Kate Gleason College of Engineering - 2011
Faculty Scholarship 2011
All Departments
Select a Department from the list on the right to narrow results.Margaret Bailey
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Raelin, J. A., et al. "The Effect of Cooperative Education on Change in Self-efficacy Among Undergraduate Students: Introducing Work Self-efficacy." Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships 45. 2 (2011): 110-125. Web. « ≠
Raelin, Joe, et al. "The effect of cooperative education on change in self-efficacy among undergraduate students: introducing work self-efficacy." Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships 45. 2 (2011): 17-35. Web. « £
Published Conference Proceedings
Bailey, M., et al. "Establishing the Foundation for Future Organizational Reform and Transformation at a Large Private University to Expand the Representation of Women Faculty." Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Ed. unknown. Vancouver, BC: n.p., 2011. Print. « ≠
Dell, E., et al. "WE-IMPACT- Women in Engineering - Improving Program Assessment Tools for Outreach and Retention Programs." Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Ed. unknown. Vancouver, BC: n.p., 2011. Print. « ≠
Bailey, M. "Studying the Impact on Mechanical Engineering Students Who Participate in a Unique Series of Projects in Thermodynamics." Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Ed. unknown. Vancouver, BC: n.p., 2011. Print. «
Reisberg, R., et al. "The Effect of Contextual Support on Self-efficacy in 1st Year Undergraduate Engineering Programs." Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Ed. unknown. Vancouver, BC: n.p., 2011. Print. « ≠
National/International Competition Award Winner
Bailey, Margaret, et al. American Society of Engineering Education. Finalist for the Women in Engineering Division Best Paper Award. Vancouver, BC, 2011. « £
Bailey, Margaret. American Society of Engineering Education. Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Best Paper Award. Vancouver, BC, 2011. « £
Peter Bajorski
The John D. Hromi Center for Quality and Applied Statistics
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Full Length Book
Bajorski, Peter. Statistics for Imaging, Optics, and Photonics. 1st ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011. Print. *
Bajorski, Peter. Statistics for Imaging, Optics, and Photonics. Rochester, NY: Wiley, 2011. Print. *
Journal Paper
Bajorski, Peter. "Generalized Detection Fusion for Hyperspectral Images." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing PP. 99 (2011): 1-7. Print. *
Bajorski, Peter. "Statistical Inference in PCA for Hyperspectral Images." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5. 3 (2011): 438-445. Print. *
Bajorski, Peter. "Second Moment Linear Dimensionality as an Alternative to Virtual Dimensionality." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49. 2 (2011): 672-678. Print. *
Bajorski, Peter. "Second Moment Linear Dimensionality as an Alternative to Virtual Dimensionality." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49. 2 (2011): 672-678. Print. *
Bajorski, Peter. "Statistical Inference in PCA for Hyperspectral Images, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,." IEEE Signal Processing 5. 3 (2011): 438-445. Print. *
Bajorski, Peter. "Generalized Detection Fusion for Hyperspectral Images"." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing PP. Issue: 99 (2011): 1-7. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Bajorski, Peter. "Directional Segmented Matched Filter for Hyperspectral Images." Proceedings of the Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing. Ed. A. Plaza. Lisbon: n.p., 2011. Web. *
Bajorski, Peter. "Min-max Detection Fusion for Hyperspectral Images." Proceedings of the Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing. Ed. A. Plaza. Lisbon: n.p., 2011. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bajorski, Peter. "Generalized Fusion: A New Framework for Hyperspectral Detection." Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XVII. SPIE. Orlando, Orlando, FL. 25 Apr. 2011. Keynote Speech. ∆
Stephen Boedo
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Boedo, S. "Mass Conserving Cavitation Effects in Squeeze-Film Journal Bearings Subjected to Sinusoidal Loads." STLE Tribology Transactions 54. (2011): 21-35. Print. *
Boedo, S. and W.J. Grande. "Structurally Compliant Microbearing Devices and Methods Thereof." U.S. Patent 8,037,777. (2011): 1-13. Print. £
David Borkholder
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Johnson, Dean D., Robert D. Frisina, and David A Borkholder. "In-Plane Biocompatible Microfluidic Interconnects for Implantable Microsystems." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58. 4 (2011): 943-948. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Johnson, D. G., et al. "Hybrid MEMS: Extending Micro Manufacturing with Direct Write Processes." Proceedings of the TRF Technologies for Future Micro-Nano Manufacturing Workshop, Napa, CA, USA, pp 118-21, August 8-10, 2011. Ed. Transducers Research Foundation. unknown: n.p., Print. £
Robert Bowman
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Nassar, Christopher James, Joseph Revelli, and Robert John Bowman. "Application of the Homotopy Analysis Method to Poisson-Boltzmann Equation for Semiconductor Devices." Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 16. 6 (2011): 2501-2512. Print. *
Andres Carrano
Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bilbao, Ainoa Mazeika, et al. "On The Environmental Impacts of Pallet Management Operations." Management Research Review 34. 11 (2011): 1222-1236. Print. ∆ £
Published Conference Proceedings
Sridharan, Arvind, Andres L. Carrano, and John Bonzo. "High Pressure Coolant Effect on PVD Coated Inserts During End Milling of Ti-6Al-4V." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, IERC 2011. Ed. Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE). Atlanta, GA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Thorn, Brian K., Sarah Brownell, and Andres L. Carrano. "Engineering for the Developing World: A New Service Learning Course Supporting The Master Programs in Sustainable Engineering at RIT." Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Education Research and Innovation, ICERI 2011. Ed. International Association for Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Madrid, Spain: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Carrano, Andres L. "Experiential Education: The Toyota Production Systems Laboratory." Material Handling Teachers Institute (MHTI 2011). Auburn University. Auburn University, Auburn, AL. 4 Aug. 2011. Keynote Speech.
Denis Cormier
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Yang, Li, et al. "Design and Characterization of Orthotropic Re-entrant Auxetic Structures Made Via EBM Using Ti6Al4V and Pure Copper." Proceedings of the 2011 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. Ed. Dave Bourell. unknown: n.p., 2011. Print. ˜
Yang, Li, et al. "Characterization of Ti6Al4V 3D Auxetic Structures Fabricated via the Electron Beam Melting Process." Proceedings of the 2011 Materials Science & Technology Conference. Ed. MS&T. Uknown: n.p., 2011. Print. £
Khatri-Chhetri, Prasanna, et al. "Printed Fuel Cell Electrodes With Engineered Porosity." Proceedings of the 2011 Digital Fabrication Conference. Ed. NIP. Minneapolis, MN: n.p., 2011. Print. £
Steven Day
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Hariharan, P., et al. "Multilaboratory Particle Image Velocimetry Analysis of the FDA Benchmark Nozzle Model to Support Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations." ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 133. (2011): 1-14. Print. « ≠
Cheng, S., et al. "Optimization of a Hybrid Magnetic Bearing for a Magnetically Levitated Blood Pump via 3-D Finite Element Analysis." Mechatronics 21. 7 (2011): 1163-1169. Print. «
Elizabeth DeBartolo
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Smoger, Lowell, Mario Gomes, and Elizabeth DeBartolo. "Minimum Constraint Design Analysis and Modification of a Biaxial Tensile Test Fixture for Hyperelastic Materials." Proceedings of the 2011 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Denver, CO, November 2011. Ed. Aaron Knobloch. New York: ASME, Web. £
Sohail Dianat
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Vantaram, S. R., et al. "Semi-Automatic 3-D Segmentation of Computed Tomographic Imagery by Iterative Gradient-Driven Volume Growing." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Ed. IEEE. USA: IEEE, 2011. Web. *
Ke Du
Research Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Du, Ke, et al. "Large-area pattern transfer of metallic nanostructures on glass substrates via interference lithography." Nanotechnology. (2011): 285306. Print. *
Marcos Esterman
Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Gambeta, Eni, Marcos Esterman, and Sandra Rothenberg. "Exploring Existing Measures of the Environmental Impacts of Print: A Survey of Existing Practices." Proceedings of the NIP 27: International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies. October 2-6 2011. Minneapolis, MN USA. Ed. Society for Imaging Science and Technology. Springfield, VA: n.p., Print. ˜
Brown, Travis, et al. "Challenges for Managing Component Obsolescence in Low Volume Products Through The Product Development Lifecycle." Proceedings of the ASME 2011: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, August 29-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA. Ed. ASME. New York: n.p., Print. ˜
Jorgensen, Jens, et al. "Identifying Enablers and Barriers to Successful Platform-Based Product Development: A Case Study From Business-To-Business Products." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, August 29-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA. Ed. ASME. New York: n.p., Print. ˜
Ernest Fokoue
The John D. Hromi Center for Quality and Applied Statistics
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Fokoue, Ernest. "Stable Radial Basis Function Selection via Mixture Modelling of the Sample Path." Journal of Data Science 9. 3 (2011): 345-358. Web. * £
Fokoue, Ernest, Dongchu Sun, and Prem Goel. "Fully Bayesian Analysis of the Relevance Vector Machine With Extended Prior." Statistical Methodology 8. (2011): 83-96. Print. * £
Fokoue, Ernest and Prem Goel. "An Optimal Experimental Design Perspective on Radial Basis Function Regression." Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 40. 6 (2011): 1-12. Print. « £
Fokoue, Ernest and Bertrand Clarke. "Bias-Variance Trade-off for Prequential Model List Selection." Statistical Papers 52. 4 (2011): 813-833. Print. * £
Fokoue, Ernest. "Beta Induced Sparsity Algorithm." Advanced and Applications in Statistical Science. (2011): 1-4. Web. * £
Lynn Fuller
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Fuller, Lynn F. and Ivan Puchades. "A Thermally Actuated Microelectromechanical (MEMS) Device For Measuring Viscosity." IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 20. 3 (2011): 601-608. Print. *
Fuller, Lynn, et al. "A New Diagnostic Sensor for Acetone in Urine." Materials Express 1. 3 (2011): 219-224. Print. *
Amlan Ganguly
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Ganguly, Amlan, et al. "Scalable Hybrid Wireless Network-on-Chip Architectures for Multi-Core Systems." IEEE Transactions on Computers 60. 10 (2011): 1485-1502. Print. «
Chang, Kevin, et al. "Performance Evaluation and Design Trade-Offs for Wireless Network-on-Chip Architectures." ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. (2011): 000-000. Print. £
Book Chapter
Pande, Partha, et al. "Energy-Efficient Network-on-Chip Architectures for Multicore Systems." Handbook of Energy-Aware and Green Computing. Ed. Ishfaq Ahmad and Sanjay Ranka. USA: Hapman and Hall/CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group LLC, 2011. 000-000. Print. £
Published Conference Proceedings
Ganguly, Amlan, et al. "A Unified Error Control Coding Scheme to Enhance the Reliability of a Hybrid Wireless Network-on-Chip." Proceedings of the IEEE Defect and Fault Tolerance Symposium (DFTS). Ed. unknown. Vancouver, Canada: IEEE, 2011. Print. «
Ganguly, Amlan, Paul Wettin, and Partha Pande. "Complex Network Inspired Fault-tolerant NoC Architectures with Wireless Links." Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS). Ed. unknown. Pittsburgh, PA: IEEE/ACM, 2011. Print. «
Ganguly, Amlan, Partha Kundu, and Pradip Bose. "Curbing Energy Cravings in Networks: A Cross-sectional View Across the Micro-Macro Boundary." Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS). Ed. unknown. Pittsburgh, PA: IEEE/ACM, 2011. Print. £
Pande, Partha, et al. "Sustainability through Massively Integrated Computing: Are We Ready to Break the Energy Efficiency Wall for Single-Chip Platforms?" Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe. Ed. unknown. France: IEEE/ACM, 2011. Print. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Ganguly, Amlan. "Answer from Nature: Addressing the Challenges of Fault-Tolerance and Integration of Emerging On-Chip Interconnects in NoCs." Diagnostic Services in Networks-on-Chips. Design and Automation Conference. San Diego, San Diego, CA. 5 Jun. 2011. Lecture. ∆
Hany Ghoneim
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Ghoneim, H. "Pumping Potential of Flexible-Matrix-Composite Shell-of-Revolution Structures." Proceedings of the American Society for Composites 26th Annual Technical Conference. Ed. Michael Hyer. Montreal, Quebec: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Amitabha Ghosh
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Ghosh, A. "Use of Multiple Choice Questions as an Assessment Tool in Dynamics." Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Ed. ASME. Denver, CO: n.p., 2011. Print. £
Ghosh, A. "Teaching Formulation Skills In An Upper Level Fluid Mechanics Course." Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Ed. ASME. Denver, CO: n.p., 2011. Print. £
Mario Gomes
Principal Lecturer
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Gomes, Mario and Andy Ruina. "A Walking Model with No Energy Cost." Physical Review E 83. 3 (2011): 6-9. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Gomes, Mario. "Aerial Photography Project Using MATLAB Programming for Freshman Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Course." Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Ed. American Society for Engineering Education. Vancouver CA: n.p., 2011. Web. «
Smoger, Lowell, Mario Gomes, and Elizabeth DeBartolo. "Minimum Constraint Design Analysis and Modification of a Biaxial Tensile Test Fixture for Hyperelastic Materials." Proceedings of the 2011 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Ed. ASME. Denver Co: n.p., 2011. Web. ˜
Scott Grasman
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Juan, A A, et al. "Using Safety Stock and Simulation to Solve the VRP with Stochastic Demands." Transportation Research Part C 19. 5 (2011): 751-765. Print. £
Thomas, M, et al. "Design Layout of a Hydrogen Research and Development Garage." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36. 13 (2011): 8017-8022. Print. £
Cottrell, C., et al. "Best Practices for Stationary and Portable Fuel Cell Markets." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36. 13 (2011): 7969-7975. Print. £
Book Chapter
Grasman, Scott E, et al. "Development and Implementation of an Enterprise Learning Architecture for Collaborative Learning." Technology-Enhanced Systems and Tools for Collaborative Learning Scaffolding. Ed. T Daradoumis, et al. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2011. 47-67. Print. £
Published Review
Grasman, Scott E. "Simulation Methods for Reliability and Availability of Complex Systems." Rev. of Simulation Methods for Reliability and Availability of Complex Systems, eds. J Faulin, et al. Interfaces Jan. 2011: 94-95. Print. ∆
Published Conference Proceedings
Anderson, K and Scott E Grasman. "A Specific Pathway to Help Decrease Time to Market for a Medical Device." Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management National Conference, October 2011. Ed. D A Wyrick. Lubbock, TX: ASEM, Print. £
Faulin, J, et al. "Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Environmental Criteria Based on Real Estimations in Road Transportation: A Case Study." Proceedings of the EURO Working Group, September 2011. Ed. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20. Poznan, Poland: Elsevier, Print. £
Jarugumilli, S. and Scott E. Grasman. "Integrated Workforce Planning Considering Regular and Overtime Workers." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, June 2011. Ed. T. Doolen and E. Van Aken. Reno, NV: IIE, Print. £
Grasman, Scott E, A Gosavi, and S Schmidt. "Sustainability Metrics for Use of PEM Forklifts." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, June 2011. Ed. T Doolen and E Van Aken. Reno, NV: IIE, Print. ∆ £
Long, S, et al. "Managing Change Resistance in the Development of Sustainability-Focused Engineering Management Curriculum." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, June 2011. Ed. T Doolen and E Van Aken. Reno, NV: IIE, Print. ∆ £
Anderson, K. and Scott E. Grasman. "Lean Product Development to Speed Time to Market - Medical Device." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, June 2011. Ed. T. Doolen and E. Van Aken. Reno, NV: IIE, Print. £
Jarugumilli, S., S. Na Ayudha, and Scott E. Grasman. "Decomposition of Stochastic IRP using Integer Programming." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, June 2011. Ed. T. Doolen and E. Van Aken. Reno, NV: IIE, Print. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Grasman, Scott E. "A Hierarchy of Integrated Workforce Planning Models." CYTED-HAROSA. IN3. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. 18 Jul. 2011. Keynote Speech.
Grasman, Scott E. "Sustainability in Supply Chain Management and Facility Logistics." Departamento de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa. Universidad Publica de Navarra. Pamplona, Spain. 13 Jun. 2011. Lecture.
Jarugumilli, S., S.E. Grasman, and D. Wunsch. "A MDP Formulation for Optimizing Capacity and Inventory in Manufacturing Operations." Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference. IIE. Reno, NV. 21-25 May 2011. Conference Presentation.
Grasman, S.E. "Developing a Successful Research Portfolio." Internet Interdisciplinary Institute. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain. 13 Jul. 2011. Lecture. ∆
Surendra Gupta
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bai, Feiming, et al. "Investigation of Phase Transitions in Stacked GeTe/SnTe and Ge2Se3/SnTe Chalcogenide Films." Materials Science Forum 687. (2011): 677-683. Print. £
Published Conference Proceedings
Gupta, Surendra K., et al. "Helping Transfer Students Succeed in Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs." Proceedings of the ASEE St. Lawrence Section Annual Conference. Ed. Jane LeClair. Albany, NY: ASEE St. Lawrence Section, 2011. Web. ˜
Gupta, Surendra K. and Steven Kosciol. "Measuring Angle of Twist in a Torsion Experiment." Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference. Ed. ASEE. Vancouver, BC: ASEE, 2011. Web. *
Kenneth Hsu
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Cheung, Daniel. eHealth Intelligence System with K60. By Daniel Liu, Sam Skalicky, and Kenneth W. Hsu. 20-23 Jun. 2011. Freescale Technology Forum 2011, San Antonio, TX. Performance. £
Cheung, Daniel. eHealth Intelligence System with K60. By Kenneth W. Hsu. 15 Jul. 2011. RIT Innovation Center, Rochester. Performance. †
Cheung, Daniel. Make it Challenge - Grand Prize "eHealth Hardware and Software Design". By Daniel Liu, Sam Skalicky, and Kenneth W Hsu. 22 Jun. 2011. J W Marriott Ressort Hotel, San Antonio TX. Performance. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Cheung, Daniel, et al. "Make it Challenge - K60: Tower Track RIT eHealth (grand prize)." Freescale Technology Forum 2011. Freescale Semiconductor Company. J. W. Marriott Resort Hotel, San Antonio, TX. 20-23 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Hsu, Kenneth W. and Daniel Cheung. "eHealth Intelligence System." Designing with Freescale University Programs Seminar. Freescale Semiconductor Inc. Far Eastern Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. 11 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Hsu, Kenneth W., Daniel Cheung, and Sam Skalicky. "C Development for Kinetis K60: Overview of I.MX and Kinetis." 2nd ARM Developer Day. RIT. CAST, Rochester, NY. 2 Dec. 2011. Lecture. ∆
Michael Jackson
Associate Professor
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Jackson, Michael A. and Santosh K. Kurinec. "K - 12 to Workforce for Semiconductor Industry." NEATEC: NorthEast Advanced Technology Education Center. NEATEC. Hudson Valley Communtiy College, Troy, NY. 29 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Satish Kandlikar
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Cooke, D. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Pool Boiling Heat Transfer and Bubble Dynamics Over Plain and Enhanced Microchannels." Journal of Heat Transfer 133. 5 (2011): 052902-1-9. Print. £
Daino, M. M., et al. "Through-Plane Water Transport Visualization in a PEMFC by Visible and Infrared Imaging." Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 14. 6 (2011): B51-B54. Print. £
Kandlikar, S. G., M.L. Garoalo, and Z. Lu. "Water Management in a PEMFC: Water Transport Mechanism and Material Degradation in Gas Diffusion Layers." Fuel Cells 11. 6 (2011): 814-823. Print. £
Kandlikar, S. G. "Selected Papers from the Seventh International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels." Heat Transfer Engineering 32. 7-8 (2011): 525-526. Print. £
LaManna, J. M. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Determination of Effective Water Vapor Diffusion Coefficient in Pemfc Gas Diffusion Layers." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36. 8 (2011): 5021-5029. Print. £
Lu, Z., et al. "Water Management Studies in PEM Fuel Cells, Part IV: Effects of Channel Surface Wettability, Geometry and Orientation on The Two-phase Flow in Parallel Gas Channels." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36. 16 (2011): 9864-9875. Print. £
Lu, Y. W. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Nanoscale Surface Modification Techniques for Pool Boiling Enhancementa A Critical Review and Future Directions." Heat Transfer Engineering 32. 10 (2011): 827-842. Print. £
Mukherjee, A., S. G. Kandlikar, and Z. J. Edel. "Numerical Study of Bubble Growth and Wall Heat Transfer During Flow Boiling in a Microchannel." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54. (2011): 3702-3718. Print. £
Rath, C. D. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Liquid Filling in a Corner with A Fibrous wall An Application To Two-phase Flow in PEM Fuel Cell Gas Channels." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 384. 1-3 (2011): 653-660. Print. £
Sergi, K. M. and S. G Kandlikar. "Quantification and Characterization of Water Coverage in PEMFC Gas Channels Using Simultaneous Anode and Cathode Visualization and Image Processing." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36. 19 (2011): 12381-12392. Print. £
Yao, Z., Y.-W Lu, and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effects of Nanowire Height on Pool Boiling Performance of Water on Silicon Chips." International Journal of Thermal Sciences 50. 11 (2011): 2084-2090. Print. £
Lao, Z., Y. W. Lu, and S. G. Kandlikar. "Direct Growth of Copper Nanowires on a Substrate for Boiling Applications." Micro & Nano Letters 6. 7 (2011): 563-566. Print. £
Published Conference Proceedings
Banerjee, R. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Temperature on In-Plane Permeability of Water Vapor in the Gas Diffusion Layer of PEM Fuel Cells." Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society Transactions. Ed. H. Gasteiger. unknown: n.p., 2011. Print.
Daino, M. M. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Advances in Digital Microstructure Generation of a PEMFC GDL with Localized Binder and PTFE Distributions." Proceedings of the 4th European Fuel Cell Piero Lunghi Conference & Exhibition. Ed. EFC11275. Rome, Italy: n.p., 2011. Print.
Dharaiya, V. V. and S. G. Kandlikar. "A Numerical Study to Predict the Effects of Structured Roughness Elements on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer Enhancement in Minichannels and Microchannels." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition: Energy and Water Scarcity. Ed. IMECE2011-65262. Denver, CO: n.p., 2011. Print.
Garfolo, M. L. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Gas Diffusion Layer Material Degradation Mechanisms and Their Effect on Water Breakthrough Dynamics in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells." Proceedings of the 4th European Fuel Cell Piero Lunghi Conference & Exhibition. Ed. EFC11239. Rome, Italy: n.p., 2011. Print.
Gopalan, P. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Investigation of Water Droplet Interaction with the Side Wall of the Gas Channel in the PEM Fuel Cell in the Presence of Gas Flow." Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society Transactions. Ed. H. Gasteiger et al. Boston, MA: n.p., 2011. Print.
Kandlikar, S. G., D. Kudithipudi, and C. A. Rubio-Jimenez. "Cooling Mechanisms in 3D ICs: Thermo-Mechanical Perspective." Proceedings of the 2011 International Green Computing Conference and Workshops. Ed. IEEE. Orlando, Fl: n.p., Print.
Rath, C. D. and S. G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Channel Geometry on Two-Phase Flow Structure in Fuel Cell Gas Channels." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ICNMM2011-58252. Edmonton, AB, Canada: n.p., 2011. Print.
See, E. J., et al. "Thermal Management Considerations in the Design of an Experimental Fuel Cell with Material Evaluation." Proceedings of the 4th European Fuel Cell - Piero Lunghi Conference & Exhibition. Ed. EFC11237. Rome, Italy: n.p., 2011. Print.
Yang, C. Y., et al. "An Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Air and CO2 in Microtubes." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Ed. ICNMM2011-58102. n.p., 2011. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kandlikar, S. G. "Challenges of High Heat Flux Removal with Single-Phase and Flow Boiling Heat Transfer." International Forum on Frontier Theories of Thermal Science. International Forum on Frontier Theories of Thermal Science. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 18-20 Dec. 2011. Keynote Speech.
Kandlikar, S. G. "An Experimental Investigation of Structured Roughness on Heat Transfer During Single Phase Liquid flow at Microscale." Proceedings of the 3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference. Micro and Nano Flows Conference. Makedonia Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece. 22-24 Aug. 2011. Address.
Jason Kolodziej
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Nolan, John P. and Jason R. Kolodziej. "Modeling of an Automotive Fuel Cell Thermal System." Journal of Power Sources 195. (2010): 4743-4752. Print. *
Kolodziej, J.R. and D.J. Mook. "Model Determination for Nonlinear State-based System Identification." Nonlinear Dynamics 63. 4 (2011): 735-753. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Kolodziej, J. R. "An Intelligent Nonlinear System Identification Method with Robust State Estimation." Proceedings of the 2011 ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Conference. Ed. ASME. Arlington, VA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Kagabo, W.B. and J.R. Kolodziej. "Trajectory Determination for Energy Efficient Autonomous Soaring." Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference. Ed. IEEE. San Francisco, CA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Karuna Koppula
Principal Lecturer
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Koppula, Karuna S. "Turbulent Energy Redistribution in Spanwise Rotating Channel Flows." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 50. 15 (2011): 8905-8916. Web. ∆
Michael Kuhl
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Book Chapter
Kuhl, Michael E. "Nonstationary Input Processes." Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. Ed. James J. Cochran. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2011. 3612-3617. Print. ˜
Published Conference Proceedings
Zhou, Xi and Michael E. Kuhl. "A Sustainability Toolkit for Simulaiton: Recent Developments and Future Capabilities." Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, December 11-14, 2011, Phoenix, AZ. Ed. S. Jain, R.R. Creasey, J. Himmelspach, K.P. White, and M. Fu. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011. Web. ∆ ˜
Santosh Kurinec
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Panferov, Alexander and Santosh Kurinec. "Modeling Quantum Efficiency of Ultraviolet 6H-SiC Photodiodes." IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 58. 11 (2011): 3976-3982. Print. £
Devasia, Archana and Santosh Kurinec. "Teaching Solar Cell I-V Characteristics through SPICE Modeling." American Journal of Physics 79. 12 (2011): 1232-1239. Print. £
Published Conference Proceedings
Kurinec, S., et al. "Stacked Chalcogenide Layers for Phase Change Memory." Proceedings of the European\Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium 2011, September 4-6, 2011. Ed. Junji Tominaga and Simone Raoux. Zurich, Switzerland: n.p., Print. ∆ £
Raoux, S, et al. "Influence of Dopants on the Crystallization Temperature, Crystal Structure, Resistance, and Threshold Field for GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5 Phase Change Materials." Proceedings of the European\Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium, September 2011. Ed. Junji Tominaga and Simone Raoux. Zurich, Switzerland: n.p., Print. ∆ £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kurinec, Santosh K. "Silicon Watts: Myths and Promise of Photovoltaics." Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) Science and Technology (S&T) Seminar Series. University of Rochester. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. 25 Feb. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Kurinec, Santosh K. "Three Decades of Microelectronic Engineering Education at Rochester Institute of Technology." The NEATEC Annual Conference. NEATEC: Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center. Hudson Valley Community College, Troy, NY. 29 Nov. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Kurinec, Santosh K. "Microelectronics: Silicon Valley to Silicon Watts." IEEE EDS Joint Chapter Meeting. IEEE EDS Rochester Chapter. RIT Inn & Conference Center, Rochester, NY. 29 Mar. 2011. Keynote Speech. ∆
Kurinec, Santosh K. "Electrical & Electronic Engineers: Paving the Way to a Smarter Planet." IEEE Student Design Contest 2011. IEEE SDC. RIT, Rochester, NY. 7 May 2011. Keynote Speech. ∆
Kurinec, Santosh K. "Nanoscale Materials Engineering for Phase Change Memory." CMOS Emerging Technologies 2011. University of British Columbia. Whistler, British Columbia, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. 15 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Andres Kwasinski
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Full Length Book
Liu, K. J. R., et al. Cooperative Communications and Networking. Chinese Edition ed. Beijing, China: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print. ˜
Journal Paper
Su, Guan-Ming, et al. "3D Video Communications: Challenges and Opportunities." International Journal of Communication Systems 24. 10 (2011): 1261-1281. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Wang, Wenbo and Andres Kwasinski. "Experience Cooperative Sharing in Cross-Layer Cognitive Radio for Real-Time Multimedia Communication." Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management (CogART 2011). Ed. unknown. Barcelona, Spain: ACM, 2011. Print. ∆
Layerle, David and Andres Kwasinski. "A Power Efficient Pulsed MAC Protocol for Body Area Networks." Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'11). Ed. N/A. Toronto, Canada: IEEE, 2011. Print. *
Wang, Wenbo and Andres Kwasinski. "Cooperative Learning for Reduced Complexity Cross-Layer Cognitive Radio." Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'11). Ed. unknown. Toronto, Canada: IEEE, 2011. Print. *
Fiss, Xander and Andres Kwasinski. "Automatic Real-Time Electric Guitar Audio Transcription." Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Ed. N/A. Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2011. Print. *
Horner, Nathaniel and Andres Kwasinski. "Improving the Performance of DSP Systems for MIMO Processing." Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Ed. N/A. Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2011. Print. *
Kwasinski, Andres. "In-class Demonstrations with a Portable Laboratory for Teaching DSP to Computer Engineering Majors." Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Ed. N/A. Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2011. Print. *
Journal Editor
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. IEEE: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. Signal Processing Magazine. N/A: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. Multimedia Technical Committee E-Letter. N/A: IEEE Comsoc Multimedia Technical Committee, 2011. Web. ∆
Kwasinski, Andres, ed. Transactions on Wireless Communications. N/A: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kwasinski, Andres. "A Framework for Cross-Layer Technology Implementation based on the Cognitive and Docitive Radio Paradigms." Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya. Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya. Casteldelfels, Barcelona, Spain. 25 Oct. 2011. Address. ∆
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
6/6/2011 -
Air Force Research Laboratory
Amount: $10,400
Kathleen Lamkin-Kennard
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Holsen, Luke and Kathleen Lamkin-Kennard. "A Preliminary Analysis of a Computational Flow Model of a Precapillary Arteriole Network in the Choroid, coupled with Oxygen and Nitric Oxide Transport and Reactions." Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 2011, Farmington, PA. Ed. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. New York, NY: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Brian Landi
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Anctil, A. and C.W. Babbitt, R.P. Raffaelle, B.J. Landi. "Material and Energy Intensity of Fullerene Production." Environmental Science & Technology 45. (2011): 2353-2359. Print. *
Ganter, M.J. and R.A. DiLeo, C.M. Schauerman, R.E. Rogers, R.P. Raffaelle, B.J. Landi. "Differential Scanning Calorimetry Analysis of an Enhanced LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 Cathode with Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Conductive Additives." Electrochim. Acta 56. (2011): 7272-7277. Print. *
Rogers, R. E., et al. "Solution-phase Adsorption of 1-pyrenebutyric Acid Using Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes." Chemical Engineering Journal 173. (2011): 486-493. Print. *
Cress, C. D., et al. "Total Ionizing Dose-hardened Carbon Nanotube Thin-film transistors with Silicon Oxynitride Gate Dielectrics." MRS Communications 1. (2011): 27-31. Print. *
Jarosz, P., et al. "Carbon Nanotube Wires and Cables: Near-Term Applications and Future Perspectives." Nanoscale 3. (2011): 4542-4553. Print. *
DiLeo, R. A., et al. "Hybrid Germanium Nanoparticle-Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Free-Standing Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries." The Journal of Physical Chemistry 115. (2011): 22609-22614. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Cress, C.D., et al. "Radiation -Hardening of Carbon Nanoelectronics." Proceedings of the Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technologies Conference. Ed. GOMAC Tech. Orlando, FL: n.p., 2011. Print. £
Sonia Lopez Alarcon
Associate Professor
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Lopez, S., et al. "A Phase Adaptive Cache Hierarchy for SMT Processors." Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2011 35. 8 (2011): 683-694. Print. * ∆
Zhaolin Lu
Associate Professor
Microsystems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Zhao, Wangshi, Xiaoyue Huang, and Zhaolin Lu. "Super Talbot Effect in Indefinite Metamaterial." Optics Express 19. (2011): 15297-15303. Web. * ≠
Zhao, Wangshi and Zhaolin Lu. "Nanoplasmonic Optical Switch Based on Ga-Si3N4-Ga Waveguide." Optical Engineering 50. (2011): 074002(1-6). Print. * ≠
Yang, Ruoxi and Zhaolin Lu. "Silicon-on-Insulator Platform for Integration of 3D Nanoplasmonic Devices." IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 23. (2011): 1652-1654. Print. * ≠
Zhao, Wangshi and Zhaolin Lu. "Modulating Light on the Nanometer Scale Using Polyvalent Metal." SPIE Newsroom. (2011): x83191(1-2). Web. ∆
Published Conference Proceedings
Zhao, Wangshi, Xiaoyue Huang, and Zhaolin Lu. "Super Talbot Effect in Anisotropic Metamaterial." Proceedings of the SPIE NanoScience+Engineering. Ed. Allan D. Boardman, Nader Engheta, and Nikolay I. Zheludev. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Yang, Ruoxi, et al. "Semiconductor-coated Deep Subwavelength Spoof Surface Plasmonic Waveguide for THz and MIR Applications." Proceedings of the SPIE Photonics West. Ed. Laurence P. Sadwick and Creidhe M. M. O'Sullivan. San Francisco, CA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Zhao, Wangshi, et al. "Experimental Demonstration of Linear Deep Subwavelength Spoof Surface Plasmonic Waveguides." Proceedings of the SPIE Photonics West. Ed. Ali Adibi, Shawn-Yu Lin, and Axel Scherer. San Francisco, CA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Journal Editor
Lu, Zhaolin, ed. International Journal of Optics. Cairo: Hindawi, 2011. Web. *
Marcin Lukowiak
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Webster, David and Marcin Lukowiak. "Versatile FPGA Architecture for Skein Hashing Algorithm." Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs. Ed. Peter Athanas, Juergen Becker, and Rene Cumplido. Cancun, Mexico: IEEE Xplore, Computer Society CPS, 2011. Web. ˜
Bobrov, Max, et al. "Effects of GPU and CPU Loads on Performance of CUDA Applications." Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA'11. Ed. Hamid R. Arabnia. Las Vegas, NV: CSREA Press, 2011. Print. ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Lukowiak, Marcin. "Multi-Disciplinary Applied Cryptography." 2011 CCLI/TUES Principal Investigators (PIs) Conference. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Education and Human Resources Programs (EHR) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE). Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C. 26-28 Jan. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
E Lyshevski
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Yanushkevich, S. N, et al. "Belief Trees and Networks for Biometric Applications." Journal of Soft Computing 15. 1 (2011): 3-11. Print. £
Published Conference Proceedings
Smith, T. C. and S. E. Lyshevski. "Clean high-energy Density Renewable Power Generation Systems with Soft-switching Sliding Mode Control Laws." Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC). Ed. IEEE. Orlando, FL,: IEEE, NY, 2011. Print. £ †
Chauhan, A. P. S. and S. E. Lyshevski. "Design of Tracking Control Laws Using Nonlinear Aircraft Models." Proceedings of the International Conference Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control. Ed. IEEE. Mexico: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E and T. C. Smith. "Tracking Control of Direct-drive Servos." Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference. Ed. IEEE. Orlando, FL: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Smith, T. C. and S. E. Lyshevski. "Soft-switching Sliding Mode Control of Power Generation Systems." Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control. Ed. IEEE. Mexico: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E., et al. "Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems Courses." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference Nanotechnology. Ed. IEEE. IEEE: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. and G. R. Tsouri. "Molecular and Biomolecular Communication: Waveguides and Possible Role of Microtubules." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology. Ed. unknown. IEEE: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Molecular Sensing and Processing on Photons." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference Nanotechnology. Ed. IEEE. IEEE: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Quantum Processing: Feasibility Studies and Solutions." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference Nanotechnology. Ed. IEEE. IEEE: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Multi-state Digital and Quantum Signal Processing and Emerging Nanoelectronic Processing Hardware: Complexity, Performance and Capabilities." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference Nanotechnology. Ed. IEEE. Portland, OR: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Graphene: Quantum-mechanical Outlook." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference Nanotechnology. Ed. IEEE. IEEE: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Quantum-mechanical Analysis of Single Molecule Quantum Electronic Devices." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference Nanotechnology. Ed. IEEE. IEEE: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E and K. S. Martirosyan. "Ferrite Nanoparticles for MEMS Technology Sensors and Actuators." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference Nanotechnology. Ed. IEEE. Portland, Oregon: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Tran, A. H., et al. "Design of Neuromorphic Logic Networks and Fault-tolerant Computing." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference Nanotechnology. Ed. IEEE. IEEE: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Tran, A. H., et al. "Fault tolerant Computing Paradigm for Random Molecular Phenomena: Hopfield Gates and Logic Networks." Proceedings of the 41st IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic. Ed. IEEE. Tuusula, Finland: Conference Publishing Services, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Analysis of Grapheme, Molecular Wires and Inorganic Materials for Nanoelectronic and Low Power Integrated Circuits." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "High-fidelity Modeling of Single-molecule Quantum Electronic Devices." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Biomolecular, Organic and Inorganic Processing Fabrics: Design and Synthesis of Processing Cells and Primitives." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Photon-induced Niomolecular Sensing and Processing: Towards Engineering, Science and Medical Applications." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Single-molecule Quantum-effect Electronic Devices." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. and A. P. S. Chanhan. "Control of MEMS-technology Axial Topology Microservos." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. and K. S. Martirosyan. "Weak Magnetic Field Sensing Using Soft Ferrite Nanoparticles and MEMS." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Genomic Mapping and Spectral Analysis in the Frequency Domain." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Tran, A. H., et al. "Neuromorphic Logic Networks and Robust Stochastic Computing Under Large Perturbations and Uncertainties." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Smith, T. C. and S. E. Lyshevski. "Clean High-energy-density Mini-scale Renewable Power Generation and Energy Harvesting Systems." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Lyshevski, S. E. "Design and Development of Photovoltaic Systems." Proceedings of the NanoTech Conference & Expo 2011. Ed. NanoTech. Boston, MA: NanoTech, 2011. Print. £
Matthew Marshall
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Marshall, Matthew M. "Anthropometric Assessment of The Da Vinci Surgical Robot." Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Western New York Chapter of HFES. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. 30 Mar. 2011. Lecture.
Roy Melton
Principal Lecturer
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Bobrov, Max, et al. "Effects of GPU and CPU Loads on Performance of CUDA Applications." Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'11), July 18-21, 2011, Las Vegas, NV. Ed. Hamid R. Arabnia. USA: CSREA Press, 2011. Print. ˜
Ruben Proano
Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Proano, Ruben A., Sheldon H. Jacobson, and Wembo Zhang. "Making Combination Vaccines More Accessible to Low-income Countries: The Antigen Bundle Pricing Problem." Omega 40. 1 (2012): 53-64. Print. «
Proano, Ruben A., Sheldon H. Jacobson, and Janet A. Jokela. "Response to Modeling the National Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile: Supply Shortages, Health Impacts and Cost Consequences." Vaccine 29. 4 (2011): 615-615. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Dhamodharan, Aswin, Ruben A. Proano, and Kumar Seshavadhani. "A Stochastic Approach to Determine the Optimal Vaccine Vial Size." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Ed. T. Doolen and E. Van Aken. Reno, NV: n.p., 2011. Web. *
Kotagiri, Rohita, Ruben A. Proano, and Michael Kuhl. "Vaccine Vendor Managed Inventory: The Effect of Using Birth Forecast." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Ed. T. Doolen and E. Van Aken. Reno, NV: n.p., 2011. Web. *
Pommier, Mauricio and Ruben A. Proano. "Dynamic Pricing Strategy to Optimally Allocate Vaccines." Proceedings of the Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Ed. T. Doolen and E. Van Aken. Reno, NV: n.p., 2011. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Proano, Ruben A. "Modeling Approaches in Prioritizing Vaccine Development Projects." Approaches to Prioritizing New Preventive Vaccines. Institute of Medicine. The National Academies, Washington, DC. 3 May 2011. Address. £
Proano, Ruben A. "An OR Based Price Discrimination Approach to Improve Vaccine Access." Department of Industrial Engineering Seminar Series. University of Buffalo. Bell Hall, Buffalo, NY. 21 Jan. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Proano, Ruben A. "Determining the Optimal Vaccine Subsidy: An OR Approach." INFORMS Healthcare. Institue of Operations Research and Management Science, McGill University. Hilton Montreal Bonaventure, Montreal, Canada. 21 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆ ˜
Proano, Ruben A. "Determining the Best Vaccine Vial Size: A Stochastic Approach." INFORMS Annual Meeting. Institue of Operations Research and Management Science. Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, NC. 15 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Christiaan Richter
Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Konezny, Steven J., et al. "Fluctuation-Induced Tunneling Conductivity in Nanoporous TiO2 Thin Films." Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2. 15 (2011): 1931-1936. Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Richter, Christiaan and Charles A. Schmuttenmaer. "Photoconductivity in TiO2 Nanotubes Measured by Time Resolved Terahertz Spectroscopy." Optical Terahertz Science and Technology 2011. OTST Organizing Commitee. Fess Parker Conference Center, Santa Barbara, CA. 14 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Risa Robinson
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Berg, E. and R. Robinson. "Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry Analysis of Healthy and Emphysemic Alveolar Sac." Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 133. 6 (2011): 1-10. Print. £
Norton, M. M. and Robinson, R. J. and Weinstein, S. J. "Model of Ciliary Clearance and the Role of Mucus Rheology." Physical Review E 83. (2011): 1-10. Print. £
Published Conference Proceedings
Berg, E. and R. Robinson. "Healthy And Emphysemic Alveolar Sac Flow Comparison by Particle Image Velocimetry." Proceedings of the 30th Annual Americal Association for Aerosol Research Conference,. Ed. Nazorod. Orlando, FL: n.p., 2011. Print. £
Berg, E. and R. Robinson. "Healthy And Emphysemic Alveolar Sac Flow Comparison by Particle Image Velocimetry." Proceedings of the 30th Annual Americal Association for Aerosol Research Conference. Ed. Taylor & Francis, Inc. Orlando, FL: n.p., 2011. Print. £
Varble, N., et al. "Arteriovenous Fistula Anastomosis to Study the Effects of Vessel Size and Pressure Gradient on the Presence of a Thrill." Proceedings of the 2011 Americal Heart Association Conference. Ed. Taylor & Francis, Inc. Orlando, FL: n.p., 2011. Print. £
Eli Saber
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Erkilinc, M. S., et al. "Line and Streak Detection on Polished and Textured Surfaces Using Line Integrals." Proceedings of the Electronic Imaging. Ed. SPIE/IS&T. San Fransisco, CA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Keane, T., et al. "Unsupervised Automated Panorama Creation for Realistic Surveillance Scenes Through Weighted Mutual Information Registration." Proceedings of the Electronic Imaging. Ed. SPIE/IS&T. San Fransisco, CA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Jaber, M. and E. Saber. "Image Understanding Algorithm for Segmentation Evaluation and Region-of-Interest Identification using Bayesian Networks." Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing. Ed. SPIE. Orlando, FL: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Syed, A. H., E. Saber, and D. Messinger. "Scale-space Representation of Remote Sensing Images using an Object-Oriented Approach." Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing. Ed. SPIE. Orlando, FL: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Vantaram, S. R. and E. Saber. "An Adaptive Bayesian Clustering and Multivariate Region Merging-based Technique for Efficient Segmentation of Color Images." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Ed. IEEE. Prague, Czech Republic: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Erkilinc, M. S., et al. "Page Layout Analysis and Classification in Complex Scanned Documents." Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications Conference. Ed. SPIE. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Jaber, M., et al. "An Image-set for Identifying Multiple Regions/levels of Interest in Digital Images." Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications Conference. Ed. SPIE. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Vantaram, S. R., E. Saber, and D. Messinger. "An Intensity-Gradient-Texture Guided Methodology for Automatic Spatial Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Multi/Hyperspectral imagery." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Ed. IEEE. Brussels, Belgium: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Vantaram, S. R., et al. "Semi-Automatic 3-D Segmentation of Computed Tomographic Imagery by Iterative Gradient-Driven Volume Growing." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Ed. IEEE. Brussels, Belgium: n.p., 2011. Print. *
Ferat Sahin
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Cinar, Eyup and Ferat Sahin. "New Classification Techniques for Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signals and a Real-Time EEG Control of a Robot." Neural Computing and Applications 20. (2011): 1-11. Web. * £
Sahin, Ferat and Ziya Arnavut. "Special Issue on Image Processing." Computer and Electrical Engineering Journal, Elsevier 37. 5 (2011): 629-630. Print. £
Published Conference Proceedings
Erkilinc, Mustafa Sezer and Ferat Sahin. "Camera Control with EMG Signals using Principle Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines." Proceedings of the IEEE International Systems Conference 2011. Ed. Alain Beaulieu. Montreal, Canada: n.p., 2011. Print. £ †
Dragunov, Yuri and Ferat Sahin. "Agent-in-the-Loop Simulation for Testing Swarm Robots using an XML-based System of System Framework in Discrete-Event Simulation Specification." Proceedings of the IEEE SoSE 2011 System of Systems Engineering. Ed. Aly El-Osery. Albuquerque: IEEE, 2011. Print. £ †
Torres, Ticiano and Ferat Sahin. "A Study of Crossover Operators and Reference Set Sizes for Scatter Search in Unconstrained Function Optimization." Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2011). Ed. Gary Anderson. Anchorage, AK: IEEE, 2011. Print. £ †
Rao, T. M., et al. "Computing Optimal Snowplow Route Plans Using Genetic Algorithms." Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2011). Ed. Gary Anderson. Anchorage, AK: IEEE, 2011. Print. £
Andreas Savakis
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Bellmore, Colin, Raymond Ptucha, and Andreas Savakis. "Interactive Display Using Depth and RGB Sensors for Face and Gesture Control." Proceedings of the IEEE Western New York Image Processing Workshop. Ed. IEEE Rochester Section. Rochester, NY: IEEE, 2011. Web. * £
Ptucha, Raymond and Andreas Savakis. "Manifold Based Sparse Representation for Robust Expression Recognition without Neutral Subtraction." Proceedings of the Int. Conf Computer Vision IEEE International Workshop on Benchmarking Facial Image Analysis Technologies. Ed. H.K. Ekenel, G. Hua, S. Shan. Barcelona, Spain: IEEE, 2011. Print. * £
Ptucha, Raymond, Greg Tsagkatakis, and Andreas Savakis. "Manifold Learning for Simultaneous Pose and Facial Expression Recognition." Proceedings of the 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Imaging Processing. Ed. Benoit Macq, Peter Schelkens. Brussels, Belgium: IEEE, 2011. Print. * £
Keane, Thomas, et al. "Unsupervised Automated Panorama Creation for Realistic Surveillance Scenes Through Weighted Mutual Information Registration." Proceedings of the SPIE Electronic Imaging. Ed. Jaakko T. Astola and Karen O. Egiazarian. San Fransisco, CA: SPIE, 2011. Print. * £
Michael Schrlau
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Orynbayeva, Z, et al. "Physiological Validation of Cell Health Upon Probing with Carbon Nanotube Endoscope and its Benefit for Cell Interrogation." Nanomedicine. (2012): 1-10. Print. £
Nui, J.J., et al. "Carbon Nanotube-tipped Endoscope for in Situ Intracellular Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy." Small 7. (2011): 540-545. Print. £
Singhal, R., et al. "Multifunctional Nanotube-based Cellular Endoscopes." Nature Nanotechnology 6. (2011): 57-64. Print. £
Book Chapter
Schrlau, M. G. "Carbon Nanotube-based Sensors." Comprehensive Biomaterials, Elsevier. tbd, tbd: In Review, 2011. 1-10. Print. ∆
Schrlau, M. G. and H. H. Bau. "Probing Cells with Nanotechnology." Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook: Fabrication, Implementation and Applications,. Florence, KY: Taylor and Francis, LLC, 2011. 1-10. Print. ∆
Patricia Taboada-Serrano
Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Taboada-Serrano, Patricia. "Energy for Underserved Populations: Gender Considerations." Inter American Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS) Energy Project Meeting. Inter American Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS) and the Colombian Academy of Sciences. Colombian Academy of Sciences, Bogota, Colombia. 9 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Gill Tsouri
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Tsouri, Gill R., Adrian Sapio, and Jeff Wilczewski. "An Investigation into Relaying of Creeping Waves for Reliable Low-Power Body Sensor Networking." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 5. 4 (2011): 307-319. Print. «
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
12/1/2010 -
Xerox Corporation
Amount: $48,000
9/1/2010 -
Blue Highway (A Welch Allyn Company)
Amount: $163,000
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Tsouri, Gill R. "Wireless Physical Layer Security for Body Area Networks." Lecture. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX. 8 Dec. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Tsouri, Gill R. "Preliminary Evaluation of an Efficient Collision Resolving Protocol." IEEE 28th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Israel. IEEE. Hilton Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel. 8 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Tsouri, Gill R. "Reliable Symmetric Key Generation for Body Area Networks using Wireless Physical Layer Security in the Presence of an On-Body Eavesdropper." 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL). ICST. Almera Hotel, Barcelona, Spain. 27 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Ostertag, Michael. "Reconstructing ECG Precordial Leads from a Reduced Lead Set using Independent Component Analysis." 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE. Marriott Copley Place Hotel, Boston, MA. 28 Aug. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Lyshevski, Sergey and Gill R Tsouri. "Molecular and BioMolecular Communication: Optical Waveguides and Possible Role of Microtubules." NANO 2011 Conference. IEEE. USA, Portland, OR. 16 Aug. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Benjamin Varela
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Review
Varela, Benjamin and Jeffrey W. Rogers. Rev. of Mechanical Response of Discontinuous Filament PVA Fiber Reinforced Geopolymers, ed. sujanto widjaja, dileep singh. 35th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites 23 Jan. 2011: 29-34. Print. *
Jayanti Venkataraman
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Beam, Kelly and Jayanti Venkataraman. "Phantom Models for In-Vitro Measurements of Blood Glucose." Proceedings of the IEEE Antenna and Prop Society International Sym, Spokane, WA, July 5-18, 2011. Ed. IEEE. Spokane WA: n.p., 2011. Print. ˜
Venkataraman, Jayanti and Benjamin Freer. "Feasibility of Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring." Proceedings of the IEEE Antenna and Prop Society International Sym, Spokane, WA, July 5-18, 2011. Ed. IEEE. Spokane WA: n.p., 2011. Print. ∆ ˜
P Venkataraman
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Venkataraman, P. "Solution of Inverse ODE using Bezier Functions." Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 10. 4 (2011): 529-549. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Venkataraman, P. "DETC2011-47658: Determining the Ordinary Differential Equation from Noisy Data." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers in Engineering Conference, August 28-31, 2011 Washington DC. Ed. ASME. US: ASME, Print. *
Venkataraman, P. "DETC2011-47659 : Leveraging Symbolic Programming in Engineering Courses - An Example." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers in Engineering Conference, August 28-31, 2011 Washington DC. Ed. ASME. US: n.p., Print. *
Wayne Walter
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Walter, Wayne W. and William E. Spath. "Experience Teaching a Multidisciplinary Project-Based Robotics Course Building Autonomous Mobile Robots." Proceedings of the 2011 Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition. Ed. ASEE. Vancouver, British Columbia: ASEE, 2011. Print. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Walter, Wayne W., et al. "Is it Possible to Build an Artifical Bicep Muscle?" RIT/RGHS Research Seminar Series. RGHS. RGHS, Rochester, NY. 9 Sep. 2011. Address. ∆
Steven Weinstein
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Rogers, R. E., et al. "Solution-phase Adsorption of 1-pyrenebutyric Acid Using Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes." Chemical Engineering Journal 173. 1 (2011): 486-493. Print. £
Norton, M. M., R. J. Robinson, and S. J. Weinstein. "Model of Ciliary Clearance and the Role of Mucus Rheology." Physical Review E 83. 1.1:011921 (2011): 1-12. Print. £
Shanchieh Yang
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Du, Haitao and Shanchieh Jay Yang. "Characterizing Transition Behaviors in Internet Attack Sequences." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks, Maui, HI USA, August 1-4, 2011. Ed. George Rouskas and Xiaobo Zhou. Red Hook, NY: IEEE, Print. *
Tong, Khiem, et al. "Optimizing Collection Requirements Through Analysis of Plausible Impact." Proceedings of the ISIF/IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion, July 5-8, 2011, Chicago IL, USA,. Ed. Lance Kaplan and Neil Gordon. Chicago, IL: IEEE, Web. *
Du, Haitao and Shanchieh Jay Yang. "Discovering Collaborative Cyber Attack Patterns Using Social Network Analysis." Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction (SBP11), Mach 29-31, College Park, MD. Ed. John Salerno, et al. USA: Springer LNCS, Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Yang, Shanchieh Jay. "Characterizing Attack Behavior for Cyber Situation Awareness." Invited Seminar. SUNY Binghamton. SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY. 29 Nov. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Yang, Shanchieh Jay. "Cyber Situation Awareness and Threat Anticipation." Taiwan. National Taiwan University. NTU campus, Taipei, Taiwan. 20 Jan. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Yang, Shanchieh Jay. "Characterizing Hacker Behavior for Cyber Situation Awareness." The 11th Emerging Information and Technology Conference, July 28-29, Chicago IL. EITC. Chicago, Chicago, IL. 28 Aug. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆