How and When to Protect Your Ideas
Presenter: Dale Davis '96
Executive IP Counsel, GE Power Gas Power Systems
Webinar Date: 03-27-2017

How and When to Protect Your Ideas

This webinar will provide an overview of intellectual property (IP) with an emphasis of the practical.

- The How - an overview of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

- The When - what should you do before presenting to the public or submitting a paper.
Dale Davis '96
Dale Davis '96 / Executive IP Counsel, GE Power Gas Power Systems
Dale Davis '96 (KGCOE) is the Executive IP Counsel for GE Power's Gas Power Systems (GPS) business. He manages a massive and complex international IP portfolio that includes roughly 15,000 patents. His stewardship is critical to GPS achieving financial and strategic goals. Dale works across a varied product portfolio of gas turbines, steam turbines, electric generator, and other power plant technologies. He is also critical leader on: business strategies, M&A transactions, IP investigations, licensing, invention development and protection, sourcing of IP sensitive components, joint ventures, joint developments and employee matters.