Modern Day Q&A Quizzes and Assessments for Lead Generation
Presenter: Ellen Koronet
Parent of RIT Tiger Avigail Koronet '20, Computer Engineering, Chief Fun Officer, LNK Creative
Webinar Date: 02-15-2017

Modern Day Q&A Quizzes and Assessments for Lead Generation

This webinar is for business managers/entrepreneurs. We will explore the new phenomenon of quizzes and typing tools to expand your audience, engage with potential customers early on, and streamline the path to purchasing, all in an authentic and enjoyable way. We will use LNK Creative's Archetype Balancing Quiz as a case study, so you will also learn about your own personal problem solving style.
Ellen Koronet
Ellen Koronet / Parent of RIT Tiger Avigail Koronet '20, Computer Engineering, Chief Fun Officer, LNK Creative
Ellen Koronet, Parent of RIT Tiger Avigail Koronet '20, Computer Engineering, Chief Fun Officer, LNK Creative