ICIC Oracle User Guide


To help ensure that RIT and its employees are not compromised by even the appearance of a conflict, employees must report outside activities to their immediate supervisors. Outside activities are defined as relationships, commitments, or activities on the part of the employee or his/her family that might present or appear to present conflicts of interest or commitment with regard to the employee's employment at RIT. Outside activities may be uncompensated or they may involve financial or fiduciary obligations. Outside activities should be reported upon employment, annually thereafter, and any time circumstances arise that may create conflicts of interest or commitment. When a supervisor determines that conflicts of interest or commitment exist, the supervisor, in consultation with the employee, shall develop a plan to manage or eliminate the conflict. The disclosed outside activities of an employee and any resulting management plan must be approved by two levels of management, beginning with the immediate supervisor. Unresolved conflicts shall be referred to the Individual Conflict of Interest and Commitment Committee (ICIC Committee). Decisions of the ICIC Committee can be appealed to the Provost or division vice president, whose determination is final.

Additional information is contained in The Procedures for the Implementation of the Individual Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy.


The steps to completing the conflict of Interest submission in Oracle are listed below. Your supervisor will be notified when you have completed the Conflict of Interest questionnaire.  A supervisor is determined by Oracle’s hierarchy.  If this information needs to be updated, please contact Oracle customer service at x5-4905.


The steps to completing the conflict of Interest submission in Oracle are listed below. Your supervisor will be notified when you have completed the Conflict of Interest questionnaire.  A supervisor is determined by Oracle’s hierarchy.  If this information needs to be updated, please contact Oracle customer service at x5-4905.

Employee Reporting Instructions

  1. Log in to https://sso.myinfo.rit.edu
  2. Choose RIT Employee Self-Service
  3. In the right-hand column, you’ll see a Conflict of Interest section with four selections, My Conflict of Interest – Part 1, My Conflict of Interest – Part 2, My Conflict of Interest – Part 3, and My Management Plan.

Use this section to report any potential conflicts of interest or commitment (or to report no conflicts of interest).

  1. Select My Conflict of Interest – Part 1. You’re now at the My Conflict of Interest-Part 1: Extra Information screen.
  2. Select Click here to create new submission and choose Yes or No for each of the six questions. (If you’re not sure if an activity is a conflict of interest, choose Yes. Your supervisor will determine if the activity is a conflict of interest.)
  3. Click on Apply. You’ll be taken back to the My Conflict of Interest Part 1: Extra Information screen and your answers from the previous screen will now be in the table.
  4. Click on Next. Review the information.
  5. Click on Submit. You’ll be taken to the Confirmation screen. If you answered No to all six questions, click on the Home button. Congratulations, you’ve completed the annual Conflict of Interest requirement.
  6. If you answered Yes to one or more of the questions numbered 1-4 in Part 1, you must fill out Part 2.
  7. If you answered Yes to either question 5 or 6, you must complete Part 3.

If you answered Yes to one or more of the questions numbered 1-4 in Part 1, use this section to provide detailed information about potential conflicts of interest or commitment.

  1. Select Click here to add new submission to provide information about your potential Conflict of Interest.
  2. Answer the questions in the boxes provided. Then click Apply.
  3. You’ll return to the Extra Information screen. The information you provided about the Conflict of Interest will appear in the table. If you have additional conflicts of interest to report, select Click here to add new submission for each additional potential conflict.
  4. Click Next. You’ll be taken to the Review screen.
  5. Review the information and click Submit. (If you need to make changes, click Back.) You’ll be taken to the Confirmation screen.
  6. Click on Home to return to Employee Self-Service.

Your manager and second level supervisor will review your potential Conflicts of Interest or Commitment. Your supervisor and second level supervisor will work with you to create a Management Plan if a potential conflict does exist.

If you answered Yes to either question 5 or 6 in Part 1, use this section to provide detailed information about potential conflicts of interest or commitment.

  1. Select Add to provide information about your potential Conflict of Interest.
  2. Answer the questions in the boxes provided. Then click Apply.
  3. You’ll return to the Extra Information screen. The information you provided about the Conflict of Interest will appear in the table. If you have additional conflicts of interest to report, select Add for each additional potential conflict.
  4. Click Next. You’ll be taken to the Review screen.
  5. Review the information and click Submit. (If you need to make changes, click Back.) You’ll be taken to the Confirmation screen.
  6. Click on Home to return to Employee Self-Service.

All information provided in Part 3 will be forwarded to the Chief Risk & Compliance Officer and the Office of the Vice President for Research for review as required to meet PHS regulations.

Use this section to view a management plan supplied by your manager and second level supervisor for any conflicts of interest and commitment.

  1. Choose My Management Plan from RIT Employee Self Serve. You’ll be taken to the Management Plan for Person screen.
  2. Select a specific management plan from the View column. You’ll be taken to the View Management Plan screen.
  3. View the specific management plan. Then select Return to View Management Plan.
  4. Review any other management plans available. Then choose Home to return to RIT Employee Self Serve.

Supervisor Instructions

  1. Log in to https://mybiz.rit.edu
  2. Choose RIT Supervisor Conflict of Interest
  3. In the right-hand column, you’ll see a Conflict of Interest section with two selections, Review Conflict of Interest and Review Management Plan.

Use this section to review and confirm conflicts of interest submitted by employees you supervise.

  1. Select Review Conflict of Interest. You’ll be taken to the Review Conflict of Interest: People in Hierarchy screen. On this screen you’ll be able to choose from employees within your hierarchy.
  2. Select the Action button next to the name of the employee you want to view. You’ll be taken to the Review Conflict of Interest: Extra Information screen.
  3. Select Review in Part 2 and/ or Part 3.
  4. After consulting with the second level supervisor indicate whether a specific submission is a conflict of interest or commitment. Select Yes or No from the Conflict of Interest? dropdown menu.  Click Apply.
  5. You’ll be taken back to the Review Conflict of Interest: Extra Information screen. Continue selecting Part 2 or Part 3 Review if additional potential conflicts were indicated.
  6. When you’ve finished updating each potential conflict, choose Next to go to the Review Conflict of Interest: Review screen. Select Submit.
  7. You’ll be taken to the Confirmation screen. Select Home to return to Oracle.
  8. If a conflict of interest or commitment does exist, a management plan created by the first and second level supervisor is required. The plan must be signed by the employee, first level supervisor and second level supervisor. The signed plan is to be uploaded into Oracle using the procedure below under Review Management Plan. Contact RIT’s Chief Risk & Compliance Officer at (585) 475-4903 for assistance with Management Plans.

Use this section to review existing Management Plans or upload a Management Plan. Begin by selecting Review Management Plan from RIT Supervisor Conflict of Interest.

  1. Choosing Review Management Plan takes you to the People in Hierarchy screen. Select the Action button next to the name of the employee you want to view.
  2. This takes you to the Management Plan for Person screen. Select Click to Create Management Plan. Complete the fields.
  3. Click on the Add Attachment button.
  4. In the Define Attachment section, you may upload a File by clicking Browse and navigating to the file on your computer, providing a URL to a web page, or providing a text explanation of the management plan. If you need to provide more than one Management Plan, click on Add Another. When you’re finished, click on Apply.
  5. You’ll be taken to the Confirmation screen, where your Management Plans will be listed. Click on Update or Delete if changes are necessary.
  6. Select Apply. You’ll be taken to the Confirmation for Management Plan for Person screen.
  7. Create the additional management plans as needed following the steps above.
  8. Select View for the management plan(s) that was just uploaded.
  9. Select Verify to confirm the plan. Once a plan is verified it cannot be changed or deleted.
  10. Select Home