When You Return

Now that you have returned to RIT, there are a few final steps to complete. 

Financial Reconciliation

Work with your college financial partner and support team to submit a travel expense report through Oracle to account for your spending, reconcile department accounts, and to receive any RIT Global subsidy reimbursement. If your program ends near the fiscal year end of July 1, it is very important that this is complete prior to July 1.

Reflection Report

Within a few weeks of your return, we ask that you complete a Reflection Report. This will  provide us with information about your experience and help us improve programming and support. Download the Reflection Report, complete the information, save it, and email it to Cecelia Hencke at cehiegp@rit.edu.


Your students will be sent a link to complete the GPI post-survey. The GPI is a nationally recognized assessment tool to measure a study abroad student’s cultural competency before and after their study abroad programs. Each survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. We appreciate your help in encouraging students to complete this important assessment, which will help us measure the impact of study abroad, develop effective programs, and advocate for resources to support international education.

Nominate A Student for Fulbright

If you had an amazing student as part of your program, nominate them for a prestigious Fulbright fellowship. A Fulbright fellowship provides funding for a student to live in another country for a year to teach English, earn a master’s degree, or complete a research/arts project.

Global Learning Symposium

This annual event takes place every November during International Education Week and showcases students’ academic achievements from their study abroad programs. This is a great venue for students to share a project or assignment that they completed as part of your program. We request that each faculty-led program contribute 1-2 students/student group exhibitions and we appreciate your assistance in organizing this. Watch this 30-second video on the Global Learning Symposium.

Re-Entry Opportunities

All returnees must attend at least one re-entry program whether they were abroad for one week or a whole semester. Your students will receive information about these events, including dates and times, via email.

Returnee Workshops – We offer multiple one-hour workshops on topics such as reverse culture shock, reflecting on their experience, how to incorporate the skills they learned into their resume or job interview, and ways they could go abroad again.

ROC Your Global Future: Rochester-Area Study Abroad Returnee Conference – This networking and career development opportunity allows study abroad returnees representing nine different colleges from the greater Rochester, N.Y., area to come together to connect, share, network, and explore additional international opportunities. The ROC Your Global Future conference takes place every fall and is hosted at a Rochester-area college. 

Tigers Abroad Photo Contest - Students are invited to submit photos from their study abroad program to be entered into our Tigers Abroad photo contest, which takes place three times a year. Photos are shared on the Education Abroad Facebook page for voting (@RITStudyAbroad). This is a great way for students to share memorable photos from their experience and gets the word out about your program.

Student Global Ambassadors - Global Ambassadors are returned study abroad students who work with the Education Abroad office. They are a great source of information to other students considering study abroad and can answer questions from a student perspective. Our Global Ambassadors are out and about on campus at events, information tables and class visits. Applications for new Global Ambassadors are open in August and January each year.