Kate Gleason College of Engineering - 2021
Faculty Scholarship 2021
All Departments
Select a Department from the list on the right to narrow results.Margaret Bailey
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Lamkin-Kennard, Kathleen A., Margaret B. Bailey, and Michael G. Schrlau. "The Impact of Gender and Extracurricular Activities on Retention Undergraduate Engineering Programs." Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education - Northeast Section (ASEE-NE). Ed. ASEE. Worcester, MA: ASEE, 2021. Web. ∆
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Bailey, Margaret Beth, et al. "Creating an Inclusive, Vibrant Learning Environment within a Large, Software Engineering Program – Experiential Learning Experiences Created for Students, Faculty, and Senior Design Coaches & Sponsors." 2021 Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity (CoNECD). American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). Crystal City, VA. 12 Jan. 2021. Conference Presentation. *
Carlos Barrios
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Full Patent
Indovina, Mark Allen, et al. "Appliance Network Connectivity Apparatus." U.S. Patent US11196650. 7 Dec. 2021.
Stephen Boedo
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Boedo, S. "Concise Data Set Formulation for Dynamically Loaded Conformal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Problems." ASME Journal of Tribology 143. (2021): 61802. Print. £
Steven Day
Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Throckmorton, Amy, et al. "Forward-thinking design solutions for mechanical circulatory support : multifunctional hybrid continuous-flow ventricular assist device technology." Annals of Cariothoracic Surgery. (2021): 3. Web.
Jairo Diaz Amaya
Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Abdelaziz, Mohammed A., et al. "Ultrasonic chaining of emulsion droplets." PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 3. 4 (2021): 043157(9). Print. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
A., Jairo A. Díaz. "Multipotential Colloids." Simons Society of Fellows. Simons Foundation. New York, NY. 6 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Alfonso Fuentes Aznar
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio, Pedro Guirao-Saura, and Alfonso Fuentes-Aznar. "Application of the Bilateral Filter for the Reconstruction of the Spiral Bevel Gear Tooth Surfaces from Point Clouds." Journal of Mechanical Design 143. 5 (2021): 10 pages. Print. *
Liu, Siyuan, et al. "Computerized Approach for Design and Generation of Face-Milled Non-Generated Hypoid Gears with Low Shaft Angle." Mechanism and Machine Theory 155. (2021): 19 pages. Print. *
Liu, Siyuan, et al. "Computerized Determination of the Qualified Region of Main Design Parameters of Face-milled Hypoid Gears with Low Shaft Angle." Mechanism and Machine Theory 159. (2021): 16 pages. Print. *
Liu, Siyuan, et al. "Compensation of Errors of Alignment and Contact Pattern Repositioning in Hypoid Gears with Low Crossing Shaft Angle." Meccanica 56. (2021): 2861-2875. Print. *
Book Chapter
Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio, Pedro Guirao-Saura, and Alfonso Fuentes-Aznar. "Virtual Metrology of Helical Gears Reconstructed from Point Clouds." Gears in Design, Production, and Education, Mechanism and Machine Science, Vol 101. Ed. Natalya Barmina and Evgenii Trubachev. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021. 107-129. Print.
Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso. "Compensation of Shaft Deflections through Gear Micro-Geometry Modifications." Dudley's Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture. Ed. Stephen P. Radzevich. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021. 441-480. Print.
Published Conference Proceedings
Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio and Alfonso Fuentes Aznar. "Reverse Engineering of Spiral Bevel Gear Drives Reconstructed from Point Clouds." Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Machine Design (MD2021). Ed. N/A. Porto, Portugal: n.p., 2021. Print. *
Journal Editor
Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso, ed. Mechanism and Machine Theory. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 2021. Print.
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio, et al. "Investigation of the Effect of Application of Non-Conventional Root Profiles for Reduction of Bending Stresses in Helical Gear Drives." Proceedings of the AGMA Fall Technical Meeting. Ed. AGMA. Alexandria, VA: n.p.. *
Thomas Gaborski
Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Ahmed, A, et al. "Microengineered Three-Dimensional Collagen Landscapes with Independetly Tunable Fiber Anisotropy and Directionality." Advanced Materials Technologies 6. 4 (2021): 2001186. Print. *
Surendra Gupta
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Gupta, S. K., et al. "Surface Modification of Polyethersulfone (PES) with UV Photo-Oxidation." Technologies 9(2). 36 (2021): 1-10. Web. «
Published Conference Proceedings
Gupta, S. K. "Teaching Materials Science Labs Asynchronously." Proceedings of the 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. Ed. ASEE. Long Beach, NY: ASEE, 2021. Web. «
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Gupta, S. K. "2021 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Virtual Annual Conference." Proceedings of the Teaching Numerical Methods in an Online Asynchronous Format. Ed. ASEE. Buffalo, NY: ASEE. *
Patricia Iglesias Victoria
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Viesca, Jose Luis, et al. "Miscibility, corrosion and environmental properties of six hexanoate- and sulfonate-based protic ionic liquids." Journal of Molecular Liquids 322. (2021): xxx. Web. «
Guo, Hong and Patricia Iglesias. "Tribological behavior of ammonium-based protic ionic liquid as additive." Friction 9. 1 (2021): 169-178. Web. «
Book Chapter
Guo, Hong and Patricia Iglesias. "Ionic Liquids as High-Performance Lubricants and Lubricant Additives." Ionic Liquids - Thermophysical Properties and Applications. Ed. S.M. Sohel Murshed. London, England: IntechOpen, 2021. 83-95. Print. ∆
Published Conference Proceedings
Pang, Junru, et al. "The Evaluation of Tribological Performance of Laser Micro-Texturing Ti6Al4V Under Lubrication With Protic Ionic Liquid." Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Ed. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. New York City, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021. Web. «
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Stoyanovich, B., H. Guo, and P. Iglesias. "Protic Ionic Liquids as Lubricants and Lubricant Additives." Proceedings of the ASEE 2021 Virtual St. Lawrence Section Conference- Best poster award. Ed. ASEE. Virtual, USA: n.p.. *
Gaikwad, A., et al. "Effect of laser texturing and dimple density on tribological properties of titanium-ceramic contact." Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Wear of Materials. Ed. Wear of Materials Conference. Virtual, USA: n.p.. *
Mark Indovina
Senior Lecturer
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Sutradhar, Purab Ranjan, et al. "Look-up-Table Based Processing-in-Memory Architecture With Programmable Precision-Scaling for Deep Learning Applications." IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33. 2 (2022): 263-275. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Gillela, Rohini J., et al. "The IANET Hardware Accelerator for Audio and Visual Data Classification." Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 33rd International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC). Ed. IEEE. Las Vegas, NV: IEEE, 2021. Web. *
Connolly, Mark, et al. "Flexible Instruction Set Architecture for Programmable Look-up Table based Processing-in-Memory." Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 39th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). Ed. IEEE. Storrs, CT: IEEE, 2021. Web. *
Full Patent
Indovina, Mark Allen, et al. "Appliance Network Connectivity Apparatus." U.S. Patent US11196650. 7 Dec. 2021.
Satish Kandlikar
Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Chauhan, A. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Geometrical effects on heat transfer mechanisms during pool boiling in Dual Tapered Microgap with HFE7000." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 183. (2021): 122165. Web. *
Owens, A., S.G. Kandlikar, and P. Phatak. "Potential of Infrared Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection: A Critical Evaluation." Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy 4. 4 (2021): -. Web. *
Shukla, M.Y. and S.G. Kandlikar. "Influence of Liquid Height on Bubble Coalescence, Vapor Venting, Liquid Return, and Heat Transfer in Pool Boiling." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 173. (2021): 121261. Web. *
Negi, A., A.M. Rishi, and S.G. Kandlikar. "Effect of Heat Flux on Bubble Coalescence Phenomena and Sound Signatures During Pool Boiling." Journal of Heat Transfer 143. 5 (2021): 51601. Web. *
Rishi, A.M., et al. "Investigation of Structure-Property-Boiling Enhancement Mechanisms of Copper/Graphene Nanoplatelets Coatings. Front." Mech. Eng 7. (2021): 642214. Web. *
Rishi, A.M., et al. "Investigation of Structure-Property-Boiling Enhancement Mechanisms of Copper/Graphene Nanoplatelets Coatings." Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 7. (2021): 15. Web. *
Book Chapter
Kandlikar, S.G. and A. Ganguly. "Fundamentals of heat dissipation in 3D IC packaging and thermal-aware design." 3D Microelectronic Packaging. -, -: Springer, 2021. 369-395. Web. *
Provisional Patent
Kandlikar, S.G., et al. "Detection and Characterization of Cancerous Tumors." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 17208001. 29 Jul. 2021.
Full Patent
Kandlikar, S.G.. "Heat transfer system and method incorporating tapered flow field." U.S. Patent 11143466. 12 Oct. 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G. and C. Patil. "Enhanced boiling with selective placement of nucleation sites." U.S. Patent 11092391. 17 Aug. 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G., et al. "Passive two phase heat transfer systems." U.S. Patent 11073340. 27 Jul. 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G.. "Fuel cells with a non-parallel gas flow channel configuration and methods thereof." U.S. Patent 11038181. 15 Jun. 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G., et al. "Detection and characterization of cancerous tumors." U.S. Patent 11010898. 18 May 2021.
Kandlikar, S.G. and A. Hayes. "Volcano-shaped enhancement features for enhanced pool boiling." U.S. Patent 10890377. 12 Jan. 2021.
Parsian Katal Mohseni
Associate Professor
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Baboli, Mohadeseh A., et al. "Mixed-dimensional InAs nanowire on layered molybdenum disulfide heterostructures via selective-area van der Waals epitaxy." Nanoscale Advances 3. 10 (2021): 2802-2811. Print. *
Choi, Wonsik, et al. "Monolithic lateral p–n junction GaAs nanowire diodes via selective lateral epitaxy." Nanotechnology 32. 50 (2021): 505203-8. Print. *
Full Patent
Li, Xiuling, et al. "Metal assisted chemical etching to produce III-V semiconductor nanostructures." U.S. Patent USRE48407E1. 26 Jan. 2021.
Michael Kuhl
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Vashist, Abhishek, et al. "KF-Loc: A Kalman Filter and Machine Learning Integrated Localization System Using Consumer-Grade Millimeter-wave Hardware." IEEE Consumer Electronics Magoazine. (2021): 1-12. Print. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Bhattathiri, Sriparvathi Shaji, Maojia P. Li, and Michael E. Kuhl. "A Traffic Avoidance Path Planning Method for Autonomous Vehicles in a Warehouse Environment." Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Ed. S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo, and M. Loper. Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE, 2021. Print. *
Bhisti, Rukshar A. and Michael E. Kuhl. "Simulation Analysis of Warehouses Utilizing Bulk and Rack Storage Systems." Proceedings of the 2021 IISE Annual Conference,. Ed. A. Ghate, K. Krishnaiyer, K. Paynabar. Norcross, GA: Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, 2021. Print. *
Vashist, Abhishek, et al. "KF-Loc: A Kalman Filter and Machine Learning Integrated Localization System Using Consumer-Grade Millimeter-wave Hardware." Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics. Ed. N/A. Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE, 2021. Print. *
Andres Kwasinski
Computer Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Vashist, Abhishek, et al. "KF-Loc: A Kalman Filter and Machine Learning Integrated Localization System Using Consumer-Grade Millimeter-wave Hardware." IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine. (2021): -. Print. *
Hartpence, Bruce and Andres Kwasinski. "CNN and MLP neural network ensembles for packet classification and adversary defense." Intelligent and Converged Networks 2. 1 (2021): 66-82. Print. *
Do, Dinh-Thuan, et al. "Performance Analysis of Clustering Car-Following V2X System with Wireless Power Transfer and Massive Connections." IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (2021): -. Print. *
Mamun, Sayed Ashraf, et al. "NASCon: Network-Aware Server Consolidation for server-centric wireless datacenters." Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. (2021): 100452. Print. *
Shah-Mohammadi, Fatemeh and Andres Kwasinski. "Neural Network Cognitive Engine for Autonomous and Distributed Underlay Dynamic Spectrum Access." IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2. (2021): 719--737. Print. *
Full Patent
Kwasinski, Andres and Fatemeh Shah Mohammadi. "Radio spectrum sharing leveraging link adaptation in primary network." U.S. Patent 11032826. 8 Jun. 2021.
Brian Landi
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bucossi, Andrew, et al. "Experimental design for CO2 laser cutting of sub-millimeter features in very large-area carbon nanotube sheets." Optics and Laser Technology 134. (2021): 106591. Web. *
Elaine Lewis
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Bucossi, Andrew R, et al. "Experimental design for CO2 laser cutting of sub-millimeter features in very large-area carbon nanotube sheets." Optics & Laser Technology 134. (2021): 106591. Web. *
E Lyshevski
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Lyshevski, S. E., et al. "Probabilistic Models of Information Management in Cyber-Physical Systems." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Technology and Management Science. Ed. IEEE. Riga, Latvia: IEEE, 2021. Print. «
Lyshevski, Sergey E. and Michael Stearns. "Analysis of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Inertial Sensors for Cyber-Physical Systems." Proceedings of the IEEE International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science. Ed. IEEE. Riga, Latvia: IEEE, 2021. Print. *
Katie McConky
Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Aponte, Omar and Katie McConky. "Peak Electric Load Days Forecasting for Energy Costs Reduction With and Without Behind the Meter Renewable Electricity Generation." International Journal of Energy Research 45. 13 (2021): 18735-18753. Web. *
Published Conference Proceedings
Werner, Gordon, Shanchieh Jay Yang, and Katie McConky. "Near Real-Time Intrusion Alert Aggregation Using Concept-Based Learning." Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing Frontiers. Ed. Maurizio Palesi and Antonino Tumeo. New York, New York: ACM, 2021. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
McConky, Katie, Prashant Sankaran, and Moises Sudit. "Combining Machine Learning and Traditional Optimization Approaches to Solve Reconnaissance Missing Planning Problem." Military Operations Research Society Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 23 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Sankaran, Prashant, Katie McConky, and Moises Sudit. "Hybrid Learning-Optimization Solver (HYLOS) Framework to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems: A Preliminary Study." IISE Annual Conference. Virtual. Virtual, USA. 22 May 2021. Conference Presentation.
Sudit, Moises, Prashant Sankaran, and Katie McConky. "A Confluence of Machine Learning And Optimization Approaches to Address Combinatorial Optimization Problems." AAAI Spring 2021 Symposium Series. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. Virtual, Virtual. 22 Mar. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Aponte, Omar and Katie McConky. "Electricity Demand Threshold Forecasting for Triggering Cost Saving Peak Demand Shaving Actions." 41 International Symposium on Forecasting. International Institute of Forecasters. Virtual, Virtual. 29 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Jinane Mounsef
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Alashkar, Rasem, et al. "AI-Vision Towards an Improved Social Inclusion." Proceedings of the International Conference on IEEE / ITU Artificial Intelligence for Good (AI4G). Ed. IEEE/ITU. Geneva, Switzerland: n.p., 2021. Web. *
Hassan, Saifeldin, et al. "A Water Behavior Dataset for an Image-Based Drowning Solution." Proceedings of the IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference (IGESSC). Ed. N/A. Long Beach, California: IEEE, 2021. Web. *
Joy, John and Jinane Mounsef. "Automation of Material Takeoff using Computer Vision." Proceedings of the International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT). Ed. N/A. Online, Indonesia: IEEE, 2021. Web. *
Alnajjar, Yazan and Jinane Mounsef. "Next-Generation Network Intrusion Detection System (NG_NIDS)." Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies (EUROCON). Ed. N/A. Lviv, Ukraine: IEEE, 2021. Web. *
Ruben Proano
Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Alves-Maciel, Bruno and Ruben A. Proano. "Exploring Market Segment Assignment Strategies to Monopsonistic Entities in a Hypothetically Coordinated Vaccine Market." Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Ed. S. Kim, et al. Phoenix, Arizona: n.p., 2021. Web. *
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Proano, Ruben A. "A Centralized Ebola Vaccine Safety Stock for Sub-Saharan Africa." INFORMS Healthcare. Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. Indianapolis, Indiana. 21 Jul. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Proano, Ruben A. "Exploring a Multi-tiered priced Pediatric Vaccine Gavi Market via OR." INFORMS Annual Meeting. Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. Anaheim, California. 27 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Encarnacion, Trilce and Ruben A. Proano. "MIF Undergraduate Student Day." INFORMS Annual Meeting. Institute of Operations Research and Management Science. Anaheim, California. 25 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Iris Rivero
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Ramesh, Srikanthan, et al. "Extrusion Bioprinting: Recent Progress, Challenges, and Future Opportunities." Bioprinting 21. e00116 (2021): 1-19. Print. *
Ramesh, Srikanthan, et al. "Three-Dimensional Printing of Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogel with Antibacterial Activity." Bioprinting. (2021): e00106. Print. *
Xiangcheng Sun
Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Sun, Xiangcheng and Qiuchen Dong, Songbing He. "Iridium Oxide Enabled Sensors Applications." Catalysts. (2021): 1164. Web. £
Brian Thorn
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
. . . *
Thorn, Brain, et al. "Management and Logistics of Returnable Transport Items: A Review Analysis on the Pallet Supply Chain." Sustainability 13. 12747 (2021): 1-23. Web. *
Gill Tsouri
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Published Conference Proceedings
Dautov, C. P., et al. "Machine Learning Approach to Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Using High Quality Facial Video." Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI). Ed. NA. NA, US: n.p., Print. *
Couderc, J. P., et al. "Monitoring Atrial Fibrillation Patients Using Active Contactless Videoplethysmography Implemented on A Personal Device." Proceedings of the Heart Rhythm. Ed. NA. NA, US: n.p., Print. *
Dautov, C. P., et al. "Machine Learning Approach to Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Using High Quality Facial Video." Proceedings of the EEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI). Ed. NA. NA, US: n.p., 2021. Print. *
Couderc, J. P., et al. "Monitoring Atrial Fibrillation Patients Using Active Contactless Videoplethysmography Implemented on A Personal Device." Proceedings of the Heart Rhythm. Ed. NA. NA, US: n.p., 2021. Print. *
Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
Lee, L., R. Dautov, and G. R. Tsouri. "Reliable Real-Time Sensing of Respiration Rate Using Channel State Information Modeling in Wireless Body Area Networks." Proceedings of the EEE 17th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN). Ed. NA. NA, US: n.p.. *
Obioma Uche
Assistant Professor
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Uche, Obioma. "From Theory to Simulations: Providing Insights on Interfacial Behavior beyond and below the Nanoscale." National Chemical Engineering Future Faculty Seminar Series. Princeton University/Northeastern University. Virtual, USA. 19 Nov. 2021. Guest Lecture.
Steven Weinstein
Chemical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Torsey, Bridget M., et al. "The effect of pressure fluctuations on the shapes of thinning liquid curtains." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 910. (2021): A38-1 to -15. Print. £
Rame, Enrique, Steven J. Weinstein, and Nathaniel S. Barlow. "On the shape of air–liquid interfaces with surface tension that bound rigidly rotating liquids in partially filled containers." IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 86. (2021): 1266-1286. Print. £
Karin Wuertz-Kozak
Biomedical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
2021 Submissions
Journal Paper
Baumgartner, Laura, et al. "Multiscale Regulation of the Intervertebral Disc: Achievements in Experimental, in Silico, and Regenerative Research." Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22. (2021): 703. Web. «
Wangler, Sebastian, et al. "Uncovering the secretome of mesenchymal stromal cells exposed to healthy, traumatic, and degenerative intervertebral discs: a proteomic analysis." Stem Cell Research 12. 1 (2021): 11. Web. «
Pieri, Andrea De, et al. "Engineering Advanced In Vitro Models of Systemic Sclerosis for Drug Discovery and Development." Advanced Biology. (2021): epub ahead. Web. «
Herold, Tamara, et al. "Effect of BMI on the clinical outcome following microsurgical decompression in over-the-top technique: bi-centric study with an analysis of 744 patients." European Spine Journal epub ahead. (2021): online. Web. «
Cambria, E., et al. "TRPV4 mediates cell damage induced by hyperphysiological compression and regulates COX2/PGE2 in intervertebral discs." JOR Spine. (2021): epub ahead. Web. «
He, Yangyang, et al. "Extracellular vesicles: potential mediators of psychosocial stress contribution to osteoporosis?" Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22. 11 (2021): 5846. Web. «
Schoeller, Jean, et al. "pH-Responsive Electrospun Nanofibers and Their Applications." Polymer Reviews. (2021): 1-49. Web. «
Schoeller, Jean, et al. "pH-Responsive Chitosan/Alginate Polyelectrolyte Complexes on Electrospun PLGA Nanofibers for Controlled Drug Release." MDPI Nanomaterials 11. 7 (2021): 1850. Web. «
Lazarus, Emily, et al. "Sulfated Hydrogels in Intervertebral Disc and Cartilage Research." Cells 10. 12 (2021): 3568. Web. «
Baumgartner, L., et al. "Evidence-based Network Modelling to Simulate Nucleus Pulposus Multicellular Activity in different Nutritional and pro-Inflammatory Environments." Frontiers Bioengineering 10. 9 (2021): 734258. Web. «
Journal Editor
Karin, Wuertz-Kozak,, ed. Musculoskeletal Pain, Frontiers in Pain Research. Lausanne: Frontiers, 2021. Web.
Karin, Wuertz-Kozak,, ed. International Journal of Molecular Science, Section “Molecular Pathology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics”. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2021. Web.