International Campuses - 2011

Faculty Scholarship 2011

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Festina Balidemaj

RIT Kosovo
International Campuses

2011 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Balidemaj, Festina and Todd Sorensen. "Sharing Community Engagement in Pharmacy - An Innovation." Sharing Community Engagement in Pharmacy - An Innovation. (2011). Print. ≠

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Julie Kolgjini

Principal Lecturer
RIT Kosovo
International Campuses

2011 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Kolgjini, Julie. "Mundësia e përdorimit të paskajores në standardin e gjuhës shqipe." Proceedings of the Konferencë Shkencore - Shqipja në etapën e sotme: politikat e përmirësimit dhe të pasurimit të standardit. Ed. Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike. Tirana, Albania: Qendra e Studimeve Albanologjike: Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, 2011. Print. £

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Jinane Mounsef

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2011 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Mounsef, Jinane and Lina Karam. "Automated analysis of leaf venation patterns." Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence, CIVI. Ed. IEEE. Paris, France: IEEE, 2011. Web. *

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Mohamed Samaha

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Samaha, Mohamed A., Hooman Vahedi Tafreshi, and Mohamed Gad-el-Hak. "Modeling drag reduction and meniscus stability of superhydrophobic surfaces comprised of random roughness." Physics of Fluids 23. 11 (2011): 12001. Web. *

Samaha, Mohamed A., et al. "" Review of Scientific Instruments 82. 4 (2011): 45109. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Samaha, Mohamed A. and Mohamed Gad-el-Hak. "Fabrication and Characterization of Low-Cost Superhydrophobic Coatings." Proceedings of the 41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit. Ed. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Honolulu, HI: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011. Web. *

Gad-el-Hak, Mohamed, et al. "Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Fiber Coatings by DC-Biased AC-Electrospinning." Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 56, Number 18. Ed. Michael Thoennessen. Baltimore, MD: American Physical Society, 2011. Web. *

Samaha, Mohamed A., Hooman Vahedi Tafreshi, and Mohamed Gad-el-Hak. "Modeling superhydrophobic surfaces comprised of random roughness." Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 56, Number 18. Ed. Michael Thoennessen. Baltimore, MD: American Physical Society, 2011. Web. *

Tepper, Gary C., et al. "In situ, noninvasive characterization of superhydrophobic coatings." Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 56, Number 18. Ed. Michael Thoennessen. Baltimore, MD: American Physical Society, 2011. Web. *

Ochanda, Fredrick O, et al. "Salinity Effects on Superhydrophobic Coatings." Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Volume 56, Number 18. Ed. Michael Thoennessen. Baltimore, MD: American Physical Society, 2011. Web. *

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Jasminka Samardzija

RIT Croatia
International Campuses

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Samardzija, Jasminka. "Kolika je cijena mog nereda?" Poslovni savjetnik. 75 (2011): 32-33. Print. ˜

Published Conference Proceedings

Samardzija, Jasminka and Tonci Lazibat. "EFQM Excellence Model Strong Base for Sustainable Sucess of the Croatian Organizations." Proceedings of the Total Quality Management � Advanced and Intelligent approaches, Organised by Mechanical Engineering Faculty. Ed. Prof. Dr. L. Alting, et al. Belgrade, Serbia: Mechanical Engineering Faculty, 2011. Print. *

Samardzija, Jasminka. "Kriteriji Hrvatske nagrade za poslovnu izvrsnost." Proceedings of the Zbornik radova 12. medunarodnog Simpozija o kvaliteti Kvalitetom do poslovne izvrsnosti. Ed. Prof. Dr. L. Alting, Prof. dr. sc. Victor Vladimirovch Timchenko, and Miroslav Drljaca. Zagreb, Croatia: OSKAR, 2011. Print. *

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Rizwan Tahir

RIT Dubai
International Campuses

2011 Submissions

Journal Paper

Rizwan, Tahir,. "The Dilemma of Repatriate Managers in the New Zealand Companies." ASBM Journal Vol. 4 No. 1. (2011): 122-135. Print. «

Rizwan, Tahir,. "The Forgotten Employees? Dealing with the Repatriate Dilemma in New Zealand Companies." New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management Vol. 10 No. 3. (2011): 174-184. Print. «

Rizwan, Tahir, and Chen, W. "Strategic Motivations of Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) Manufacturing Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) in International Markets." Asian Academy of Management Journal Vol. 10 No. 2. (2011): 194-213. Print. «

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