Supplier Diversity

Supplier Diversity
- RIT/
- Procurement Services/
- Doing Business with RIT/
- Supplier Diversity
Policy Statement
RIT recognizes the value of a diverse supplier base and the positive impact it has on the business community and population at large. Accordingly, RIT has developed a Supplier Diversity Program designed to creatively seek new supplier sources to fulfill business opportunities at RIT and ensure that small businesses and firms owned by minorities and women have a genuine and equal opportunity to compete.
The RIT Procurement Services Office (PSO) will execute our commitment to supporting a diverse supplier base in the following ways:
Suppliers are encouraged to contact the PSO to discuss business opportunities with the university.
RIT has worked with the Director, Upstate Operations, of the NY/NJ Minority Supplier Development Council.
The New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (The Council™), a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, identifies minority suppliers, certifies bona fide minority business enterprises, and facilitates procurement opportunities between major purchasing entities and Council-certified minority suppliers. That supplier group includes Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native-American businesses located throughout the state of New York and northern and central New Jersey, including Trenton. The Council’s membership consists of Fortune 500 corporations, government agencies, educational institutions and nonprofit organizations.
We attend local meetings of the council when they are scheduled. The PSO will also engage in other community activities and events that promote MBEs and WBEs.
The PSO will work with minority, women,and small business owned firms to raise the awareness of these companies to the RIT community, encourage them to respond to bids and provide opportunities to showcase their products or services.
PSO will increase opportunities to engage minority, women, and small business owned firms wherever it makes good business sense by:
- Maintaining up-to-date supplier lists
- Categorizing businesses by their size and classification
- Reaching out to local universities and partners to identify new suppliers
- Tracking progress against annual goals for MBE, WBE, and SB spend and activity measures.
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
A minority business enterprise (MBE) is a for-profit enterprise, regardless of size, physically located in the United States, which is owned, operated, and controlled by minority group members. Minority group members are U.S. citizens who are African-American, Hispanic-American, Native American, Asia-Pacific-American, and Asian-Indian-American. Ownership by a minority group or individual means that the business is at least 51% owned by such a group or individual or, in the case of a publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals.
Woman Business Enterprise (WBE)
A woman business enterprise (WBE) is a for-profit business that is at least 51% owned and operated by a female individual(s) with U.S. citizenship.
Small Business Enterprise (SB)
A small business enterprise (SB) is a business that meets the small ownership criteria and business size standard for their industry, as defined by the Small Business Administration (generally under 100 employees). Refer to the Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 19.102 for specific details on the number of employees and annual sales required to qualify as a small business.
Find a Supplier
- Find certified minority suppliers at the New York State Certified Minority Directory
- Find small business establishments at SBA