Summer programs provide orientation and familiarity to RIT/NTID students | September 2018
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- Summer programs provide orientation and familiarity to RIT/NTID students

For many graduating high school seniors, the summer before starting college can be a time for last-minute fun and ‘sleeping in’ – but for many deaf and hard-of-hearing soon-to-be freshman at RIT/NTID, the last few weeks before the official beginning of classes are an opportunity to become familiar with college life. Two RIT/NTID programs are designed to introduce new surroundings and new ways of connecting, with a goal of improving students’ chances of success.
The New Signers Program (NSP) is an optional one credit, two-week pre-orientation program offered on a first come, first served basis to newly accepted deaf and hard-of-hearing students who have little or no prior skills in American Sign Language. This program is designed to help students learn basic sign skills, so that they will be able to communicate more effectively with other RIT/NTID students, faculty and staff members who use sign language. In addition to sign language instruction, students in the NSP program also receive an introduction to Deaf culture and deaf awareness. They also will have an opportunity to explore Rochester, learn how to navigate the RIT campus, and participate in other fun activities.
“This pre-orientation program is a great way for new students to develop friendships with other non-signing deaf and hard-of-hearing students, and ease their transition to college life at RIT/NTID,” says Marguerite Carrillo, lecturer in RIT/NTID’s American Sign Language and Interpreter Education Department and coordinator of the New Signers Program. “The students become close and learn so much in just a week!”
In addition to NSP, the college offers a Summer Vestibule Program (SVP), an almost two-week orientation experience designed with college success in mind. SVP helps students learn more about themselves as individuals and how they can best take advantage of everything RIT/NTID has to offer. At SVP, students experience programs that help them make choices about their education and future careers.
“During SVP, students sample technical programs offered through NTID and professional programs offered through the other colleges of RIT, and take course placement tests that help determine their fall course placements,” says Amy Stornello, director of First Year Experiences/Sumer Vestibule Program and interim director for Career Exploration Studies at RIT/NTID. “Also, during SVP, students are introduced to RIT/NTID facilities, policies, and student life opportunities so that they are well prepared when classes start.”
For more information, visit the New Signers Program and Summer Vestibule Program websites.