National Technical Institute for the Deaf - 2011
Faculty Scholarship 2011
All Departments
Select a Department from the list on the right to narrow results.John Albertini
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Albertini, J. A., R. R. Kelly, and M. K. Matchet. "Personal Factors that Influence Deaf College Students Academic Success." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 17. 1 (2011): 85-101. Print. *
Book Chapter
Albertini, John A. and Sara Schley. "Writing: Characteristics, Instruction, and Assessment." The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education, Vol. 1 (2nd ed.). Ed. Marc Marschark and Patricia Spencer. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2011. 130-143. Print. ∆
Published Review
Albertini, J. "Recording the Unimaginable." Rev. of Overcoming the Past, Determining its Consequences and Finding Solutions for the Present, by M. Zaurov and K.-B. Gunther. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 2011: 133. Print. ∆
Frank Argento
Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Full Length Book
Argento, Frank and John Kuchera. An Alphabet Zoo. 1st ed. LuLu: Self, 2011. Print.
Argento, Frank. 2011- The Shoe Factory Art Co-op's 2011 Valentine Art Exhibition. 14 Feb. 2011. The Shoe Factory Art Co-op, Rochester. Exhibit. *
Argento, Frank. The Shoe Factory "Earthy Delights". 10 Jun. 2011. The Shoe Factory Art Co-op, Rochester. Exhibit. £
Argento, Frank. Pet Expo: 7th Annual Western New York. 1 May 2011. Rochester Armory, Rochester. Exhibit.
Gerald Bateman
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bateman, G. "Teacher Action Research Framework in Pre-service Teacher Training Program." Association of College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH) Conference. ACE-DHH. Dallas-Ft. Worth, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas. 18 Feb. 2011. Lecture. *
Gerald Berent
Liberal Studies, Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Kelly, Ronald R., Gerald P. Berent, and Tanya Schueler-Choukairi. "Semantic and Pragmatic Factors Influencing Deaf and Hearing Students Comprehension of English Sentences Containing Numeral Quantifiers." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 16. 4 (2011): 419-436. Print. *
Kelly, Ronald R. and Gerald P. Berent. "Semantic and Pragmatic Factors Influencing Deaf and Hearing Students' Comprehension of English Sentences Containing Numeral Quantifiers." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 16. 4 (2011): 419-436. Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Berent, Gerald P. "Teaching English to Deaf Students in Diverse Settings: Effective English-teaching Methods." 45th Annual Convention. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA. 17 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Kelly, Ronald R and Gerald P. Berent. "Deaf College Students Processing of Numeral Quantifiers." Brown Bag Research Presentation. Department of Research & Teacher Education. Rochester, NY. 11 Apr. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Joseph Bochner
Cultural and Creative Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bochner, Joseph, et al. "When Is a Difference Really Different? Learners' Discrimination of Linguistic Contrasts in American Sign Language." Language Learning 61. 4 (2011): 1302-1327. Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bochner, Joseph and J. Matt Searls. "Learners' Discrimination of Linguistic Contrasts in ASL." NTID Brown Bag Seminar. NTID Research Department. Rochester, NY. 28 Mar. 2011. Lecture. ∆
Catherine Clark
Associate Professor
Communication Studies and Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Clark, Catherine. "College Experiences: Education, Technology & Friendship." Northeast Cochlear Implant Convention. Boston Children's Hospital. Sturbridge Conference Center, Sturbridge, MA. 9 Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation.
E William Clymer
Associate Professor
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Clymer, E. William. "Evolving Success in Innovating Technologies to Overcome Accessibility Barriers." XVI World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf. World Federation of the Deaf. Durban Convention Center, Durban, South Africa. 23 Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Pamela Conley
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
6/30/2009 -
Laura Jane Musser Foundation
Amount: $25,000
3/30/2011 -
NTID Innovative Fund
Amount: $31,000
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Conley, Pamela R. "Comparative Research on Space in ASL Poetry and BSL Poetry." American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. American Association of Geographers. Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA. 14 Apr. 2011. Lecture. ∆
Conley, Pamela R. "Lay Advocacy 101." ASDC Biennial Conference. American Society of Deaf Children. Maryland School for the Deaf, Frederick, MD. 25 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Jessica Cuculick
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
McKee, Michael, et al. "Perceptions of Cardiovascular Health in an Underserved Community of Deaf Adults Using American Sign Language." Disability and Health Journal 4. 3 (2011): 192-197. Print. *
Uninvited Presentations
Cuculick, Jess A., et al. "Do Cultural Features of Language and Community Among Deaf Mothers Enhance Their Success in Breastfeeding?" American Public Health Conference. APHA. Washington, DC. 0 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Cuculick, J.A., et al. "Early Data on Breastfeeding Practices of Deaf Mothers." American Public Health Association Annual Conference. APHA. Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C. 1 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Delbert Dagel
Associate Professor
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Dagel, Mark J. Rosica and Delbert D. "The Three "Dreaded" T's." AG Bell Volta Voices 18. 2 (2011): 18-21. Print. ∆
Wendy Dannels
Research Associate Professor
Engineering Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Dannels, Wendy A. "Evolving Success in Innovating Technologies to Overcome Accessibility Barriers." XVI World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf. World Federation of the Deaf. International Convention Center, Durban, South Africa. 23 Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Kathy Davis
Assistant Professor
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Davis, Kathy L. "Career Development & Networking for Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing." Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf - Volta Review Magazine. (2011): 1-6. Print. ∆
Kathleen Eilers-crandall
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Full Length Book
Eilers-crandall, Kathleen. English Grammar for KEC's Courses. 3rd Ed. Rochester, NY: NTID, 2011. Print. ˆ
Lisa Elliot
Research Associate Professor
Office of the President, Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Elliot, Lisa B, James J Decaro, and E William Clymer (2011-2016). Deaf STEM Community Alliance: Supporting Postsecondary Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Grant received/funded by Research in Disabilities Education, National Science Foundation. ≠
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Elliot, Lisa and Michael Stinson. "Increasing Access to STEM Instruction Through Specially Produced Notes Using Tablet PC Technology and Speech-to-text Services." PI Conference on Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement/TUES. NSF. Renaissance Hotel, Washington, DC. 27 Jan. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Stinson, Michael and Lisa Elliot. "Analyzing the Use of C-Print Mobile Technology in STEM Lab Settings Across Multiple Postsecondary Sites." Human Resource Development Joint Annual Meeting. National Science Foundation. Washington Hilton, Washington, DC. 7 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Stinson, Michael, Pamela Francis, and Lisa Elliot. "The C-Print Service: Using Captions to Support Classroom Communication Access and Learning by Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students." Workshop presented to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher Education Program. York University. York University, Toronto, Ontario Canada. 1 Apr. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Nandi, Radhika, et al. "Investigation of the Potential for National Technical Institute for the Deaf Developed C-Print Application to Improve Communication in Health Care Setting." Student Research Presentation. Rochester General Hospital. Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY. 6 Jul. 2011. Lecture. ∆
Bond, David and Lisa Elliot. "Planning a Successful Proposal." PI Institute. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. 18 Oct. 2011. Lecture.
Stinson, Michael, Lisa Elliot, and Pamela Francis. "Evaluation of Use of Tablet PCs and C-Print to Support Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students." 2011 Conference of the Office of Special Education Programs Project Directors. US Department of Education. Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC. 18 Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Susan Foster
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Foster, Susan, et al. "Crossing the Communication Barrier: Facilitating Communication in Mixed Groups of Deaf and Hearing Students." Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 25. 1 (2011): 1-10. Web. *
Austin Gehret
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Hinkle, Patricia M., Joshua G. Travers, and Austin U. Gehret. "Recycling of Internalized TRH Receptors Requires Dephosphorylation." Proceedings of the ENDO 2011. Ed. E. Chester Ridgway. Boston, MA: The Endocrine Society, 2011. Web. *
Linda Gottermeier
Communication Studies and Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Gottermeier, L. "Web-based Video Applications for Teaching Job Interviewing." Proceedings of the Conference of American Instructors of the Deaf. Ed. K. Mousely. CAID Conference Proceedings: n.p., 2011. Web. *
Paula Grcevic
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Grcevic, Paula. Hiking Through the Forest. 19 Mar. 2011. Firebrick Gallery and Pottery Studio, Rochester, MI. Exhibit. *
Grcevic, Paula. Poppies. 1 Apr. 2011. Artisan Works, Rochester, NY. Exhibit. ˜
Grcevic, Paula. Beauty of Poppy Pods Never Dies. 1 Jun. 2011. Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester, NY. Exhibit.
Grcevic, Paula. Jingle Beads. 2 Dec. 2011. Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester. Exhibit.
Luane Haggerty
Principal Lecturer
Cultural and Creative Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Full Length Book
Haggerty, Luane Davis. Off the Page and Onto the Stage: Acting II Textbook. 1 ed. : Lulu Press, 2011. Print. ˜
Haggerty, Luane Davis. The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow. By Aaron Weir Kelstone. 27-30 Oct. 2011. NTID Panara Theater, Rochester. Performance.
Peter Haggerty
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Haggerty, Peter. "The Visual Integrated Concepts in English (V.I.C.E.) Squad." 45th Annual Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Ernest Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA. 17 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Haggerty, Peter. "The V.I.C.E. Squad (Visual Integrated Concepts in English)." Bi-ennial National Conference of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf (CAID). Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf (CAID). Dallas Forth Worth Hotel and Golf Club, Fort Worth, TX. Tuesday Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Peter Hauser
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Full Length Book
Marschark, M. and P. C. Hauser. How Deaf Children Learn: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know. 1st ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print. *
Journal Paper
Bochner, J. H., et al. "Learners Discrimination of Linguistic Contracts in American Sign Language." Language Learning 61. (2011): 1302-1327. Print. «
Hauser, P. C. "Deaf Eyes: Visual Learning and Deaf Gain." Deaf Studies Digital Journal 2. (2011): 1-10. Web. ∆
Freel, B. L., et al. "Deaf Individuals Bilingual Abilities: American Sign Language Proficiency, Reading Skills, and Family Characteristics." Psychology 2. (2011): 18-23. Print. *
Book Chapter
Listman, J. D., K. D. Rogers, and P. C. Hauser. "Rethinking Deaf Adolescents Resilience: Why Cultural Capital Matters." Risk and Resilience: Adaptation in the Context of Being Deaf. Ed. D. Zand and K. Pierce. New York: Springer, 2011. 279-298. Print. *
Barbara Holcomb
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Holcomb, Barbara Ray. Living and Learning Together: We Are RIT! (DVD). By Marguerite Carrillo and Linda Bryant. 3 Sep. 2011. RIT- Field House, Rochester, NY. Performance.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Holcomb, Barbara Ray. "Living and Learning Together: We Are RIT!" Week of Welcome. RIT Student Orientation Porgram. RIT- Field House, Rochester, NY. 3 Sep. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Samuel Holcomb
Senior Lecturer
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Full Length Book
Holcomb, Roy K., Samuel K. Holcomb, and Thomas K. Holcomb. Deaf Culture, Our Way: Anecdotes from the Deaf Community. 4th ed. California: Dawn Sign Press, 2011. Print.
Bonnie Jacob
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Jacob, Bonnie. "A Discrete Challenge Based on Optical Imaging." Geneseo Mathematics Colloquium. Mathematics Department. SUNY Geneseo, Geneseo, NY. 21 Apr. 2011. Lecture. ∆
Jacob, Bonnie. "A Discrete Challenge Based on Optical Imaging." Geneseo Mathematics Colloquium. Mathematics Department. SUNY Geneseo, Geneseo, NY. 21 Apr. 2011. Lecture. ∆
Susan Keenan
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Keenan, Susan. "Deaf Students in the College Classroom." 10th Annual Niagara University International Conference on Teaching and Learning. Niagara University. Niagara University, Niagara, NY. 11 Jan. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Ronald Kelly
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Albertini, John A., Ronald R. Kelly, and Mary Karol Matchett. "Personal Factors that Influence Deaf College Students Academic Success." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (2011): 1-17. Web. *
Berent, Gerald P., Ronald R. Kelly, and Tanya Schueler-Choukairi. "L2 and Deaf Learners Knowledge of Numerically Quantified English Sentences: Acquisitional Parallels at the Semantics/Discourse-pragmatics Interface." Studies in Second Language Acquisition 34. (2011): 1-32. Print. *
Kelly, Ronald R. and Gerald P. Berent. "Semantic and Pragmatic Factors Influencing Deaf and Hearing Students Comprehension of English Sentences Containing Numeral Quantifiers." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 16. 4 (2011): 419-436. Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kelly, Ronald R. "Non-cognitive Personal Factors that Influence Deaf Students Persistence and Success in College: Data on Three Cohorts 2007, 2008, and 2009." 25th Annual Educational Support Service Personnel Conference. New York Educational Support Service Personnel. Crowne Plaza, Niagara Falls, NY. 30 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Patricia Kenney
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Published Review
Kenney, Patricia. "Strategies for Teaching Writing to Deaf College Students." Rev. of Working Text: Teaching Deaf and Second-Language Students to be Better Writers, by Sue Livingston. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 9 Mar. 2011: 557. Print. ∆
Pamela Kincheloe
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kincheloe, Pamela. "The Eye/I of the Silent Worker: Visual Rhetoric in the Nineteenth Century Deaf Periodical." 22nd Annual American Literature Association Conference. American Literature Association. Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA. 26 May 2011. Conference Presentation.
Kincheloe, Pamela. "Implanting Rhetoric: The Cyborg Body as Contested Space." 62nd Annual Conference on College Composition and Communication. Conference for College Composition and Communication. Atlanta Marriot Marquis, Atlanta, GA. 8 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Christopher Kurz
Research and Teacher Education, Master of Science in Secondary Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Editor
Board], Christopher A. Kurz [Journal Editorial, ed. Journal of American Sign Language and Literature. Washington DC: n.p., 2011. Web. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Kurz, Christopher A. N. "Mathematics for the Deaf: A Resource for Teacher Preparing to Teach Math to Deaf Learners." Annual National Conference of the Association of College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Association of College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Hilton Hotel, Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX. 19 Feb. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Kurz, Christopher A. N. "Building Networks for Student Learning: Concrete-Representational-Abstract Approach." Biennal National conference of the Council of American Instructors of the Deaf. Council of American Instructors of the Deaf. Dallas-Fort Worth Marriott Hotel & Golf Club at Champions Circle, Ft. Worth, TX. 23 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Kurz, Christopher A. N. "Teacher Action Research Framework in Pre-service Teacher Training Program." Annual Conference of the Association of College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Association of College Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Hilton Hotel, Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX. 18 Feb. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Kurz, Christopher A. N. "Family Math for All Grades." Pre-session, Biennal National Conference of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf. Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf. Dallas-Fort Worth Marriott Hotel & Golf Club at Champions Circle, Ft. Worth, TX. 20 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Kurz, Christopher A. N. "Pre-college Deaf Students Understanding of Fractional Concepts." Brown Bag Research Presentation. Research and Teacher Education, NTID. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester, NY. 10 Jan. 2011. Lecture. ∆
Harry Lang
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Lang, Harry G. "Writing to Learn: Strategies for Evidence-based Instruction." Opening Doors, Unlocking Potential: Language-Literacy-Learning and Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. The Partnership for People with Disabilities, a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. Holiday Inn University Area, Charlottesville, VA. 29 Jun. 2011. Keynote Speech.
Kenneth Lerner
Senior Lecturer
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Lerner, Kenny. 4 Arms: Flying Words Project. By Kenny Lerner and Peter Cook. n.d. Poet Walk, Rochester. Exhibit.
Cook, Peter. Flying Words Project. By Kenny Lerner and Peter Cook. n.d. Film: "Crossing State Lines: An American Renga, NYC. Exhibit.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Lerner, Kenny. "Flying Words Project." Workshops. Dartmouth College. Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. 17 May 2011. Guest Lecture.
Lerner, Kenny. "Flying Words Project Performance." La Casita Festival. Lincoln Center. Lincoln Center, New York, NY. 6 Aug. 2011. Reading.
Lerner, Kenny and Peter Cook. "Flying Words Project Performance." La Casita Festival. Lincoln Center. Street show, Bronx, NY. 7 Aug. 2011. Reading.
Lerner, Kenny and Peter Cook. "Flying Words Project workshops." 30th Anniversary Celebration. Writers and Books. Writers and Books, Rochester, NY. 24 Sep. 2011. Reading.
Matthew Lynn
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Miecznikowski, John R., et al. "Syntheses, Characterization, Density Functional Theory Calculations, and Activity of Tridentate SNS Zinc Pincer Complexes." Inorganica Chimica Acta 376. (2011): 515-524. Print. ˜
James Mallory
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Mallory, James R., Gary L. Long, and Carol Marchetti. "The Importance of Interaction for Academic Success in Online Courses with Hearing, Deaf, and Hard-of-Hearing Students." 17th Annual SLOAN Consortium on Asynchronous Learning Networks. (2011): 1-10. Web. *
Marc Marschark
Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Full Length Book
Marschark, M. and P. E. Spencer. The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Languages, and Education. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.
Journal Paper
Bull, Rebecca, et al. "Numerical Estimation in Deaf and Hearing Adults." Learning and Individual Differences 21. 4 (2011): 453-457. Print. « ≠
Marschark, Marc, et al. "Evidence-based Practice in Educating Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Children: Teaching to their Cognitive Strengths and Needs." European Journal of Special Needs Education 26. 1 (2011): 3-16. Print. «
Marschark, Marc, et al. "Teaching to the Strengths and Needs of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Children." European Journal of Special Needs Education 26. 1 (2011): 17-23. Print. «
Borgna, Georgianna, et al. "Enhancing Deaf Students' Learning from Sign Language and Text: Metacognition, Modality, and the Effectiveness of Content Scaffolding." Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 16. 1 (2011): 79-100. Print. «
Book Chapter
Marschark, Marc and Patricia E. Spencer. "What We Know, What We Don't Know, and What We Should Know." Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education. Ed. M. Marschark and P. E. Spencer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 51-516. Print.
Marschark, M. and L. Wauters. "Cognitive Functioning in Deaf Adults and Children." Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education. Ed. M. Marschark and P. E. Spencer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 486-499. Print.
Spencer, P. E., M. Marschark, and L. J. Spencer. "Cochlear Implants: Advances, Issues and Implications." Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education. Ed. M. Marschark and P. E. Spencer. New York: Oxford University Press., 2011. 452-471. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Marschark, Marc. "How Deaf Children Learn Why They Sometimes Don't and What We Can Do About It." Coalition of Private Schools Serving Deaf Children. Coalition of Private Schools Serving Deaf Children. Captiva, Captiva, FL. 17 Jan. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Marschark, Marc. "Myths and Misunderstandings in Deaf Education." American College Educators-Deaf and Hard of Hearing. ACE-DHH. Fort Worth, TX, Fort Worth, TX. 18 Feb. 2011. Keynote Speech.
Marschark, Marc. "Sign Language in Deaf Education: Foundations and Outcomes." Hong Kong Education Department and Rehabilitation Advisory Committee. Hong Kong Labour and Welfare Bureau. Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. 16 May 2011. Conference Presentation.
Marschark, Marc. "Sign Language in Deaf Education: What We Know, What We Don't Know, and What We Want to Know." Peace Evangelical Education Centre. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. 17 May 2011. Conference Presentation.
Marschark, Marc. "Global Trends in Sign Bilingual Co-enrollment Education." Seminar on Student with Hearing Impairment Speech and Understanding Training Handbook Centre for Special Needs and Studies in Inclusive Education. Hong Kong Jockey Club Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrollment in Deaf Education Program. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. 18 May 2011. Conference Presentation.
Marschark, Marc. "Myths and Misunderstanding in Deaf Education: What We Know, What We Don't Know, and What We Think We Know." Presentation. National Technical Institute for the Deaf. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester, NY. 26 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Christine Monikowski
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
9/28/2011 -
Fulbright Specialist Program/Council for International Exchange of Scholars
Amount: $15,000
Keith Mousley
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Mousley, Keith. "Challenges of Learning Fractions: Dilemma in Mathematical Teaching." CAL-ED. CAL-ED. DoubleTree Hotel, Norwalk, CA. 12 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. * ∆
Mousley, Keith and Dr. Christopher Kurz. "Why is teaching fraction so tough?" Convention American Instructors for the Deaf (CAID). CAID. Marriott, Fort Worth, TX. 21 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Mousley, Keith and Christopher Kurz. "Pre-College Deaf Students' Understanding of Fractional Concepts." Research Department. Research Department. Rochester, NY. 17 Jan. 2011. Guest Lecture. ∆
Todd Pagano
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Pagano, Todd, et al. "Multidimensional Fluorescence Studies of the Phenolic Content of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Humic Substances." Journal of Environmental Monitoring. (2011): DOI:10.1039/C2EM10501B. Print. «
Ross, Annemarie and Todd Pagano. "Development of a Curriculum to Teach the ‘Soft Skills’ necessary for the Future Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Laboratory Technician Workforce." Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities 13. 1 (2009): 17-28. Web. *
Pagano, Todd, Adam Biacchi, and Jonathan E. Kenny. "Nitrogen Gas Purging for the Deoxygenation of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Solutions in Cyclohexane for Routine Fluorescence Analysis." Applied Spectroscopy 62. 3 (2008): 333-336. Print. *
Book Chapter
Pagano, Todd. "Conducting Research with Early Undergraduates and Students with Special Needs." Broadening Participation in Undergraduate Research: Fostering Excellence and Enhancing the Impact. Ed. Wesemann and Boyd. Washington, DC: Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), 2009. 211-214. Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Pagano, Todd. "Measuring the Phenolic Content of Dissolved Organic Matter in Wetlands." Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Ecological Society of America. Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX. 12 Aug. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Pagano, Todd. "Integrating Science Literacy and English Literacy in the K12 Science Classroom: Benefits for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing Students." National Science Teachers Association National Conference. National Science Teachers Association. San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 12 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Mertes, Noel, Annemarie Ross, and Todd Pagano. "Experimental Design of Undergraduate Research Projects from the Perspective of Associate Degree Level Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students: Analysis of Dissolved Organic Matter in Natural Waters." 241st American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Anaheim, Anaheim, CA. 28 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Edenzon, Kyle. "Improvements in Qualitative and Quantitative Fluorescence Spectroscopy." 241st American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Anaheim, Anaheim, CA. 28 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Carcamo, Nelsy, Risa Robinson, and Todd Pagano. "Determination of Nicotine and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke using Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)." 241st American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Anaheim, Anaheim, CA. 28 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Ross, Annemarie, L.K. Quinsland, and Todd Pagano. "Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Laboratory Technology Students in the Workplace." 241st American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Anaheim, Anaheim, CA. 29 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee
6/1/2011 -
American Chemical Society
Amount: 0
Ila Parasnis
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Parasnis, I. "The Effective Use of Distance Learning Courses for Deaf Students." Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped Professional Development Series. Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped. Maharashtra, India. 11 Aug. 2011. Keynote Speech. ∆
Parasnis, I., et al. "Enhanced Processing Speed in Deaf Native Signers During Distributed Visual Attention." Association for Psychological Science 23rd Annual Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Washington, DC. 26 May 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Parasnis, I. "Distributed Attention in Deaf Native Signers." Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped Professional Development Series. Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped. Maharashtra, India. 11 Aug. 2011. Keynote Speech. ∆
Geoff Poor
ASL Training and Evaluation
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Published Review
Poor, Geoffrey S. "Building a Story." Rev. of Extraordinary from the Ordinary: Personal Experience Narratives in American Sign Language, ed. R. Kelly. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 16 Mar. 2011: 553. Print. ∆
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Poor, Geoffrey S. "Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI) Training Workshop." Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI) Training Workshop. National Institute for the Deaf. National Institute for the Deaf, Worcester, South Africa. 12 Jun. 2011. Lecture.
Poor, Geoffrey S. "Sign Language Skill Assessment." NGT Functional Assessment. Hogeschool Utrecht. Hogeschool Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands. 12 Dec. 2011. Lecture.
Poor, Geoffrey S. and Molly Estes. "Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI) Training Workshop." SLPI Training Workshop. Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, Pittsburgh, PA. 11 Mar. 2011. Lecture.
Annemarie Ross
Associate Professor
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Pagano, Todd, et al. "Multidimensional Fluorescence Studies of the Phenolic Content of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Humic Substances." Journal of Environmental Monitoring. (2011): 1-7. Print. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Mertes, Noel, Annemarie D. Ross, and Todd Pagano. "Experimental Design of Undergraduate Research Projects from the Perspective of Associate Degree Level Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students: Analysis of Dissolved Organic Matter in Natural Waters." 241st American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Anaheim, Anaheim, CA. 28 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Ross, Annemarie D. "Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Laboratory Technology Students in the Workplace." 241st American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Anaheim, Anaheim, CA. 29 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Ross, Annemarie D. "Female Students with Disabilities: Using the "Two Birds with One Stone" Approach to Diversify the Scientific Workforce." 242nd American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Denver, Denver, CO. 30 Aug. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Linda Rubel
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Rubel, Linda and Rose Marie Toscano. "I Am My Language: Representing and Misrepresenting Deaf Writers." Open Words: Access and English Studies 5. 1 (2011): 61-72. Print. ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Rubel, Linda. "Enhancing Student Learning Through a Writing in the Disciplines Pilot Project." Student Success in Writing Conference. Georgia Southern University. Coastal Georgia Center, Savannah, GA. 4 Feb. 2011. Conference Presentation. «
Rubel, Linda. "Self-Disclosure: Re-Mixing' Voice' for Deaf Writers." College English Association. Florida College English Association. Hilton, St. Petersburg, FL. 2 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. *
Vincent Samar
Liberal Studies, Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Barnett, S., et al. "Community Participatory Research With Deaf Sign Language Users To Identify Health Inequities." American Journal of Public health 101. 12 (2011): 2235-2238. Print. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Samar, V.J., S. Barnett, and E. Finigan. "Deaf Adults from Low Childhood Socioeconomic Backgrounds Display Intercorrelations Among Language Skills and Body Composition Suggesting Early Epigenetic Dysregulation of Neurocognitive Development." 2012 Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology Congress. Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology. Basle, Switzerland. 7 Sep. 2011. Conference Presentation.
O'Hearn, A., V. Samar, and S. Barnett. "Deaf Women and Suicide Behaviors: At Increased Risk?" Inequity to Equity: Promoting Health and Wellness of Women with Disabilities. APA, Howard University, and Gallaudet University conference. Washington, DC. 17 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Samar, V., E. Finigan, and S. Barnett. "Early-Life Adverse Conditions May Epigenetically Dysregulate Physical and Language Development of Deaf Adults: Anthropometric Evidence." The Association for Psychological Science 23rd Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Washington, DC. 27 May 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Parasnis, I., et al. "Enhanced Processing Speed In Deaf Native Signers During Distributed Visual Attention." The Association for Psychological Science 23rd Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Washington, DC. 26 May 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Cynthia Sanders
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Sanders, Cynthia, Brenda Schertz, and Patrick McCarthy. "ASL Outcomes." American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). ACTFL. Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO. 18 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Sanders, Cynthia. "Residential Schools: The Concept of Assimilation The Means of Cultural Cultivation and Cultural Eradication." American Indian Sciene and Engineering Society Conference. American Indian Science and Engineering Society. Alberquque Convention Center, Alberquque, NM. 12 Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Sanders, Cynthia, Barbara Ray Holcomb, and Samuel Holcomb. "ASL at Work Kick-Off Presentation." NTID. Dawn Sign Press and NTID ASLIE department. NTID, Rochester, NY. 8-9 Apr. 2011. Lecture.
Sanders, Cynthia and William Newell. "ASL At Work Presentations." ASLTA Professional Development Conference. American Sign Language Teachers Association. Marriott Hotel, Seattle, WA. 28 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Miriam Santana Valadez
Senior Lecturer
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Santana, Miriam. "Technology in the Math Classroom." CAID 2011 National Conference. CAID. Dallas-Fort Worth Marriott Hotel, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. 22 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Santana, Miriam. "Teaching Functions using Technology." T3 International Conference. Texas Instruments. San Antonio Convention Center, San Antonio, TX. 26 Feb. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Santana, Miriam. "Clickers in the Classroom Best Practices." CAID 2011 National Conference. CAID. Dallas-Fort Worth Marriott Hotel, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. 21 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Santana, Miriam. "Teaching Linear and Quadratic Functions: Exploring the coefficents of a quadratic with TI-Nspire." 61th Annual AMTNYS Conference. Association of Mathematcs Teachers of Rochester Area (AMTRA). Rochester, NY. 28 Oct. 2011. Lecture.
Deirdre Schlehofer
Associate Professor
American Sign Language and Interpreting Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Barnett, S., et al. "Community Participatory Research with Deaf Sign Language Users to Identify Health Inequities." American Journal of Public Health 101. 12 (2011): 2235-2238. Print. £
McKee, M., et al. "Perceptions of Cardiovascular Health in an Underserved Community of Deaf Adults using American Sign Language." Disability and Health Journal 4. 3 (2011): 192-197. Print. £
Schlehofer, Deirdre, et al. "Community Participatory Research With Deaf Sign Language Users to Identify Health Inequities." American Journal of Public Health 101. 12 (2011): 2235-2238. Web. «
Sara Schley
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Schley, Sara, et al. "Effect of Postsecondary Education on the Economic Status of Persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing." Journal of Deaf Education and Deaf Studies 16. (2011): 524-536. Print. *
Book Chapter
Albertini, John and Sara Schley. "Writing: Characteristics, Instruction, and Assessment." The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education, Vol. 1 (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2011. 130-144. Print. ∆
Kathryn Schmitz
Associate Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Editor
Schmitz, Kathryn L., ed. The Volta Review. Washington, DC: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, 2011. Print. «
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Schmitz, Kathryn L. "Preparing For Publication in a Peer-Reviewed Journal." 2011 Conference for American Instructors of the Deaf. Council of American Instructors of the Deaf. Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX. 22 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Schmitz, Kathryn L. "Panel Discussion of Journal Editors of the Annals of the American Deaf, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, and The Volta Review." 2011 Annual Meeting. American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, New Orleans, LA. 11 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Lawrence Scott Jr
Associate Professor
Communication Studies and Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Scott, Lawrence C. "Self-rated Communication Characteristics of Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students." New York State Speech-Language and Hearing Association. NYSSLHA. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, NY. 9 May 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Donald Sims
Associate Professor
Communication Studies and Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Sims, Donald. "National and International Clinical Audiology Experiences: Hearing Aid Fitting." Oticon Focus on People: Intiga. Oticon Inc. Los Angles Raddison, Los Angles, CA. 12 Sep. 2011. Keynote Speech. ˆ
Joseph Stanislow
Associate Professor
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Behm, J., et al. "Stepwise Method for Deaf and Hard of Hearing STEM students in Solving Word Problems." Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Ed. Jaimie Schock. American Society for Engineering Education: n.p., 2011. Print. «
Michael Stein
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Stein, Michael Steven and Emily Teplin. "Rational Discrimination and Shared Compliance." Valparaiso University Law Review 45. (2011): 1095-1141. Print. ∆
Stein, Michael. "Does the use of telecommunications relay services violate HIPAA?" Pulse. (2011): 17. Web. ∆
Michael Stinson
Research Associate Professor
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Book Chapter
Stinson, M. and T. Kluwin. "Educational Consequences of Alternative School Placements." The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education, Vol. 1 (2nd ed.). Ed. M. Marschark and P. Spencer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 47-62. Print. £
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Stinson, M and L. Elliot. "Analyzing the Use of C-Print Mobile Technology in STEM Lab Settings Across Multiple Postsecondary Sites." Human Resource Development Joint Annual Meeting. National Science Foundation. Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C., District of Columbia. 8 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Stinson, M, L. Elliot, and P. Francis. "Evaluation of Use of Tablet PCs and C-Print to Support Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students." 2011 Conference of the Office of Special Education Programs Project Directors. U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C. 17 Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Stinson, M. "The C-Print Service: Using Captions to Support Classroom Communication Access and Learning by Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students." Access Conference. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher Education Program. York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 3 Apr. 2011. Keynote Speech. £
Kurt Stoskopf
Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Stoskopf, Kurt. Deaf Creative Arts Festival. 23 Sep. 2011. Lexington School for the Deaf, Jackson Heights. Exhibit.
Kathleen Szczepanek
Principal Lecturer
Business Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Szczepanek, Kathleen M. "Business Ethics: How to Develop Ethical Awareness and Introspection in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." Teaching Ethics - The Journal of the Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum 13. 1 (2012): 17-35. Print. *
Clark, C. College Experiences: Education, Technology & Friendship. By Catherine C. Clark, Kathleen M. Szczepanek, and Erika Israel. Jul. 2011. Northeast Cochlear Implant Convention, Sturbridge, MA. Exhibit. ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Szczepanek, Kathleen M. "Business Ethics: How to Develop Ethical Awareness and Introspection in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students." 2011 CAID National Conference. Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf. Dallas/Fort Worth Marriott Hotel & Golf Club at Champions Circle, Fort Worth, TX. 21 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Lilla Toke
Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Toke, Lilla. "Political Resistance and the Female in the Communist Comedies of Eastern Europe." Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. 7-10 Apr. 2011. Conference Presentation.
Rose Marie Toscano
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Journal Paper
Toscano, Rose Marie and Linda Rubel. "I Am My Language: Representing and Misrepresenting Deaf Writers." Open Words: Access and English Studies. (2011): 61-72. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Toscano, Rose Marie. "Enhancing Student Learning Through a Writing in the Disciplines Pilot Project." Student Success in Writing Conference. Georgia Southern University. Coastal Georgia Center, Savannah, GA. 3 Feb. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Toscano, Rose Marie. "Self-Disclosure: Re-Mixing Voice for Deaf Writers." College English Association. College English Association. St. Petersburgh, St. Petersburgh, Florida. 30 Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. £
Toscano, Rose Marie. "Task Force on Health Care Careers for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community: An Update." ADARA Conference. ADARA. San Diego, CA, San Diego, CA. 13 Apr. 2011. Address. ∆
Michael Voelkl
Associate Professor
Visual Communications Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
National/International Competition Award Winner
Voelkl, Michael and J. CA Magazine Photography Annual. Inclusion in Publication. International, World Wide, 2003. * ˆ
Marilyn Walker
Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Published Review
Walker, Marilyn. "The Defense of Phillis Wheatley." Rev. of Phillis Wheatley's Poetics of Liberation: Background and Contexts, eds. Robert M. Markley, et al. The Eighteenth Century Theory and Interpretation Jun. 2011: 235-239. Print. ˜
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Walker, Marilyn. "Portraits of Leadership: The Lives of Robert F. Panara and Robert R. Davila in the Deaf Classroom." 61st Annual New York State English Council. NYSEC. Albany, New York, NY. 21 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Marilyn Walker
Assistant Professor
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Walker, Marilyn. "Portraits of Leadership: The Lives of Robert F. Panara and Robert R. Davila in the Deaf Classroom." 61st Annual New York State English Council. New York State English Council. Albany, New York. 19 Oct. 2011. Conference Presentation. ∆
Sharron Webster
Principal Lecturer
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Webster, Sharron. "Clickers: A Tool to Improve Student Engagement and Assessment." 2011 CAID National Conference: Teaching Digital Students: Fostering Thinking, Collaboration, and Creativity. Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf. Dallas-Ft Worth Marriott Hotel & Golf Club at Champions Circle, Forth Worth, TX. 23 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. ˜
Webster, Sharron and Patricia Wink. "Doing Math On-Line." 2011 CAID National Conference: Teaching Digital Students: Fostering Thinking, Collaboration, and Creativity. Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf. Dallas-Fort Worth Marriott Hotel & Golf Club at Champions Circle, Forth Worth, TX. 21 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. ˜
Brenda Whitehead
Communication Studies and Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Whitehead, Brenda and John Conklin. "Dealing with Communication Diversity in the Classroom: A Student Perspective." NTID Spoken Communication Techniques and Strategies Workshop Series. Department of Communication Studies and Services. NTID/RIT, Rochester, NY. 29 Mar. 2011. Lecture.
Aimee Whyte
Senior Lecturer
Liberal Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Book Chapter
K., Whyte, Aimee and Smith, Kendra L. "Deaf College Students." Psychotherapy with Deaf Clients from Diverse Groups (2nd ed). Ed. Irene W Leigh. Washington, DC, USA: Gallaudet University Press., 2010. Psychotherapy with Deaf Clients from Diverse Groups (2nd ed, pp. 261–280). Print.
Invited Article/Publication
K., Whyte, Aimee and Guiffrida, Douglas, A. "Counseling Deaf college students: The case of shea." Journal of College Counseling. (2008). Print.
Patricia Wink
Senior Lecturer
Science and Mathematics
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
2011 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Wink, Patricia. "Doing Math Online." 2011 CAID National Conference: Teaching Digital Students: Fostering Thinking, Collaboration, and Creativity. Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf. Dallas/Fort Worth Marriott Hotel & Golf Club at Champions Circle, Fort Worth, TX. 21 Jun. 2011. Conference Presentation. ˜