Blanca Lapizco-Encinas Headshot

Blanca Lapizco-Encinas


Department of Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Office Location

Blanca Lapizco-Encinas


Department of Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering


BS, MS, Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora (Mexico); Ph.D., University of Cincinnati


Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas, and N. Hill. "Continuous Flow Separation of Particles with Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis Chromatography." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. (2020): 1-12. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas, et al. "Rapid Escherichia coli (E. coli) Trapping and Retrieval from Bodily Fluids via a Three-Dimensional (3D) Microbeads Stacked Nano-Device." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (2020): 1-12. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas,, B. H. "Microscale Electrokinetic Assessments of Proteins Employing Insulating Structures." Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng. 29. (2020): 9-16. Web.
Quevedo, D. F., et al. "Electrokinetic Characterization of Synthetic Protein Nanoparticles." Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 11. (2020): 1556–1567. Web.
Antunez-Vela, S., et al. "Simultaneous Determination of Linear and Nonlinear Electrophoretic Mobilities of Cells and Microparticles." Anal. Chem. 92. (2020): 14885–14891. Web.
Peña, A. Coll De, et al. "Creation of an Electrokinetic Characterization Library for the Detection and Identification of Biological Cells." Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 412. (2020): 3935–3945. Web.
Peña, A. Coll De, N. Hill, and B. H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Determination of the Empirical Electrokinetic Equilibrium Condition of Microorganisms in Microfluidic Devices." Biosensors 10. (2020): 148. Web.
Korensky, G., et al. "Single Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii Cell Separation from Bacterial Cells and Auto-fluorescence Tracking with a Nanosieve Device." Electrophoresis, DOI: 10.1002/elps.202000146. (2020): 1-10. Web.
Hill, N. and B. H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Continuous Flow Separation of Particles with Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis Chromatography." Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 412. (2020): 3891–3902. Web.
Lapizco-Encinas, B. H. and H. Wätzig. "Editorial: ITP and AES Conferences 2019." Electrophoresis 41. (2020): 1825-1825. Web.
Cardenas-Benitez, B., et al. "Direct Current Electrokinetic Particle Trapping in Insulator-Based Microfluidics: Theory and Experiments." Anal. Chem. 92. (2020): 12871–12879. Web.
Hakim, K. S. and B. H. Lapizco‐Encinas. "Analysis of Microorganisms with Nonlinear Electrokinetic Microsystems." Electrophoresis DOI: 10.1002/elps.20200023. (2020): 1-10. Web.
Chen, X., et al. "Rapid Escherichia coli Trapping and Retrieval from Bodily Fluids via a Three-Dimensional Bead-Stacked Nanodevice." ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12. (2020): 7888–7896. Web.
Lapizco‐Encinas, B. H. and H. Wätzig. "Focus on Reviews 2020." Electrophoresis 41. (2020): 9-9. Web.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, et al. "Material-selective Separation of Mixed Microparticles via Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis." Biomicrofluidics 13. 6 (2019): 64112. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, Lentz, C.J., and Hidalgo-Caballero, S. "Low Frequency Cyclical Potentials for Fine Tuning Insulator-based Dielectrophoretic Separations." Biomicrofluidics 13. 4 (2019): 44114. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas, and Hill, N. "On the Use of Correction Factors for the Mathematical Modeling of Insulator Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." Electrophoresis 40. 18-19 (2019): 2541-2552. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, et al. "Analysis of Bacteriophages with Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis." Micromachines 10. 7 (2019): 450. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, et al. "Joule Heating Effects in Optimized Insulator-based Dielectrophoretic Devices: An Interplay Between Post Geometry and Temperature Rise." Electrophoresis 40. 10 (2019): 1408-1416. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "On the Recent Developments of Insulator Based Dielectrophoresis: A Review." Electrophoresis 40. 3 (2019): 358-375. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, Lentz, C.J., and Hidalgo-Caballero, S. "Assessment of Submicron Particle Zeta Potential in Simple Electrokinetic Microdevices." Electrophoresis 40. 10 (2019): 1395-1399. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "Editorial: Dielectrophoresis 2019." Electrophoresis 40. 10 (2019): 1385-1386. Print.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "Watzig, H. Editorial: The Next Forty Years of Electrophoresis." Electrophoresis 40. 2 (2019): 225-225. Print.
H., Mukaibo,, et al. "Ultrathin nanoporous membranes for insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP)." Nanotechnology 29. 23 (2018): 235704. Print.
V., Perez-Gonzalez,, et al. "A simple approach to reducing particle trapping voltage in insulator-based dielectrophoretic systems." Analytical Chemistry 90. 7 (2018): 4310-4315. Print.
D., Polniak, et al. "Separating large microscale particles by exploiting charge differences with dielectrophoresis." Journal of Chromatography A 1545. (2018): 84-92. Print.
Flanagan, L.A., F.H. Labeed, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Focus on AES Annual Meeting 2016." Electrophoresis 38. 20 (2017): 2553-2553. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. and Z. El Rassi. "Electro"and Liquid Phase"Separations (ITP 2016)." Electrophoresis 38. 12 (2017): 1537-1537. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Dielectrophoresis 2017." Electrophoresis 38. 11 (2017): 1405-1406. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, M.A. and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Exploiting Particle Mutual Interactions To Enable Challenging Dielectrophoretic Processes." Analytical Chemistry 89. 16 (2017): 8459-8467. Print.
Romero-Creel, M.F., et al. "Assessment of Sub-Micron Particles By Exploiting Charge Differences with Dielectrophoresis." Micromachines 8. 8 (2017): 239-253. Web.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Refinement of Current Monitoring Methodology for Electroosmotic Flow Assessment Under Low Ionic Strength Conditions." Biomicrofluidics 10. 3 (2016): 33104. Web.
Saucedo-Espinosa,, Mario A., et al. "Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Particle Mixtures Employing Asymmetric Insulating Posts." Electrophoresis 37. 2 (2016): 282-290. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A., et al. "Polarization Behavior of Polystyrene Particles Under Direct Current and Low Frequency (<1 kHz) Electric Fields in Dielectrophoretic Systems." Electrophoresis 37. 4 (2016): 635-644. Web.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. and Mark A. Hayes. "Editorial: 2014 AES Annual Meeting, Electrophoresis." Electrophoresis 36. 15 (2015): 1665-1665. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. "Dielectrophoresis 2015." Electrophoresis 36. 13 (2015): 1385-1385. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. and Mark A. Hayes. "Editorial: Focus on the London Dielectrophoresis 2014 Meeting." Electrophoresis 36. 9-10 (2015): 1083-1083. Print.
Alexandra, LaLonde, et al. "Isolation and Enrichment of Low Abundant Particles with Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis." Biomicrofluidics, 9(6): 9. 6 (2015): 64113. Web.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A., et al. "Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Particle Mixtures Employing Asymmetric Insulating Posts." Electrophoresis. (2015): In press. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario. A., et al. "Polarization Behavior of Polystyrene Particles Under Direct Current and Low-frequency (<1 kHz) Electric Fields in Dielectrophoretic Systems." Electrophoresis. (2015): In press. Print.
Lalonde, Alexandra, Maria F. Romero-Creel, and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Assessment of Cell Viability after Manipulation with Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis." Electrophoresis 36. 13 (2015): 1479-1484. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Design of Insulator-based Dielectrophoretic Devices: Effect of Insulator Posts Characteristics." Journal of Chromatography A 1422. (2015): 1479-1484. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Experimental and Theoretical Study of Dielectrophoretic Particle Trapping in Arrays of Insulating Structures: Effect of Particle Size and Shape." Elecrophoresis 36. 9-10 (2015): 1086-1097. Print.
Saucedo-Espinosa, M.A. and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Experimental and Theoretical Study of Dielectrophoretic Particle Trapping in Arrays of Insulating Structures: Effect of Particle Size and Shape." Electrophoresis. (2014): 1-13. Print.
LaLonde, A., et al. "Effect of Insulating Posts Geometry on Particle Manipulation in Insulator Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." Journal of Chromatography A 1344. (2014): 99-108. Print.
Gencoglu, A., et al. "Dynamic Microparticle Manipulation With an Electroosmotic Flow Gradient with Low Frequency Alternating Current Dielectrophoresis." Electrophoresis 35. 2-3 (2014): 362-373. Print.
Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., et al. "Joule Heating Effects on Particle Immobilization in Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." Electrophoresis 35. 2-3 (2014): 352-361. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. and R.V. Davalos. "Editorial: 2013 AES Annual Meeting." Electrophoresis 35. 12-13 (2014): 1767. Print.
LaLonde, A., M.F. Romero-Creel, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Assessment of Cell Viability after Manipulation with Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis." Electrophoresis. (2014): 1-5. Print.
Fuente, M.S. Lopez-de la, et al. "An Electric Stimulation System for Electrokinetic Particle Manipulation in Micro-fluidic Devices." Review of Scientific Instruments 84. 3 (2013): 035103-035107. Print.
Rosales-Cruzaley, E., et al. "Spermatogenic Cells Manipulation Employing Dielectrophoresis, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering." Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 36. 10 (2013): 1353-1362. Print.
Sano, M.B., et al. "Simultaneous Electrokinetic Flow and Dielectrophoretic Trapping using Perpendicular Static and Dynamic Electric Fields." Microfluidics & Nanofluidics 15. 5 (2013): 599-609. Print.
Gencoglu, A., et al. "Particle Manipulation In Insulator Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine 4. 2 (2013): 021002.1-7. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Editorial: Dielectrophoresis 2013." Electrophoresis 34. 7 (2013): 951-951. Print.
Gallo-Villanueva, R.C. and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Dielectrophoresis, a Microscale Technique." CIENCIA ergo-sum 20. 3 (2013): 227-230. Print.
S�sol-Fernandez, R.E., et al. "Cell Assesment in Microfluidic Devices." Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Quimica 11. 2 (2012): 227-248. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. and V.M. Ugaz. "Special Issue: Focus Issue on 2011 AES Annual Meeting." Electrophoresis 33. 13 (2012): 1923-1923. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "PLENARY Presentation: Separation of Mmicroparticles Employing Electric fields in Microfluidic Devices." Meeting of the Mexican Academy for the Research and Teaching of Chemical Engineering. AMIDIQ-MEXICO. Huatulco, Mexico. 7-10 May 2019. Keynote Speech.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "KEYNOTE Presentation: Particle Separation and Assessment with Electric Fields." 26th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques. ITP. Toulouse, France. 1-4 Sep. 2019. Keynote Speech.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "Strategies for Dynamic Particle Manipulation and Assessment Employing Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis." 2019 AES Annual meeting at Scix. FACSS. Palm Springs, CA. 14 Oct. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, J. Lentz,, and d. Quevedo. "Electrokinetic characterization and sorting of protein nanoparticles." 2019 AES Annual meeting at Scix. FACSS. Palm Springs, CA. 14 Oct. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas, and Lentz, C.J.; Hidalgo-Caballero, S. "Design of Custom Electrical Signals for Fine-tuning Dielectrophoretic Particle Separations." 2019 AES Annual meeting at Scix. FACSS. Palm Springs, CA. 14 Oct. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, Coll De Peña, and Hill A. "Multi-stage Electrokinetic Microsystem for the Purification and Assessment of Microbes." 2019 AES Annual meeting at Scix. FACSS. Palm Springs, CA. 16 Oct. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, et al. "Electrokinetic Assessment of Bacteriophage Virus." 2019 AES Annual meeting at Scix. FACSS. Palm Springs, CA. 14 Oct. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, et al. "Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis to Characterize the Electrokinetic Behavior of Bacterial and Yeast Cells and Create a Library." 2019 AES Annual meeting at Scix. FACSS. Palm Springs, CA. 14 Oct. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, Hill, N, and Coll De Peña A. "Multi-stage Electrokinetic Microsystem for the Purification and Assessment of Microbes." 2019 AES Annual meeting at Scix. FACSS. Palm Springs, CA. 14 Oct. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas, and Hill, N. "Microparticle Separations Using Dielectrophoresis Chromatography." 2019 AES Annual meeting at Scix. FACSS. Palm Springs, CA. 14 Oct. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas, and Miller. A.; Hill, N. "Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis Chromatography of Cells and Polystyrene Particles." 2019 RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 1 Aug. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,, Lentz, C.J., and Hidalgo-Caballero, S. "Purification and Concentration of Janus Protein Nano-particles using iDEP." 2019 RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 1 Aug. 2019. Lecture.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "Keynote address at the Graduate Lunch: Rapid microparticle assessments with insulator based dielectrophoresis." Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) 2018 Convention. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. Cleveland, OH. 8 Nov. 2018. Keynote Speech.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "Fine-tuning dielectrophoretic particle assessments." TP 2018 - 25th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques. University of Kyoto. Kyoto, Japan. 20 Aug. 2018. Keynote Speech.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "Microparticle analysis with insulator based dielectrophoresis." Conference Dielectrophoresis 2018. University of Surrey. Surrey, England. 24 Jul. 2018. Keynote Speech.
V.H., Perez-Gonzalez,, et al. "Lowering the required trapping voltage in insulator-based dielectrophoretic systems by post-array optimization." International Conference on Nanotechnology Tec.Nano 2018. Tec de Monterrey, Mexico. Monterrey, Mexico. 15 Nov. 2018. Conference Presentation.
R.C., Gallo-Villanueva,, et al. "Computational and experimental analysis of the influence of channel design over joule heating effects in insulator-based dielectrophoretic devices." International Conference on Nanotechnology Tec.Nano 2018. Tec de Monterrey, Mexico. Monterrey, Mexico. 15 Nov. 2018. Conference Presentation.
B.H., Lapizco-Encinas,. "Strategies for particle dielectrophoresis." Annual AES Meeting @ Scix. AES & Scix. Atlanta, GA. 23 Oct. 2018. Conference Presentation.
A., Coll De Peña,, et al. "Insulator-based dielectrophoresis to purify and enrich bacteriophages." Annual AES Meeting @ Scix. AES & Scix. Atlanta, GA. 22 Oct. 2018. Conference Presentation.
A., Coll De Peña,, et al. "Insulator-based dielectrophoresis to characterize the electrokinetic behavior of bacterial cells and create a library." Annual AES Meeting @ Scix. AES & Scix. Atlanta, GA. 22 Oct. 2018. Conference Presentation.
N., Hill,, Polniak, D., and Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Particle separation using dielectrophoresis chromatography." Annual AES Meeting @ Scix. AES & Scix. Atlanta, GA. 22 Oct. 2018. Conference Presentation.
N., Hill, and Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Assessment of correction factors employed in insulator based dielectrophoresis." Annual AES Meeting @ Scix. AES & Scix. Atlanta, GA. 22 Oct. 2018. Conference Presentation.
A., Coll De Peña,, et al. "Electrokinetic Characterization of Bacteriophages using Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis." 2018 RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 2 Aug. 2018. Conference Presentation.
C., Lentz,, Hidalgo-Caballero, S., and Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Low frequency AC potentials for insulator based dielectrophoresis." 2018 RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 2 Aug. 2018. Conference Presentation.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Effects of Particle’s Properties On Dielectrophoretic Separations." 24th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques. ITP. Sopot, Poland. 11 Sep. 2017. Keynote Speech.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Dielectrophoretic Schemes For Particle Manipulation." Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX. 10 Apr. 2017. Keynote Speech.
Perez-Gonzalez, V.H., R.C. Gallo-Villanueva, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Obstacle-Density Effects on Particle Trapping in Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis Systems." AlCHE Annual Meeting 2017. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN. 31 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation.
Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., V.H. Perez-Gonzalez, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Effect of Insulator Post Shape on Joule Heating Effects in Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Devices." AICHE Annual Meeting 2017. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN. 1 Nov. 2017. Conference Presentation.
Saucedo-Espinosa, M.A and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Using Particle-Particle Interactions to Enable Challenging DEP Separations." AICHE Annual Meeting 2017. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN. 31 Oct. 2017. Conference Presentation.
Wang, T., et al. "Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis As an Anti-Fouling Strategy for Nanoporous Silicon-Nitride Membrane Filters." 2017 Meeting of the Electrochemical Society. ECS. New Orleans, LA. 31 May 2017. Conference Presentation.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. "Particle Capture and Enrichment Employing Non-uniform Electric Fields and Insulating Structures." CECE- International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis. Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Brno, Czech Republic, Czech Republic. 18 Oct. 2016. Keynote Speech.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. "Enhancing Dielectrophoretic Particle Manipulation." ITP 2016 -23rd International Symposium and Exhibit on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separations Techniques. ITP. Minneapolis, MN. 20 Sep. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. "Exploring New Schemes in Insulator Based Dielectrophoresis." Dielectrophoresis 2016. MIT. Cambridge, MA. 13 Jul. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. "Novel Strategies for Particle Manipulation with Dielectrophoresis." RAMP Annual Symposium, Frontiers in Materials Science for the 21st Century, MEMS and Membranes. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 16 May 2016. Conference Presentation.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H. "Particle Separation Employing Dielectrophoresis." Scix 2015. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies. Providence, RI. 29 Sep. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Saucedo-Espinosa, M.A. and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "On the Fundamentals of Dielectrophoretic Particle Trapping in Arrays of Insulating Structures." Dielectrophoresis 2014. Institute of Physics. London, UK. 14 Jul. 2014. Conference Presentation.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Dynamic Particle Manipulation in Microfluidic Devices Employing Dielectrophoresis." III International Seminar on Process Engineering. Tecnologico de Monterrey. Monterrey, NL - Mexico. 2 Mar. 2013. Keynote Speech.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Dynamic Microparticle Manipulation in Dielectrophoresis-based Microfluidic Devices." 20th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase- Separation Techniques. ITP. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. 4 Oct. 2013. Conference Presentation.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "What Can We Do with Electric and Magnetic Fields - Panel Discussion." 2013 AES - ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition IMECE2013. ASME. San Diego, CA. 18 Nov. 2013. Conference Presentation.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Particles: Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Results." 19th International Symposium on Capillary Electroseparation Techniques. ITP 2012. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2 Oct. 2012. Keynote Speech.
Journal Editor
CHIEF), Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas (EDITOR IN, ed. ELECTROPHORESIS. GERMANY: WILEY, 2018. Web.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H., ed. Electrophoresis. Germany: Wiley, 2017. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H., ed. ELECTROPHORESIS. Germany: Wiley, 2016. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H., ed. Electrophoresis. Germany: Wiley, 2015. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H., ed. Electrophoresis. Germany: Wiley, 2014. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, B. H., ed. Electrophoresis. Germany: Wiley, 2013. Print.
Lapizco-Encinas, Blanca H., ed. Electrophoresis. Weinheim Germany: Wiley-vch, 2012. Print.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Hill, Nicole and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. AES. TravelGrant to attend the 2018 AES Annual Meeting at Scix. Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Peña, Adriana Coll de and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. AES. Travel Grant to attend the 2018 AES Annual Meeting at Scix. Atlanta, GA, 2018.
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. National Science Foundation. Funded Grant: Development of Dielectrophoresis Chromatography Employing Asymmetric Insulating Structures and Electric Fields. Alexandria, VA, 2017.
Goodrich, Eric and Blanca Lapizco-Encinas. AES Electrophoresis Society. AES Travel Award. Minneapolis, MN, 2017.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS). Tomas Hirschfeld Scholar Award. Minneapolis, MN, 2016.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. AES Electrophoresis Society. First place, AES/BioMicrofluidics Art in Science competition. NA, NA, 2016.
Romero-Creel, Maria F. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS). First Place, poster competition at the 2016 Scix Conference. Minneapolis, MN, 2016.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A., et al. Wiley. January Cover of the Journal Electrophoresis, issue # 2, volume 37. Germany, Germany, 2016.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A., et al. Wiley. February Cover of the Journal Electrophoresis, issue # 4, volume 37. Germany, Germany, 2016.
LaLonde, Alexandra and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. Undergraduate Poster Competition, 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. First place, Separations Division. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015.
Romero-Creel, Maria F. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. Undergraduate Poster Competition, 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. Second place, Separations Division. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. AES Poster Competition. First place. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015.
Rauch, M., A. LaLonde, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. AES-AIChE Annual Meeting. Winner, poster session. Atlanta, GA, 2014.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Polniak, D., E. Goodrich, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Dielectrophoretic Separation of Large Microscale Particles (dp>5 um) By Exploiting Charge Differences." Proceedings of the AlCHE Annual Meeting 2017. Ed. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN: AICHE.
Goodrich, E., M.F. Romero-Creel, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Dielectrophoretic Assessment of Sub-Micron Particles By Exploiting Charge Differences." Proceedings of the AICHE Annual Meeting 2017. Ed. AICHE. Minneapolis, MN: AICHE.
Perez-Gonzalez, Victor H., Roberto Gallo-Villanueva, and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Assessment of Joule Heating Effects in Optimized Insulator Based Dielectrophoresis Devices." Proceedings of the AICHE Annual Meeting 2016. Ed. AICHE. San Francisco, CA: AICHE.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Separation of Complex Biological Mixtures Using Asymmetric Posts and Electric Fields." Proceedings of the Scix 2016. Ed. Scix. Minneapolis, MN: n.p..
Romero-Creel, Maria F., Alexandra LaLonde, and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Assessment of Complex Biological Samples with Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis." Proceedings of the ITP 2016 -23rd International Symposium and Exhibit on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separations Techniques. Ed. ITP. Minneapolis, MN: n.p..
Arciniegas, Laura, et al. "Joule Heating Effects in Dielectrophoretic Devices of Optimized Posts Geometry." Proceedings of the ITP 2016 -23rd International Symposium and Exhibit on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separations Techniques. Ed. ITP. Minneapolis, MN: n.p..
M.A, Mario A. Saucedo-Espinosa, and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Combination of Insulating and Conducting Posts to Create a Hybrid Dielectrophoretic Device." Proceedings of the ITP 2016 -23rd International Symposium and Exhibit on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separations Techniques. Ed. ITP. Minneapolis, MN: n.p..
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "“Dispositivos Dielectroforéticos con Aisladores: ¿Qué son y cómo pueden mejorarse?”." Proceedings of the First International Forum of Mexican Talent -IMMX. Ed. IMMX. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico: IMMX.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "“Robustez en la Separación de Micropartí­culas de Escasa Abundancia por medio de Dielectroforesis”." Proceedings of the First International Forum of Mexican Talent-IMMX. Ed. IMMX. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico: n.p..
Published Conference Proceedings
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Adapting Current Monitoring Measurement for Low Conductivity Media." Proceedings of the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. Ed. AIChE. New York, NY: AIChE, ISBN: 978-0-8169-1094-6, Web.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Mario A., Mallory Rauch, and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Improving the Design of Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Devices: Effect of Insulator Posts Characteristics." Proceedings of the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. Ed. AIChE. Ney York, NY: AIChE, ISBN: 978-0-8169-1094-6, Web.
Saucedo-Espinosa, Matio A. and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. "Effect of Particle Concentration in the Estimation of Dielectrophoretic Force in Arrays of Insulators." Proceedings of the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. Ed. AIChE, ISBN: 978-0-8169-1094-6. New York, NY: AIChE, Web.
Saucedo-Espinosa, ario A., et al. "Reversing Elution Order in Insulator Based Dielectrophoretic Separations with Asymmetric Insulating Posts." Proceedings of the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. Ed. AIchE. New York, NY: AIChE, ISBN: 978-0-8169-1094-6, Web.
LaLonde, Alexandra, et al. "Dielectrophoretic Isolation and Enrichment of Low Abundant Particles." Proceedings of the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. Ed. AIChE. New York, NY: AICHE, ISBN: 978-0-8169-1094-6, Web.
Gencoglu, A., et al. "Particle Manipulation in Dielectrophoretic Devices." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Ed. ASME. New York, NY: ASME, 2013. Print.
Perez-Gonzalez, V.H., et al. "3D Carbon Cages for Dielectrophoretic-Based Bioparticle Separation/Concentration Applications." Proceedings of the 2012 AICHE Annual Meeting. Ed. AICHE. New York, NY: AICHE, 2012. Print.
Perez-Gonzalez, V.H., et al. "C-MEMS Based Electrodes for the Dielectric Characterization of Microparticles Employing Dielectrophoresis." Proceedings of the 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting. Ed. AICHE. New York, NY: AICHE, 2012. Print.
Book Chapter
Lapizco-Encinas, B.H. "Applications of Dielectrophoresis in Microfluidics." Microfluidics in Detection Science: Lab-on-a-chip Technologies. Ed. Labeed, Fatima. London, UK: Royal Chemistry Society, 2014. 192-223. Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
A first course for biomedical engineers introducing units, physical properties, dimensions, dimensional analysis, data analysis and data presentation for engineering, stoichiometry of biological reactions, simple material and energy balances for batch and continuous systems in steady and unsteady states. This course provides the students with the essential skills required to analyze biosystems, and special focus is given to developing problem solving skills with a biological context.
3 Credits
This course is focused on fluid, heat and mass transfer processes for valuable bio-products such as bio-pharmaceuticals. In particular, this course reviews the topics of fluid mixing, heat transfer, mass transfer and a variety of unit operations (filtration, centrifugation, cell disruption, chromatography, etc.). The course includes several topics on fermenters/bioreactor design and downstream processing for cell culture operations. The course is intended to provide to the students with an understanding of transfer processes and an overview of the most common separation processes employed in bioengineering.
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in biomedical engineering.
3 Credits
This course is focused on the analysis and separation of high value biological products employing microfluidic devices. The course will cover miniaturization, microfabrication, microfluidics and electrohydrodynamic flow; as well as the most common separation techniques employed in bio-analytical microdevices: chromatography, electrophoresis, dielectrophoresis, cytometry and electrochemistry. Students will also become familiar with the recent literature on bioanalytical applications in microfluidics devices, recent journal articles will be presented in class by the professor and the students. The course also includes three “hands on” laboratory modules. Students will fabricate microfluidic devices and then use these devices to perform experiments with electroosmotic flow and dielectrophoresis.
3 Credits
This course is focused on the analysis and separation of high value biological products employing microfluidic devices. The course will cover miniaturization, microfabrication, microfluidics and electrohydrodynamic flow; as well as the most common separation techniques employed in bio-analytical microdevices: chromatography, electrophoresis, dielectrophoresis, cytometry and electrochemistry. Students will be able to apply the fundamentals of these techniques for the solution of a variety of microfluidics problems. Students will also become familiar with the recent literature on bioanalytical applications in microfluidics devices. Students will review journal articles on novel microfluidics methods and they will present their finding to the rest of the group. The course also includes three “hands on” laboratory modules. Students will fabricate microfluidic devices and then use these devices to perform experiments with electroosmotic flow and dielectrophoresis.

In the News

  • August 1, 2022

    crowd of people looking at research posters in an atrium.

    RIT undergraduates reveal research projects at annual summer symposium

    The 31st annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on July 28 featured some of the best in undergraduate research ideas and solutions. Research proposals were featured in a series of oral and poster presentations throughout the day. Students who were unable to present their research at the in-person event can showcase their research at the International Day Online Gallery on Aug. 3.

  • January 31, 2022

    environmental portrait of professor Blanca Lapizco-Encinas.

    Biomedical engineering professor influencing next generation

    As an expert in microfluidic devices—tiny labs able to decipher bioparticles—Blanca Lapizco-Encinas and her research partners uncovered a mystery in how these particles can be better differentiated. As she has moved her own research forward, she is influencing a new generation of scientists to do the same.