Angus is a 6 year old dog that has a partially amputated front left leg. Angus was hit by a car over a year ago and fractured his front right leg, as well as suffered nerve damage to his front left leg. Dr. Hoffmann, the surgeon we are working with on this case, was able to repair the fracture in the front right leg. However, in an attempt to improve to motion in the left leg that suffered the nerve damage, a surgical procedure followed that ultimately ended with an infection that caused the amputation of the animal’s foot, mid-radius. Once the amputated limb healed Dr. Hoffmann created a temporary device to allow Angus to move around and provide some support for his 110 pound mass. Our goal is to create a device that can be replicated and will serve a more permanent role. We need to make sure the device will support the dog’s weight and not cause him any pain.

Dr. Hoffmann was hoping that we could create a device that could have different types of attachments connect to it. For example, there could be a foot that is more paw shaped, one that has a blade (like the runners use) or even some sort of foot combined with a spring to help Angus move more efficiently.