Benefits of Traveling Long Term for Recent Graduates and Seasoned Professionals
Presenter: Lisa '14 | Lucas Barber '14
RIT alum and full-time travelers on a global journey to explore culture | RIT alum and full-time travelers on a global journey to explore culture
Webinar Date: 04-19-2017

Benefits of Traveling Long Term for Recent Graduates and Seasoned Professionals

An introduction to the challenges and benefits of long-term travel for people who are beginning their careers or are seasoned professionals. We'll be addressing common misconceptions about long-term travel as well as how it can help advance your career, expand your skillset and leave you feeling more fulfilled.
Lisa '14
Lisa '14 / RIT alum and full-time travelers on a global journey to explore culture
Lisa and Lucas Barber are RIT alum and full-time travelers on a global journey to explore culture. Given their love for travel, they underwent a major lifestyle change in April 2016. They took a step back from their careers at RIT, sold their home and purchased a one-way ticket to New Zealand to create memorable experiences which they share on their blog at
Lucas Barber '14
Lucas Barber '14 / RIT alum and full-time travelers on a global journey to explore culture
Lisa and Lucas Barber are RIT alum and full-time travelers on a global journey to explore culture. Given their love for travel, they underwent a major lifestyle change in April 2016. They took a step back from their careers at RIT, sold their home and purchased a one-way ticket to New Zealand to create memorable experiences which they share on their blog at