md Abdullah al Faruque Headshot

md Abdullah al Faruque

Associate Professor

Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology

Office Location

md Abdullah al Faruque

Associate Professor

Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology


B.Sc., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET); M.A.Sc., Ph.D., University of Windsor (Canada); PEO


Select Scholarship

Book Chapter
Faruque, Abdullah and Joshua Goldowitz. "Effect of Hydrofracking on Aquifers." Aquifers-Matrix and Fluids. Ed. Muhammad Salik Javaid. London, United Kingdom, London: IntechOpen, 2018. 33-52. Print.
Journal Paper
Faruque, Abdullah. "Studying the Effect of Froude Number and Densimetric Froude Number on Local Scours around Circular Bridge Piers." International Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering 12. 5 (2018): 527-532. Web.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Ram Balachandar. "Effect of Reynolds Number on Wall-normal Turbulence Intensity in a Smooth and Rough Open Channel Using both Outer and Inner Scaling." International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering 10. 12 (2016): 1469-1474. Web.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Ram Balachandar. "Study the Effect of Roughness on the Higher Order Moment to Extract Information About the Turbulent Flow Structure in an Open Channel Flow." International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering 10. 5 (2016): 800-805. Web.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al, et al. "Open Channel Flow Velocity Profiles for Different Reynolds Numbers and Roughness Conditions." International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 3. 1 (2014): 400-405. Print.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Frank Hanna. "Scour Causes by Three-Dimensional Submerged Square Wall Jet: Sand Deposition in Scour Hole and Ridge." International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 4. 7 (2014): 1-6. Web.
Faruque, M.A.A., et al. "Open Channel Flow Velocity Profiles for Different Reynolds Numbers and Roughness Conditions." International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 3. 1 (2014): 400-405. Print.
Faruque, M.A.A. and F. Hanna. "Scour Causes by Three-Dimensional Submerged Square Wall Jet: Sand Deposition in Scour Hole and Ridge." International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 4. 7 (2014): 1-6. Print.
Singha, Arindam, Md Abdullah Al Faruque, and Ram Balachandar. "Vortices and Large-Scale Structures in a Rough Open Channel Flow Subjected to Bed Suction and Injection." ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 138. 5 (2012): 491-501. Print.
Faruque, M.A.A., A. Singha, and R. Balachandar. "Vortices and Large-scale Structures in a Rough Open Channel Flow Subjected to Bed Suction and Injection." ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 138. 5 (2012): 491-501. Print.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Ram Balachandar. "Seepage Effects on Turbulence Characteristics in an Open Channel Flow." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 38. 7 (2011): 785-799. Print.
Faruque, M.A.A. and R. Balachandar. "Seepage Effects on Turbulence Characteristics in an Open Channel Flow." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 38. 7 (2011): 785-799. Print.
Faruque, M.A.A. and R. Balachandar. "Roughness Effects on Turbulence Characteristics in an Open Channel Flow." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 37. 10 (2010): 1600-1612. Print.
Published Conference Proceedings
Faruque, Abdullah. "Studying the Effect of Froude Number and Densimetric Froude Number on Local Scours around Circular Bridge Piers." Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering. Ed. WASET. Montreal, Canada, QC: n.p., 2018. Print.
Cooke, Harry G. and Md Abdullah Al Faruque. "Impact of Mastering Engineering on Student Learning and Perceptions in a Strength of Materials Course." Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education held in Columbus, OH, June 25 — 28 2017. Ed. American Society for Engineering Education, 2017. Columbus, OH: American Society for Engineering Education, 2017, 2017. Web.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Harry G Cooke. "Impact of Upgrading Equipment for Strength of Materials Labs." Proceedings of the 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Ed. ASEE. Seattle, WA: ASEE (American Society of Engineering Education), 2015. Print.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Ram Balachandar. "Variation of Streamwise and Vertical Turbulence Intensity in a Smooth and Rough Bed Open Channel Flow." Proceedings of the ICCESE 2015: 17th International Conference on Civil, Environmental and Structural Engineering. Ed. Waset. Dubai, UAE: International Science Index, 2015. Print.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al. "Turbulent Bursting in Open Channel Flow with Seepage." Proceedings of the CSCE (Canadian Society for Civil Engineering) Annual Conference, held from May 28th to 31st, 2014, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Ed. CSCE. Halifax, Nova Scotia: n.p., 2014. Print.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Ram Balachandar. "Prediction of Scour Profile Caused by Submerged Three-Dimensional Wall Jets." Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Mechanics (ICTCM 2014), held on December 25th and 26th, 2014, Dubai, UAE. Ed. WASET. Dubai, Dubai: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2014. Print.
Faruque, M.A.A. and R. Balachandar. "Effect of Injection and Suction on Mean Velocity and Bed Stability in an Open Channel Flow." Proceedings of the CACAM 2013, June 2nd - 6th, 2013, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Ed. Unknown. Saskatchewan, Canada: n.p., 2013. Web.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Ram Balachandar. "Effect of Seepage on the Reynolds Shear Stress of the Turbulent Bursting Events in Open Channel Flow." Proceedings of the 2012 Hydraulic Measurement & Experimental Methods Conference. Snowbird, UT: n.p., 2012. Print.
Singha, Arindam, Md Abdullah Al Faruque, and Ram Balachandar. "Interaction of a Wall Jet With a Wake Flow-Vortex Statistics." Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Ed. Proceedings of The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Beijing, Beijing, China: n.p., 2012. Print.
Faruque, M.A.A. and R. Balachandar. "Study the Effect of Seepage on the Higher Order Moment to Extract Information About the Turbulent Flow Structure in an Open Channel Flow." Proceedings of the 5th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, December 21st to 23rd, 2012. Dhaka, Bangladesh: n.p., 2012. Web.
Singha, Arindam, Md Abdullah Al Faruque, and Ram Balachandar. "An Investigation of the Effect of Suction and Injection in Open Channel Flow." Proceedings of the International Conference in Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamic Technologies. Bali, Indonesia: n.p., 2011. Print.
Singha, Arindam, Md Abdullah Al Faruque, and Ram Balachandar. "Interaction of the Wake of a Bluff-Body with a Wall Jet in an Open Channel Flow." Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CACAM 2011). Ed. Proceedings of the 23rd CANCAM. Vancouver, BC, Canada: n.p., 2011. Print.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Ram Balachandar. "Quadrant Decomposition to Extract Reynolds Shear Stress of Turbulent Events in an Open Channel Flow." Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CACAM 2011). Vancouver, BC, Canada: n.p., 2011. Print.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Ram Balachandar. "Effects of the Introduction of Seepage on the Bed Stability and Turbulence Characteristics in an Open Channel Flow." Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering. Dhaka, Bangladesh: n.p., 2011. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al and Ram Balachandar. "Effect of Reynolds Number on Wall-normal Turbulence Intensity in a Smooth and Rough Open Channel Using both Outer and Inner Scaling." 18th International Conference on Civil, Environmental and Structural Engineering. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. United Arab Emirates, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Dubai. 26-27 Dec. 2016. Conference Presentation.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al. "Turbulent Bursting in Open Channel Flow with Seepage." The CSCE (Canadian Society for Civil Engineering) Annual Conference. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 29 May 2014. Conference Presentation.
Faruque, Md Abdullah Al. "Prediction of Scour Profile Caused by Submerged Three-Dimensional Wall Jets." XII International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Mechanics (ICTCM 2014). World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). Dubai, Dubai, UAE. 25 Dec. 2014. Conference Presentation.
Published Article
Faruque, M.A.A. and Ram Balachandar. “Roughness Effects on Turbulence Characteristics in an Open Channel Flow.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 37.12 (2010): 1600-1612. Print. *
Formal Presentation
Faruque, M.A.A. and Ram Balachandar. “Effect of bed surface on turbulence characteristics in an open channel flow.” WATER 2010: Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources in an Uncertain Environment. Quebec, Ontario, CA. 5-7 July 2010. Presentation.
Faruque, M.A.A. and Ram Balachandar. “Turbulencecharacteristics for a boundary layer flow in a smooth and rough bed open channel.” The 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 17-21 Dec. 2010. Presentation.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
An introduction to the analysis of static structures covering free-body diagrams, forces, moments, vectors, equilibrium, friction, and analysis of structures and truss members. Applications are drawn from civil engineering technology.
3 Credits
A study of the principle physical properties of liquids, hydrostatic pressure and forces, buoyancy and flotation, Bernoulli's Law, Conservation of Energy and Mass, and the concept of momentum. These fundamentals are applied in the analysis and design of closed conduit systems, open channel flow, pumps and pump selection and storage facilities. Rainfall runoff relationships and applications to stormwater management are also introduced.
4 Credits
Introduction of classical and modern computational techniques to analyze statically determinate and indeterminate structures. Topics include beams, 2D trusses, 2D frames, cables and arches, moving loads and influence lines, approximate methods and moment distribution. Computer-aided structural analysis using commercial structural analysis software STAAD is involved.
3 Credits
This course covers the design of structural members and frames of reinforced concrete. Topics include principles of structural design and loads; properties of concrete and reinforcement and the code of ethics in engineering practices; analysis and design of floor slabs, beams and girders including doubly reinforced and T-beams, columns, and footings, cantilever retaining walls, bearing walls, unreinforced concrete basement walls, shear walls, corbels and brackets. The use of the ACI code, is emphasized and a comprehensive group design project is assigned. Some computer work is involved.
3 Credits
This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of prestressed concrete design. Topics include prestressing systems, types of prestressing, materials used in prestressed concrete, analysis and design of pre- and post-tensioned systems, design of connections, losses in prestress. Emphasis is given on the use of the current industry standards and a design project.
3 Credits
This course will study the geotechnical engineering aspects of foundation design. Focus is on bearing capacity analysis and spread footing design, mat foundations, pile capacity and pile foundation design, drilled shafts, lateral earth pressures and retaining wall design, and an introduction to slope stability analysis.