Roger Easton Jr Headshot

Roger Easton Jr


Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science

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Roger Easton Jr


Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science
College of Science


BS, Haverford College; MS, University of Maryland; MS, Ph.D., University of Arizona


Personal Links
Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Jr., Roger L. Easton,, et al. "Spectral Imaging Methods Applied to the Syriac-Galen Palimpsest." Manuscript Studies 3. 1 (2018): 69-82. Print.
Easton, Roger L., et al. "Initial inspection of reagent damage to the Vercelli Book." Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin 1. 1 (2015): 34--45. Print.
Easton, Roger L., William A. Christens-Barry, and Keith T. Knox. "Ten Years of Lessons from Imaging of the Archimedes Palimpsest." Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 129. (2011): 5-34. Print.
Christens-Barry, William A., Kenneth Boydston, and Roger L. Easton. "Some Properties of Textual Heritage Materials of Importance in Spectral Imaging Projects." Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 129. (2011): 35-50. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Jr., Roger L. Easton, and David J. Kelbe. "Processing of Multispectral Imagery from St. Catherine’s Monastery Based on Spectral Statistics." New Light on Old Manuscripts, Recent Advances in Palimpsest Studies. Austrian Academy of Sciences. Vienna, Austria. 25 Apr. 2018. Lecture.
Published Conference Proceedings
Easton, Roger L. "Rediscovering Text in the Yale Martellus Map, Spectral Imaging and the New Cartography." Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security. Rome, none: IEEE, 2015. Print.
Knox, Keith T., et al. "Recovery of Handwritten Text from the Diaries and Papers of David Livingstone." Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2011. San Francisco, CA: n.p., 2011. Print.
Easton, Roger L., Keith T. Knox, and William A. Christens-Barry. "Spectral Image Processing and Analysis of the Archimedes Palimpest." Proceedings of the European Signal and Image Processing Conference, Eurasip 2011. Barcelona, Spain: n.p., 2011. Print.
Book Chapter
Easton, Roger L., William A. Christens-Barry, and Keith T. Knox. "Imaging and Image-Processing Techniques." The Archimedes Palimpsest, Volume I, Catalogue and Commentary. Ed. William Noel. Cambridge, England, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2011. NA. Print.
Published Article
Easton, R.L., and W. Noel. “Infinite Possibilities: Ten Years of Study of the Archimedes Palimpsest.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 154.1 (2010): 50-76. Print. £
“The Archimedes Palimpsest.” Eikonopoiia, Digital Imaging of Ancient Textual Heritage: Technological Challenges and Solutions, 2010. 3-26. Print. "  £
Christens-Barry, W.A., K. Boydston, and R.L. Easton. “Some Properties of Textual Heritage Materials of Importance in Spectral 27 Imaging Projects.”Proceedings of Eikonopoiia, Eikonopoiia, Digital Imaging of Ancient Textual Heritage: Technological Challenges and Solutions, 2010. 27-38. Print. £
Bloechl, K., H. Hamlin, and R.L. Easton. “Text Recovery from the Ultraviolet-Fluorescent Spectrum for Treatises of the Archimedes Palimpsest.” Proceedings of the SPIE, Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art, 2010. n.p. Print. " 
Easton, R.L., K.T. Knox,W.A. Christens-Barry, K. Boydston, M.B. Toth, D. Emery, and W. Noel. “Standardizedsystem for multispectral imaging ofpalimpsests.” Proceedings of the SPIE, Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art, 2010. n.p. Print. " 
Published Book
Easton, R. Fourier Methods in Imaging. United Kingdom: John Wiley and Sons, 2010. Print. " 

Currently Teaching

4 Credits
This course develops the concepts of complex numbers and linear algebra for describing imaging systems in the frequency domain via the discrete and continuous Fourier transforms.
3 Credits
Light waves having both amplitude and phase will be described to provide a foundation for understanding key optical phenomena such as interference, diffraction, and propagation. Starting from Maxwell's equations the course advances to the topic of Fourier optics.
2 Credits
This course considers sampled and quantized images and temporal image sequences, along with methods for performing useful image processing. These processing methods are classified based on the number of input picture elements (“pixels”) that determine the value of each output pixel: single pixels, local neighborhoods, or global operations. The discrete Fourier transform is introduced. Application to image segmentation and compression are considered.
1 - 4 Credits
This course is a faculty-directed tutorial of appropriate topics that are not part of the formal curriculum. The level of study is appropriate for student in their graduate studies.