AdvanceRIT Learning Circles

The goal of the learning circles is to set up supportive networks of women faculty on topics related to career success and work-life balance. These circles will utilize guided activities and discussion, build connections with other faculty across the university and provide the opportunity to build a network of potential new mentors, collaborators, and sponsors across campus.


The group will read Rena Seltzer’s book, The Coach’s Guide for Women Professors Who Want a Successful Career and a Well-Balanced Life. The book is available electronically through the Wallace Library (note, if off campus, need to be on VPN for this link to work).

Access book through Wallace Library 

Topics will be selected based on the interests of participants and may include: 

  • How to Have More Time with guest facilitator: Laura Tubbs, Ph.D.
  • Teaching: the impact of gender with guest facilitators: Jeanne Christman, Ph.D., and Amina Kothari, Ph.D.
  • Work-Life Balance with guest facilitator: Professor Maureen Valentine 
  • Networking & Social Support with guest facilitator: Assoc. Provost Carmie Garzione, Ph.D.
  • Authority, Voice & Influence with guest facilitator: Callie Babbitt, Ph.D.
  • Negotiation with Guest facilitator: dt ogilvie, Ph.D.
  • Gender impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Higher Education
  • Tips from the Top on success strategies for women faculty with guest facilitator: Provost Ellen Granberg, Ph.D.

Guest facilitators will be invited based on the topic of each session. 


The first meeting was held in September (10 weekly meetings). If you would like to join this teaching circle, email Silvia Caraballo.


Each week there will be a reading assignment and 1-2 Into Action worksheets assigned. These can be found on the MyCourses shell and are organized by chapter.

  • Read Chapter One
  • Complete Into Action 1.1 page 17 and 1.4 on page 28.  
  • Complete Into Action 1.4.
  • Read Chapter Four
  • Complete one activity from Into Action 4.1 (p.83)
  • Complete Into Action 4.3 on page 93
  • Read Chapter Five
  • Complete Into Action 5.3 and 5.4. Here is a networking “ecomap” you can use (also on the Into Action worksheet).
  • Read Chapter Seven
  • Complete Into Action 7.1or 7.2
  • Read Chapter Eight
  • Complete Into Action for Chapter 8 : Posted under Content for Chapter 8 on MyCourses (not in the book)
  • Read Chapter 6: Tenure and Promotion
  • Complete Either:
    • Research focus: Into Action 6.1 (p. 112)
    • Teaching focus: Into Action 6.3 (not in the book; only on MyCourses)
  • Open discussion: what next?