Bruce Smith Headshot

Bruce Smith

Adjunct Faculty


Bruce Smith

Adjunct Faculty


BS, MS, Ph.D., Rochester Institute of Technology


Professor Bruce Smith has been a member of the engineering faculty at RIT since joining the Microelectronic Engineering program in 1988.  He is currently also the Director of the Microsystems Engineering Ph.D. program. He received B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from RIT, concentrating on semiconductor technology including thin films, materials, and lithography. Prior to joining the RIT faculty, he held R&D positions in semiconductor engineering at Digital Equipment Corporation in Hudson, MA and AMI Semiconductor in San Jose, CA.  Professor Smith and his group carry out research in areas of micro- and nano-fabrication including nanolithography, semiconductor processing, thin film materials, and optical engineering.  Their work is directed toward leading edge electronic, photonic, micromechanical, and display devices and structures.  Professor Smith is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the OSA, a Fellow of SPIE, and a member of AVS and ASEE.

Professor Smith has received numerous research grants from federal agencies, research consortia, and industrial groups totaling several million dollars.  He has published over 200 papers, presented over 50 invited talks, authored several book chapters, and his textbook “Microlithography: Science and Technology” has become widely used worldwide.  His publications have been cited over 2500 times and he has a citation h-index of 28. Professor Smith holds over 30 patents in fields of semiconductor lithography and materials, several of which have been licensed for commercialization. He has also been a key contributor in the development and adoption immersion nanolithography, leading research efforts in the dominant technology for current semiconductor device manufacturing.

Professor Smith has developed courses in semiconductor lithography, materials, and processing that have been used as the basis for classes at universities worldwide. Additionally, he has pioneered unique engineering research experiences for both graduate and undergraduate students. Through support from Mentor Graphics Corp. and IMEC he created a Graduate Research Experience for students with researchers at the IMEC consortium in Belgium.  Through the US Department of Education, he established a GAANN program for Ph.D. Study in Microsystems Engineering. Among numerous grants from federal agencies, research consortia, and industrial groups, he has had over 15 years of continuous funding from the SRC for graduate research in semiconductor IC nanolithography, enabling student research experiences around the world. 


2018       RIPLA Inventor of the Year

2017       AVS Excellence in Leadership Award

2015      Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

2014      IEEE Technology Innovation Award

2014      RIT College of Engineering Research and Publication Award

2013      RIT Innovation Hall of Fame

2012      Fellow, Optical Society of America (OSA)

2011      SPIE Research Mentor Award

2008      Visiting Professor, IMEC Micro and Nanoelectronics Research Center

2007      Trustees Excellence in Scholarship and Teaching Award, Rochester Institute of Technology


Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Published Conference Proceedings
Smith, Zac Levinson, Andrew Burbine, Erik Verduijn, Obert Wood, Pawitter Mangat, Kenneth Goldberg, Markus Benk, Antoine Wojdyla, Bruce. "Image-based pupil plane characterization via principal component analysis for EUVL tools." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: SPIE, 2016. Print.
Smith, Riaz R Haque, Zac Levinson, Bruce W. "3D mask effects of absorber geometry in EUV lithography systems." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2016. Print.
Smith, Zac Levinson, Jack S Smith, Germain Fenger, Bruce W. "An automated image-based tool for pupil plane characterization of EUVL tools." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2016. Print.
Smith, Andrew Burbine, John Sturtevant, David Fryer, Bruce W. "Bayesian inference for OPC modeling." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2016. Print.
Smith, Zac Levinson, Sudharshanan Raghunathan, Erik Verduijn, Obert Wood, Pawitter Mangat, Kenneth Goldberg, Markus Benk, Antoine Wojdyla, Vicky Philipsen, Eric Hendrickx, Bruce W. "A method of image-based aberration metrology for EUVL tools." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2015. Print.
Smith, Andrew Burbine, Zac Levinson, Anthony Schepis, Bruce W. "Study of angular effects for optical systems into the EUV." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2014. Print.
Smith, Zac Levinson, Germain Fenger, Andrew Burbine, Anthony R Schepis, Bruce W. "Optimization of image-based aberration metrology for EUV lithography." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2014. Print.
Smith, Chris Maloney, James Word, Germain L Fenger, Ardavan Niroomand, Gian F Lorusso, Rik Jonckheere, Eric Hendrickx, Bruce W. "Feasibility of compensating for EUV field edge effects through OPC." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2014. Print.
Smith, Burak Baylav, Chris Maloney, Zac Levinson, Joost Bekaert, A Vaglio Pret, Bruce. "Mitigating mask roughness via pupil filtering." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2014. Print.
Smith, Bruce W. "The saga of sigma: influences of illumination throughout optical generations." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2014. Print.
Smith, Anthony R Schepis, Zac Levinson, Andrew Burbine, Bruce W. "Alternative method for variable aspect ratio vias using a vortex mask." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. NA. San Jose, CA: n.p., 2014. Print.
Baylav, Burak, et al. "Line Edge Roughness (LER) Mitigation Studies Specific to Interference-like Lithography." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. M. Dusa. San Jose, CA: SPIE Press, 2013. Print.
Sears, Monica Kempsell and Bruce W Smith. "Pupil Wavefront Manipulation to Compensate for Mask Topography Effects in Optical Nanolithography." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. M. Dusa. San Jose, CA: SPIE Press, 2013. Print.
Fenger, Germain L, et al. "EUVL Resist-based Aberration Metrology." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. O. Wood. San Jose, CA: SPIE Press, 2013. Print.
Smith, Bruce W. "The Saga of Lambda: Spectral Influences Throughout Lithography Generations." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. W. Conley. San Jose, CA: International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012. Print.
Maloney, Christopher W and Bruce W. Smith. "Longer Wavelength EUV Lithography (LW-EUVL)." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. O. Wood. San Jose, CA: SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012. Print.
Mailfert, Julien, Eric Hendrickx, and Bruce Smith. "3D Mask Modeling for EUV Lithography." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. O. Wood. San Jose, CA: International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012. Print.
Sears, Monica Kempsell, Joost Bekaert, and Bruce W Smith. "Pupil Wavefront Manipulation for Optical Nanolithography." Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Lithography. Ed. W. Conley. San Jose, CA: International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012. Print.
Invited Article/Publication
Smith, Andreas Erdmann, Rongguang Liang, Apo Sezginer, Bruce. "Advances in Lithography: Special Feature." Applied Optics. (2015). Print.
Journal Paper
Smith, Sudharshanan Raghunathan, Obert R Wood II, Pawitter Mangat, Erik Verduijn, Vicky Philipsen, Eric Hendrickx, Rik Jonckheere, Kenneth A Goldberg, Markus P Benk, Patrick Kearney, Zachary Levinson, Bruce W. "Experimental measurements of telecentricity errors in high-numerical-aperture extreme ultraviolet mask images." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 32. 6 (2015): 06f801. Print.
Baylav, Burak, et al. "Impact of Pupil Plane Filtering on Mask Roughness Transfer." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 31. 6 (2013): 06f801. Print.
Fenger, Germain L, et al. "Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Resist-based Aberration Metrology." Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 12. 4 (2013): 43001. Print.
Sears, Monica Kempsell, Joost Bekaert, and Bruce W Smith. "Lens Wavefront Compensation for 3D Photomask Effects in Subwavelength Optical Lithography." Applied optics 52. 3 (2013): 314.322. Print.
Sears, Monica Kempsell and Bruce W. Smith. "Modeling the Effects of Pupil-manipulated Spherical Aberration in Optical Nanolithography." Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 12. 1 (2013): 13008. Print.
Xie, Peng and Bruce W Smith. "Scanning Interference Evanescent Wave Lithography for Sub-22-nm Generations." Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 12. 1 (2013): 13011. Print.
Chen, Lan, et al. "Aqueous Developable Dual Switching Photoresists for Nanolithography." Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 50. 20 (2012): 4255-4265. Print.
Estroff, Andrew and Bruce W Smith. "Tuning Metamaterials for Applications at DUV Wavelengths." International Journal of Optics 2012. 603083 (2012): 1-7. Web.
Chen, Lan, et al. "Synthesis and Characterization of Well-Defined Optically Active Methacrylic Diblock Copolymers." Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 50. 1 (2012): 3923-4154. Print.
Book Chapter
Smith, Bruce. "Optical projection lithography." Nanolithography: the art of fabricating nanoelectronic and nanophotonic devices and systems. London, UK: Woodhead Publishing, 2014. 1-42. Print.
Smith, Bruce W. "Ch.1. Optical Projection Lithography." Nanolithography: The Art of Fabricating Nanoelectronic and Nanophotonic Devices and Systems. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2913. 10-85. Print.
Journal Editor
Smith, Bruce, ed. SPIE Advanced Lithography. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2015. Print.
Smith, Bruce, ed. SPIE Advanced Lithography. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2016. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Smith, Bruce. "The influences of illumination throughout optical lithography generations." IMEC Technical Conference. IMEC. Leuven, Belgium. 8 Aug. 2015. Conference Presentation.
Smith, Bruce W. "Lithography Beyond the IC." IMEC Technical Seminar Series. IMEC. Leuven, Belgium. 15 Oct. 2013. Guest Lecture.
Full Patent
Smith, Bruce. "Method of photolithography using a fluid and a system thereof." U.S. Patent 8852850. 7 Oct. 2014.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Smith, Bruce W. Optical Society of America. OSA Fellow. Washington, DC, 2013.
Published Article
Xie, P., and B.W. Smith. “Projection lithography below lambda/7 through deep-ultraviolet evanescent optical imaging.” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 28.6 (2010): C6Q12-C6Q19. Print. " É *
Telecky, A., P. Xie, J. Stowers, A. Grenville, and B. W. Smith. “Photo-patternable inorganic hardmask.” Journal of Vacuum Science and TechnologyB, 28.6 (2010): C6S19-C6S22. Print." É *
Baylav, B., M. Zhao, R. Yin, P. Xie, C. Scholz, P. Zimmerman, and B.W. Smith. “Alternatives to Chemical Amplification for 193 nm Lithography.” Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7639 (2010): 1-5. Print. " É *
Chen, L., Y. Goh, K. Lawrie, B.W. Smith, W. Montgomery, P.A. Zimmerman, I. Blakey, and A.K. Whittaker. “Non-chemically amplified resists for 193-nm immersion lithography: influenceof absorbance on performance.” Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for OpticalEngineering, 7639 (2010): 1-5. Print. É 
Estroff, A., N.V.Lafferty, P. Xie, and B.W. Smith.“Metamaterials for enhancement ofDUV lithography.” Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for OpticalEngineering, 7640 (2010): 1-5. Print. " É 
Xie, P., N.V. Lafferty, and B.W. Smith. “Achieving Interferometric Double Patterning through Wafer Rotation.”Proceedings of the SPIE - The InternationalSociety for Optical Engineering, 7640 (2010): 76401Z-1-5. Print. " É 
Trikeriotis, M., Woo Jin Bae, E. Schwartz, M. Krysak, N. Lafferty, Peng Xie, B.W. Smith, P. Zimmerman, C.K. Ober, E.P. Giannelis. “Development of an inorganic photoresist for DUV, EUV, and electron beam imaging.” Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7639 (2010): 76390E-76390E-10. Print. " É 

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Microlithography Materials and Processes covers the chemical aspects of microlithography and resist processes. Fundamentals of polymer technology will be addressed and the chemistry of various resist platforms including novolac, styrene, and acrylate systems will be covered. Double patterning materials will also be studied. Topics include the principles of photoresist materials, including polymer synthesis, photochemistry, processing technologies and methods of process optimization. Also advanced lithographic techniques and materials, including multi-layer techniques for BARC, double patterning, TARC, and next generation materials and processes are applied to optical lithography.
3 Credits
Microlithography Materials and Processes covers the chemical aspects of microlithography and resist processes. Fundamentals of polymer technology will be addressed and the chemistry of various resist platforms including novolac, styrene, and acrylate systems will be covered. Double patterning materials will also be studied. Topics include the principles of photoresist materials, including polymer synthesis, photochemistry, processing technologies and methods of process optimization. Also advanced lithographic techniques and materials, including multi-layer techniques for BARC, double patterning, TARC, and next generation materials and processes are applied to optical lithography. Graduate paper required.

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