
No one wanted to hire me.
Sanjog standing in Kodak Quad

As an undergraduate in India I had the American dream of pursuing graduate studies in the U.S. Luckily, I was blessed with supportive parents who made it possible for me to come to RIT immediately after I graduated. I was so excited and happy. Soon after I got here, however, I discovered that beginning graduate school without any work experience would be a huge problem.

When it came time to find a co-op my classmates were well prepared, with good work experience and hands-on technical skills while I had none. I went to Career Fair after Career Fair and no one wanted to hire me. I stuttered and couldn’t overcome my shyness. It completely broke down my morale and self-confidence. I spent sleepless nights trying to improve my resume and research companies but no matter what I did, I could not make any connections with companies.

I felt like a failure.

This was when I realized I needed professional help. I met my career advisor in Career Services and Cooperative Education who helped me format and edit my resume. I began to work on my soft skills by practicing in front of the mirror. I used training materials on Google, YouTube, and Lynda. Finally I was fully equipped and ready to get an opportunity.

My perseverance paid off and I was interviewed by good companies at the latest Career Fair Day. Now I hope to hear positively from them.


Undergraduate student from India