakers produce scrambled sentences: Analyses of spoken language corpus in Japanese." Processing and Producing Head-final Structures. Ed. Hiroko Yamashita, Yuki Hirose, and Jerome L. Packard. Dortrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2011. 195-215. Print. *

View All Submissions