An Introduction to Feng Shui for Your Home
Presenter: Nicholas Cheong '10
Mortgage banker in Denver, Colorado
Webinar Date: 01-22-2018

An Introduction to Feng Shui for Your Home

Ever wonder how the power of feng shui could change your life and lead to more prosperity, improved health, and better relationships? If so, you won't want to miss this enlightened and informative webinar. Join Nicholas Cheong M.S. '10, expert and lifelong feng shui practitioner, as he leads a lively webinar on the basic principles of feng shui and how to apply those principles to your own home.
Nicholas Cheong '10
Nicholas Cheong '10 / Mortgage banker in Denver, Colorado
Nicholas Cheong is a mortgage banker in Denver, Colorado. He is an expert and consultant on feng shui in his spare time. Nicholas graduated from RIT in 2010 with a master's degree in Communication and Media Technologies. He represents Singapore informally in Colorado. He is one of the leaders of the RIT Alumni Chapter in Colorado and is an active member of the community.