Lu Sun Headshot

Lu Sun


Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology
Ph.D. Program in Personalized Healthcare Technology (PHT180) Research Center of Excellence
Professor and Affiliated Faculty
Ph.D. Program in Cognitive Science
PhD Program of Department of Computing and Information Sciences (Artificial Intelligence, Data Science)

Office Location
Office Mailing Address
ENT 3152, Rochester Institute of Technology, 78 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623

Lu Sun


Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Environmental Management and Safety
College of Engineering Technology
Ph.D. Program in Personalized Healthcare Technology (PHT180) Research Center of Excellence
Professor and Affiliated Faculty
Ph.D. Program in Cognitive Science
PhD Program of Department of Computing and Information Sciences (Artificial Intelligence, Data Science)


Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
4, Ammar Jafaripournimchahi ,1 Yingfeng Cai ,1 Hai Wang ,2 Lu Sun ,3 and Jiancheng Weng. "Integrated-Hybrid Framework for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Microscopic Traffic Flow Modelling." Journal of Advanced Transportation. (2022): 1-16. Web.
Zhao, Lu Sun and Xingzhuang. "Coupled Dynamics of Vehicle-Bridge Interaction System Using High Efficiency Method." Advances in Civil Engineering. (2021): 1-22. Web.
Jin-shun, WANG Yuan-yuan,SUN Lu,LIU Wei-dong,XUE. "Constraint improvement of binocular reconstruction algorithm used to measure pavement three-dimensional texture." Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) Vol. 51. No. 4 (2021): 1342-1348. Print.
Sun, Lu and Wei Zhang. "Mechanism and Quantification of Road Factors Induced Traffic Accidents through Surrogate Measures of Vehicle Dynamics for Enhancing Transportation Safety." Advances in Civil Engineering. (2021): TBD. Web.
Zhao, Xingzhuang and Lu Sun. "Sensitivity Analysis of Raised Pavement Markers' Setting to Speed Limit Based on Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle Vibration." Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavement. (2021): TBD. Print.
Yin, Yanna, et al. "The Influence of Road Geometry on Vehicle Rollover and Skidding." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (2020): 1-17. Web.
Yin, Yanna, et al. "Study on the Influence of Road Geometry on Vehicle Lateral Instability." Journal of Advanced Transportation. (2020): 1-15. Web.
Sun, Lu, Ammar Jafaripournimchahi, and Wusheng Hu. "A Forward-Looking Anticipative Viscous High-Order Continuum Model Considering Two Leading Vehicles For Traffic Flow Through Wireless V2X Communication In Autonomous And Connected Vehicle Environment." Physica A. (2020): 1-13. Web.
Sun, Lu, et al. "A New Higher-order Viscous Continuum Traffic Flow Model Considering Driver Memory in the Eera of Autonomous and Connected Vehicles." Physica A. (2020): 1-16. Web.
Qiang, XU, et al. "Design of multi-channel multi-point wireless bridge strain monitoring system based on ZigBee." Transducer and Microsystem Technologies Vol. 39. No. 6 (2020): 79-82. Print.
Jafaripournimchahi, Ammar, Wusheng Hu, and Lu Sun. "An Asymmetric-Anticipation Car-following Model in the Era of Autonomous-Connected and Human-Driving Vehicles." Journal of Advanced Transportation. (2020): 1-23. Web.

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