College of Liberal Arts - 2021

Faculty Scholarship 2021

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Cecilia Alm

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Tewari, Subhra, et al. "Perceptions of Human and Machine-generated Articles." Journal of Digital Threats: Research and Practice 2. 2 (2021): 1-16. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Alm, Cecilia O. and Alex Hedges. "Visualizing NLP in Undergraduate Students’ Learning about Natural Language." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EAAI). Ed. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. Virtual, Virtual: AAAI Press, 2021. Web. «

Hassan, Saad, Matt Huenerfauth, and Cecilia O. Alm. "Unpacking the Interdependent Systems of Discrimination: Ableist Bias in NLP Systems through an Intersectional Lens." Proceedings of the Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021. Ed. Xuanjing Huang, Lucia Specia, and Scott Wen-tau Yih. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021. Web. «

Kaushik, Nikhil, et al. "Eliciting Confusion in Online Conversational Tasks." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (at ACII 2021). Ed. NA. Nara, Japan (Online): IEEE, 2021. Web. «

Akhbardeh, Farhad, et al. "Handling Extreme Class Imbalance in Technical Logbook Datasets." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Long Papers). Ed. Chengqing Zong, et al. Online, Online: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021. Web. «

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

6/2/2021 - 3/31/2023
     National Science Foundation
     Amount: $4,188 £

9/1/2021 - 8/31/2026
     National Science Foundation
     Amount: $1,994,676 *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Alm, Cecilia O. and Reynold Bailey. "Mentoring Engagement: Contrasting Perceptions of Administrators and Faculty." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. Ed. Mark Sherriff, et al. Online, Online: Association for Computing Machinery. «

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Joseph Baschnagel

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Reff, Jason and Baschnagel, Joseph S. "The Role of Affective Urgency and Emotion Regulation in Vaping Susceptibility." Addictive Behaviors Reports 14. (2021): 1-5. Web. «

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Amit Batabyal

Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Batabyal, Amit, Yoshiro Higano, and Peter Nijkamp. Rural-Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia. 1 ed. Tokyo, Japan: Springer Nature, 2021. Print. *

Journal Paper

Batabyal, Amit and Hamid Beladi. "Interregional Demand for Workers and the Effects of Labor Income Taxation." Regional Science Policy and Practice 13. (2021): 1042-1050. Print. «

Batabyal, Amit and Seung Jick Yoo. "A Note on the Use of Amenities to Attract Creative Class Members to a City." Regional Science Inquiry 13. (2021): 11-14. Print. «

Batabyal, Amit and Hamid Beladi. "A Game-Theoretic Model of Water Theft During a Drought." Agricultural Water Management 255. (2021): Article107044. Print. «

Batabyal, Amit. "Monopoly vs. Individual Welfare When a Local Public Good is Used to Attract the Creative Class." International Regional Science Review 44. (2021): 605-614. Print. «

Batabyal, Amit. "How Many Members of the Creative Class Should a City Seek to Attract?" Review of Regional Studies 51. (2021): 161-169. Print. «

Batabyal, Amit. "Aspects of Income Inequality in a Creative Region." Annals of Regional Science 67. (2021): 727-735. Print. «

Batabyal, Amit. "On the Existence of an Equilibrium in Models of Local Public Good Use by Cities to Attract the Creative Class." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 105196. (2021): 1-23. Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "An Analysis of Resilience in Complex Socioeconomic Systems." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 105197. (2021): 1-38. Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Using Enterprise Zones to Attract the Creative Class: Some Theoretical Issues." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 105414. (2021): 1-16. Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Interregional Competition for Mobile Creative Capital With and Without Physical Capital Mobility." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 105589. (2021): 1-24. Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "How Many Members of the Creative Class Should a City Seek to Attract?" Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 107028. (2021): 1-17. Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Aspects of Income Inequality in a Creative Region." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 107488. (2021): 1-18. Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political-Economy Perspective on Mayoral Elections and Urban Crime." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 108294. (2021): 1-22. Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "A Game-Theoretic Model of Water Theft During a Drought." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 108346. (2021): 1-21. Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "The Response of Creative Class Members to Regions Vying to Attract Them with Subsidies." Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper No. 110446. (2021): 1-32. Web. £

Book Chapter

Batabyal, Amit and Hamid Beladi. "On the Existence of an Equilibrium in Models of Local Public Good Use by Cities to Attract the Creative Class." A Broad View of Regional Science. Ed. S. Suzuki and R. Patuelli. Tokyo, Japan: Springer Nature, 2021. 25-36. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit, Yoshiro Higano, and Peter Nijkamp. "Introduction to Rural-Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia." Rural-Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia. Ed. Amit Batabyal, Yoshiro Higano, and Peter Nijkamp. Tokyo, Japan: Springer Nature, 2021. 3-24. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit and Karima Kourtit. "An Analysis of Resilience in Complex Socioeconomic Systems." Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics. Ed. Aura Reggiani, et al. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 2021. 383-399. Print. *

Published Review

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of The Great Reversal, by T. Philippon. Review of Regional Studies Dec. 2021: 108-109. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Invisible China, by S. Rozelle, N. Hell. Papers in Regional Science 15 Jul. 2021: 843-844. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Pricing Lives, by W.K. Viscusi. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 15 Aug. 2021: 243-244. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of The Wake Up Call, by J. Micklethwait, A. Wooldridge. Regional Science Policy and Practice 15 Aug. 2021: 1090-1091. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Critical reflections on Economy and Politics in India, by R.J. Das. Choice 15 Sep. 2021: 711. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of 10% Less Democracy, by G. Jones. Regional Science Policy and Practice 15 Oct. 2021: 1401-1402. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Fully Grown, by D. Vollrath. Review of Regional Studies 15 Sep. 2021: 225-227. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Outside the Box, by M. Levinson. Regional Science Policy and Practice 15 Oct. 2021: 1720-1721. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Outcaste Bombay, by J. Shaikh. Regional Studies 15 Nov. 2021: 1966-1967. Print. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Book Review." Rev. of Rethinking Chinese Politics, by J. Fewsmith. Regional Science Policy and Practice 15 Dec. 2021: 1951-1953. Print. *


Batabyal, Amit. Evening News, WXXI Rochester. 6 Sep. 2021. Radio Show, Rochester. Performance.

Batabyal, Amit. Coinnections with Evan Dawson. 26 Oct. 2021. Radio Show, Rochester. Performance.

Batabyal, Amit. CBS Rochester Evening News. 18 May 2021. Television Show, Rochester. Performance.

Batabyal, Amit. CBS Rochester Evening News. 3 Sep. 2021. Television Show, Rochester. Performance.

Batabyal, Amit. CBS Rochester Evening News. 5 Oct. 2021. Television Show, Rochester. Performance.

Batabyal, Amit. CBS Rochester Evening News. 25 Oct. 2021. Television Show, Rochester. Performance.

Journal Editor

Batabyal, Amit, ed. Theoretical Economics Letters, Editor-in-Chief. Wuhan, China: Scientific Research Publishing, 2021. Web.

Batabyal, Amit, ed. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, Editor-in-Chief. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Nature, 2021. Web.

Batabyal, Amit, ed. Review of Development Economics, Editorial Council. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2021. Print.

Batabyal, Amit, ed. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, Associate Editor. Tokyo, Japan: Springer Nature, 2021. Print.

Batabyal, Amit, ed. Economics Bulletin, Associate Editor. Nashville, TN: Economics Bulletin, 2021. Web.

Batabyal, Amit, ed. Springer Nature Monograph Series New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives. Tokyo, Japan: Springer Nature, 2021. Print.

Invited Article/Publication

Batabyal, Amit. "Can a Future Ban on Gas-Powered Cars Work?" The Conversation, January 5. (2021). Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Do We Gain or Lose by Using Social Media?" Rochester Business Journal, January 15. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "The COVID-19 Pandemic and Governance in the West." Rochester Business Journal, February 26. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Should We Give Up Exercise Because COVID is Still With Us?" Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, March 3. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Admissions to Elite U.S. Colleges: The Case for a Lottery." Rochester Business Journal, March 26. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "If China's Middle Class Continues to Thrive and Grow, What Will it Mean for the Rest of the World?" The Conversation, April 27. (2021). Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Why Global Population Decline Could be Bad for Humankind." The Globe Post, May 4. (2021). Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "A Little Less Democracy Might be a Good Thing." Rochester Business Journal, June 4. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "The Four Stages of Globalization." Rochester Business Journal, July 9. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "War Between America, China Over Taiwan's Future: Economic Impacts." Rochester Business Journal, July 23. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Make no Misteak: Our Food Choices Are Not Ours Alone." The Globe Post, August 12. (2021). Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Microeconomics Explains Why People Can Never Have Enough of What They Want and How That Influences Policies." The Conversation, August 31. (2021). Web. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Air Pollution Hurts Us in Ways we Typically do Not Think of." Rochester Business Journal, September 10. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Chinese Communist Party's Succession Problem Matters." Rochester Business Journal, October 1. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Why Girls Raised in Affluent White Families Could Struggle in Math." Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, October 24. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Regime Change in China Does Not Lead to Democratization." Buffalo News, December 3. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "Why Gift-Giving Holiday Frenzy Might Really be a Lousy Idea." Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, December 12. (2021). Print. £

Batabyal, Amit. "How to Increase the Uptake of EVs: Subsidize Price or Charging Stations?" Rochester Business Journal, December 24. (2021). Print. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political Economy Model of the Ganges Pollution Cleanup Problem." Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) Virtual Annual Conference. ASSA. Nashville, USA. 5 Jan. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political Economy Model of the Ganges Pollution Cleanup Problem." Virtual Seminar. Clarkson University. Potsdam, New York. 16 Jan. 2021. Address. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political Economy Model of the Ganges Pollution Cleanup Problem." Midwest Political Science Association Virtual Annual Conference. Midwest Political Science Association. Bloomington, Indiana. 17 Apr. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "China's Belt and Road Initiative and President Trump's Trade War with China." Rochester World Affairs Council Lecture. Rochester World Affairs Council. Rochester, New York. 6 May 2021. Lecture. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Virtual Annual Conference. Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. Sydney, Australia. 5 Feb. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Virtual Annual International Conference. K.J. Somaiya Institute. Mumbai, India. 8 Feb. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Western Regional Science Association Virtual Annual Meeting. Western Regional Science Association. Las Vegas, USA. 17 Feb. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis Virtual Annual Conference. Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis. Altamonte Springs, USA. 5 Mar. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Southern Regional Science Association Virtual Annual Conference. Southern Regional Science Association. Washington, USA. 16 Apr. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." International Atlantic Economic Society Virtual Annual Conference. International Atlantic Economic Society. Atlanta, USA. 13 May 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Regional Science Association International Virtual World Congress. Regional Science Association International. Marakkesh, Morocco. 15 May 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Resource Modeling Association Virtual World Congress on Natural Resource Modeling. Resource Modeling Association. Arcata, USA. 16 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Canadian Economics Association Virtual Annual Meeting. Canadian Economics Association. Ottawa, Canada. 5 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Mid-Continent Regional Science Association Virtual Annual Conference. Mid-Continent Regional Science Association. Athens, USA. 15 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." School of Public Policy and Management Virtual Conference. Tsinghua University. Beijing, China. 16 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization Summer Institute Virtual Conference. Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization. Toyohashi, Japan. 5 Aug. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." European Regional Science Association Virtual Annual Congress. European Regional Science Association. Brussels, Belgium. 27 Aug. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Regional Science Association International Japan Section Virtual Annual Meeting. Regional Science Association International Japan Section. Tsukuba Science City, Japan. 5 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis Virtual European Conference. Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis. Altamonte Springs, USA. 15 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International Hybrid Annual Conference. Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International. Melbourne, Australia. 10 Dec. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Health Interventions in a Poor Region and Resilience in the Presence of a Pandemic." Virtual Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development. Indian Statistical Institute. New Delhi, India. 22 Dec. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Game-Theoretic Model of Water Theft During a Drought." Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Virtual Annual Conference. Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. Sydney, Australia. 6 Feb. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Game-Theoretic Model of Water Theft During a Drought." Western regional Science Association Virtual Annual Meeting. Western Regional Science Association. Las Vegas, USA. 17 Feb. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Game-Theoretic Model of Water Theft During a Drought." Southern Regional Science Association Virtual Annual Conference. Southern Regional Science Association. Washington, USA. 15 Apr. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Game-Theoretic Model of Water Theft During a Drought." Regional Science Association International Virtual World Congress. Regional Science Association International. Marrakesh, Morocco. 15 May 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Game-Theoretic Model of Water Theft During a Drought." Mid-Continent Regional Science Association Virtual Annual Conference. Mid-Continent Regional Science Association. Athens, USA. 15 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Interregional Competition for Mobile Creative Capital With and Without Physical Capital Mobility." Southern Regional Science Association Virtual Annual Conference. Southern Regional Science Association. Washington, USA. 16 Apr. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Interregional Competition for Mobile Creative Capital With and Without Physical Capital Mobility." Mid-Continent Regional Science Association Virtual Annual Conference. Mid-Continent Regional Science Association. Athens, USA. 16 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Interregional Competition for Mobile Creative Capital With and Without Physical Capital Mobility." Regional Science Association International Japan Section Virtual Annual Meeting. Regional Science Association International Japan Section. Tsukuba Science City, Japan. 5 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Aspects of Income Inequality in a Creative Region." International Atlantic Economic Society Virtual European Conference. International Atlantic Economic Society. Atlanta, USA. 13 May 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Aspects of Income Inequality in a Creative Region." North American Regional Science Council Hybrid Annual Conference. North American Regional Science Council. Denver, USA. 15 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political-Economy Perspective on Mayoral Elections and Urban Crime." Regional Science Association International Virtual World Congress. Regional Science Association International. Marrakesh, Morocco. 15 May 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political-Economy Perspective on Mayoral Elections and Urban Crime." European Regional Science Association Virtual Annual Conference. European Regional Science Association. Brussels, Belgium. 28 Aug. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political-Economy Perspective on Mayoral Elections and Urban Crime." International Atlantic Economic Society Virtual Conference. International Atlantic Economic Society. Atlanta, USA. 15 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political-Economy Perspective on Mayoral Elections and Urban Crime." Regional Science Association International Japan Section Virtual Annual Meeting. Regional Science Association International Japan Section. Tsukuba Science City, Japan. 5 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political-Economy Perspective on Mayoral Elections and Urban Crime." Romanian Regional Science Association Virtual International Conference. Romanian Regional Science Association. Bucharest, Romania. 6 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "A Political-Economy Perspective on Mayoral Elections and Urban Crime." North American Regional Science Council Hybrid Annual Conference. North American Regional Science Council. Denver, USA. 15 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "The City After Covid-19: A Discussion of Some Research Needs." The Regional Science Academy Virtual Special Academic Session. The Regional Science Academy. Utrecht, The Netherlands. 16 May 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Tax Policy and Interregional Competition for Mobile Venture Capital by the Creative Class." Romanian Regional Science Association Virtual International Conference. Romanian Regional Science Association. Bucharest, Romania. 6 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Tax Policy and Interregional Competition for Mobile Venture Capital by the Creative Class." Global Regional Development Hybrid Conference. Tsinghua University. Shenzen, China. 7 Dec. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Batabyal, Amit. "Tax Policy and Interregional Competition for Mobile Venture Capital by the Creative Class." Australia New Zealand Regional Science Association International Hybrid Annual Conference. Australia New Zealand Regional Science Association International. Melbourne, Australia. 10 Dec. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

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Makini Beck

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Nganga, Christine W., Makini Beck, and Joyanne De Four-Babb. "Making sense of spirituality in our academic lives through co-menetoring." Journal for the Study of Spirituality 11. 1 (2021): 61-74. Print. *

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Silvia Benso

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Benso, Silvia and Antonio Calcagno, edts. Open Borders: Encounters between Italian Philosophy and Continental Thought. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2021. Print. «

Benso, Silvia and Elvira Roncalli, edts. Contemporary Italian Women Philosophers: Stretching the Art of Thinking. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2021. Print. «

Book Chapter

Benso, Silvia. "Gianni Vattimo’s Encounter with Gadamer: Hermeneutic Ontology from Dialogue to Conflict." The Gadamerian Mind. Ed. Theodor George and Gert-Jan van der Heiden. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. 333-346. Print. «

Benso, Silvia. "Tra Diotima e Maria. Figure della maternità per un’idea di spazio condiviso [Between Diotima and Mary: Figures of Maternity for a Notion of Shared Space]." Ragioni comuni. Culture e religioni in trasformazione. Ed. Alessandra Cislaghi. Turin, Italy: Rosenberg & Sellier, 2021. 36-54. Print. « ∆

Benso, Silvia and Elvira Roncalli. "Introduction: Contemporary Italian Women Thinkers: Attending to Thinking, Extending the Art." Contemporary Italian Women Philosophers: Stretching the Art of Thinking. Ed. Silvia Benso and Elvira Roncalli. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2021. 1-16. Print. «

Benso, Silvia and Antonio Calcagno. "Open Borders: Introduction." Open Borders: Encounters Between Italian Philosophy and Continental Thought. Ed. Silvia Benso and Antonio Calcagno. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2021. 1-19. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Benso, Silvia. "A Response to Paul Stern, ‘Dante’s Critique of Aquinas’." Dante Politico at the Crossroad of Arts and Sciences: An International Symposium on Dante’s Political Thought. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 17 Apr. 2021. Conference Presentation. ∆

Benso, Silvia. "Concluding Remarks on Dante as Poet and Thinker." Dante: Poesia e Pensiero/Poetry and Thought (On the 700th Anniversary of His Death, 1321). Consulate General of Italy in Houston, the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at the University of Houston, and the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles. Houston, TX. 20 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. ∆

Benso, Silvia. "Subjects, Passions, and Care in Ugo Perone and Elena Pulcini’s Thinking." SIP--Society for Italian Philosophy. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 7 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. «

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Evelyn Brister

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Brister, Evelyn, J. Britt Holbrook, and Megan J. Palmer. "Conservation Science and the Ethos of Restraint." Conservation Science and Practice e381. (2021): 1-9. Web. *

Brister, Evelyn. "Field Philosophy and Social Justice." Social Epistemology 35. 4 (2021): 393-404. Print. £

Phelan, Ryan, et al. "Intended Consequences Statement." Conservation Science and Practice 3. 4 (2021): e371. Web. *

Burgiel, Stanley W., et al. "Exploring the Intersections of Governance, Constituencies, and Risk in Genetic Interventions." Conservation Science and Practice 3. 4 (2021): e380. Web. *

Book Chapter

Brister, Evelyn and Daniel J. Hicks. "Contributions of Women to Philosophy of Science: A Bibliometric Analysis." The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science. Ed. Sharon Crasnow and Kristen Intemann. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. 65-75. Print. £

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Claudia Bucciferro

Assistant Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Bucciferro, Claudia. "Representations of Gender and Race in Ryan Coogler’s Film Black Panther: Disrupting Hollywood Tropes." Critical Studies in Media Communication 38. 2 (2021): 169-182. Print. «

Book Chapter

Bucciferro, Claudia. "The Symbolic, the Real, and the Ladies of Wakanda." Why Wakanda Matters: What Black Panther Reveals about Psychology, Identity, and Communication. Ed. Sheena Howard. Dallas, TX: BenBella Books, 2021. 15-31. Print. ∆

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Jeffrey Burnette

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Burnette, Jeffrey D. "Why Is the Total Enrollment of American Indian and Alaska Native Precollegiates Such a Difficult Number to Find?" Journal of American Indian Education Vol. 60. No. 1-2 (2021): 162-186. Print. «

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Sarah Burns

Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Burns, Sarah. "Legalizing a Political Fight: Congressional Abdication of War Powers in the Bush and Obama Administrations." Presidential Studies Quarterly 51. 3 (2021): 462-491. Print. «

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John Capps

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Capps, John. "What we talk about when we talk about truth: Dewey, Wittgenstein, and the pragmatic test." Inernational Journal of Philosophical Studies 29. 2 (2021): 159-180. Print. «

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Tamar Carroll

Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Tamar, Carroll,. "Social Protest Photography and Public History: "Whose Streets? Our Streets!": New York City, 1980-2000." The Journal of The History of the Behavioral Sciences 57. 1 (2021): 34-59. Print. * «

Tamar, Carroll,. "Rochester's Rainbow Dialogues: Activating Archives." Radical History Review. 140 (2021): 197-206. Print. * «

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A.J. Caschetta

Principal Lecturer
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Caschetta, A.J. "Will the Boycott-Israel Clique Co-opt the Scientific Community?" National Review. February 6 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Uighurs and Palestinians, What's in a Name?" Newsweek. March 6 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Does Iran Even Need Spies in Academia?" The Hill. April 8 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Biden's Taylor Force Betrayal." Newsweek. April 12 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "What Would a 'Proportionate' Israeli Response to Hamas Attacks Really Look Like?" The American Spectator. May 23 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Palestine's 'Terrorist University' Picks Ivy League Prof as New President." The American Spectator. May 27 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "The Palestinian Battle Flag." Jewish News Syndicate. June 8 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Anti-Israel Propaganda Brainwashes Students." The American Spectator. June 25 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Solidarity With 'Paletine' Means Kalashnikovs for Kids." National Review. July 13 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Ilhan Omar and the Islamophobia Industry." National Review. July 26 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Anarchists and the Roots of Wokeism." The American Spectator. August 4 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Confusion, Blame-Shifting and Inaccuracy: Academia Reacts to the Fall of Afghanistan." National Review. August 20 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "The Solidarity Statement I'd Like to See." Arutz Sheva (The Israel National News). August 22 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Few Options Remain in Afghanistan." The American Spectator. August 29 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "The State Department's Failed Diplomacy in the Middle East." The American Spectator. September 17 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "A Tale of Two Drone Strikes." National Review. September 22 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Biden's Failures Embolden Islamists." The American Spectator. October 12 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Fareed Zakaria's Bad Advice, 20 Years Later." National Review. October 14 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Brown University's Anti-Zionist Fantasy World." National Review. November 28 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Biden's Counterterrorism Ignores Jihadi Threats." The American Spectator. December 3 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Brown University Professor Can't Control Birzeit's Terrorists." The American Spectator. December 26 (2021): N/A. Web. £

Published Review

Caschetta, A.J. "A Is for Apologist." Rev. of Islam in America: Exploring the Issues, by Craig Considine. Middle East Quarterly Jan. 2021: Spring Issue. Web. ˜

Caschetta, A.J. "The Biopolitical Book of Silliness." Rev. of Biopolitics of the More-Than-Human: Forensic Ecologies of Violence, by John Pugliese. The Middle East Quarterly Jun. 2021: N/A. Web. ˜

View All Submissions

Conerly Casey

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Conerly, Conerly. "Eco-Intimacy and Spirit Exorcism in the Nigerian Sahel." The Senses and Society 16. 2 (2021): 132-150. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

PhD, Conerly Casey,. "Sensing Illness in the Nigerian Sahel." Uncommon Senses III: Back to the Future of the Senses. Centre for Sensory Studies, Concordia University. Montreal, Canada. 9 May 2021. Conference Presentation.

View All Submissions

Philippe Chavasse

Associate Professor
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Chavasse, Philippe. "Dévoiements romantiques chez George Sand et Germaine de Staël." George Sand Studies 39-40. (2021): 119-40. Print. «

Chavasse, Philippe. "Two Visions of Happiness According to Nature in the Works of Camille Lemonnier and Georges Eekhoud." Quêtes littéraires 11. (2021): 99-122. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Chavasse, Philippe. "La figure de l’aristocrate roué dans quelques œuvres du belge Georges Eekhoud." 47th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium. George Washington and Georgetown Universities. Washington DC, DC. 10 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Chavasse, Philippe. "Queer Rediscovery of the Work of Georges Eekhoud." 42nd Annual Nineteenth Century Studies Association Conference. Virtual Conference. Pittsford, NY. 11 Mar. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Chavasse, Philippe. "Le Horla: Une nouvelle antisémite ?" 2021 Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky. Lexington, KY. 22 Apr. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

View All Submissions

Zhong Chen

Associate Professor
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Chen, Zhong and John Hale. "Quantifying structural and non-structural expectations in relative clause processing." Cognitive Science 45. 1 (2021): e12927. Web. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Chen, Zhong. "Bridging the gap between everyday Chinese and the communication in the STEM fields: an example of teaching “directions and locations”." Proceedings of the Penn Chinese for Professional Use Symposium. Ed. Chiang, Mien-hwa. Philadelphia, PA: n.p., 2021. Web. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Chen, Zhong. "Modeling sentence processing difficulties with grammars and information theory - a tutorial of CCPC." The Second Annual Workshop on Methods of East Asian Linguistics. Indiana University Bloomington. Bloomington, IN. 23 Feb. 2021. Lecture.

Chen, Zhong. "Acceptability judgments and their reliability in the syntactic literature." The Second Annual Workshop on Methods of East Asian Linguistics. Indiana University Bloomington. Bloomington, IN. 25 Feb. 2021. Lecture.

Chen, Zhong. "Processing Chinese language - An Overview." Department of East Asian Languages and Literature. The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. 26 Mar. 2021. Guest Lecture.

Chen, Zhong. "Quantifying structural and non-structural expectations in relative clause processing." Language Processing Lab. University of Chicago. Chicago, IL. 19 Oct. 2021. Guest Lecture.

View All Submissions

Elisabetta DAmanda

Principal Lecturer
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

DAmanda, Elisabetta Sanino. "As Good As Bread" - Documenting the Italian American Experience for Learners of Italian." AATI Long Island Chapter Meeting. American Association Teachers of Italian. Long Island, New York. 4 Mar. 2022. Keynote Speech.

DAmanda, Elisabetta Sanino. "As Good As Bread" - The Italian American Experience Beyond Columbus." Italian Program Presentation. University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT. 4 Nov. 2019. Keynote Speech.

View All Submissions

Juilee Decker

Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Book Chapter

Decker, Juilee, et al. "Bridging Past and Present: Creating and Deploying a Historical Character to Engage Audiences Through AR and VR." Emerging Technologies and the Digital Transformation of Museums and Heritage Sites. Ed. Maria Shehade and Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert. Nicosia, Cyprus: Springer, 2021. 139-155. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Decker, Juilee, et al. "Stitching Together Past and Present: Our Experiences with Costumed Interpretation and Virtual Reality." Proceedings of the Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums. Ed. Donna Braden. Dearborn, MI: The Henry Ford, 2021. Print. ˜

Shitut, Kunal, et al. "Triggering the Past: Cultural Heritage Interpretation Using Augmented and Virtual Reality at a Living History Museum." Proceedings of the EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. Ed. A. Chalmers and V. Hulusic. Bournemouth, England: Springer, 2021. Web. «

Geigel, Joe, Yunn-Shan Ma, and Juilee Decker. "AR Fantasia: An Augmented Reality Musical Experience." Proceedings of the Frameless 2021. Ed. Frameless Publications Committee. Rochester, NY: RIT Scholar Works, 2021. Web. *

Journal Editor

Decker, Juilee, ed. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2021. Web. *

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Decker, Juilee. "Preparing Students to Address Emerging Issues of the Future ." Proceedings of the CIEL Fall Conference. Ed. Noah Coburn. Tuscaloosa, AL: CIEL. ∆

View All Submissions

Caroline DeLong

Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Gunther, Kaitln, et al. "Visual discrimination of rotated 3D unicolor objects in goldfish (Carassius auratus)." RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 29 Jul. 2021. Lecture. £

Sheldon, Hannah, et al. "Three second memory in goldfish debunked." Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference. University at Buffalo. Buffalo, NY. 17 Apr. 2021. Lecture. £

Wegman, Jessica, et al. "Can goldfish (Carassius auratus) visually discriminate between rotated 3D objects that lack color cues?" The 28th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Comparative Cognition Society. Melbourne, FL. 10 Apr. 2021. Lecture. £

DeLong, Caroline, et al. "Long-term object recognition memory in goldfish (Carassius auratus)." The 28th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Comparative Cognition Society. Melbourne, FL. 10 Apr. 2021. Lecture. £

View All Submissions

Rebecca DeRoo

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

DeRoo, Rebecca and King, Homay. "Future Varda (introduction to journal issue)." Camera Obscura. 106 (2021): 1-7. Print. *

DeRoo, Rebecca. "Agnes Varda: Photography and Early Creative Process." Camera Obscura. 106 (2021): 215-229. Print. *

DeRoo, Rebecca. "Agnes Varda and Le Collectif 50/50 en 2020: Power and Protest at the Cannes Film Festival." Camera Obscura. 106 (2021): 127-153. Print. *


Mullins, Corrina and (DeRoo,advisor). Additions to Map of Change display and database. n.d. Rochester Museum and Science Center, Rocheester. Exhibit.

Journal Editor

DeRoo, Rebecca and Homay King, ed. Future Varda thematic issue of Camera Obscura. Durham: Duke University Press, 2021. Print. *

View All Submissions

Rebecca Edwards

Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Invited Paper

Edwards, R.A.R. and Amanda Keenan. "Oceans Unheard." Historic Nantucket. (2021). Print. ∆

View All Submissions

Allison Fitch

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Fitch, Allison, Nilam Thaker, and Zsuzsa Kaldy. "The role of redundant verbal labels in 8-and 10-month-olds’ working memory." Infant Behavior and Development. (2021): 101617. Web. «

Lieberman, Amy M., Allison Fitch, and Arielle Borovsky. "Flexible fast‐mapping: Deaf children dynamically allocate visual attention to learn novel words in American Sign Language." Develomental Science. (2021): 1-15. Web. «

Fitch, Allison, Sudha Arunachalam, and Amy M. Lieberman. "Mapping Word to World in ASL: Evidence from a Human Simulation Paradigm." Cognitive Science 45. 12 (2021): e13061. Web. «

View All Submissions

Stephanie Godleski

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Godleski, Stephanie, Brenda Abu, and Ammina Kothari. "A qualitative needs assessment and analysis of perceptions of a mobile health app for low-income, at-risk mothers." Journal of Technology in Behavior Science 6. (2021): 100-105. Print. «

Perry, Kristin, et al. "Pathways from early family violence to adolescent reactive aggression and violence victimization." Journal of Family Violence 36. (2021): 75-86. Print. «

Ostlund, Brendan, et al. "Prenatal substance exposure and maternal hostility from pregnancy to toddlerhood: Associations with temperament profiles at 16-months of age." Development and Psychopathology 33. (2021): 1566-1583. Print. «

Schuetze, Pamela, Stephanie Godleski, and Jenna Sassaman. "Prenatal opiate exposure and postnatal caregiving." Neurotoxicology and Teratology 87. (2021): 107019. Web. *

View All Submissions

Robert Gordon-Fogelson

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Gordon-Fogelson, Robert. "Integral Urban House: The Ecology and Economics of Autonomous Architecture." 109th Annual Conference. College Art Association. Virtual, .. 11 Feb. 2021. Conference Presentation. ˜

Gordon-Fogelson, Robert. "From Corporate Culture to Counterculture: The Organizational Power of Capitalist Aesthetics." Getty Graduate Symposium. Getty Research Institute. Los Angeles, CA. 5 Feb. 2021. Conference Presentation. ˜

View All Submissions

Sean Grass

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Invited Paper

Grass, Sean. "Recent Dickens Studies 2019: A Journal of the Plague Year." Dickens Studies Annual. (2021). Print. ∆ ˜

View All Submissions

Lauren Hall

Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Book Chapter

Hall, Lauren. "Nature, Second Nature, and Supernature: Death and Consolation in the Thought of Edmund Burke." Political Theory of Death and Dying. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. NA. Print. «

Invited Paper

Hall, Lauren and Steve Horwitz. "Midwifery Licensing: Medicalization of Birth and Special Interests." Mercatus Center. (2021). Web. « ∆ ≠

Hall, Lauren. "A Not-Quite-Realistic Turn: A Burkean Reply and A Rights-Based Alternative." Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies. (2021). Web. £

View All Submissions

Jessica Hardin

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

SturtzSreetharan, Cindi, Alexandra Brewis, Jessica Hardin, Sarah Trainer and Amber Wutich,. Fat in Four Cultures: A Global Ethnography of Weight in Samoa, Paraguay, Japan and the US. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 2021. Print. «

Journal Paper

Jessica, Hardin,. "Life before Vegetables: Nutrition, Cash and Subjunctive Health in Samoa." Cultural Anthropology 36. 3 (2021): 428–457. Web. «

Wutich, Amber, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, Sarah Trainer, Jessica Hardin, Alexandra Brewis,. "Metatheme analysis: A qualitative approach to comparative and multi-sited research." International Journal of Qualitative Methods 20. (2021): 1-11. Web. «

Hardin, Jessica. "Life before Vegetables: Nutrition, Cash and Subjunctive Health in Samoa." Cultural Anthropolpgy 36. 3 (2021): 428–457. Web. «

Trainer, Sarah, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, Amber Wutich, Alexandra Brewis and Jessica Hardin,. "Fat Is All My Fault: Globalized Metathemes of Body Self-blame." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 36. 1 (2021): 5-26. Web. «

Ruth, Alissa, Katherine Mayfour, Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy, Melissa Beresford, Alexandra Brewis, H. Russell Bernard, Meskerem Z. Glegziabher, Jessica Hardin, et al. "Teaching Ethnographic Methods for Cultural Anthropology: Current Practices and Needed Innovation." Teaching Anthropology 11. 2 (2021): 59-72. Print. «

View All Submissions

Andy Head

Assistant Professor
Department of Performing Arts and Visual Culture
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions


Nguyen, Qui. She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms. 16-18 Apr. 2021. Panara Theatre/Youtube, Rochester/online. Performance. ˜

Kushner, Tony. Angels in America: Millennium Approaches. 16-18 Nov. 2021. Panara Theatre, Rochester. Performance. ˜

Invited Article/Publication

Head, Andy. "“Equal Prominence: Directing a Deaf and Hearing Production of I and You." Theatre/Practice. (2021). Web. «

View All Submissions

Joseph Henning

Associate Professor
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Henning, Joseph M. Interpreting the Mikado's Empire: The Writings of William Elliot Griffis. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Henning, Joseph M. "Defending the Samurai: Alice Mabel Bacon and Meiji Japan at War." New York Conference on Asian Studies. State University of New York, College at Brockport. Brockport, NY. 2 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.

Henning, Joseph M. "Just War Theory: Historical Perspectives." Leadership and Ethics, Naval ROTC. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 12 Apr. 2021. Guest Lecture.

View All Submissions

Andrew Herbert

Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Casamassima, Enzo, Andrew Herbert, and Cory Merkel. "Exploring CNN features in the context of adversarial robustness and human perception." Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2021, San Diego, California, United States. Ed. Novak, Matt. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2021. Print. *

McGurgan, Kevin, et al. "Graph Design: The Data-ink Ratio and Expert Users." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - IVAPP,. Ed. Christophe Hurter, et al. ONLINE, Protugal: n.p., 2021. Web. *

View All Submissions

Eric Hittinger

Associate Professor
Department of Public Policy
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hittinger, Eric Pareis, Eric. "Emissions effects of energy storage for frequency regulation: Comparing battery and flywheel storage to natural gas." Energies 14. 3 (2021): 549. Print. £

Hittinger, Kanwal Shahid, Eric. "Techno-economic optimization of food waste diversion to treatment facilities to determine cost effectiveness of policy incentives." Journal of Cleaner Production 279. (2021): 122634. Print. £ ≠

Elenes, Simon Sandler, Eric Williams, Eric Hittinger, Alejandro. "The nonlinear shift to renewable microgrids: Phase transitions in electricity systems." International Journal of Energy Research 45. 2 (2021): 3016-3030. Print. £ ≠

Hittinger, Eric. "The Sound of a New Discipline Being Born: Macro-Energy Systems." Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports 8. 1 (2021): 1-3. Print. ∆

Azevedo, Naga Srujana Goteti, Eric Hittinger, Brian Sergi, Inês Lima. "How does new energy storage affect the operation and revenue of existing generation?" Applied Energy 285. (2021): 116383. Print. £ ≠

Tibebu, Tiruwork B, et al. "What is the optimal subsidy for residential solar?" Energy Policy 155. (2021): 112326. Print. £ ≠

Hittinger, Brian Tarroja, Eric. "The value of consumer acceptance of controlled electric vehicle charging in a decarbonizing grid: The case of California." Energy 229. (2021): 120691. Print. £

Williams, Rexon Carvalho, Eric Hittinger, Eric. "Payback of natural gas turbines: A retrospective analysis with implications for decarbonizing grids." Utilities Policy 73. (2021): 101307. Print. £

View All Submissions

Rebecca Houston

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Book Chapter

Houston, Rebecca J. and Matthew S. Stanford. "Psychophysiological Correlates of Psychopathic Disorders." International Handbook on Psychopathic Disorders and the Law. Ed. Alan Felthous and Henning Sass. New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021. Chapter 14. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Fors, Mikayla and Rebecca J. Houston. "Internalizing Disorder Symptoms in Tinnitus and Their Association With Perceived Stress and Quality of Life." Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. ABRCMS. Washington, DC. 12 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. ˜

Alicea, Ryan and Rebecca J. Houston. "Procrastination and time perspective within the context of problematic gaming." Association for Psychological Science. APS. Washington, DC. 27 May 2021. Conference Presentation. ˜

Baschnagel, Joseph S., et al. "Locus of control, emotion dysregulation, stress, and health behavior related to COVID19." Association for Psychological Science. APS. Washington, DC. 27 May 2021. Conference Presentation. ˜

Fors, Mikayla and Rebecca J. Houston. "Differential associations between tinnitus and mental health symptomatology." Undergraduate Research Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 29 Jul. 2021. Conference Presentation.

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Godleski, Stephanie A., et al. "The Cascading Impact of COVID-19 on Parent Drinking." Proceedings of the Society for Research on Child Development, Virtual meeting, April 7-9, 2021. Ed. N/A. Virtual, USA: n.p.. ˜

View All Submissions

Anthony Jimenez

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Jimenez, Anthony M. "The Legal Violence of Care: Navigating the US Health Care System While Undocumented and Illegible." Social Science & Medicine 270. (2021): DOI: 113676. Web. *

View All Submissions

Priti Kalsi

Associate Professor
Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Kalsi, Priti, Francisca Antman, and Soohyung Lee. "Gender norm conflict and marital outcomes." Journal of Demographic Economics 87. 4 (2021): 537-560. Print. *

Kalsi, Priti and Edward Kosack. "Deportation of criminals and immigration back to the United States: evidence from Central America and Mexico." Applied Economics Letters. (2021): -. Web. *

View All Submissions

Christine Keiner

Department of Science, Technology, and Society
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Published Review

Keiner, Christine. "The Cost of Scientific Patronage." Rev. of Science on a Mission: How Military Funding Shaped What We Do and Don’t Know about the Ocean, by Naomi Oreskes. Science 16 Apr. 2021: 245. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Keiner, Christine. "The Chesapeake: Prologue to the Anthropocene." Estuaries and the Anthropocene. Texas A&M University. Galveston, TX. 21 May 2021. Conference Presentation.

Keiner, Christine. "Humboldt and the Unbuilt Central American Canal." North American Society for Oceanic History. North American Society for Oceanic History. Pensacola, FL. 8 Jul. 2021. Conference Presentation.

Keiner, Christine. "Recovering Hidden Histories of Marine and Aquatic Invasion Biology." 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology. ICHST. Prague, Czech Republic. 26 Jul. 2021. Conference Presentation.

Keiner, Christine. "Joys and Challenges of Teaching STS to Career-Focused STEM Students." Society for the Social Studies of Science. Society for the Social Studies of Science. Toronto, Ontario. 9 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.

Keiner, Christine. "The Joys and Challenges of Teaching and Researching STS at an Engineering School." Missouri S&T Center for Science, Technology, and Society Virtual Visiting Speaker Series. Missouri University of Science and Technology. Rolla, MO. 26 Feb. 2021. Guest Lecture.

Keiner, Christine. "Deep Cut: Science, Power, and the Unbuilt Interoceanic Canal." Greenhouse Environmental Humanities Book Talks. University of Stavanger, Norway. Stavanger, Norway. 7 Jun. 2021. Guest Lecture.

View All Submissions

Christine Kray

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Kray, Christine and Uli Linke. Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure. New York, New York: Routledge, 2021. Print. «

Book Chapter

Kray, Christine A. "The Sticky Imagery of White Feminism." Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure. Ed. Christine A. Kray and Uli Linke. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. 68-98. Print. *

Kray, Christine A. and Uli Linke. "Introduction: The Fascist Allure." Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure. Ed. Christine A. Kray and Uli Linke. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. 1-22. Print. *

Church, Minette C., Christine A. Kray, and Jason Yaeger. "Landscapes of Strategic Mobility in Central America: San Pedro Siris during the Caste War." Routledge Handbook of the Archaeology of Indigenous-Colonial Interaction in the Americas. Ed. Lee M. Panich and Sara L. Gonzalez. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. 308–323. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kray, Christine A. "The Sticky Imagery of White Feminism." International Women's Day Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 7 Mar. 2021. Keynote Speech. *

Kray, Christine A. "Donald Trump, Susan B. Anthony, and the Orchestration of White Nationalism." annual conference. National Women's Studies Association. Zoom, USA. 15 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Kray, Christine A. "Smackdown as Fascist Reverie." annual conference. American Anthropological Association. Baltimore, MD. 20 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Kray, Christine A. "War, Transmuted; Or, Lords of the Land and Landlords: Maya Leaders and Mahogany Companies at the Edge of Yucatán’s Social War, 1847-1872." Belize Symposium at Pennsylvania State University: Ethnohistory & Afrohistory at the Ends/Center of the World: Belize & Its Neighbors. Pennsylvania State University. Zoom, USA. 2 Apr. 2021. Conference Presentation. ∆

View All Submissions

Eun Sook Kwon

Associate Professor
School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Nikolinakou, Angela, Joe Phua, and Eun Sook Kwon. "What Drives Loyal Fans of Brand Pages to Take Action? The Effects of Self‑Expansion and Flow on Loyal Page Fans’ Sharing and Creation Activities." Journal of Brand Management 28. (2021): 559-577. Web. «

Kwon, Eun Sook, et al. "Putting Things into Context: A Meta-Analysis of Media Context Effects on Attitudinal Outcomes." Journal of Advertising 50. 3 (2021): 330–347 (SSCI Journal 2019 impact factor: 6.302). Print. «

View All Submissions

Wenjie Liao

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Busse, Erika, Meghan Krausch, and Wenjie Liao. "How the ‘Neutral’ University Makes Critical Feminist Pedagogy Impossible: Intersectional Analysis from Marginalized Faculty on Three Campuses." Sociological Spectrum 41. 1 (2021): 29-52. Print. «

Liao, Wenjie and Liying Luo. "Gender, Education, and Attitudes toward Women’s Leadership in Three East Asian Countries: An Intersectional and Multilevel Approach." Societies 11. 3 (2021): 103. Web. «

Liao, Wenjie, et al. "The House Is on Fire but We Kept the Burglars Out: Racial Apathy and White Ignorance in Pandemic-Era Immigration Detention." Social Sciences 10. 10 (2021): 358. Web. «

Book Chapter

Liao, Wenjie and Joachim J. Savelsberg. "Law." Handbuch Sozialwissenschaftliche Gedächtnisforschung. Ed. M. Berek,, et al. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Fachmedien, 2021. 1-15. Web. ∆ ˜

View All Submissions

Uli Linke

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Linke, Uli. "The Optics of Dispossession: Urban Precarity as Political Art." Architecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS) 20. 1: 4 (2021): 1-18. Web. «

Book Chapter

Linke, Uli. "Love Politics: The Nation Form and the Affective Life of the State." Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure. Ed. Christine A. Kray and Uli Linke. London, UK: Routledge, 2021. 25-46. Print. *

Kray, Christine A. and Uli Linke. "Introduction: The Fascist Allure." Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure. Ed. Christine A. Kray and Uli Linke. London, UK: Routledge, 2021. 1-22. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Linke, Uli. "Love Politics: The Nation Form and the Affective Live of the State." Annual Meeting (virtual), session “Truth, Responsibility, and Political Stagecraft in the Era of Trumpism". American Anthropological Association. Baltimore, MD. 20 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

Linke, Uli. "Paradoxical Obsessions: Gender, Race, Nation, and Other Trauma Tropes." Annual Meeting, session on “Trumpian Political Stagecraft: The Global Reaches of an Aggrieved White Patriarchal Nationalism". National Women's Studies Association. Virtual, USA. 15 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

View All Submissions

Yunn-Shan Ma

Assistant Professor
Department of Performing Arts and Visual Culture
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Ma, Yunn-Shan. "Interdisciplinary Project Based Music Theory Pedagogy for STEM majors." Proceedings of the Engineering and Liberal Education Symposium. Ed. Symposium Committee. Schenectady, NY: n.p., Web. *


Ma, Yunn-Shan and Symphoria. Halloween: Spooky Symphoria. 30 Oct. 2021. Inspiration Hall, Syracuse. Performance.

Geigel, Joe, Yunn-Shan Ma, and Juilee Decker. AR Fantasia. 19 Nov. 2021. RIT Magic Studio, Rochester. Performance. *

Ma, Yunn-Shan and RIT Philharmonic Orchestra. Star Wars and Borodin. 16 Oct. 2021. Ingle Auditorium, Rochester. Performance.

Ma, Yunn-Shan, Yoojin Jang, and RIT Philharmonic Orchestra. Pirates on a Frozen Terrain. 1 Dec. 2021. Ingle Auditorium, Rochester. Performance.

Ma, Yunn-Shan and Bob Cowles. Mysterium: Mirabile. 3 Dec. 2021. St. Anne's Church, Rochester. Performance. £

Ma, Yunn-Shan and Bob Cowles. Mysterium: Mirabile. 5 Dec. 2021. St. Margaret Mary's Church, Rochester. Performance. £

National/International Competition Award Winner

Ma, Yunn-Shan and RIT Philharmonic Orchestra. The American Prize: celebrating American excellence in the arts. Honorable Mention - Orchestral Performance - College/University Division. Danbury, CT, 2021.

Ma, Yunn-Shan. The American Prize: Celebrating American excellence in the arts. National Finalist - Conducting Competition. Dansbury, CT, 2021.

Ma, Yunn-Shan. The American Prize: Celebrating American excellence in the arts. National Semi Finalist - Orchestral Programming / Vytautas Marijosius Memorial Award. Dansbury, CT, 2021.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Ma, Yunn-Shan. "English diction for choral singers." Taipei Male Choir Symposium Series. Taipei Male Choir. Taipei, Taiwan. 31 Jul. 2021. Guest Lecture.

Ma, Yunn-Shan. "Choral Music from Taiwan." International Choral Music Series. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 23 Mar. 2021. Guest Lecture.

Ma, Yunn-Shan. "Effective Techniques for Choral Directors on Instrumental Conducting." Laureate Choral Symposium. Taiwan Choral Association. Taipei, Taiwan. 29 May 2022. Keynote Speech.

View All Submissions

Hinda Mandell

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Mandell, Hinda. "‘Monstrous’ Craft Activism: A City Yarn Installation that Wrought Controversy through Textile Togetherness and Community Engagement." Craft Research 12. 1 (2021): 31-50. Print. «

Book Chapter

Mandell, Hinda. "Craft Activism, Violence and Memory-Making: Jewish Hearts for Pittsburgh." Race, Gender, and Political Culture in the Trump Era: The Fascist Allure. Ed. Christine A. Kray and Uli Linke. Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2021. 174-193. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Mandell, Hinda. "Crafting Dissent Together Apart: A Legacy of Craft Action from a COVID Year." keynote talk as part of Dissent Made Material Symposium. George Mason's Gunston Hall. Lorton, Virginia. 18 Feb. 2021. Keynote Speech.

View All Submissions

John McCluskey

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

McCluskey, Moon, Byongook, Merry Morash, and John. "Student violence directed against teachers: Victimized teachers’ reports to school officials and satisfaction with school responses." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. (2021): NP7264-NP728. Print. *

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Laverne McQuiller

Dean's Office
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Williams, LaVerne McQuiller, Judy L. Porter, and O. Nicholas Robertson. "Exposure to Childhood Maltreatment as Related to Adult Intimate Partner Victimization among College Students: The Contribution of Childhood Polyvictimization." Psychology 12. (2021): 1-18. Print. «

View All Submissions

Qing Miao

Associate Professor
Department of Public Policy
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Miao, Qing and Yiwei Wang. "The Impact of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards on Technological Changes in Automobile Fuel Efficiency." Resource and Energy Economics. (2021): 1-17. Web. *

View All Submissions

Irina Mikhalevich

Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Book Chapter

Mikhalevich, Irina. "Animal Cognition." Mind, Cognition, and Neuroscience. Ed. Carolyn Dicey Jennings and Benjamin Young. London, UK: Routledge Press, 2021. N/A. Print. ∆

Powell, Rachell, Irina Mikhalevich, and Allen Buchanan. "How the Moral Community Evolves." Rethinking Moral Status. Ed. Stephen Clarke and Julian Savulescu. Oxford, UK: OUP, 2021. N/A. Print. £

View All Submissions

Richard Newman

Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Book Chapter

Newman, Richard. "The Other Fire Bell: Black Activism and the Long Legacy of the Missouri Crisis, in American History." A Fire Bell in the Past: The Missouri Crisis at 200, Vol 2. Ed. Jeffrey Pasley and John Craig Hammond. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 2021. 1-35. Print. *

View All Submissions

Danielle Pafunda

Assistant Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Creative Non-fiction

Pafunda, Danielle. Dear Friend. Essay Daily, 2021. £

View All Submissions

Jessica Pardee

Associate Professor
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Pardee, Jessica W and Patricia Tweet. "Medical Gentrification and Transposition: Health Care Systems as Urban Redevelopers." Sociological Spectrum 41. 3 (2021): 229-254. Print. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Pardee, Jessica W, Jennifer Schneider, and CIndy Lam. "Childcare in COVID-19: assessing resilience of service critical infrastructures." Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), Virtual Conference. Ed. N/A. Virtual, VIrtual: 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), Web. *

View All Submissions

Judy Porter

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Porter, Judy L., LaVerne McQuiller Williams, and O.N. Robertson. "Exposure to Childhood Maltreatment as Related to Adult Intimate Partner Victimization among College Students: The Contribution of Childhood Polyvictimization." Psychology 12. 1 (2021): 25-42. Web. *

Porter, Judy L., et al. "Evaluating Self-Control Theory Among the Deaf Community." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (2021): 1-22. Web. *

View All Submissions

Oral Robertson

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

McQuiller-Williams, Laverne, Judy Porter, and O. Nicholas Robertson. "Exposure to Childhood Maltreatment as Related to Adult Intimate Partner Victimization among College Students: The Contribution of Childhood Polyvictimization." Psychology 12. (2021): 25 - 42. Web. *

Smith, Tony R., et al. "An Integrative Assessment of Self‑Control, Deviant Friendships, and Fraudulent Behavior." American Journal of Criminal Justice. (2021): 1 - 21. Print. *

View All Submissions

Rebecca Scales

Associate Professor
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Published Review

Scales, Rebecca P. Rev. of The Politics of Disability in Interwar and Socialist Czechoslovakia, by Victoria Schmidt. H-Disability Apr. 2021: NA. Web.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Scales, Rebecca P. "Inventing Polio Care at the Colonie de Saint-Fargeau: Disability and the Welfare State in Interwar France." Department of History Seminar. University of Bristol. Bristol, UK. 24 Nov. 2021. Lecture.

Scales, Rebecca P. "Looking for Listeners in the Archives: Radio Broadcasting and Subversive Sounds in Colonial Algeria." Musical Encounters Across the Strait of Gibraltar. Cambridge University. Cambridge, United Kingdom. 20 May 2021. Lecture.

Scales, Rebecca P. "Radio and the Politics of Sound in Interwar France." Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities. Princeton University. Princeton, NJ. 5 Apr. 2021. Lecture.

View All Submissions

Lindsay Schenkel

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Blose, Brittany A and Lindsay S Schenkel. "The Indirect Effects of Dissociation on the Relationship Between Childhood Maltreatment and Schizotypy." Proceedings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (Nov. 2021). Ed. ABCT. New Orleans, LA: n.p.. *

View All Submissions

Corinna Schlombs

Associate Professor
Department of History
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Book Chapter

Schlombs, Corinna. "Gender is a Corporate Tool." Your Computer Is On Fire. Ed. Thomas S. Mullaney, et al. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021. 159-178. Print. ∆

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022
     Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware
     Amount: $400

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Schlombs, Corinna. "Primary Sources for a Globalizing History of Technology: A Companion Website as a Teaching Tool." Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Society for the History of Technology and the History of Science Society. Ed. n/a. Virtual and New Orleans, Louisiana: n.p.. £

Schlombs, Corinna. "Giving Women a Practical Education: Domestic Science at Rochester Institute of Technology." Proceedings of the Mechanics' Institutes Worldwide Conference. Ed. n/a. Virtual and Edinburgh, Scotland: n.p.. £

Schlombs, Corinna. "Computers, Assetization, and Productivity in the West German Financial Industry." Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science. Ed. n/a. Virtual and Toronto, Canada: n.p.. £

View All Submissions

Christopher Schreck

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Schreck, Christopher J., Mark T. Berg, and Ethan M. Rogers. "Predicting the Probability of Violence in Actor–Target Relational Dyads: Self-Control and Interpersonal Provocations as Mutual Properties." British Journal of Criminology 61. 5 (2021): 1282-1299. Print. «

Schreck, Christopher J. "The Value of Understanding the Human Side of Precautionary Behavior for Criminology and Crime Control Policy: The 2021 Bruce Smith Sr. Award Address to the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences." Justice Evaluation Journal 4. 2 (2021): 163*175. Print. £

Book Chapter

Schreck, Christopher J. and Mark T. Berg. "What ideas of victimization and vulnerability mean for criminological theory: A logical appraisal." Advances in Criminological Theory: Revitalizing Victimization Theory. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. 15-55. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schreck, Christopher J. "A General Theory of Precautionary Behavior against Crime: Implications for Criminology and Crime Policy: The 2021 Bruce Smith Sr. Award Address." Annual meeting. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Online, N/A. 16 Apr. 2021. Address.

View All Submissions

Jonathan Schroeder

School of Communication
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. Designed for Dancing: How Midcentury Records Taught America to Dance. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021. Print. £

Journal Paper

Schroeder, Jonathan. "Reinscribing Gender: Social Media, Algorithms, Bias." Journal of Marketing Management 37. 3/4 (2021): 376-378. Print. ∆

Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "The Racialized Strategy of Using Skin in Marketing and Consumer Culture." Spark: The Online Magazine of the National Center for Institutional Diversity. (2021): 1-3. Web. £

Book Chapter

Borgerson, Janet L. and Jonathan E. Schroeder. "Advertising and the Commodification of Identity Through Skin." Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Ed. Deborah Poff and Alex Michalos. Cham, Germany: Springer, 2023. 34-39. Print. ∆

Schroeder, Jonathan and Detlev Zwick. "Stock Investing in the Digital Age." The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption, 2nd ed. Ed. Rosa Llamas and Russell W. Belk. New York, NY: Routledge, 2022. 322-334. Print. *

Invited Article/Publication

Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "Midcentury Dance Records and Representations of Identity." Independent Social Research Foundation Bulletin. (2021). Print. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Borgerson, Janet and Jonathan Schroeder. "Album Covers as Midcentury Media." American Society for Aesthetics – Eastern Division. American Society for Aesthetics – Eastern Division. Zoom, PA. 16 Apr. 2021. Conference Presentation. ∆ £

Gordon, Nickesia, Jonathan Schroeder, and Janet Borgerson. "Folk and Fantasy: Colonial Imaginations of Caribbean Culture in Calypso Album Cover Art from the 1950s,”." National Communication Association. NCA. Seattle, WA. 18 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. *

View All Submissions

Jason Scott

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Smith, Tony R., et al. "Evaluating Self-Control Theory Among the Deaf Community." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (2021): 1-22. Web. «

Smith, Tony R., et al. "An Integrative Assessment of Self-Control, Deviant Friendships, and Fraudulent Behavior." American Journal of Criminal Justice. (2021): 1-21. Web. «

View All Submissions

Laura Shackelford

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Shackelford, Laura and Louise Economides. Surreal Entanglements: Essays on Jeff VanderMeer's Fiction. New York, NY: Routledge, 2021. Print. *

Book Chapter

Shackelford, Laura. "Strange Matters: More-than-Human Entanglements and Topological Spacetimes." Surreal Entanglements: Essays on Jeff VanderMeer's Fiction. NY, NY: Routledge, 2021. Chapter 6. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Shackelford, Laura. "American Hypertext Fiction and Theory Revisited." ArTeC. University of Paris-8. Paris, France. 15 Nov. 2021. Guest Lecture. ∆

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Stephen Sims

Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Sims, Stephen Patrick, Patrick C. Cain, and Stephen Block. Democracy and the History of Political Thought. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington, 2021. Print. *

Book Chapter

Sims, Stephen Patrick. "The Tragic and the Equitable in Aristotle's Poetics and Ethics." Politics, Literature, and Film in Conversation: Essays in Honor of Mary P. Nichols. Ed. Matthew Dinan, et al. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington, 2021. 211-225. Print. £

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Audrey Smerbeck

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Smerbeck, Alan, et al. "Effects of Repeated Administration and Comparability of Alternate Forms for the Global Neuropsychological Assessment." Assessment online. (2021): online. Web. * « £

Spedo, Carina Tellaroli, et al. "Brief International Cognitive Assessment for Multiple Sclerosis (BICAMS): discrete and regression-based norms for the Brazilian context." Arq Neuropsiquiatr.. (2021): online. Web. * £

Olson, Lauren T., et al. "Preliminary Validation of the Global Neuropsychological Assessment in Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Volunteers." Assessment. (2021): 1-9. Web. * « £

Olson, Lauren T., et al. "Preliminary Validation of the Global Neuropsychological Assessment in Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Volunteers." Assessment. (2021): 1-9. Web. * « £

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Tony Smith

Associate Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Smith, Tony R., et al. "Evaluating Self-Control Among the Deaf Community." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (2021): OnlineFirst. Print. *

Smith, Tony R., et al. "An Integrative Assessment of Self-Control, Deviant Friendships, and Fraudulent Behavior." American Journal of Criminal Justice. (2021): OnlineFirst. Print. *

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Elena Sommers

Principal Lecturer
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Sommers, Elena. Teaching Nabokov’s Lolita in the #MeToo Era. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington Books), 2021. Print.

View All Submissions

Whitney Sperrazza

Assistant Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Sperrazza, Whitney. "Mary Sidney’s Postmortem Poetics." Shakespeare Studies 49. (2021): 175-180. Print. * ∆

Invited Article/Publication

Sperrazza, Whitney. "The Algorithm’s Needlework Origins." The Sundial. (2021). Web. ˜

Sperrazza, Whitney. "Reading Anatomy Texts Like Poetry (and why we should do it more often)." The Collation: Folger Shakespeare Library. (2021). Web.

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Kaitlin Stack Whitney

Assistant Professor
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Tanner, Richelle L., et al. "Examining cultural structures and functions in biology." Integrative and Comparative Biology. (2021): icab140. Web. *

Nagy, Chelsea and ~90 authors. "Harnessing the NEON Data Revolution to Advance Open Environmental Science with a Diverse and Data-Capable Community." Ecosphere. (2021): In press. Web. *

Bahlai, Christine A. and Easton R. White, Julia D. Perrone, Sarah Cusser, Kaitlin Stack Whitney. "The Broken Window: an algorithm for quantifying and characterizing misleading trajectories in ecological processes." Ecological Informatics. (2021): 101336. Web. *

Burnett, Jessica L., et al. "Ten Simple Rules for Creating a Scientific Web Application." PLOS Computational Biology. (2021): 00-00. Web. * £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "Disability in biodiversity and natural history work past, present and future." Unnatural Collections. New York University. New York City, NY. 15 Apr. 2021. Guest Lecture.

Whitney, Kaitlin Stack. "Career Pathways Panel." International Agriculture and Rural Development. Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. 15 Mar. 2021. Guest Lecture.

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

7/1/2022 - 5/1/2024
     Sarah K. de Coizart Perpetual Charitable Trust
     Amount: $92,239 ≠

8/1/2021 - 8/1/2022
     Rockefeller Institute of Government Nathan Public Policy Fellowship
     Amount: 0 ≠

8/1/2021 - 8/1/2026
     National Science Foundation
     Amount: $15million ≠

Invited Article/Publication

Marks, Gabriela Serrato, Caroline Solomon, and Kaitlin Stack Whitney. "Meeting frameworks must be even more inclusive." Nature Ecology & Evolution. (2021). Print. ∆

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Sean Sutton

Department of Political Science
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Fornier, Joseph R., Kenneth L. Deutsch, and Sean D. Sutton, eds. American Statesmanship: Principles and Practice of Leadership. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021. Print. *

Book Chapter

Sutton, Sean D. "Publius the Lawgiver: The Statesmanship of The Federalist." American Statesmanship: Principles and Pracitce of Leadership. Ed. Joseph R. Fornieri, Kenneth L. Deutsch, and Sean D. Sutton. South Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021. 59-84. Print. *

Sutton, Sean D. "Marx's Economic Science and Liberal Democracy." Democracy and the History of Political Thought. Ed. Patrick N. Cain, Stephen Patrick Sims, and Stephen A. Block. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021. 363-378. Print. *

View All Submissions

Tina Sutton

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Sutton, Tina, Shanchieh Yang, and Isabella Totino. "The Role of Curiosity and Frustration in Cybersecurity Practitioner Behavior and Performance." Proceedings of the Association for Psychological Science. Ed. Shinobu Kitayama. Virtual Conference, IL: n.p.. *

McGurgan, Kevin, et al. "Graph Design: The Data-Ink Ratio and Expert Users." Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications. Ed. Jose Braz and Kadi Bouatouch. Virtual Conference, Portugal: n.p.. £

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Katie Terezakis

Department of Philosophy
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Published Review

Terezakis, Katie. "Can Democracy Survive? Review of J.F. Dorahy The Budapest School: Beyond Marxism." Rev. of The Budapest School: Beyond Marxism, by Katie Terezakis. Thesis Eleven 1 Sep. 2021: 179-185. Print. ∆ £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Terezakis, Katie. "The Philosophy and Life of Agnes Heller." Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. SPEP. online, online. 25 Sep. 2021. Conference Presentation. ˜

Terezakis, Katie. "Kant, Hamann, and the Birth of a Romantic Philosophy of Language." The Early Romantic Philosophy of Language Workshop. University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark. 24 Jun. 2021. Conference Presentation. £

Invited Article/Publication

Terezakis, Katie. "Hamann's Critique of Liberalism." Sind noch in der Mache Zur Bedeutung der Rhetorik in Hamann Schriften. (2021). Print. ∆ £ ˜

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Robert Ulin

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

Ulin, Robert C. Readings in Cultural Anthropology and the Contemporary World: Critical Perspectives. 1st ed. San Diego, California: Cognella Academic Publishing, 2021. Print. ˜

Journal Paper

Ulin, Robert C. "Terroir and Tourism in the Age of Mass Production." Tourism Analysis 26. 2-3 (2021): 109-119. Print. *

View All Submissions

Karla VanStrander

Department of Criminal Justice
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Porter, Judy L., LaVerne McQuiller Williams, and O.N. Robertson. "“Exposure to Childhood Maltreatment as Related to Adult Intimate Partner Victimization among College Students: The Contribution of Childhood Polyvictimization.”." Psychology 12. 1 (2021): 1-18. Web. *

Porter, Judy L., Tony R. Smith, and Jason Scott. "Evaluating Self-Control Theory Among the Deaf Community"." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (2021): 1-22. Web. *

View All Submissions

Jeffrey Wagner

Department of Economics
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wagner, Jeffrey. "Concrete Strategies for Economics Tenure-Track Faculty and Their Mentors." Eastern Economic Journal 47. 3 (2021): 449-459. Print. «

Wagner, Jeffrey. "Optimal Deterrence under Misperception of the Probability of Apprehension and the Magnitude of Sanctions." Economics Bulletin 41. 3 (2021): 2080-2088. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Wagner, Jeffrey. "Economics of IP in Sustainable Waste Management with Application to Managing Satellite Debris in Low-Earth Orbit." Next Space 2021 European Symposium. Way4Space and University of Bordeaux. Bordeaux, France. 7 Dec. 2021. Conference Presentation. ∆

Wagner, Jeffrey. "Economics of IP in Sustainable Waste Management with Application to Managing Satellite Debris in Low-Earth Orbit." New York State Economics Association Annual Meeting. New York State Economics Association. Brooklyn, NY. 16 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation. £

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Kristoffer Whitney

Associate Professor
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Whitney, Kristoffer. "Bird-Banding and the Environmental Humanities: Institutions, Intersubjectivities, and the Phenomenological Method of Margaret Morse Nice." Environmental Humanities 13. 1 (2021): 113-135. Web. «

Whitney, Kaitlin Stack and Kristoffer Whitney. "Inaccessible media during the COVID-19 crisis intersects with the language deprivation crisis for young deaf children in the US." Journal of Children and Media 15. 1 (2021): 25-28. Print.

Published Review

Whitney, Kristoffer. "Review." Rev. of Zootechnologies: A Media History of Swarm Research, by Sebastian Vehlken. Isis Sep. 2021: 594-595. Print.

External Scholarly Fellowships/National Review Committee

9/1/2021 - 8/31/2022
     National Science Foundation
     Amount: $120,152 *

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Hiroko Yamashita

Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Yamashita, Hiroko. "Toward Inclusive Modern Language Teaching and Learning: Integration of Cognitive Science and Pedagogy." Proceedings of the Symposium on Current Issues in East Asian Languages and Literatures. Ed. Nakayama, M., R. Torrance, Z. Xie, J. Bundschuh, J. Nunes, & L. Stirek. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank, 2021. Web. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Yamashita, Hiroko. "A Piece for Which Puzzle(s)? Human Language Processing and Production in Less-commonly Investigated Languages." Issues in Japanese Psycholinguistics from Comparative Perspectives. The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), Tohoku University. Sendai, Japan. 10 Sep. 2021. Keynote Speech. * ∆

View All Submissions