More Than a Dozen Complete Diversity Education Training; How You Can Too | September 2021
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- More Than a Dozen Complete Diversity Education Training; How You Can Too

Congratulations to the following RIT colleagues who completed the Cultural Humility Certificate program offered by the Division of Diversity and Inclusion. Director of Diversity Education, Taj Smith, says it takes dedication and commitment as participants must take part in a total of six workshops which can take about a year to complete.
Linda Bryant, director of learning consortium and online learning initiatives, NTID
Chris Campbell, director of operations, Access Services
Jaime Castillo, mental health therapist, Counseling and Psychologist Services
Phil Castleberry, vice president for university advancement, University Advancement
Christine Dorward, data analyst, Institutional Research, Data and Analytics
Gabriel Ponte-Fleary, videographer and web designer, NTID
Megan Jaros, manager of student case management, Wellness
David Monahan, assistant director for outreach and special projects, NTID
Keven Poore, director NTID substance and alcohol intervention services, NTID
Emma Porter, program assistant, Alumni and Constituent Relations
Dawn Rizzo, senior financial assistant, Center for Campus Life
Alex Tubridy, civic engagement coordinator, Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement
Ricki Wensel, director of financial services, Diversity and Inclusion
Smith says registration for the fall 2021 diversity education programming is now open and he provided these specifics:
Employees can take one workshop or commit to completing six workshops for the Cultural Humility Certificate. Those awarded will have developed skills and attained knowledge to promote healthy work environments, support institutional goals and enhance their productivity. About 100 employees completed the program this past academic year with 700 waiting in the wings. Visit the Diversity Education website to find out what workshops are being offered this semester then enroll via Talent Roadmap.
What’s Your Diversity invites faculty, staff, students and alums from our local and global campuses to share their definitions of diversity and how it shows up in their personal and professional lives. No expertise in diversity work is required to tell your story. The first episode is September 8th and all employees are encouraged to register via RIT Events to receive the Zoom link to tune in. If you can’t make it, most episodes are recorded and uploaded to the RIT Diversity and Inclusion YouTube channel.
Breaking Bread offers two options. First, there is the Pairs track where employees get partnered with a colleague who is different from them in some way to learn more about their differences and share commonalities. The second track, Circles, is designed to create a practice environment for employees and students to learn how to dialogue instead of debate over a sustained period. Registration is available via the diversity education website.
As faculty and Assistant Director level (and up) job openings become available, prepare your search committee or hiring manager with the best practices to ensure a diverse candidate pool and a less biased hiring process. Register via RIT Events by searching for Inclusive Hiring Training.
Faculty, teaching staff and graduate students interested in becoming professors are encouraged to participate in the inclusive pedagogy learning community. This seven-week asynchronous via MyCourses offers a space and resources to explore new ways of teaching today’s learner. It takes into consideration the cultural wealth that our diverse student body brings to the table as well as offers tips for facilitating difficult classroom moments. This semester’s group is already solidified, but look to spring semester’s offering from January 3 – February 20.
For more information visit the Diversity Education website or email Dr. Taj Smith, director of diversity education.