Ways to Engage

Ways to Engage
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- Ways to Engage
The Office of International Education and Global Programs (RIT Global) works with faculty, staff, and partners across our campus and around the world through many forms of global engagement.
It is our mission to advance RIT’s goals for internationalization through fostering a culture of collaboration and providing outstanding support to the faculty, staff, and students engaged in international education, research, and outreach experiences.
Lead a Study Abroad Program
An RIT-Rochester faculty member takes a group of RIT students abroad as part of a course.
Faculty member develops the course and travel itinerary and travels with the students. Faculty may access RIT Global grant funding to explore new partnerships and location throughout the program development process.
International Research
Collaborate with faculty, research scholars, and students from RIT Global Campuses and international partners to advance research goals, develop student research experiences, publish, and expand access to project funding.
Faculty engage with colleagues globally to advance global research. Faculty may engage with the RIT Global office through: access to grant funding to support initial collaboration and project development, develop research MOUs supporting global activity, develop research experiences for students with overseas partners and assist with planning the student’s travel logistics.
Host an International Visiting Scholar
A full-time RIT faculty sponsor may nominate a Visiting Scholar candidate with an academic appointment at another university (active or on leave), or who is engaged in relevant professional or creative activities to visit RIT for an extended period to collaborate on research, scholarship, or artistic projects.
Host an International Visiting Research Student
An International Visiting Research Student (IVRS) is an international student interested in collaborating with an RIT faculty on a full-time research project without earning an RIT degree.
Learn more about hosting an International Visiting Research Student
International Partnerships and Agreements
RIT Global supports strategic partnerships with peer institutions around the world in collaboration with faculty and administration across the campus. Faculty may engage with existing, or connect with new partners through study abroad, research, or even developing pathway opportunities for incoming international students.
Global Faculty Governance
Learn more about RIT’s model of global shared governance or participate in a committee.
The diverse perspectives provided within the shared governance structure at the main campus are the foundation of RIT’s inclusive decision-making model. This is also true globally as the RIT and global campus academic senate representatives gather annually to engage faculty and administration in the common understanding of shared governance, and promote transparency of faculty appointments, promotion, workloads, and policies.